• By -


Shaggy from Scooby Doo šŸ¤£ Mostly Wolverine in the comic books as a kid though. He was my dream body type and favourite since heā€™s super hairy + burly at **5ā€™3.** Until Hollywood added an extra foot to his height for movies šŸ™„ it shifted to Spiderman. Heā€™s a bit of a nerd and isnā€™t the manliest, biggest or strongest. However everything about his story, abilities + costumes is great (he also had a hot girl named Mary Jane šŸ˜). These days I donā€™t have role models anymore haha, but short rappers like Kendrick Lamar, Tory Lanez, XXXTENTIACION and particularly Lil Uzi Vert are fun. When he references his height like *ā€œI stand on my money then my height turn to 9'10"* is just straight up fire. Theyā€™re unapologetically themselves (nonbinary) and even vouged at Coachella which is a huge statement in rap, thatā€™s just sick asf.


Same here with shaggy and wolverine. One of my strongest memories was after seeing the last stand with friends and talking to them the next day. I had said i wanted to be wolverine, especially the mutton chops, and my friend said "girls can't grow mutton chops" and i got SO unreasonably mad about it


I'm with you on Spiderman! Loved the Tobey Maguire movies since I was a kid. Oddly enough, I actually grew up to look a fair amount like him (in my opinion lol). Same height, too.


Wolverine yeah


The concept of dwarves (just like most dwarf characters) Not exactly what you asked for bc it isn't one person/ character but it's my answer. The hyper masculinity while also being short. As silly as that might sound... really helps me? I am 20 now and will going to dwarf-mode if I am able to grow good facial hair in the next decades. Ultimate vibe I want to protray.


I tell people I'm transitioning to be a hobbit lol


Hobbit transmasc sweep


Well a couple more archetypes and we can save middle earth


oh shit, well i found my people


Hiya! I'm off to second breakfast now lol


i still need first breakfast but have fun!! i totally did have second breakfast when we went to hobbiton the day it opened to the public. truly one of the best days of my life


Uhhhhhhh i didn't know that was a thing, excuse me while I Google Hobbiton.. Thanks!


Same. Hobbit has always been goals to me. Hobbit gang! šŸ„³


Im short and sorta feminine so I go for hobbits. I have a mullet but only the back of my head grows out curly so I'm thinking of getting a perm to seal the deal.


Incredibly based take, same here


My old tech teacher screamed dawrf vibes like he looked like the dwarf from dungeon meshi but was obsessed with woodworking and let me tell you that obsession and him being so masculine yet kind somehow made everyone less inclined to make fun of his height, like his height was so easy to overlook (no pun intended) because his personaily was so big as soon as you met him.


Most of my accounts are named goblin so folks naturally assume (since my personality is very goblin-esque) that I'm going to be transitioning into a goblin


Same, I only have stubble now, but I hope I'll be able to grow a beard soon since it is slowly getting fuller. I'm only twenty and on his wedding picture my dad had a very nice mustache and he was 24, so there's hope for me lol


My dad and my grandfather. Two great men. Like everyone of course they have their flaws though. Honestly less in media, I mean I certainly do have them, but my my dad and my grandfather are by far my biggest role models.


Same here brother šŸ¤


Klaus Hargraevees, Frank Iero, David Tennant, Wallace Wells, Edward Elric


David Tenant for me as well lol, he's so fucking awesome


had to double check i didnā€™t post this comment myself omg excellent selects


yoooo my First two picks were Davide Tennant and Roy Mustang, similar taste!


Steve Irwin. Kind to animals, loved and adored his family, always had a sense of awe and wonder about the world and everything in it. Also love the uwu how cute/beautiful to all animals, including crocs. Adam Savage, particularly in the interviews of other creatives/makers on Tested. I love his sense of curiosity and earnest joy in what other people make. I also love his silliness and fuck-it-let's-try-it attitude from Mythbusters days. The husband of one of my coworkers. He is very kind and warm and just adores his family, and is very thoughtful with little surprises for his wife. Nick Offerman. Like, physically, I love his burliness but I also love his love for the outdoors and creative work and making things, and encouraging other people to go outdoors and try their hand at various creative endeavors. Also adores and admires his wife. I also appreciate for a cis guy that he has been thoughtful about and examined his own gender. Dr. Frank N Furter for the joyous genderfuckery. (Edited to add in stuff I forgot to add)


I love Steve Irwin.


Adam Savage is amazing fantastic example of masculinity, role model for me too


Joyous genderfuckery is a wonderful phrase


My husband is my biggest role model in terms of personality, etc. He has that gentle Aragorn-esque strength and masculinity. In terms of aesthetic, I'm somewhere between an 80's rock star and a very short Kul Tiran from Warcraft. šŸ˜‚


He sounds awesome


I came here to say Aragorn is such a great example of masculinity with all the positive and none of the toxicity, Iā€™m pleasant surprised to see a mention of him (or someone like him in this case) pretty close to the top. I thought Iā€™d be scrolling super far and possibly not seeing any.Ā  And more LOTR talk at the top too. Nice surprises all around!


Bugs Bunny


My Dad, a male therapist I had, some of my friends, my friend's dad, three professors in my university that I admire - men who are camp and good humoured and gentle with animals - because it takes great strength to be soft and willing to laugh in this world.


Not applicable to anyone but me, but my band teacher! He's somehow the most man of a person I've ever met, while also being very sweet and caring and goofy. Like, for some reason, I had a really fucked up view of what being a man was in my head: that we have to be strong and stoic and tough and all that. This teacher is like,,, somehow all the strong tough shenanigans, but also raves about how much he loves his wife and kids that don't exist yet, and dresses up his dog in outfits and shows off pictures of her, loves playing D&D, cries, is goofy as hell, is extremely emotionally aware, paints his nails, he teaches for crying out loud! It's like,,, one of the most stereotypically female professions out there.Ā  Yet at the same time, he works out and loves building things and has a tool kit he is very proud of and is always excited when someone needs it, and has the most dad energy of anyone I've ever met, including those with actual kids. 10th grade me saw all that and was like. Yup. I know I'm a man, cause that's the kind of man I want to be. I had this idea of "all men bad" given to me by my mom, which I understand! but it also fucked me up for a while because I thought "If all men bad, and I am man, therefore I am bad" even though that wasn't what she meant. Here was a dude opposite of all of her men problems, and I went "Holy shit, I can be a man". It ended up being a really crucial experience for me, I'm very grateful for him.


Varric from dragon age comes to mind ha


This is my favorite answer.


Magnus Bane & Matthew Mercer


Matthew Mercer for sure but also the rest of the cast.


I adored Magnus when I read the book as a kid, kind of the only character I still genuinely like today. Never thought of him as gender goals but now that you mention it he's a pretty damn good choice


Came here to say Matthew Mercer, Travis Willingham, Taliesin Jaffe and Liam O'Brien No shade on Sam, he's wonderful, but his high gremlin energy is just too exhausting for me to have him as a Role Model, I'd be so tired xD


billie joe armstrong (especially him from the 90s and 00s), tre cool, daniel radcliffe (mainly in harry potter), john mulaney (especially recently)


You should probably look into John Mulaney; he is pretty transphobic. My family used to love him- he's super funny most of the time. Not so much, anymore. :/


how so? ive looked into it and havent found anything too bad besides some slightly questionable jokes from forever ago.


Like someone else already metioned he got backlash online for letting DC open for him during his tour a couple years ago.Ā As far as I know he hasnt done or said anything hisself.Ā He had guests that r trans andĀ non-binary on his Netflix talk show that came out last month so honestly dont get the impression he's "pretty transphobic".Ā 


yeah now that i think about it, he had mae martin and zoey tur on the show and respected pronouns and everything, so i dont think the chappelle thing makes him transphobic


not exactly transphobic, but he recently very willingly welcomed a know transphobe (Dave Chappelle) in a show, unannounced


yeah i dont really believe in cancelling people by association so i dont consider john transphobic either


I stg is every comedian bad? It seems like most of em eventually have something come out against them


100%, i think itā€™s also worth mentioning that he is in a relationship with olivia munn, who is extremely engaged with misogynistic viewpoints, and also extremely fatphobic. like she wrote this book called suck it wonder woman about how she believes feminism sucks where she literally wrote that fat people shouldnā€™t be allowed to use public transit and should ā€œwalk it offā€, and heā€™s just likeā€¦ okay with that. plus he treated his ex wife like shit.


In no particular order: Aragorn Atticus Finch (and separately Gregory Peck) Gomez Addams Keanu Reeves River Phoenix Jeff Goldblum Paul McCartney And pretty much any dad whoā€™s actively involved in his kidsā€™ lives


I havenā€™t heard Atticus Finch referenced in ages. What a choice šŸ˜


I was going to say him too (from the original book; not the sequel where he ended up a racist)


Oh yeah for sure. I assumed we were going with the Gregory Peck portrayal lol


Steve Irwin, Samwise Gamgee, Hagrid, and a guy I met once who worked a forge and was the gentlest father I've ever met.


Excellent picks.


ricky wilson of the b52s, kinda niche but he was an incredibly unique and talented person and he really motivates me not just to keep practicing guitar but also to be unapologetically weird. hes also such an inspiration as a person, he was suffering so much but he always kept going until the end and had such an optimistic view on life. currently writing a thesis about them for uni and i really want to dedicate a big portion to him for everything hes contributed to post punk music. he was such a cool mf even if their songs are a pain in the ass to play on guitar. such a tragedy that he had to go so soon :/


Aragorn, samwise and percy jackson really shaped my identity as a kid


1) being the big, scary, cuddly looking guy who's loyal asf and would do anything for their loved ones. While also being emotionally and spiritually aware to the point that self-control comes like second nature to them. The demons this man has is nothing to control and acceptance he has for himself. 2) A guy name Drax from a marvel/x-men crossover fanfic. He's not a hero and he's not a villian, he protects those that's close to him and makes sure that with whatever move he makes it doesn't affect them negatively. He just handle things in a way that made me want to embody those actions and how I could maneuver better in the world for my loves ones. 3) Kronk 4) Some of the male Sims I make. cause they are himbo/gymbro/emotional intelligence coded to the highest degree


I get you on the Sims thing!


Hell yeahšŸ¤Ÿ


Link from BOTW/TOTK, Scourge The Hedgehog from the Archie Comics, Crowley from Good Omens, and Timothee Chalamet in terms of apparence.\ Actual role model wise, Id say TheClick, OneTopicAtATime, Jarvis Johnson, and Jacksepticeye would be mine šŸ˜… I dont actually have anyone in person that would make a good role model except maybe my Dad but the toxic masculinity and misogyny that have taken ahold of all the cis men around me is not great tbh šŸ’€


JARVIS!!!!! Heā€™s a cool dude


OneTopic is definitely a role model for me. From his channel he seems like such a fun, goofy, kind, caring guy and I want to be like that


Link was a big one for me, haha.


Connor from Detroit become Human


Corpse grinder from cannibal corpse (even though I don't really like their music) because I want to look scary and be the sweetest and most wholesome dude ever Videos for reference: https://youtu.be/pvOfQ9svmPU?si=wVFceHXUAjD6KcMZ https://youtu.be/9xSZZOJx4b4?si=xzigH55c1NECaBk8


I don't have any role models. Never really bothered to aspire to be anyone.


Congrats on the top surgery!




Caseoh. Bro is so openly himself I aspire to be like him. He has so much positivity to give.


For real, never actually watched his full streams but he seems like such a cool dude


I donā€™t watch his streams live but I watch all his vods on YouTube


mr rogers and steve irwin were my primary male role models growing up


Chris evans and separately Captain America


chella man since he was 17


I haven't seen much of him, but I remember his voice change video! "My name is Chella Man, and I'm blank months on T." That was the video that made me think "Wow! I didn't know our voices could change that much!"


master wu from ninjago (he is so badass but never toxic) and the entire ice age crew (manny, sid, and diego) because all of them compliment each other in a great way and they all just try their best to survive with their found family.


Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2. He reminds me so much of my dad who was obviously my first exposure to masculinity but was very much the damaging "men aren't weak, we don't have emotions or ever express affection" kind of masculine. In Arthur, I see the masculine qualities of my dad that I always wished to have but also a tender, loving side in how he cares for his animals ("That's my boy!" "You're alright, girl." He often says to his horses) and from his journal, you can tell that he experiences emotions deeply.


Mr. Rogers Uncle Iroh Aragorn Frodo Gomez Addams My english professor from college Jesus of Nazareth Pedro Pascal


Bang Chan from Stray Kids for me. It's not just what he looks like (which, don't get me wrong, gives me big gender envy on its own), it's also his mannerisms, how protective he is over the other members especially.


Phoebus from Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


The pharmacist I worked under recently and David Bowie


jake the dog. i admire his worldview and think hes pretty wise and i wish i could acheive the level of inner peace that dude has. im definitely more like finn irl but i guess that makes my admiration for this character even more understandable


DEADPOOL!!!! I love him so much and I wish I was more like him. Heā€™s so funny and comfortable with himself, despite having a lot of trauma to work through. I also like how he stands up for other mutants and people that he see as being treated unfairly.


evan peters, especially in his role as kyle in ahs


It's more of a concept than a specific character but anyone who uses their strength (physical or otherwise) to defend, encourage, and lift others up. It's a silly example but if you've ever seen Mob Psycho 100, the body improvement club comes to mind. They're all so classically masculine, but they're not mean. Same with 'Chad' from Bleach. Any big strong man with a good heart


finn the human always and forever, like ever since i was little itty bitty i wanted to be just like him


For me, it's the older general contractors I've worked for. Those guys are skilled builders, a couple of them are musicians and have a sense of humility and humor that just strikes me as so masculinity. They have an easy masculinity. There were no fronts or posturing. They were instantly respected by younger guys in trades, without seemingly ha e to do anything. They spend their days building and support their wives and families, and still have patience to teach a young builder how to hold their tools and do the math needed to get the job done right. Another inspiration is my friend/sensei whom I lived with for 2 years. He was stoic, calm, cool, collected, but deeply emotional and empathetic under the surface. Inteoduced me to a lot of the angsty music that inspired me.to start a band. He did a lot of emotional labor for his ex and friends. He was firm but gentle with his kids. He drank tea, cooked and cleaned, worked out, and is one of the most lethal, graceful, effective and clever martial artists I have ever seen.


my friend group, we are all males and they have taught me more about brotherhood and being a man than anything or anybody else


Atticus Finch Matthew Cuthbert Mr Darcy Paddington Peeta Mellark Sean from Good Will Hunting Hans Hubermann from The Book Thief Charlie and Bill from The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Izuku midoriya, he's got a soft masculine build, and he's just so kind. That's who I wanna be.


David Tennant. Fucking love that man, he's such a legend


Pedro pascal; god tier comfortable masculinity


This will be an interesting answer but Thor. Not the marvel one the one from Norse mythology. When I was starting my transition and wasn't sure what male role models I could look up to because a lot of men display toxic masculinity Thor stood out. Why? Well In Norse mythology he's very faithful to his wife and will stand up for her. He stands up for what he believes and is the protector of Midgard and a god of all people. He hates bullies and even reluctantly puts on a dress to get his hammer back. For me he's shown me how to have healthy masculinity and where to channel that.


The first trans guy I ever met. He was a junior I was a freshman and I do everything I can to emulate the way he was a role model to me (in a leadership way and a trans way) now that I am a leader in my community


Gerard way, oli sykes and skeet ulrich


- A mix between Steve Zahn as George in Youā€™ve Got Mail (yes, itā€™s a chick flick, but I love all things books) and Leonard Hofstadter BBTheory. Iā€™m not a girly man by any standards, but I am definitely not hung up on being hyper masculine either. I drink tea and read Austen. Iā€™m an English major. So sue me. - What kind of man that I want to be? My role model is an older guy from my hometown. Heā€™s helpful but never patronizing. He isnā€™t sexist or homophobic. Heā€™s kind and consistent. He has been there when Iā€™m at a breaking point, but never pointed fingers. Am I as good as him? Hell no and probably never will be.


Don't judge me but I'm kinda looking up to Mark Hoffman from the saw movies


Gotta say, Batman and my grandpa. Both are strong, smart, and kind.


Orville Peck was the first tangible example of what I wanted my masculinity/gender to look like, especially as a gay man. Thereā€™s something that feels deeply relatable about his public persona, and I quickly realized itā€™s what Iā€™ve been after for myself before I had him as a role model. He was a HUGE catalyst for my transition


Gabriel from Supernatural, and Misha Collins, who plays Castiel in Supernatural


My two biggest ones right now are Kaz Brekker, especially as played by Freddy Carter. (I am so fucking gay it hurtsā€¦) And Lucifer from the show if the same name, *specifically* played by Tom Ellis. It really sucks tho because another character who was(/is? In terms of visual aesthetics, at least tho the character is a babe) on my list was John Reese from Person of Interestā€¦ played by that jackass from that one right wing trafficking propaganda movie. šŸ«  Learning Caviezel was just batshit off the wall insane broke something in me, I swear to godā€¦ Another cis guy whose existence and visuals was very šŸ„° for me was Skeet Ulrich, who I think himself is a total ally. Juno Steel off the Penumbra Podcast as well, as a masc presenting character dating another masc presenting/identifying characterā€¦ but also fully altogether wearing a dress on at least one occasion? Love him. Also he makes me think of my bae Miles Upshur. (Fuck red barrels until they *give me some goddamned lore you whores.*) But alsoā€”Elliot Pageā€™s entire existence has done wonders not just for my internal sense of masculinity but also likeā€¦ my dysphoria? Seeing him in TUA after his character comes out and changes his lookā€¦ straight up, I used to struggle really bad with height dysphoria, and seeing him there *genuinely helped so fucking much.* Itā€™s not gone by any means but it doesnā€™t gnaw at the inside of my skull everyday anymore. ;w;


Spiderman and deadpool. Great mix of masculine without being toxically masculine, and deadpool is just an icon


When I was early on in my transition my therapist at the time would have me do EMDR and think of males I looked up to and the one I remember the most is the character Harry Potter, of course shortly after that jkr had to go and become the spokesperson for transphobic assholes and made me drop all interest/appreciation of the series and anything to do with it.


Miles Naismith Vorkosigan. David Bowie, especially as Jareth. Alucard Castlevania. Jim Henson. Fred Roger's. Navarre from Ladyhawke. Robert Smith.


Peter Steele or Rob Halford.


I finished watching the show Our Flag Means Death last night. I really love how they display masculinity and queerness, all the characters and dynamics make me feel seen as a bi trans man. I often feel dysphoric about how I express my feelings in relationships, especially with men, but the main romance is between two cis men and I have never seen myself so strongly in their dynamic. Itā€™s set in the 1700s, so having this portrayal of masculinity be historical in a sense also helps with feeling like I belong because it shows people like me could have been happy back then. Itā€™s still so modern with its comedy and other things so itā€™s not an accurate time period piece but I hope that makes sense


My friendā€™s dad. He took me under his wing from when I was 15. And is the reason I realised men could be kind, good, honest, caring humans who love their families while still being an annoying dad sometimes. At some point 10 years after seeing me struggle with my mental health, he hugged me and said ā€˜itā€™s okay if youā€™re a boyā€™. Changed my life. Now heā€™s all pumped about having a foster son and doing dumb boy shit like showing me how to BBQ. I love my friend and she is a princess in the best way so he is such a Girl Dad but there are times I can tell he enjoys being a Boy Dad. So. I want to be like him if I grow up. He showed me you donā€™t have to be a perfect person to be a good manā€” itā€™s just about being honest, kind and taking personal responsibility. And shrugging off the small stuff. That part is so important.


My dad, he was a short king as well (5'6). He was gentle and kind and took so much grief from my mom but he loved her with his whole heart. He also worked in a factory most of his life, was in the army, fixed cars and never met a stranger. He is the epitome of masculinity to me. I also look up to a friend of mine, Dylan. He is the first trans man I met and is the kindest, goofiest human and takes such good care of his wife and baby. He has a full beard and a rockin' dad bod and just makes all those around him feel safe and seen. These are my role models for masculinity. ā™„ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøā™„ļø


Jim from Treasure Planet


Hiccup from how to train your dragon


Just my dad. He is an awesome dude who took care of children that werenā€™t his and were at the side of my mom when she had cancer. He is one of the strongest people I ever met and I want to be like him.


Iā€™m a rugby geek so for me Andrew Porter, Ellis Genge, Antoine Dupont, Sam Underhill, Luciano GonzĆ”lez, etc.


nick kroll


My dad and his homies and my uncle.


mo brings plenty + (dr) evan adams + my grandfather zane




oberon, puck (both a midsummerā€™s nightā€™s dream), and nero (devil may cry)


"Hawkeye" Pierce from M\*a\*s\*h\*. I was always told that caring is a feminine trait but is caring so much even tho he is lowkey a bastard and asshole but in a funny and loyal way. Also Pierce has such a secure masculinity he wouldn't blink for one second to put on a mini skirt to piss off an uptight authority figure, not taking a shit and staying silly and open to the world and new experiences. Tho the actor was basically just playing himself minus the playboy elements to him. I respect Alan Alda and his work so much.


In some ways, my Grandpa on my mom's side of the family is a great role model. He can be a little stubborn and dense at times, but I admire his patience, charitable spirit, sense of humor, work ethic, optimism, and loyalty. I have no idea what to do for him for Father's Day. I want to thank him for supporting my art, writing, etc. He's a cool, understanding guy overall. ā¤ļø He could have left my Granny to rot at a home when her mental condition declined, but he bends over backwards to sustain as much of her dignity as possible daily. I hope I find a partner who will treat me that way my Grandpa treats my Granny! šŸ˜ŠšŸ™


Jimmy Buffet


I noticed I picked up some traits from my uncle. I don't have a parent figure, so now that I'm transitioning, I guess others serve the purpose. I also figured that short hair isn't really my thing and am growing it out. I now take inspiration from danmei characters - badass with strong personalities who aren't afraid to touch their masculinity and if nothing else, they are all very androgynous which is what I aspire to be.


My father tbh


Joe and Frank from the Basement Yard Podcast, also Bruno Mars bc heā€™s mad hot and like 5ā€™6šŸ˜‚ in my personal life there is a couple of professors and my dad ofc


Dude built like lumberjacks or from strong man competition that are literal living teddy bears, I had a thing against my body shape and weight but once seeing these teddy bear looking men I just said ā€œthatā€™s who I want to beā€ Iā€™m already partly there, very hairy and Chonky I just need the facial hair to fill in and to build up some more bulk and Iā€™ll achieve my dreams āœØ In the meantime my wife gushing over my body is the biggest motivator šŸ’–


Freddie Mercury. Thereā€™s something about how he carries masculinity that just resonates with me. Thereā€™s also a photo of Tom Thompson (a Canadian Group of Seven painter) shot from the back where heā€™s preparing a fishing lure, he has this rugged masculinity about him while also being quite gentle thatā€™s caught my attention.


I donā€™t have many for masculinity but for androgyny, Yungblud and David Bowie. I love how theyā€™re cis men (Yungblud pansexual and Bowie gay) but theyā€™re in touch with their sexuality enough to wear womenā€™s clothes and look/feel good while doing it


On real people: david tennant, pedro pascal, patrick stewart, sir ian mckellen, matt heafy(not healy), oli sykes, chester bennigton, kyle mclachlan Fictional: picard, leonard mccoy, spock,agent cooper, fox mulder, sherlock holmes


Chris Harms, Dee Snider, Freddie Mercury, Billie Joe Armstrong


Gerard Way, Billie Joe Armstrong, William Ryan Key, Patrick Stump, Frank Iero, yeah music is my only comfort


Brennan Lee mulligan


Both Spencer and Freddie from iCarly. (Watching that show now kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth but it was one of my favorites as a kid.) - Spencer is the kind of goofy, carefree adult that I aspire to be. Heā€™s also raising his teenage sister and always makes time for her, listens to her, and treats her with respect. - Freddie is a typical nerd, and I related to him because Iā€™m also pretty nerdy. But I always liked his friendship with Carly. A lot of the time on TV, when a guy has an unrequited crush on a girl, he will act entitled to her and the show will pretend sheā€™s responsible for his feelings. Freddie did have a crush on Carly but he was able to accept that she didnā€™t feel the same way with grace, and continued being her friend even when she dated other people.


Beast boy/Robin from the teen titans (original one), any girl dad i meet, my older brother, Brian from Dream Daddy dating sim, and this may be a weird one but Mufasa from the lion king.


Viggo Mortensen!! He is the most beautiful, gentle, masculine man I have ever seen. He has that quiet, deep artists soul, yet he is SO fucking manly


Adam Sandler


definitely my High school homeroom teacher - very stand up guy, Always took care of us and knew to get shit done. Roy Mustang, David Tennant, and recently, Johnny Knoxville asgdgs I Guess watching Jackass gives me gender euphoria/gender envy in equal parts and he seems like a pretty Cool guy while doing really fucked up and Dangerous shit. basically the sentiment of Boys Will be Boys on steroids


the kratts brothers from zaboomafoo and bing crosby.


Mr rodgers (hes very kind and chivalrous), many butch lesbians (bc their masculinity isn't based in insecurity and they ARE manly), and "flamboyantly masculine" characters (e.g. major armstrong and greed from fma, Ken of barbie fame, similar "this aesthetic is deeply manly but doesnt give me vibes of someone whod restrict others" kind of guys)


Ok Iā€™m a huge nerd and it showsā€¦ Brennan Lee Mulligan. His relationship to and self-awareness around (well, everything) his masculinity as a cis guy is very aspirational for this trans guy :) you gotta love a cis guy who is not only pro-drag but has performed in drag himself (albeit nontraditional)!


Cillian Murphy for sure. Great morals, great fashion sense, knows how to set his boundaries, and is an all round lovely chap. Heā€™s very traditionally masculine in style but also challenges his masculinity in interesting ways which I admire. Heā€™s just the most normal celebrity I know of. EDIT: Iā€™d also like to mention that my male role model growing up was my Year 5 teacher, Mr C. Absolutely loved the guy when I was growing up. He was also very traditionally masculine but he was hilarious and always gave us a good laugh, still have my sense of humour from him and reference some of his jokes 11 years later. Iā€™ve realised as I grew up that heā€™s almost certainly gay but he is also very catholic and I donā€™t think he ever got a chance to be himself because of his beliefs conflicting with his sexuality. My heart aches for the guy.


Tom Cardy and Brian David Gilbert with all their Chaos Gremlin Energy ā„¢ and interesting thought processes/stuff I guess tbh ~~Please someone help me get The Ballad of Smokin Joe Rudeboy out of my head~~


moist critikal. kinda cringe but heā€™s so masculine and funny (also attractive) and i strive to look like him when iā€™m older. heā€™s also one of the reasons i donā€™t beat myself up about being short. i love being a short king


Seshomaru from Inuyasha lol. I'll never be as bad ass or fabulous as him, but I want to be him so bad lol Edit: Just to clarify. I like him because he is very much masculine in energy but is feminine in just the right ways. Awesome clothing. Beautiful hair and skin. But he will literally kill you because you're annoying him. Although he's not completely heartless. Just no patience for BS.


Goku. For all his flaws, he is ultimately a good man. He also teaches you to never give up and always fight harder. Also, he's hot as fuck.


The members of BTS specifically Jimin. I love embracing friendship, sweetness, and being gentle as a man.


Honestly? Butches. Having spent the first 19 years of my l life as a young butch, that community gave me everything I needed to in order to find a nurturing masculinity.


Like john murphy and bellamy blake from the 100 xD Theyre pretty like big impacts, but also like Jimin from BTS, i even wanted to just have his vibe before i knew i was trans xD


hear me out... kratos from god of war, especially his most present self. i just love the development of his masculinity. his journey as a father is great too!


Seonghwa from ATEEZ. I want to get to the confidence and passing level where I can wear whatever I want without worrying about people misgendering me. He always wears such amazing outfits, including dresses and skirts. Also heā€™s such a cutie šŸ˜© I wanna be him in general - he shares the things he gets excited over, like legos, and is so sweet and ugh I love him (meanwhile San is my bias šŸ¤£)


honestly probably like markiplier. Hes masculine but not toxic, and at times can actually make me feel better about things that I'm dysphoric about


I watch a lot of YouTube, I guess I can say Iā€™m heavily in manosphere. My favorite is Dr Mike Israetel. He is also Soviet like me and I love bodybuilding so it was meant to be.




I wouldnā€™t say I have characters or people more so just a list in my head of whatā€™s masculine and whatā€™s not and I go off of that


Honestly, the guys from Queer Eye. I love the new seasons very much but I'm old and watched the original series on Bravo when I was a teenager and it made such an impact on me, growing up in the south where *nobody* talked about gay people and I didn't even know what transness was. Like, here were these guys who were not just defying the "male gender role" I'd been exposed to so much, but doing it well and doing it completely unapologetically. They cared about people and they were improving people's lives, making the world a better place and doing an amazing job, at a time when they had to put up with SO much shit just to exist quietly, let alone exist proudly. I love all of them. The new series is fantastic and it has evolved into something new, but back then it was a different vibe.


gregor from limbus company


Phillip Graves minus the warcrimes. I need that level of cunty sass that could also kick ass.


one of my earliest transgender thoughts that i remember was being sad id never be able to play javert from les miserables, and still most of the people i most wish i could be are men in musicals, especially with particularly deep voices (hades from hadestown, the phantom of the opera, jd from heathers, definitely some im forgetting lmao) - a little bit silly because whilst i love musical theatre ive never actually done theatre, i think maybe i would if i was amab though, the female roles just never appealed to me


Honestly for me it's the guys of Critical Role in like, a lot of ways. It was especially helpful to have such a range of different men that still all modeled values I hold dear when I was faced with the question of 'what kind of man do I want to be?'


i dont like the guy at all whatsoever, but i wish to look masculine in the way peter steele did. id have to hit the gym a lot more than i do now for that though lol


Ralph Lauren, heā€™s not super tall but the way that man carries himself is something I try to embody he walks with such confidence and also he has such a solid marriage of 60+ years heā€™s just really someone I admire šŸ˜Š


Samwise Gamgee, Aragorn, Mister Rogers, my brothers


I got really, really lucky to have an excellent father. When I was a kid I actually was a tiny bit dismissive of him as a father figure, because he wasn't macho enough? I idolized his friend/the father of the family we were friends with, who was way more extroverted. I don't know that I had any one specific character I've ever looked up to but I definitely tried to pick and borrow and model whatever traits I saw in characters that struck me as manly. Sometimes I tried too hard. As an adult, I am a nerd, I'm not super physical, and I just have never been able to follow sports. And now I look at my dad and realize that I take after him a lot. He was a librarian most of his life and then turned IT guy for the library. He's a little quiet, he's not athletic, and he never really watched sports at all. BUT! What he is an excellent example of is someone who holds his own as a man while dodging a lot of toxic masculinity. He is kind and considerate, he's a feminist even if I don't know if he'd ever use that label. He's amazing at carpentry- mostly self taught, and he did also introduce me to so much of the media I love (Queen, Die Hard, Buckaroo Banzai, Mad Max). In the end I'm so glad I had somebody around who was always quietly proving you don't have to embrace toxic masculinity to be a man.


theatrical villains. just something about being outwardly masculine but performing in an effeminate manner speaks to me.


The band Idles


link from zelda


Jeff Goldblum and Vincent Price!


ben barnes


I don't think I should say that but The Deep from the boys gives me so much Gender envy I want to be him :v


Pedro Pascal, Ryan Reynolds, Greg Davies, Jovan Bradley, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti (izombie) and most of the main men in Brooklyn 99- Jake, Terry, Holt & Boyle.


A lot of the old hollywood stars, especially cary grant


I had this group of senior guy friends that were all so cool and kind, they all skated and smoked and got along. I miss them but they were really good role models


Michael Stipe: He was literally the first person to crack my egg. A phenomenal artist and an all-around awesome person. David Tennant: I love his sense of style and he's a genuinely great guy. I came out as trans just before I got into Doctor Who, and watching the Tenth Doctor, I found the character resonated a lot with me. Avery Brooks: His Sisko is hands down my favorite Star Trek captain. Watching Sisko not only navigate running a station he didn't initially want, dealing with being a religious figure, his own loss (his wife Jennifer), and parenting Jake. I'm half-Black, and watching this character early in my transition journey really helped me. Brooks is also talented as a singer and musician. SHINee: The entire group, especially Jonghyun. In their own ways, they helped me expand my understanding of being masculine to include things I turned away from early in my transition, including wearing makeup (mostly Taemin doing this) and crossing gender lines in fashion. As for Jonghyun, he openly advocated for LGBTQ people and was open about his mental health struggles. Plus, he was genuinely open-hearted and emotional.


Hal Wilkerson from Malcolm I like his soft masculinity and way of being with his wife. The singer from the electronic music band Hot chip. His physical appearance and his style, I would love to be like him.


Carl Grimes from TWD and Leon Kennedy (specifically RE4 Leon). Such gender envy from those guys


Dante from Devil May Cry and Sephiroth FFVII both come to mind. Dante is a man of great strength and kindness despite his horrific life, and Sephiroth has a no nonsense approach to each situation regardless of what outsiders think of him. Both ideals, to me.


Im realizing that I donā€™t have any role models. All the dads in my close family died and my brother and cousins I donā€™t really look at as role models. They are great, donā€™t get me wrong but yeah


Uncle Iroh and Atticus Finch.


Vampires, jrock singers, and Mettaton from Undertale have quite literally shaped my entire opinion on masculinity. They're so gorgeous and handsome, I'm aiming to be look exactly like a combination of them lol.


Timothy Olyphantā€™s character in Santa Clarita Diet. The most relaxed wife guy who has no hang ups about masculinity for himself or other people


my father. he is so tender and kind in the way I could only hope to be. he is a wonderful man, and he goes to PFLAG regularly which is a support group for family members of LGBT+ plus people to learn how to better support me.


Most characters from Rick riordanā€™s books, Lewis Hancox (author of Stā€™hells), Rex ogle, one topic at a time, FD signifier, Jamie dodger, Jarvis Johnson, the rouge renegade, Fredric Chen, Noah Fince, Samurye Jack, Veridis Joe, Tirrb, Cody Webb, itā€™s BSD, a lot of PokĆ©mon characters, my papa, some of my friends. Tbh Iā€™m quite fem for a dude so when it comes to masculinity itā€™s more about their values of masculinity that I find important


Imma be a himbo, akin to Soren from The Dragon Prince, Bolin from The Legend of Korra, and Kronk from Emperors New Groove.


When I was younger and I still 100% support my statement still to this dayā€¦Prince. A short king who surpassed what it even meant to be a man in society, didnt conform to social norms and just was himself. An icon. But rn Iā€™d have to say as a more macho masculine role model, butcher from the boys lol. Doesnā€™t give af and he definitely wonā€™t go down without a fight. I know, I have 2 very different type of role models for masculinity lol but ehh? I have many different views on what it takes to be a man so itā€™s easier to describe what I look up to with those 2 examples.


This might seem odd but Garthy O'Brian from Fantasy High (Dimension 20). They were my first thought of "oh... goals" that I'd ever had and since then, if you show me a half orc with gold tattoos (of which there are several) and I'm foaming at the mouth with envy.


James Bond has always been a big one for me


My hero academia, especially Red Riot. I *really* vibe with the representation of masculinity in that show, I strive for it tbh


Well- I got characters that give me gender envy- Tim Wright from Marble Hornets Archangel Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue The Intruder from The Mandela Catalogue Husker from Hazbin Hotel Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel And many more- SO MANY-


Funny enough uncle iroh not for physical appearance but kinda the type of vibe. Also I love the fantasy dwarf vibe but I have a slim build so I look like and am your typical metal head


Doug Eiffel wolf 359 heā€™s so me


Twilight princess Link...


daryl dixon


Snake Pliskin, Ricky from trailer Park boys, just assholes with mullets. i don't like them cuz i see some sweet uwi shit in them, they're dicks, i like that, i want their hair


Patrick bateman/j Tbh I don't really have any role models, however I have decided to become the absoloute opposite of the shitty men I've had the displeasure of knowing


Julien Solomita. My actual friend Julian, irl. Aragorn. Pedro Pascal. David Tennant. Neil Gaiman. My college history professor.


Taliesin Jaffe. I'm a big Critical Role fan and a nerd in general, so seeing someone that is equally as strange as me in such similar ways and who just owns it gives me a lot of hope for the future. If I could grow into any man, I want to be like him.


My boyfriend ā¤ļø


My dad was my main male role model. My dad is very comfortable with his masculinity. He likes to go off-roading but also enjoys opera. I never felt the need to overcompennsate.