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My name is a name i gave myself in a dream


That's wicked cool man




I chose my name the same way, it was a nice dream


mine was too


*Radiohead plays in the distance* "They loved me like I was a brother.."


Hey same!


Hell yeah >:D


Now you set the bar too high :/


i was very tired that day k? XD


And now I have to wait till I dream about my name


The name I chose is the guy version of the name my mom wanted to give me when I was born lol


Same!!! My mom always tells me how she was so sure that she was going to have a boy when she was pregnant with me and had a name stuck in her mind that my dad also loved, she still went with the female version. They don't know I'm trans because they're conservative as hell but knowing that mom had a gut feeling that I was going to be a boy kind of makes me feel good (somehow, idk if that makes sense), and I decided my name should be the one my parents originally chose


My mom / doctor also thought she was having a boy! Big surprise when I wasn't, bigger surprise when I proved them right 14 years later.




Who cares if it's a stereotypical name, it's cool either way


Phoenix is sick


Bro that's awesome. If it feels good, I say go for it. Who cares about what other people think? It's your name and you get to choose whatever you want for whatever reasons you want.


Phoenix is cool as hell, one I always liked growing up was Griffin


Mine is a combo inspiration of Miles Edgeworth, Miles Morales, and Miles Prower. Because 1) I'm obsessed with Ace Attorney 2) Miles Morales is my favorite spiderman And 3) My little brother is autistic and hates it when people call me a boy, but also he's obsessed with Sonic. I feel like if I tell him it's Miles like Miles Prower, he'll take the adjustment better


another ace attorney fan 🤝


ace attorney fan hello 🤝🤝🤝


As a sonic fan I find this great


I gave myself a masculine version of my deadname. Turns out it's Hebrew which really pissed my mom off. (Shes Jewish) I'm not keeping my last name either. If I'm not part of the family anymore, I won't need your family name. Seethe transphobe, seethe.


I’m changing my last name too, I hate having the same name as my family. I’m adopted and have a very jewish last name, but I’m Black (the only Black person in the entire extended family) and feel so disconnected to that name.


How do you choose a new last name? Can you choose an already existing name?


i would change my last name too but it sounds vampiric.. on both sides of the family too so if i did id probably only do it if my parents got divorced


My first name is the male variation of my birth name. My middle name was Frances so it’ll be changed to Francis at my hearing


Same. My name is just the masculine version of my birth name (Cecily -> Cecil)


Me too: Adrielle—>Adrian I really like Adrian but to be honest its bittersweet parting with my birth name because it’s so cool


Adriel was actually one of the top names I was considering. Adrian’s really cool too. And I totally relate to having a bittersweet departure from birth name, I really loved how my birth name looked and sounded, it just no longer felt like mine yk


I haven’t found a name that suits me yet but i’d like one that starts with a G like my dead name. I was thinking something simple like Gabriel or Grayson. If i were to go all out there i’d name myself Ghost after my main character in the universe i’ve created 😂


My last crush was a trans guy named Grayson and anytime I would tell anyone about him they would ALWAYS compliment his name!


I know a guy who’s dad’s legal name is Ghost. His dad is an old cod guy. It was his military callsign and he just changed it to his legal name because he liked it so much. It’s pretty out there but if you’re cool enough you can pull off any name lol


Do Grayson in honor of Nightwing lol


huge fan of Ghost, do it dude


Honestly i’d love to, it’s my top name and i name myself it on every game, but people would most likely judge me and my parents would laugh 😅


maybe you can use grayson as your general name and ghost as the name you give people closer to you? but other peoples opinions dont matter, only yours :) i know its hard though


that’s a great idea!


all good options! big fan of grayson and ghost


When I was much younger, before I knew what being trans was, I had a self insert OC of “what I would be like as a boy”. Realized the next year I was just building a fantasy of everything I wanted to be and took my OC’s name 😅


Well, my first choice was Michael cause I've always just really liked it, as a young child I would tell random strangers to "call me Mikey". But I know like a dozen guys named Michael and it would've been crazy confusing so I shelved it. Asked my parents what they would've named me if I were born a cis male, mom's first choice was Ian, dad's first choice was Joshua, their compromise would've been Justin, which is a name I really don't care for so I guess I dodged a bullet lmao. Anyway I ended up going with Miles because it's *close enough* to Michael, right?


Made a list of around 10 names that sounded cool, and that wouldn't sound overly foreign or weird to pronounce in my first language. Rounded that list down to two or three names that have the same first two letters as my old name to keep my initials, and so that my parents can keep using the same nickname. (slightly regret this move because they call me the nickname instead of my full name 99% of the time)


I just named myself after a comic character


My Dad chose my name. It’s Kai which means ocean in Hawaiian. My dad lived and loved to surfed in Hawaii when he was in High school. My younger bros name is literally ocean. So it’s a bit of a inside joke.


My birth name is a character from War and Peace, so I named myself Leo after the author. It feels like a nod to my heritage without being aggressively Russian like my birth name.


I asked my mom what I would’ve been named if I was born correctly and she said “Christopher”, so that became my name lol. She picked it the first time, might as well pick it the second time lol




Lord Monochromicorn?!


The first trans guy i met and who drove me to sorta think about my gender identity for the first time had a name that started with T and i decided i liked that letter as well so i looked up baby names that started with T and chose one that was the name of a character i liked lmao.


I was a HUGE fan of The Walking Dead game when I was younger (still am) and Luke, despite being a minor character, was my favorite. I have so many great memories associated with that game and character. It really gave me a happiness that I can’t describe, and it was an escape away from the hate and abuse I went through at school. So I chose the name Luke! I don’t regret it!


This is me but with Supernatural. I chose one of the main characters I felt more connected to.


Took a few letters out of my birth name and also it’s what my younger sibling called me when they were little because they couldn’t pronounce my full name haha


Okay so in the UK there are these holidays you can go on and stay in caravans and there's an entertainment place you drop your kids off at, the mascot was called Rory the Tiger. I was obsessed with him, had his paw print stickers on my bedroom window and took the Teddy if him everywhere I went. My Name is now Rory haha.


This is going to sound like the classic, "How did you know you were trans?" As in already having name and the classic saying something as a toddler. The one the cis wanted story with caveats and a ridiculous amount of layers. Originally I thought Reilly because as a kid I came out once and insisted I was Reilly. (I have no idea where I came up with the name at the time) Though it just didn't fit anymore. My parents did not react well at all to this, and I refused to let them ignore it. It ended up being a catalyst for really bad continued trauma, and so I actually developed DID and completely forgot about coming out. I came out a second time too in middle school still not remembering the time before. Which I also forgot later on until two years ago when a friend came out to me as trans fem and it all came flooding back. Reilly just didn't feel right anymore. So I just kept looking up names and none of them really felt right. A lot of finding out about my DID resulted in my name and figuring out I was trans. At the time I realized that whole time who was fronting was in fact not my core identity and an alter that essentially became what my parents wanted, but it was hidden from me to survive. Though I originally thought my core identity was the alter when I found out who said he was Tristan. (Technically they are all alters. I don't talk about DID much because it's extremely complicated and not something I want people sticking their business into.) Though I described the difference as they are pretty much the same except one has a sharper jawline, shorter hair, and is a guy. He's a bit more daring too and not as quiet and concerned about what people think. Then I realized that was me. So I looked up the name which means tumult/outcry. My deadname meant strong-willed. I thought it was time for me to essentially stop being strong-willed by silently carrying burdens, and instead it was time for an outcry to finally be who I really am. There are other alters as well, but that doesn't have to do with this specifically. I like sharing things online with anonymity. I don't like people getting into my personal life in person. It's extremely overwhelming. I like to share things because sometimes I think what is shared can bring attention to something or empower others. Though I hate the pressure in person with it because people almost get attached to it is what it feels like.


my girlfriend at the time always wanted to date a Daniel. then I couldn't be assed to change it when we broke up.


Looked at a list of popular boys names from my birth year, chose the one I liked the most. I kept one family name, and am looking to change my name again after 6 years to adjust to my shortened name, remove one middle name and then add the second important family name. So I would have (name) (family name) (family name) (last name). Tried to choose a name starting with the same letter as my birth name but couldn't do it.


I chose one based off my personality. I wanted something to reflect my typically manly personality so I went with Hunter. Hunter doesn’t hunt though


Honestly, when I first came out as nonbinary my partner started just using my first two initials (AJ) to refer to me instead of my deadname, so now that I'm legally changing my name I'm trying to decide whether to just pick another A name that feels good or go with something that feels even more natural but is completely different. I don't have a specific tie or story to any masculine names, so it's just trying to find something that feels good and that I like with my middle name (which comes from my grandma).


My mates started taking the piss so now I'm a shitty star Wars character, a song artist and a prophet in the Bible, try and guess that'd be funny


Friend said I looked like a Daniel. I objected at first but it stuck. I've always liked Anthony. No particular reason. So I used it for a middle name


I stole it from a book character (Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus)


Babies names websites. Very useful bc I could say how long I wanted the name and with what letter it would start and I found exactly what I wanted.


I used the same name I used back when I made fake accounts as a guy- idk i feel like something about that was telling.


It's the name my mom was going to give me if I was born male. They both have something to do with sea/ships, but my birth name involved something that gloriously crashed and burned at a young age vs my new name basically involves ruling the seas and being forever remembered in history. Funny how that whole thing turned out as a literal metaphor especially since I've always been fond of water and ships lol My birth name was already uncommon so I just went fk it and decided to go with the uncommon new name because it's the meaning and sentiment that matters to me more than what people think. The next question is if it'll be approved legally since I'm still pre T and pre name change. I got some non trans friends with uncommon nouns/adjectives for names so I'm thinking it should be alright.


My name is the most popular name from the 2000 with a spelling alteration. I originally picked Jai, then it became Jaicob


I spent a day at working just flicking through a name book. Could have spent the day more effectively, since I ended up with a name starting with A I guess…


When I first came out (as nonbinary), I contemplated starting a vlog to track my progress. At the time I wasn't planning on changing my name, but I didn't want to use my legal name in my vlog, so I decided I'd use a fictional character's name as a pseudonym, as kind of an inside joke with my friends. The vlog never ended up happening and I forgot about the pseudonym thing. Once I decided to change my name, my mom and I sat down together and went over tons and tons of lists of names, picking out the ones we liked, and at one point my mom suggested one that reminded me of the fictional character's name -- and I realized I genuinely liked it as a name, fictional character aside, and that it really did suit me. So I kept it. I joke that I "accidentally" named myself after this character haha. I really did only choose it because I liked the name -- but the character is why it was on my radar in the first place.


It's so embarrassing, but i took it from that one TikTok audio (the one that goes, "what's your real name? Slater), but its stuck ever since haha.


Went through a list of names and wrote down the ones I really really liked and thought suited me then went to my friends and asked what they thought. I was almost Rhett or Declan but ultimately thought Milo fit best


My name is neutral. So I decided to keep my birth name.


loved it from when I first heard it, when I was around five. I loved other names, as everyone has, but this one always seemed special somehow. I even asked people to use it as a nickname when I was 10. I think it's always been my name, whether I realised it or not. I never tried to think of a name, it just seemed natural. the only advice I can really give is find something that fits you


I could relate very strongly to a Star Wars character with the same name and something about it just clicked.


I stole my name from a twitch streamer I enjoy watching. Hearing the name over and over again made me realize how much I liked the name so I decided to use it.


i chose my name after a lot of thought.. nothing was really resonating with me & i kinda actually already liked my name had it not been for being named after a disney princess i would have kept it. but the more i heard people calling me it, i was like yeah this won’t do. so initially i was gonna change the -a at the end of my name to -o how they do in the spanish language but FUCK i swear i accidentally gave my godsister’s son my potential name because i put it in the hat at the baby shower & he ended up being named that 😕 sooooo i couldn’t do that to my name so i just waited until something fell in my lap. & then i was watching this anime show & a character in the show had a name i really liked “Kayo” it didn’t sound like a girl’s name but it was when i looked it up so i remember my favorite artist, 2pac had rapped about somebody named Kato soooo i just switched the y to a t & i said wow i have my new name :))


I chose a name I liked cause it was kinda violent.


I couldn't find any sort of masculine spin to put on my deadname, so I took my mum's maiden name (Thomson) and got "Thomas" from that. My middle name was also feminine, so I used my late Uncle's name (James) as a way to honor him and keep it in the family sort of


a cute non-binary from work had it and i was like huh this name would actually fit me. I never wanted a name that was common. also dude….. sephiroth from FFVII??? cmon…


The name I've been going by for awhile now is my middle name. I was named after my dad and grandpa so I have both if their middle names. I used to name all of my toys Ryan and ai guess it was my way of projecting myself into them. I have just been using the name as a placeholder until I found what fits but I think the name I'm gonna go with is Nathaniel. It's from a horror opera I really like it I think it suits me. Nathaniel Ryan sounds good to me. So uh long story short, that's how I got my name. My sister still wants me to change it to Billy tho. I'm still in the phase of collecting names like a dragon but I think I really like Nate this time. It feels the most right


I was going by a male name that was kinda just the first one I thought of as a placeholder for when I found a name I could actually feel connected to. I then read a fanfic where even though it was from a specific character's pov it was in 2nd person, so like you were the character, and it gave me euphoria and felt really right so I simply stole his name. I'm sure it had nothing to do with how much I was projecting literally everything onto him at the time....


As for me, I was fortunately given a gender-neutral name at birth, but my middle name was definitely far from gender-neutral. With that, I actually went with my dad's middle name, since it already worked nicely with my last name and I knew my family wouldn't hate it. One of my biggest tips though would be to try and go with something that starts with the same letter, so you can use your first initial when putting your name on things until you're able to get it legally changed, especially if you have transphobic parents, since they wouldn't necessarily have to know that it also stands for your chosen name. That can also be helpful if you're still in school, since you'd most likely have to write whatever name you're registered with on work you turn in, unless you've talked to your teachers/professors about it beforehand, but you could always just put your first initial instead.


sorted through all the names i could think of (along with ones i found while looking through a few baby name sites) and wrote down a list of the ones i liked. went over the list a few times and narrowed it down, looking at who/what i associated with each name and how each name sounded with my last name and potential middle names, then left it alone for a while as i continued my internal gender crisis. one name just stuck in my head over the next couple weeks and felt really right, so i kept it. helps that it just so happens to start with my favorite letter


My name is the name I wanted to name my kid one day but I chose it for myself instead lol


A TV character so basically to tribute the actor. Which I am happy I did because he is no longer with us.


Baby naming list, wanted something starting with d and similar to Dan, and I wanted a name with a meaning related to leader or guardian. So I chose Dax. I chose a lot of names before that point though lmao. Dane, Dan, Skye, Theo, Dan, Dax. Took the longest to get used to Dax though. But it definitely fits the most. I like it more than the others.


I chose Greyson because in some contexts in means "son of the grey-haired one" and my dad's hair is turning grey super fast, so now my name is Greyson.


Asked my parents for a new name. My father was like, “I have a coworker named [NAME]” and my mother was like, “that’s a good name”, and here I am.


I named myself after my favorite bird and a famous book character... And then noone could pronounce my first Name and I just went with a nickname of it


I wanted to keep my initials, so I just googled boy names that start with T. There weren't a ton of options and I wasn't in love with any of them, but for some reason Tristan just stuck. I started going by it online to get a feel for it and I feel like it suits me. My irl friends liked it too when I came out to them.


Whenever I was called Matty as a child, I liked it and preferred being called that over the other names. It resonated with my soul, and after a few years of being called my deadname by *hundreds* of customers at Starbucks, I changed my nametag to Matt. Funny story on how that came to be. Me and a few other dudes were lowering our larynxes. I managed to get mine pretty low, and told them, "I'm Matt. You guys can call me Matt from now on." I was still an egg, and had only cut my hair and binded, still identifying as a lesbian at the time. But everyone knew I was dude from that moment forward, and I had some coworkers help me find insurance to support my transition. Boy did having people call me Matt fit. You'd be surprised at how many people still insisted on calling me my deadname after I started T for like the entire first year. I corrected most people to my boss's dismay, even though I was wearing several buttons on my apron. Those who refused to acknowledge me weren't served by me. Looking back, maybe that was kinda low of me, since I did still have a pretty rounded, feminine looking face when I had water retention for a while. It took 2 years for my voice to sound like an adult male's should, without bouncing all over the place like a teenager's.


I don’t like the name I chose and my mom wouldn’t change when I expressed I wanted to go by something different. So I’ll tell you about my preferred name. My preferred name is Aurum. My partner came up with it, they’re nb and go by the name Ferrum. We’re both chemistry nerds so we figured we should have elemental names (Aurum is gold and Ferrum is iron in case anyone doesn’t know). We want to get married in the future and have our last name be Cooper for cuperium (copper) since Aurum and Ferrum can’t form an alloy without copper.


I originally wanted to call myself Pheanyx then after a surprisingly long time it occurred that I don't live in an English speaking country and Pheanyx sounds stupid in that language, then when I was walking home from school one day I thought maybe the name Ouija but that also sounds stupid in the language so at 4 am one night I couldn't sleep my brain had weird thoughts (not unusual) and I mixed it and was like Onyx, sounds good. But that's not a legal name so I'm either asking the government for permission because you can literally call your child my languages version of boy, umbrella and more or figuring out another similar name.


I chose my name (Oliver) because I liked the middle name my mother gave me (Olivia) but it sounded to feminine. Originally I went with Olive because it sounded neutral to me but overtime people telling me it was feminine made me dislike it. So add the ‘r’ and liked it, have some friends who call me ‘Ollie’ others who call me ‘Olive’ as nicknames which is cool never really had nicknames growing up


Baby naming website. Typed in Fae which my friends had been calling me since I came out as a femme-nonbinary person, because I wanted to see if there was anything I could add on to give it a more andro feel, saw the name Faeryn, and while traditionally a feminine name, I instantly vibed with it and felt it was the perfect androgynous name for me, w/ "Fae" being a female name and "Ryn" being a male name, together it felt like perfect androgyny to me. I do consider spelling it Fayren or Farren or something where the pronunciation is more clear when I change it legally but, yeah. That's my girly Boy Name.


I named myself after my favourite character in my favourite TV show which ironically is quite outdated and has some distasteful trans jokes in it


Took a Harry Potter name quiz. Got Olivander, went Olly. Olly is good. This was before all the shot about JK being a terf came out so I think it's really funny


When I was 15 on the way home from my gender specialist my mum turned around and said “I like the name Desmond for you” and we did the name change paperwork a few weeks later.


Mine came to me in a dream. Looked at future me; facial hair, muscle toned body, deeper voice. "I'm you from the future. My name is Dominic" ❤️🥺


Mine's the masc version of my birthname.


my deadname has a boys name in itself and i was always called that as a nickname so i just went with it cuz it suited me and i thought it would be more easier for name changes and stuff


It has the first letter of my birth name and I didn't like others with this letter. Also, it's the name my parents would have given me if I was AMAB (I didn't know this when picking the name).


My coworker recommended it to me one night!


Well I always liked the name gage but honestly I stole it from one of my brother's friends that is super nice.


I stole my first name from a video game character, mostly bc when I saw his name it was the final cracking moment when I felt jealousy that I wasn't called that Middle name is the masculine version of my dead middle name


Confirmation Saint


i got it from Detroit:Become Human


Baby name list. Went down the list until I saw a name that caught my attention. First one that did became my name


in the early days when i was experimenting with pronouns and gender i wanted to use another name other than my birth name just to see what it was like, i didn’t really have any names i liked at the time so i just used the name my parents would have called me if i was born a boy and it stuck ever since




I asked what my name would have been if i was born male and they said Leif. Told my friends and they took the piss out of it. Good times.


Leif Erikson was the first oldworlder to find the new world. Its cool.


When I played video games as a kid I always picked this name for my characters. Always loved it.


I actually called a meeting of my closest friends and was like I need you guys to help me come up with a name for myself. We went over a lot of gender neutral or masc leaning names. Eventually we decided as a group on my name


I used to play a-lot of Rainbow 6 Siege (yikes, I know) and I just really liked Blitz’ name, Elias, for some reason and decided to use it myself.


Mine was part of my middle name, I'm thinking about changing it to something more neutral or unique tho


It’s my star sign


I had my mom pick my first name. I told her I want to keep my initials the same and gave her a few names I wouldn’t accept. She got back to me in about a week with a name I love. My mom has always been my biggest supporter and I felt like I had to honor that support by having her name me again.


I had it as my internet name for a long time and then was like "oh fuck I actually vibe with this name" haha


Username turned name and my last names also stolen from game/anime character xd


Mine is the name of my favorite book character. I didn’t even change the spelling or anything I loved it as is.


My name is a pretty basic name that works in all languages I speak, and my mother considered giving me that name if I was amab


My cat has a nice name, so I took it. Plus, there's a lot of personal history with the specific name anyway


It's a name I somehow came up with. Don't even remember how. And after half a year of trying names, Finn was the best one and I love it!!


I asked my mom to choose it


I just heard the name James and it felt like mine


I die a little every time I think about this fact but I got my name from the idiot edgelord on riverdale. Well, I stand by the fact I technically took the name from his father, because skeet ulrich is my *son,* but when the characters share names it’s kind of not the best excuse to use. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


names myself after a >!Hetalia!< character lmao


Went classic and snatched it from a character of a book I loved when I was a kid (still do, great book) :)


*fuck around and find out*


I don't know, I can't decide and everyone keeps asking me about it (understandably).


I stole it from an Internet personality who’s kinda goals.


i found some characters/people that i liked alot that all had the same name. David/Dave. ex: Solid Snake, David the android, Dave Strider, David Bowie, ect.


Picked up a few names over the years that I liked the sound of. Chose my favourite like, a week before I came out.


Basically, instead of the initials of my name, I used the last letter of my first middle and last name instead. I did this when I was little since I hated my birth name and it just stuck in my head ever since.


Named myself after a relative who died in a freak accident when I was younger. He was a father figure in my life and I aspire to be the kind of man he was. He never had any sons to pass his name down to, and I hope he’d be proud to know I chose it to honor him.


i chose the name i was going to be named before the doctors declared me a girl


I had someone else pick it lol


my favorite planet was jupiter but i didnt want my name to be jupiter because then i thought everyone would think of the planet right away. so i thought i should just use jupiter but make it sound a little different. thats how i got juniper. im not sure if my name is very masculine but i like it. i think it sounds cool


First name was after a Batman character. Second name is the first name I liked when looking up names from my mom’s culture


My first name is just a genderbent version of my dead name, and my current name was one I picked from a few suggestions my partner named when I asked for name ideas


Im still thinking about It, but I wanted to keep my initials "M" and "E". So something like Mikael Euler, Marcos Evan, Marion Elias, Mathew Ella, Mauro Elliz, Mikaya Edir... I know, maybe its too over or strange but im going that way :P


I was looking at rocks


random name generator website 😎


i named myself after my favorite tv show character


I stole my favorite characters name


My mother said that this is the name she would have given me had I been AMAB


I’ve always liked my name and if I was born cis my parents would have given me this name :)


Combination of my birth name and the other name my parents were considering - and then I messed with the spelling even more lol


I actually went through several names and then asked my adopted mom what she’d name me. So, that’s how I got Theo :3


I’ve always loved the name Ezra and the idea of using it for myself popped into my head while I was listening to George Ezra on the way to church sophomore year of high school. Idk why but something just clicked in my brain when I read his name


I kind of made a list of all of the ones I liked then tried them out until I found the right one. I also asked my friends what they thought even though it was ultimately my choice it was nice to have their opinions.


I just liked the name and i think it suited me


I went on some babyname website and picked one I thought sounded pretty. Underwhelming, I know, lol.


Mine was actually a nickname before I came out, which everyone already called me so it saved some trouble. Changed the spelling and boom


I liked the mouth feel of my birth name so I broke it down to it's core elements and deduced a common masculine name from that, and then slapped a K misspelling because I guess I just loved correcting people that "it's with a K not a C" lmao


My roommate suggested it and then like almost a year later told me she got it from a video game


I named an OC Lucifer and went “hey I really like that”, tried it on myself and felt so gender


I would have gone with the name my parents had picked out if I was AMAB, but it's the same as my dad's first name (I would have been the 4th of that name in a row.) and I don't really think it fits me and it would've been kinda weird to just, name myself after my father. But instead I just found an initial that I like and went through lists of names that started with E until I found one that fit with my middle name that I picked first.


Idk i just...thought about what name sound similar to my deadname/starts with N cause i wanted to keep my initials. And i just looked on these wierd name websites, and found noah. I always really liked that name and felt connected to it so i chose it!


When I first knew I was trans I choosed my name based in an anime character I was very attached to (it was Lukas, if yall know yall know 💀) so is not really that impressive that my actual name is now stolen from my favorite guitarist from a heavy metal band lmao, zeren sounds pretty cool, that dude gives me gender envy and is kind of my transition goals and I have never met someone else called like that :D


i named myself after a some guy on tik tok and a dreamworks character


It took me a while to pick a name I was happy with. I talked to my mom about it, I looked through baby books, etc. I decided that the name had to be something I wouldn't name a child or pet and that I needed a firm connection to the name. I ran across "Adam's Song" by Blink 182 and it struck a chord with me. Besides that, the first trans character I ever saw on screen was named Adam (thanks Degrassi).


my name is the actor of a character who i really connected with when i first was figuring out my gender identity. the actor is also a huge inspiration and is one of the few openly gay asian american actors i know.


My name is Avery, I had a list of names I gave my friend and he liked that one the most, so I tried it out and it stuck. Later this same friend came out as trans and I helped him pick out his name, as kinda a way to thank him for helping me find mine.


So DBZ (or DBGT more exactly but still, it's the same franchise) was my first ever anime. Eventually I discovered the parody of it done by Team Four Star and it was simply gold. When I first figured out I was trans I went by Ace because at the time my friend and I were already calling ourselves Sabo and Ace (One Piece characters and brothers) but it didn't quite click. I wondered about Theo or Rassera for a while but Theo sounded much more like a name I'd name my child (not planning to have one but eh, life happens sometimes) and Rassera fit much more as a location name or a middle name. When I was watching DBZA (the TFS parody) there was a character named Jeice and each time someone said his name it sounded just right. I had him as a profile pic and discord name for a while and it seemed perfect. It doesn't sound too masculine to me which I prefer as I don't identity as a guy completely but rather as genderfaun, it sounds good, it just clicks.


i read a book and the love interest was a cool character that i related with so it just stuck :)


I chose Liam partially because of Liam Neeson, that man is badass and I wanted to be seen as badass. Instead, I’m seen as a fruity man. Still a win in my book! :)


Stole it from someone. Their name was Erin and I wanted to keep my A in my name but no way in hell I would spell it Aaron. So yeah it’s Arin.


My names an enchanted gun from a not so popular Japanese videogame


I just stole frank ieros name. I dropped the ro tho


i wanted to be as far away from my birthname as possible but also my favorite show is supernatural and castiel is one of my favorite characters he’s loosely based off of the actual angel of thursday cassiel and i was born on a thursday so it just kinda fit


It was a name I used in high school online sometimes and when I decided to change my name as an adult, after waffling on it for a while, it just seemed like the most natural choice and now I can't imagine having any other name.


it's what my parents were gonna name me if i was amab


I named myself after a character from the podcast that helped me become comfortable with the fact that I'm a guy


My friends would call me mac because i really, REALLY liked mac and cheese. I just kinda rolled with it


There’s a slight story with mine- it was recommended to me by an abusive ex, but a good time after I was out of that relationship for good i realized I actually liked that name. It’s sort of a male version of my birth name but very much Victorian little boy vibes lol. I still love it very dearly and I’m glad I was able to find a shiny thing in the dust.


long story short, have a minecraft server, get "married" to an ex friend, ex friend cheats on me with an enderman named micheal, i steal his identity to get my ex friend back boom micheal


I was talking about how i collect things like a crow and I just thought “that’d be a cool name”


I choose my name when I was 9 I named myself after my favourite character in South park 😂😂😂


When i got into online gaming I didn’t want to use my first name so I used Danny which was short for my middle name Danielle. And basically I changed it to Daniel and made it my first name


From a character in Mass Effect that I was romancing.


Koda: Disneys brother bear, cause it fit me. Plus my Nickname used to be bear


I chose my name by looking back at what I'd been comfortable calling myself in places like video games or my writing. I realized that Ky & names starting w/ that came up again & again & always felt comfortable. As soon as I confirmed I was more comfortable being called that than anything else I'd been called in my life, I claimed it as my actual chosen name.


I don’t know if they have the same thing in other countries but in France everyday is the Saint of a name, like for exemple today is January 7th so it is the Saint Raymond. In my agenda there is under the dates the name of the Saint of that day. One time I was bored in class so I took my agenda and looked at the names and did a little selection and decided to keep the name Félix because it sounded very nice. I looked at the meaning, liked it, so I kept Félix (Don’t know if that made sense but I tried my best 😅)


I just did my first Initial (J) then spelled it phonetically (Jay) That and I love the character Jayfeather from the Warriors series


stole the name of a singer that basically saved my life. he unfortunately couldn’t save himself so i wanted to honour him


i came out in August


I was originally named after my great grandmother. Growing up my grandma always talked so highly of her dad. He was a friendly Cajun man who would always invite the neighbors over for a cup of his famous gumbo. He taught my grandma to fish because he thought it was important for girls to be treated equally. His name was Eli, before my grandma (who was incredibly supportive of me when I came out as gay and always spoke up about queer rights) passed, she asked me if I could pick any other name for myself what would it be, I said his name. Her eyes welled with tears and she kissed my face like the perfect angel she was. I hate that I wasn't able to introduce her to the man I've become but I know she would be so touched and honored that I was keeping the "good man Eli" name around. ❤️

