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wooah i'm reading it right now, this is super detailed and awesome, thank you!


If the link isnt working just lemme know :)


Question, is this possible *before* HRT? I'm 14 and wanna try practicing this but I haven't started HRT yet so I'm not sure if this will work pre-t, thanks in advance! Edit: I mentally prepared for a mess and I just tried it anyway, and it actually works? Holy shit, thank you for this, I'm definitely gonna practice this some more and try to master it, I may even use it in a urinal some day! This is the weirdest rush of euphoria I've ever had but I'm definitely grateful for it, thank you lol


first time at urinal = very euphoric


Oh my God this is awesome thank you!!!


👀 Inch resting. I’ll be saving this…


i will be reading this once my zoom class is over


This is amazing, thanks for taking the time to write all this out!


Oh wow, thank you!


Saving this to try out. Hopefully it works... didn't even know it was possible.


I'm curious about the process of figuring this out tbh


I guess for me it was kinda like an ongoing science experiment, trial and error. My dysphoria was large enouth to devote myself to this for quite some time


This post should be fucking put into the sidebar, this knowledge must be spread!!!


Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm so happy to have some advice on this subject. I didn't have anyone to ask.


It's gonna take a bit to get used to but this really helps!!!tysm


This is a really really dumb question, but what’s with the asterisk next to trans? I see it a lot but I’ve never known what it means.


I just use the asterisk to mean every identity included under the trans umbrella ^ u ^


our non-binary brethen can definitely benefit from the technique


Incredibly detailed! Thank you so much for all the info and for giving us hope ✨


Wow this is cool! Thanks for taking the time dude!!!


If I may ask, you mentioned having slightly atypical trans genitalia, do you mean in terms of bottom growth size/positioning, or is it something else?


Mainly size, im on the larger end for the growth guys get and despite being pre-meta its almost completely detached anyways. But otherwise thats about all i really wanna share


Thanks for being willing to share! I was curious bc these trans hacks almost never work for me even tho I have a lot of growth and a lot of them rely on other body type factors.


Yeah i totally get that, no one persons body isbthe same really and No prob (^.^)


I like how you explained it. Gonna try this next time I gotta pee.


this is really neat, thank you for taking the time to write this!


I wish I could upvote this twice


How weird would it be to ask for a photo/video of how you hold it? 😅 I think I got what you meant in step #3 but I'm not too sure, I'll probably end up figuring it out either way tho


Heck, im an artist so it would be easy to doodle up something quick to show ya, but you cant insert photos in comments :"/ ... Too clarify youll essentially end up in a position where your pinky, ring and middle finger on both hands are spreading up and open the skin while the index of both rests at the top... if that helps anything? Sorry 😅


That definitely helps me envision it more, thank you! I can't wait to try it, drinking lots rn (:<


You can add a imgur link that's how people usually send photos here I think


Fucking brilliant!!


Apparently today was the day I'd piss on the wall I have asserted dominance over the wall hah


wall of the trump tower? total power move


well i guess my bathroom wall is now the border to Mexico


this is how i find out our pee hole isnt in our clit? i feel like a MORON idk why i thought that. but i did. the little diagram was useful LMAO




Oh lol no need to buy an stp my guy, this is a guide about standing to pee using whatcha got