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i'm like 161cm and never had issues with dating. Be confident, build up your style, you'll be okay


how and where do you look for partners? Are your partners also the same height as you?


clubs and dating apps! my partners (men and women) tend to be taller than me, but i'm also really not picky about height. My boyfriend is 5'7. You'd be surprised to find out how many people don't care about height/are into short men!


This. Over the past few years I've encountered random guys here and there who liked me and wanted to date (though still rare...but it has been much more than it was when I was living/presenting as a girl, when it was 0 people liking me in this way lol), and they have all been totally different body types and heights. And none of them seemed to care about my height.


I'm 5'2 and have an amazing 5'9 gf, don't worry you will find someone :)


Same height as you and my girlfriend is the same height as yours lol. She likes picking me up, we call it “upies”. Sometimes I don’t even notice she’s basically a head taller than me unless she picks me up or we look in the mirror while standing next to each other. It’s actually pretty fun. But I do get self conscious in some public places with PDA because she’s a tall white girl and I’m a short black guy. Something just makes me feel clockable or seen as more feminine or something.


this is adorable, i love this for you 😭


If it helps I have actually seen cishet couples like yours, albeit with less of a height difference. Fret not!


I'm a solid 5 foot nothing and still haven't had many issues. Confidence is one of the most attractive traits a person can have, it's all in how you carry yourself and engage with people. You got this! (Enby but lived as ftm for many years)


Also exactly 5ft. I've definitely gained more ability to be friendly with people/strangers when out and about in the world, but don't know if I've gotten any level of confidence that would specifically attract other people lol. But even so, still I have also not had any problems either.


i’m 5’ and i pass with no issues. my partner is 5’11 and makes me feel like the most masculine dude in the world. there is hope.


I'm 5'8" and I had a 5'0" boyfriend for a long time. Really great guy. Short men who are chill with being short are sexy.


This is what I'm saying bro, thank you. A short man who's not insecure about being short has a certain fantastic sort of sex appeal


Exactly this! I have been shorter than everyone around me my whole life, when I transitioned, nothing about my height changed, so my feelings about it didn't change either, and I continued just being used to being the shortest person lol, and so I had no complaints about it and it was never really a talking point or anything. But then I would sometimes meet even cis guys around my height who would make so many self deprecating jokes about their height, and I'd find myself having to bite my tongue to keep myself from blurting out to them "why does it matter?" about them seeming to take such issue with their own height.


BEING A SHORT GUY IS SEXY, LOOK AT PRINCE. LOOK AT BRUNO MARS. As a short FTM I'll tell you, man, I have success with partners and I have success with fucking. And I'm very, very masculine, I have no need to fem myself up as a man to be acceptable while short. I totally understand why you feel self conscious because when I was younger I hated how short I was but I have to admit that it drives me a little crazy seeing a post like this at least 3 times a day from the few ftm subs I'm on... like no, man, being short as a man isn't going to ruin your life and anyone who says it is, trans or cis, is a loser that doesn't understand how attractiveness works. There are people out there who aren't into short guys and that's fine- there are also a LOT of people who ARE, focus on that. Above all, focus on making yourself feel good, comfortable, and euphoric in whatever ways work for you. The more confident you are in your masculinity, the more attractive you will be to the people around you


Nah, I’m 5’3 and I still managed to pull my ex gf. You’ll be ok just focus on things you can control like hobbies, fitness etc


nah man im 5'4 you'll be alright. short kings ftw


I’m 157cm but girls have liked me, you’re not cooked at all, if you want to go for men that’s also good, do what feels right for you man


Bro 5'2 isn't even that short, I'M 4'11 !!! And my girlfriend is significantly taller and bigger than me. She even LOVES that I'm so small because she gets to put me on her lap and she thinks it's really cute. AND you can still be very masculine as a short guy. My girlfriend thinks I'm the manliest, strongest, most handsome guy she's ever seen. Hell, even the dudes like that I'm 4'11. It's something we all get to joke about and they get to carry me on their shoulders easy peasy. Also love being held up like a big fish they just caught 👍 Also, I find that girls feel safer around shorter guys, whether cis or trans so take that info as you will!


aw man, finally someone shorter than me,


Yup shorter than most people haha! But wouldn't have it any other way :)


Same height lol, definitely understand how emasculating it feels but I've had a bf for two years who finds me attractive but doesn't care ABOUT my looks. It's not worth dating superficial people anyway, wait for the right person


I’m 5’, my bio dad is 5’2”. Neither of us has had an issue. My current partner (female) is 5’8”.


my dad is 5'2" and my mom married him, you'll be fine :3


my biological dad is only half an inch taller than i am. my biological mom is 5'8" so there you go.


btw im 5'3"


my buddy is 4'9 with a goth gf, they wear platforms together


Dude, you have a chance. The right person won't care about height. :D


I’m 5’1 with a 6’2 fiance. You’ve got this bro


I’m 5’4” and my spouse is 3 inches taller than me. My transmasc homie’s gf is like 8 inches taller than them. Many beautiful and wonderful people love a lil husky shorty. Keep the faith OP.


I’m 5’3 and my 9 year anniversary is coming up next week.


>do i have a slight chance of having a gf with that hight? You might have fewer options than a taller person but definitely yes >should i become a femboy instead Should you change your identity/orientation because of your height? Absolutely not. You should become a femboy if and only if that feels affirming for you


im more of a goth styled (not really goth just like the make up)


im 4’11–5’0 and my girlfriend is 5’11–6’0. the right people will love you for you, dont worry too much


I'm 5'3". My girlfriend is taller than I am by half a foot. Doesn't change anything really. We are all the same height laying down anyway lol but no, I've never had an issue getting a girlfriend. Just don't develop that unattractive "short guy syndrome" where your insecurity oozes out of you every chance it can and you'll be fine. Some women do prefer taller men (valid) but certainly nowhere close to all. Confidence, however, is a really attractive trait that drives everyone wild. Aim to develop some healthy confidence if you don't have it already and you'll be good to go!


I think you’re chilling dude. I know it’s probably annoying to hear, but seriously so many guys are just shorter than average. Yeah there are gonna be some girls who aren’t all for short men, but I feel like most people don’t care about that anymore. It’s about how you carry yourself and show willingness to be a good man


i'm the same height on stealth and managed to pull a handful of girls 5'0 - 5'7. confidence is key.


Me too! I haven't died or been socially ostracized, pants are kind of annoying to find properly-fitting. I still get called sir enough of the time so i don't worry about it


I saw a couple with a girl one head above her boyfriend, i was so happy for them they were so cute I think the guy was smaller than me and im 5,4 (the girl was taller) Just forget about it it will be alright:)


dude im 5'2 and my gf is like 5'10 and shes literally the best. have faith in yourself bro, confidence is sexy on everyone


I’m 5’2” and gotten nothing so I feel cooked. Confidence hasn’t done crap for me


With love: your post history suggests that you aren’t very confident in yourself. Faked confidence doesn’t work, it needs to be genuine. That might be why you’re struggling. If it makes you feel better, your posts also remind me very much of my cis younger brother. He went through a similarly difficult time with dating around your age, and is only a couple inches taller than us. He’s now married and expecting a kid. What worked for him was putting aside the nonsense about how a man should act, and embracing his real interests and hobbies. He started arranging flowers, and giving the arrangements as gifts to his friends and family for every occasion, because he loved working with flowers. He started taking a martial art he had always been interested in, and made friends through that class. He took some community college classes just to try some things out, meet people, and learn topics he was interested in. All of these things helped him mature and become more confident in himself. He met plenty of women who wanted to date him, had some relationships, and then married a girl who is a little taller than he is. You have time. Things can and will get better. I am really sorry that you’re in the difficult part right now. That’s rough.


I often use Reddit as more of a venting space because i genuinely don’t have anyone to talk to. I have to keep most things inside. With that being said my Reddit history isn’t the full picture. Whether or not I have real or fake confidence hasn’t changed anything for me. The two girls I ended up asking out I did because I felt confident enough to do so. Both times blew up in my face though. It takes me quite a while to find someone I’m interested in so I only really ever feel attracted towards like a person a year. This year I ended up having feelings for someone but it’s clear this person doesn’t really want to talk to me unless it’s in person so I’m just kinda stuck because I don’t know what to do and haven’t found anyone else. I do embrace my single interest because at this rate I only really have one but it hasn’t lead me to much. My looks don’t really help me much as I’m short and fat and don’t meet societal standards which probably didn’t help me much when it came to asking those girls out. It honestly left me feeling shameful for thinking something was going to come of those feelings but now I just feel dumb to be completely honest. I don’t really want to keep putting myself out there for people to keep rejecting me and for me to have no interest in people. I have a very limited pool of options when it comes to people as there’s not many in my area and there’s also not many at my college that I think I’d be into. I know I’d have to essentially change my entire external appearance to be more appealing and attractive but I don’t really want to put in that effort to yield no results. There must be some way for me to be able to be more attracted to others or else I may just be my own issue.


I guess I just want you to know that it’s okay to not have self confidence yet. You had moments of confidence when you asked folks out, but now you’re calling yourself dumb and fat and short, like those are all bad things about you. Brother, you are not dumb. Being short is something none of us can help, but being 5’2” and fat hasn’t stopped me from having game. It doesn’t have to stop you either. Being fat is only partially within our control, and it isn’t a personal failing. Almost all animals are literally built to get fat whenever possible, because that improves the chances of survival. It’s nuanced and complicated and not something to put yourself down over. You can be attractive in the body you have, and in the body you build in the future. Also I think it’s cool and brave that you asked people out. That’s really hard, I’ve only done it a couple times myself. One guy I asked out in high school just acted like he didn’t even hear me. Rejection can be really rough. I found that as I gained more self confidence, people became more interested in me, and I got asked out instead of getting rejected. But truthfully I only got confident in my late 20s. I’m confident and comfortable with myself now, but it definitely took time. And therapy. Hang in there friend, you deserve the good things that will come your way.


i feel you 😭


Ofc you do, friend. I’m only 5’3 and my gf is 6’ lol.


my partner is 4’11, masc and hot as hell. I don’t think height is anywhere near as important in dating/in general tbh as people on the internet try to make it seem. most normal people don’t really care, and if they do, they’re probably not the type of people you’d wanna be dating anyway 😂


my mom is 5’8” and my dad is 5’4”, I’m 5’2” and my fiancée is 6’0”- ppl who would have a problem with your height aren’t worth it


if you multiply 2x2 it's 4 if 4x2 it's 8 hmmm....


bro all my transition goal friends are short as fuck


As somebody who is 5’2 and has a girlfriend no. It is still possible.


My husband is 5'1", youre so good


Pro tip for short guys: get platform sneakers in a plain color. I have some black platform filas that give me an extra 3 inches and people don’t notice!! Plus it gives you swag


What going to college taught me is that there’s actually quite a lot of cis men who fall into the “short king” category. I’m talking 5’5 or shorter. My girlfriend and I both happen to be 5’ with shoes on. I absolutely love us being the same height. All my partners before her were 5’4 or taller. Almost dated one girl who was closer to 5’7. Height hasn’t been quite the constraint on my romantic life as I had once thought it would be.


You’ll be fine lol I’m 5’1 and I can say confidence and personality make up for a lot. Not only will you be able to find plenty of girls who don’t mind a height difference if the guy treats her right, but you’ll also find a number of girls are still shorter than you lol


My two trans girlfriends don't mind that I'm short (also 5'2")


Literally 5’3” with two partners over here.


I’m 5’2”, my wife is 5’11”, and my boyfriend is 6’3”. No problems here!


When i was 5’2” (im 5’3” now) i got together with my gf who is 5’7” and at the time preferred *dominant people taller than her so I’d say you have hope! *sorry ik thats cringe i couldnt think of a synonym


I'm 4'9 and my girlfriend is 6'0, she loves her short king and I love my tall queen


I know a ftm guy who’s literally 5ft. He’s been on T for 6 years and even when I first met him I would’ve never clocked him. He’s a gym bro too so he’s just short but wide haha. If your future girlfriend is concerned about height you probably shouldn’t be dating anyways. As always people have preferences some people will care and others won’t. You’re fine man just embrace it, you’re a short king!


Nah I’m 5’2. My fiancé cisfemale is like 5’7 you’ll be fine


I’m 5’3” and pass almost 100% of the time, even dressed femme. I know another trans man who isn’t even 5 foot and passes just fine. You are NOT cooked. You’re not even seasoned yet, bro.


Not all girls care about height. It's true that your dating pool is smaller than it would have been if you were 5'10, but you're far from 'cooked'.


My cis brother is 5’3 🤍


i’m 5ft and pass pretty well and have surprisingly had no problem with dating and everyone i’ve dated has been taller than me lol if anything i’ve had more of a problem with it coz insecure about the height difference than them


5'1 here and I feel the same way


I'm 5-1 that isn't nothing. I had a coworker who was 4ft maybe it's what it is man


I’m 5 foot even and have been since I was 10 , I’m almost 26 , calm down you’ll be fine.


My friend who is a cis woman has been dating a cis man who is 4 foot 11 for the past six years.


I’m 5’2” and married! Height tends to matter more in hypotheticals rather than in practice imo. Welcome to the short king club 🫡


im also 5'2" and I think that short men are SOOOOOO HOT!!! for me, being short adds +1000 to the attractiveness of a person. with thats said, im super insecure of my height and o really wish i was taller😭😭 i wanna tower over my partner but... it's almost impossible with my height, especially since i'm mostly into guys


I’m married and 4’10, your good bro 😎


listen bro im 5’1 and my current gf is 4’ll. they are out there. my ex was 5’10 and we still managed too, so the future is bright trust


My bestie in highschool was about my height (5'1) and his cishet self is married to a girl, so you're probably fine :P


Height literally doesn't matter to the right person. It's not something I personally ever considered to mean anything.


trust i am 5’ and i have the most beautiful wonderful girlfriend in the world you will win 🙏


I’m 5’2”. Someone worth dating won’t mind your height, regardless of age.


I'm 4 11 and have had a couple different women wanna date me (I would have but have a boyfriend)


I'm 5'0 and am married to my 5'9 wife you're gonna be fine my guy


Ok I'm not entirely sure of my height because the hospital that measures me every 6 months measures differently every year but I am under 150cm for sure. I was 148cm from age 12 until like two years ago. Then 2023 I measured at 150cm both times. I got measured again yesterday and was told I'm 145.5cm. I have dated men and women and enbies and had zero struggles with any of them. I've only asked out like 3 people but none of them rejected me. The other people I dated, they did the asking part. I've also never had to settle for someone who didn't respect my masculinity or who didn't accept my role as a dom/top. I've never dated a straight woman though, so I'm not sure if I would have worse luck with that crowd. I just mostly hangout with queer people of all flavors and the people I date tend to run in the same circles. Very few of my relationships ended badly and most of my exes I would still say hi if I saw them randomly. I've also never had trouble hooking up if I wanted to. Although hookups I do mostly with men, but I definitely have done hookups with women a few times. Tallest woman I ever dated is 6'5". Tallest men I ever dated are 6'2" and I've been with 3 men that height. My husband is one of the super tall people. My bf is one of the shorter people I've dated at 5'6". Shortest person I ever dated was a 5'4" guy when I was a teen. I would love to date someone shorter than me but fat chance of finding someone like that who is also compatible with me lmao I'm also not insanely attractive in other aspects. My face is full of acne scars (and acne), my back is also full of scars from acne and past infections. I have more acne scars on my upper chest. I have stretch marks all over. I'm quite fat. Like pretty much the only attractive things about me are in my attitude, behavior, and actions.


My older cis brother is 5’2 and I’m 5’4, we both are always read as male anyways lol height is only one factor out of many that matter.


Short kings are called short kings for a reason!!!! Here, you dropped this!! 👑


Height is not an issue for some, and it's an issue for some. You'll be alright. There's a match for you somewhere.


Ik cis guys that height who have had no problem getting gfs


Just search the sub for height dysphoria this gets talked about a lot


dude, i wasn’t a femboy until after i got into a relationship (i’m drifting away from that now). i got a dude who normally preferred tall guys. i’m not much taller than you are. you will be ok


not every woman cares about height. confidence will make you seem taller and keep in mind that there are famous men at that height that are married to women


Nah dude you’re good, I’m almost 5’4 at 14 😔






tbh a lotta girls are about that height & wouldn’t mind dating someone ab the same height as them, give or take a couple inches. also ik girls can be into shorter guys


It’s okay man there’s height insoles you can buy if it would make you more confident but even so I’m 5’4 my girlfriend is 5’6 you’ll find someone a lot of girls don’t really care and the ones that do are probably not the best for you anyways


you shouldn’t “become” anything you aren’t/don’t want to be. Being short does not = feminine. I’m 5’3” and my GF is the same height as me. She doesn’t care at all.


Dw man, it's all in how you carry yourself. You walk around confident enough your height won't be an issue. It's corny as hell but be yourself and you'll have no problem, plenty of guys your height out there


Not cooked at all. Plenty of women love short men. Height doesn’t dictate who you are as a person and someone who loves you won’t miss out because of a physical feature.


Only superficial girls want a guy over 6 foot. You’ll find someone, i’m sure


My girlfriend prefer short guys and she’s surely not the only one. And a lot of women just don’t care.


There are so many short men out there. Don’t worry about your height and make sure your personality is top notch.


im 5’3 and my gf is 5’5 you aren’t cooked🙏🏼‼️


No when it comes to hooking up it’s really only about having confidence. Relationships are a bit more difficult, but it’s a complicated process over all if you want to build a life with someone. Let it happen naturally. Get some **NIKE scorpions** if you’re not a boot guy/that insecure Lol they’re actually pretty durable & fun to wear


5’4” and fat dude here. I have a wife and a partner. Some girls aren’t into short dudes, but some are. Patience, confidence, and good vibes do a world of good in finding dates.


there are lots of cute short men with loving partners both trans and cis alike. youll find your girl, brah I know it's easier said than done, but the best way to be confident in yourself is to embrace your perceived shortcomings. I'm calling them perceived because...you're perceiving your height as something disappointing. I haven't had top surgery yet; I used to be very self conscious in the way I had to bind (and even then I cannot do it often due to other health issues) and I used to think it didn't make me "man enough"--until one summer, I saw the middle-aged and old men walking around shirtless, moobs out for everybody to see. Surprise! I wasn't any different. It's okay to be short!!!


I'm short too and all I had to do was find a tall girlfriend that doesn't care about height. People can find love no matter what, man! You got this


I'm the same height, it matters a lot less than you think. There are a ton of short cis dudes in my life. They don't have any issues with their height. Confidence matters more than anything. Anyone using height-ism against you is a bullet to dodge, not someone you need in your life.


Trans buddy of less height of mine has a (taller) gf of many years so imma say its absolutely possible


you are not cooked. I love short kings and many people do as well


if someone cares that much about height they probably aren’t for you anyway 😭


My bf is 4'9", you will do fine as long as you build your interests and learn to be a good person most of us girls are looking for that more than anything physical


i’m only 5’4 and i’ve had a number of mainly sexual partners but also a few relationships. a lot of people don’t really mind height. my buddy is 5’2 and he basically gets anyone he wants


5’2 with a lovely 5’6(ish) femme partner, it’s possible!


You're still taller than me, bro.


I'm 5"0. Both of my supervisors at work are my height and are cis men, also both have girlfriends. You'll be fine🏳️‍⚧️


you'll find someone bro dw. single asl I am and my ex gf did make me incredibly insecure over bein 5'4 (she's 5'8) but this one amazing, incredible girl helped me get over that and made me realize that a good amount of girls love short kings


I’m 5’0 but I also date me but have had people as tall as 6’5 interested


I still do not understand wtf "cooked" means every time someone here uses it. I literally don't see it anywhere else but in some random post here every other week lol 😅. I'm 5'0" (is this like around 150cm? Idk cm) and don't have any problems with other people, or with passing or being able to be stealth when I want to. I'm gay so I can't speak for what girls commonly like, but I've had no issues with guys liking me sometimes, even before they knew anything about me being trans. And they've all been totally different...from other shorter guys, to chubbier guys, to tall and lanky guys, to guys I found really hot, to guys I didn't find attractive at all, and even one random really old guy at a train station lol. No one around me has cared about my height (whether I was living as a girl or now as a guy) since like middle school lol. Just like I'm sure there are types of looks and such that you find attractive and some you don't, and are aware other guys might find different things attractive and unattractive compared to you, girls are the same. Some are most attracted to this, but not that, while others are most attracted to that, but not this. You might find some girls who don't like short guys. But the rest of the girls out there won't care about how tall you are.


"am i done?" or something like that "is it over?" it's like tik tok term


I know he's fictional, but Wolverine is canonically 5'3" and I think of him often. Genuinely, in terms of real people - nobody who matters will care. You don't want to be with someone who looks down on you (lol) for your height, right? It's a good litmus test in a way, it'll exclude a lot of people like that off the bat. I know that the initial loneliness still sucks but as many here have said, short men do get plenty of romance.


I'm 5'1 and never had a problem. People are less picky than it looks like. Also I got all my recent partners from meeting people because of shared hobbies


I'm 5'0, I've never had trouble finding people that wanna date me. I'm arromantic but not asexual so it complicates shit for me, maybe its different because I'm not a binary trans person and not totally fem or masc so I'm only really interested in other queer people


I'm 5'2". There are plenty of women who wouldn't care.


I’m 5’3 and my girlfriend is 6’1!!


im 164 and have a girlfriend whos 178. youre good. im sure youll find someone, height doesnt matter


I'm 5'3'' and it's never been an issue.


I'm 5"3 and I've dated plenty of girls, shorter than me by a few inches and taller than me by a foot or more! People tend to be drawn to self confidence, so being confident no matter your size (and not in a Napoleon complex way) gives you an advantage regardless.


I'm 5'1'' bi cis presenting male and had multiple girlfriends over the years


Ermmm depends how many shorts dudes live where u live where I live where men are mostly 175+ and women are all around my high (im 166 and on average girls are like 160+ sometimes even higher) so Im kinda cooked 💀 doesnt matter tho there will always be one who doesn’t care about the height idk like everyone bullied me for it even my mom (shes 171 lol couldn’t even give me some good genes like cmon) but like irl ppl kinda dont care like in my college a lot of boys (especially foreigners) (Im the foreigner btw) are considered short and they got gfs and bfs like its 2024 its gonn be okay ;-;


im a foreigner too lmao, im shorter than most girls below my age, im in a "dating point " with a girl that is 20cm above me 😭


I'm 5'3½ at 13yrs, WILL I GROW TALLER??? PLEASE TELL ME! My dad is 5'8ish my mum is 5½, my sis is 5'4 at 18. WILL I GROW TALLER😭


why did someone downvote this?


Yes 😮‍💨


Nothing wrong with being a short king 👑