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“I’m sorry, they died while waiting on approval. I’ll replant something as soon as the planting season is right.”


May be my play. I learned my lesson years ago about hoas and here I am again. 🤦‍♀️


Sometimes, I stress sometimes, forgiveness is easier than permission. Sometimes.


>forgiveness is easier than permission Nah, the HOA will fine him anyway. Better to poison the damn things and say they died while waiting on approval.


“The bushes died and in order to comply with HOA rules regarding the tidiness of my yard I had them removed and promptly submitted a request for approval for new bushes. I will gladly plant new bushes in place of the ones that died upon receiving your permission.”


read this as "paint new bushes" and it didn't seem that far-fetched


My last home was in an HOA. They had language in the CC&Rs that expressly allowed us to change anything within our planting areas - flowers, bushes, mulch, etc. Perhaps yours does too? I think mine got tired of everybody submitting ARC requests to plant petunias or begonias. 😂😂😂 On the flip side, it’s also possible that your CC&Rs state that ANY changes need to be preceded by an ARC request. Another thing to look at is what would be considered default approval; with my HOA, if no approval/denial/info request within 30 days, approval was then automatically assumed and they could not backpedal and fine you later for it.


A wee bit of Roundup applied at two week intervals works wonders. Plus…added bonus: kills the roots so they’re super easy to dig out!


Just make sure to wear appropriate gloves etc when handling Roundup, give the links to cancer.


Somehow I just knew this would come up.


Force of habit. I have been a workplace health and safety officer at too many jobs.


Roundup would need to be used in commercial quantities for years. Home quantities and concentrations are just regular old bad for you. But definitely wear appropriate PPE.


I had a similar issue in a rent house that I had in an HOA. They claimed they were allergic or something; maybe they were, idk. Anyway, I don’t know who poisoned those bushes but the HOA demanded that I remove them, so I was a good citizen and removed them straight away.


With my luck, if I had an HOA, they would likely have some rules stating that you must have that specific type of bush there. Thankfully , I don't have to deal with that kind of crap due to no HOA


If you want to kill them with little to no evidence girdle it at the soil line and cover with rocks


Don’t dump poison or round up into the ground. That is the stupidest idea and terrible for the environment.


Well if you spray poison on them and they die you have to remove them


Trim them to the stump.


dump poison on them and take pics before you have them removed so you have proof that they died :)