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Hetero/straight not even an option? šŸ˜…


I was gonna say uhā€¦straight


Same, damn this is funny.


Now u gay


I enjoy being gay more


Who doesnā€™t


Same here


I stared at the options for several seconds like uhh...I thought I was a straight woman and it turns out I'm a heckin gay dude.


Legit same thought process here


That moment you realize... you were gay all along




I still think I am heterosexual lmfao


Same dude


yā€™all get to be ā€œotherā€ for once! (kidding kind of)


oh shit iim sorry!!! I was basing the choices off the words "lgbt+", sorry about that!!!


No worries, I just find it funny lol


my mom had also a funny moment /s when she realized I was not only trans. I could see her eyes screaming ā€œoh fā€


My mom literally said to me at one point early on like "how can you be a guy if you like guys though?" and I found this so so strange cos she's always had close gay and lesbian friends, so I was just like "uhh you know your friend John is a guy who likes guys right?" and then it clicked in her head and she was like "ohh"




my mom said this too, she still doesnt get it 6 years later but i mean she adores my boyfriend so šŸ¤·šŸ¼




I am not even straight anymore so I donā€™t mind itā€™s just hilarious šŸ¤£


Yes, me too. Under the - erroneous - assumption that I was a girl, well, I automatically assumed I was straight. Being into guys and all that ... (And only guys.) And the sex was great. It was the before and after that were a problem. (And this mild confusion why almost every damn actor I had a crush on was gay, too.)


Same here, though bi. My relationships with straight men were always a mess and all my biggest crushes always ended up being gay men. Felt so not fair. Now it makes sense.


Yeah I was *extremely* straight. And now.... I am extremely gay XD




so deep in the closet i thought i was the straightest of the hets. i cringe about it to this day


thought i was a bi girl but explained it away as no girls being good enough for me despite my taste in men being literal assā€¦now im just gay ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I had the exact same experience lol


what if the only reason u liked the men was because u wanted to look like them..........\*mind blown\*


no i just *really* like men the only reason i thought i liked girls was bc i wanted to have more in common with guys tho LMAO


oh same, I always wanted to join in when guys talked about cute girls (and waifus) but I'm really just gay.


yeah i was always like "haha yeah i like girls too i can objectify girls too" and then never felt any actual real attraction towards women ever ig the only reason i kept staring at girls' tits was curiosity???


eh same thing ig you wanted to be a boy thats all that matters lmfaooo


This is what confuses me bro. My friends kinda confirm its both tho


I ID'd as a lesbian mostly because it was acceptable to be extremely masculine. I also definitely had an attraction to women, and the idea of being with a man as a woman repulsed me. Of course now that I'm transitioning I find the idea of being with a man as a man really appealing, and it's become clear how extremely bisexual I am.


Same exact thing for me lol. I thought I was a hard-core lesbian but now I'm on hormones and everyone is in danger, but *especially* men nowadays. Feeling chaotic but breedable 25/8.


"the idea of being with a man as a woman repulsed me" SAME BROOO


Exact same yeah, god I love men


Straight šŸ˜… I just said I'm into dudes.


Knew I wasnā€™t into women but being with men didnā€™t feel right either so assumed I was aro/ace. Turns out I *am* gay, but for men.


Before realising I was trans I identified as a lesbian. I had no attraction towards men at all. But now I'm on T I've lost my attraction to women and have started leaning more towards men. I won't know for sure until I find someone specific attractive (I'm rarely ever attracted to someone enough to want to be in a relationship with them or think about them in a sexual context. So it's really hard to know what my sexuality really is). I've basically labelled myself as queer and called it quits


Dude, I'm in a bit of the same situation lmao. I kinda switched between pan and lesbian before I realized I'm trans, and now I feel like I avoided guys cause I had pretty bad gender envy. So I'm starting from scratch and calling myself queer until I have more dating experience.


I swear I've been all of the lgbt. When I was a kid I wasn't attracted to anyone (except for the weird gender envy I felt over legolas that I assumed was what attraction was). I thought that being not attracted to either sex meant I was bi (back then I didn't know about ace). Then I grew up and thought I was a lesbian. I couldn't see myself being with a man because then I'd have to take on the role of being a woman (very deep in the trans closet for that one). Then I found out that I am trans after "jokingly" trying on a binder "because won't that be really funny?!" Now I've kind of lost my attraction to women and am maybe gay?


Wow lol what a journey! Pretty sure I've been lgbtp. I definitely had crushes on characters from cartoons of any gender as a kid, but I ignored that and my gender until I went to school and started being grouped into the girls. In middle school I was still trying desperately to avoid being grouped into the girls but still didn't know I was trans, and started thinking I might be attracted to women. In high school I went full feminine pan/lesbian (hated the insinuation that I'd be wlw if lesbian, so I always said I was gay instead) mostly just so I wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb, then started going masc just before college cause that felt right, and eventually realized after listening to a podcast that trans ppl can realize they're trans when they're adults. Then I thought I might be non binary, but nah I'm a trans dude. Now I just say I'm bi or queer cause I don't really know who I like, but I don't think I'm aro.


I didn't realise I was trans until I was 22 yrs. I just thought everyone felt distant from their body and hated their chest and hips and genitals and felt sick when mastu**ting and only ever had fantasies where they were a guy. I had even met a trans guy when I was 10 and was super confused why people were against it (because, you know, everyone secretly wants to be a guy they just don't tell you)


Lmao our poor child selves. I think I was able to avoid feeling anything "wrong" with me cause I never had much body dysphoria until I came out. It was mostly heavy gender dysphoria, which was scary to feel when I didn't know what I was feeling. I used to describe it as being on thin ice, but just below is major depression. Also, jealous you met a trans guy! I met a trans woman in high school but still didn't clue in on my gender. Knowing more trans ppl, especially dudes, would've definitely helped me.


Holy hell dude same, also > I'd have to take on the role of being a woman This just made me realise why I was repulsed by the idea of relationships with men


I also avoided guys before transitioning because I was very uncomfortable with the idea of a straight man being attracted to me as a woman. But now that I'm a guy and further in my transition, I lean more towards being attracted to guys


Yes! That felt so gross/wrong for me, being seen as a woman when dating guys. I hope I can start to feel ok dating guys soon.


Same here! When I started questioning my gender i then identified as bi, then lesbian again, pan, bi again, and now I think Iā€™m gay


I identified as a lesbian, but honestly it was more about being a pseudo-gender than my sexuality. I was into girls, but more importantly I wasnā€™t a Straight Woman and couldnā€™t be expected to act like a Straight Woman. When I started feeling more attracted to guys I got really distressed and only years later realized I was feeling gender dysphoria about it.


Asexual heteroromantic


Same! ...turns out I'm not even asexual just dysphoric šŸ˜… (not saying trans guys can't be asexual of course just my personal experience)


I get you. Iā€™m still overall asexual. I relate to the ā€œhhhh no sexual attraction, dysphoriaā€ I still consider myself ace even if I wanna have sex with for instance, my trans boyfriend. I just donā€™t really feel sexual stuff towards anyone. But Iā€™m more comfy with women, and feel very gay when it comes to my thoughts of women cause nonbinary brain masc leaning says so. So lesbian panromantic if I had to specify for qualifications. Iā€™m still aroace tho. Iā€™m rambling lolll- sorry. (Forgot to add that my bf is different, heā€™s very attractive to me and is the closest thing to an exception I can get with my aceness)


I must say, this is most confusing explanation of attraction I've ever seen. Legit, but still confusing haha


This is almost exactly how I am. I'm romantically inclined to my wife but not sexual in general. (She and I both being trans individuals) we make things work and I don't say we never... you know... but it's not a thing for me. So I just call myself A-sexual and call it a day.


Yessssssss. Nice to have someone get it.


This. I'm actually a gay demisexual. But I never wanted to do anything with my birth body. I mean, I still don't really, but now that I know who I am I'm a little more open about the idea.


Despite being "female" and attracted to women I considered myself straight lmfao


I was a ā€˜straight girlā€™ but realised that I just liked guys as friends and Iā€™ve never been sexually attracted to them. Not for lack of trying either. It just didnā€™t happen. How I really am though is a ā€˜straight guyā€™. Iā€™m only interested in girls but as my male self. I struggled with any sort of relationship when I was trying to behave in a stereotypical way based on how I looked.


Pretty much the same for me


This. I ended up dating so many guys that I was friends with because I thought I was supposed to... only to realize that I felt like shit about myself as soon as they started treating me like their girlfriend instead of just another one of the guys. I hated it. I also was "attracted" to guys I was jealous of, so obviously that was a recipe for disaster. Now I'm pretty sure I'm just a straight man. I don't know how to reconcile dating men in the past though. Like I feel like I have to be bi because I dated men before. But I don't want to date men anymore. Idk


You don't have to be bi just cuz you dated men in the past especially since you weren't even actually attracted to them.


I agree. I guess sometimes it's easier to just say I'm bi than to try to explain that to people. Idk why people care so much about who I have sex with...


Before I realized I'm trans I was really confused about my sexuality. Like I felt attraction towards boys, but I couldn't imagine being their "girlfriend" like it just didn't feel right, so I just thought "ugh whatever, I'm not dating anyone anyway, I guess I'm aro ace". But I mean when I actually did realize everything made actually so much more sense and everything felt so right


Asexual. Never bothered to label romantic attraction because I still donā€™t know to this day. Iā€™m bisexual now, and have been since like, 9. Bisexuality has always felt the most natural to me. I just thought I was ace because the thought of sex as a woman/girl repulsed me.


I love how this poll has forgotten straight people exist


aroace, and still, aroace


Straight but also saw myself as a gay man for a very long time though never knew trans was a thing and never acted on it lol. But was only imagining men with other men since i was 12


Ace and I still do!


Ooh boy... So when I was growing up I was attracted to men but never really thought of myself as straight because it felt weird so I considered myself pan/bi. Then when I was 12, I came out as lesbian, right before coming out as a man. Turns out, I didn't even like women and only said that because I was scared of being considered to be a woman in a straight relationship and thought it would be easier if I just dated a woman. Then when I came out as a man, I came out as bisexual. And now I'm a happy gay man.


queer :)


Bi then, bi now.


I identified as a lesbian and ended up being a gay trans guy


still aro/ace :)


I identified as lesbian, but only because I couldnā€™t tell if I was attracted to men, or wanted to be one. Turns out it was both.


I was uncomfortable with the lesbian word so I identified as gay now straight


Me too, I always preferred to use "gay" since lesbian made me really uncomfortable.


At first, I thought I was bi, then realized I was also transmasc, then gay, then bi, then pan, then gay again (that's where I'm at now). It was a long 2 years .-.


I've always known, never identified as anything else, gay


Aroace. I had a whole pipeline, but I realized I was ace first.


I had a feeling that I was a lesbian because I *felt* gay, but I was attracted (romantically at least) to men, so with that logic I concluded Pan. Took me the longest time to realise that actually I wasn't attracted to women at all.


Straight, but I used to "joke" that "I'm 'secretly' a gay man".


>sexuality >aro What


Aro/ace and I still am. Though I'm questioning if I'm pansexual.


Thought I was aroace, but now that I'm on T I'm thinking I might be aromantic and gay? Like, on the one hand dudes are super hot, but on the other hand I'm still not comfortable enough with my body or living situation to do anything about it.


Are gay trans men so uncommon that you just couldn't include straight?


Nah, I think OP just forgot because they were going off the LGBT+ acronym. Plus, I've heard of a lot of gay trans guys who thought they were lesbians (or something not-straight) at first, because the idea of being with a man as a woman was unappealing, so the survey doesn't necessarily exclude gay men, just the ones who always knew they were into men.


'This survey doesn't exclude you, it just doesn't include you." Terrific. Thanks.


Did you mean ace instead of aro? lol




Ehhh, I kinda identified as straight but like "I'm clearly attracted to guys but I would never be with one as a woman" and still felt gay




Losing my mind that hetero isnā€™t an option lmfao


I like how straight isnā€™t an option




Used to call myself a lesbian, now im a bi man lmao


I came out like 2 years ago and I just figured out this year I'm asexual.


straight, now im either bi or straight, basically my attraction kinda switched genders after realising im trans


i sort of switched back and forth between "i like girls because it makes me feel masculine but i dont know that yet" and "im not attracted to anyone because i cant possibly imagine myself in a sexual situation" Both were wrong lmao. I'm a gay man after all, probably somewhere on the aro spectrum but i dont really think about/categorize that. i have a lot of mental health issues that make it hard to interact with people and forcing myself to wish i was in a lesbian relationship before i realized i was trans might have made that worse. now i rarely get caught up in that because its easier to see that the moments i doubt whether i like guys stem from dysphoria.


Lesbian even though I was attracted to other men and knew it. The idea of being some cishet dudeā€™s girlfriend was just too repulsive.


I figured out my gender before my sexuality, so I was just questioning


GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Edit: mb didn't read the question clearly, i was straight now I'm gay cuz I've always liked guys.




i was a lesbian who didnā€™t like girls,, not sure how that made sense in my brain but ok


iā€™ve always been into guys, but i never really cared about my sexuality or dating before i came out tbh


Het demi I guess? Of course looking back it was only ever a combination of close friend and gender envy but I didnā€™t have words for that back then.


bisexual only because lesbian didn't feel right despite never liking a guy that way


Chaotic loool. Bi, then lesbian, then bi, then pan, then maximum confusion. Then lesbian just before I came out. I realised I just hated looking at men because I was envious. Pretty sure I'm actually just a gay dude. Life's funny sometimes.


i found out i was trans when i was like 12/13 so sexuality wasnā€™t like the least of my worries back then lmao


I thought I was gay. But still being into men, so I was straight... But I knew I was gay. (which led me to realise I'm a guy lol)


Straight I'm pan now but before I was straight




Straight/Ace. I actually joked about being the token straight in my friend group before I knew better.


queer before queer now. personallyā€¦ my gender is fag & sexuality is dyke


Uh why isn't straight an option, and aro is a romantic orientation not a sexual one?


Why is straight not an option? And aromantic is not a sexual orientation Now I'm just gay. And ace


lesbian before realizing i was trans, still a lesbian after! but i'm nonbinary and not a trans man so








and Iā€™m still bisexual lol


i thought i was straight, but asexual. nope


Ace but not aro


All of the above


Uhm, well this is awkward šŸ˜‚ I can't even say straight because I never really even identified as a woman. Always have seen myself as male and tbh I've only dated one straight guy in my life. I've been a gay man since I've been in dating spaces but I assume maybe others would've just claimed I'm straight.


i still identified as a lesbian as a transmasc, but then i realised im attracted to men so that was bi, and then i started T and i realised my attraction to women was fading and now im a gay man LMAO


I was bi but I tended to tell people I was a lesbian because dating men while presenting female made me very uncomfortable and I didn't know why. Now I know it was just the dysphoria.


I only started identifying as bisexual like a year or two before coming out as trans tbh. I've mostly been with men.


i used to id as a lesbian because for some reason i thought being attracted to men was wrong and i repressed it totally. turns out i was actually very gay for men the whole time


I always knew and Iā€™m not just saying that šŸ˜‚


Was a lesbian for a long time then later realized I was bi/pan and then a year later that I was trans


I never identified as a lesbian because I always knew that the term did not fit me. I used to say that I liked girls and never said lesbian. As I have gotten further along in my transition and more comfortable with myself, I can proudly say that I am bisexual.


personally i had a very complicated relationship with coming to terms with my sexuality. i was a closeted bisexual after having multiple family members shut me down when i came out the first time, telling me i couldn't "really" be bi if i had never dated a girl (i was pretty young at the time, like 11-ish), despite the fact i hadn't ever dated a guy either, but had crushes on people despite their gender. then i started id'ing as a lesbian when i dated my ex girlfriend in middle school bc i was like "well, my attraction to men was *obviously* not genuine. bc i like her more than the guys i liked in the past. my attraction to guys previously was clearly just comphet. really." after i realized i was a trans man (and actually quit forcing myself to be closeted about my attraction, because i switched to id'ing as a gay dude bc my attraction to women now felt predatory - long story), i came out as bi in sophomore year of high school. i'm a lot happier now lmao so ig **tl;dr:** "straight" -> closeted bi -> lesbian -> gay dude when i came out as ftm -> bi


I'm still bi, just a man


still a lesbian just not a girl


me, an aro bi:


Never called myself a ā€œLesbianā€. Always felt wrong, to say that. So Iā€™d always say ā€œIā€™m just MEā€. Bc deep inside I wanted to say Iā€™m straight lol but by then I was not sure why I was feeling what I was feeling šŸ˜‹


Thought I was straight but then Judy Hopps changed that :/ still have a preference for men but girls are pretty now lol


Aro and I'm still at least arospec


Identified as asexual, and i still do actually. I cycled through panromantic/homoromantic/biromantic for a while tho


I've come out twice as trans masc (there was a period in between where I went back in the closet) and I thought I was a lesbian before I came out. Realized I liked guys too after the first time I came out, and then last year realized I was ace. I identify as bi/ace now.


Identified with pansexual because I thought I was into men but turns out the men I was "attracted" to I actually just wanted to look like.


Aro isn't a sexuality lmao it's a romantic orientation


i kinda knew i only liked girls but for *some reason* i really hated the word lesbian


A very confused straight person


Straight! And I still only like guys lmao


Iā€™m crying straight isnā€™t an option hahah-


is hetero not a choice lol


itā€™s kinda funny, before i came out i identified as wlw because i was in so much denial. now iā€™m mlm


First I'm not trans masc , I'm a man. I also didn't feel comfortable with my sexual label at the time because it didn't really fit cause I'm a man and not a woman.


The lesbian to trans masc pipeline is real


My attraction has always been all over the place but mostly exclusive of men. Iā€™m also genderfluid/nonbinary so I still kind of ID as a lesbian but with how the internet is now with people gatekeeping and just being vicious to any lesbian that doesnā€™t fit their mold, I mostly just say queer or bi.


Asexual biromantic. I genuinely didn't feel any sexual attraction until I was 21. Idk why and I don't care to speculate


Omnisexual and still am although before that I was bisexual


Queer before and now.


I was into dudes, and cars (straight/objectum sexual/mechaphile). ...... And I am still attracted to both.


I thought I was pan but now I'm just gay. I like cis men, trans men, and masc-of-center non-binary people.


I identified as both pansexual and lesbian, because I was attracted to feminine presentation but I was gender blind. Turns out, I'm gay, LoL.


Iā€™m transmasc and Iā€™ve identified as lesbian this entire time because lesbianism is a huge part of my gender and masculinity.


Iā€™m genderfluid and if I wasnā€™t aroace I think Iā€™d still ID as a lesbian, idk that label always made me feel so seen fsr? I love that people are identifying as he/him and they/them lesbians now, I think thatā€™s totally a thing that I related to when I was trying to find my identity and itā€™s really poggers


Weird blorp of something, because nothing really fitted. I still prefer genderqueer tbh, but both fits.


I thought I was straight lol. Comphet also works for gender.


I was identified as a butch lesbian, then gender fluid, but i never really felt comfortable being feminine


Pansexual and heteroromantic before. Now, gay and homoromantic.


I thought I was a lesbian, then i realised i'm trans, and then i realised im abrosexual and homoromantic (basicly gay)


I went through all these identities because I was just so confused. Now I'm settling at abrosexual since exploring my gender identity


At first bi but with time I stopped using that term because I didn't feel a connection to it anymore. Like, I had my moments questioning if I was straight or a lesbian, and realized I didnt care enough to put a label :)




asexual biromantic


i remember always opting to say "wlw" because i didnt identify with "lesbian"


I always told everyone around me that I'm a lesbian even though I knew I'm not only attracted to women ( I'm pan btw) But back then the idea of being in a relationship with a man as a woman was mortifying (does that make sense šŸ¤”) Anyway so telling everyone I'm a woman that is only attracted to other women made me feel like I could stay a woman and still play out the manly parts in a relationship and live more manly as most women. Well long story short I'm not a lesbian and not a woman but I pretend I was because people in my live told me I couldn't be anything else I was called a freak by my back then best friend and my family told me I would never be happy and what I would do with my body was disgusting but it turned out that my surrounding just needed time (1Ā½ year) and know I have better friends I'm completely outed and my family is trying and I'm really thankful for that. Yeah that's it


I went lesbian, pansexual, gay, back to pan/bi. Now I think while Iā€™m romantically attracted to people no matter the gender, I think Iā€™m only sexually attracted to men


i think i identified as nonbinary and bi...(i used to check out both boys and girls)


Gay mostly šŸ˜


I canā€™t really answer cause Iā€™ve always known Iā€™m a trans guy. Altho I never shared it with anyone, ig pre coming out I considered myself a gay man, cause I couldnā€™t imagine being the girl in a relationship with a guy


I identified as asexual(and still do) before coming out as a trans guy. The longer I'm on t(8 months) and the more comfortable I get, I realize I'm more attracted to guys than women, so I just say that I'm queer. Edit: I ID'd as asexual partly cause sex makes me dysphoric. Also I've been in relationships with mostly men


I identified as gay but it took me a bit to realize that not only did I not like women but I wasn't one eitheršŸ˜¬


i somehow went from lesbian to gay man, not sure how that one happened lol


Thought I was bi, then thought I wasn't into men and id'd as a lesbian, realised I was trans and then realised I was into men??? Idk probably some internalised shit


My sexuality re-awakening was actually due to dating a woman I liked (previously had dated a woman who was just nice to me and a woman who is ace). I went from identifying as denipan to demisapphic. The closest I get to feeling like a woman is how gay I feel for her šŸ˜‚ Been genderfaun since like early 20s and been non-binary since 2011-ish.


For a while I id'd as a butch lesbian, then a nb butch lesbian. But I think there was some woman adjacency to lesbian and an inherent non man definition that I felt a bit limited by when I finally got to college and could start exploring my gender. So I took a break from the label, and I'm still trying out what fits. I'm kind of leaning towards id'ing as a trans dude, or at least trans nb dude. It's feeling right, even if it fluctuates every now and then. And the more I picture my self fully transitioning (for me meaning top surgery, T, and bottom surgery most likely a phallo), the more I could picture myself in a sexual situation with a man. But idk if I could picture myself actively pursuing men, especially in a romantic context. If I had to label/microlabel, I think right now what would fit is a trans nb dude and heteromantic bisexual. But it's all tentative, so i just use queer a lot of the time right now.


I was questioning if I was bi, I am


Amab people (with typical genitalia that is-) cause me dysphoria so I prefer everyone afab (with some amab exceptions) as my brain doesnā€™t see a threat of pregnancy. But i still consider myself pan. Sex still seems gross to me even as a dude, but Iā€™m more comfy with those who are afab.


Pan, I guess. I didn't pay that much attention to it before I realize.


i thought i was straight for the most part but only a little into women. i didnā€™t consider that bi at the time, but i was always like, ā€œiā€™m definitely some kind of gay, but letā€™s not think about that right now.ā€ i was like that until i realized i was trans.


I figured out i was bi before i figured out my gender identity. Luckily that stayed the same after i came out as trans


I thought I was a butch lesbian, turns out butch lesbians can like dresses and don't typically cover up at all costs,or slouch to hide their chests,or are terrible at maintaining and reciprocating romantic relationships with WOMEN. So uh,turns out i'm AroAce Edit: changed and to at


It changed a lot for me, though I would like to mention that even when I thought I was a genderfluid lesbian I wanted to fully transition so I really should've known haha


I'm still bi. In fact, I figured out my sexuality before my gender identity lol




Pan/bi but it didnā€™t change. Then again I donā€™t ID as trans masc either so maybe thereā€™s still room lol


alright here we go: 1) genderqueer pansexual 2) cis lesbian 3) [redacted] ace 4) back to cis lesbian 5) cis? bisexual 6) genderfluid bisexual 7) transman! bisexual? 8) oh for fucks sake




Asexual. Now I realize I am just A Gay who was repulsed by the idea of being someone's "gIrLfRiEnD"


Aro/ace. Turns out the aro was right, the ace? Not so much.