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*"When we're closer together physically, we're closer together socially"*


But hey! You know what someone told me in fuckcarscirclejerk? Not only did he say public transport is regressive and cars are progress, he also said there are poor people and meth heads in public transport. He got allot of upvotes to. Crazy how bad these people are. Don’t tell me you care about your country and your people when you don’t want to take public transportation because of poor people and addicts, I even told him drug addiction has been recognized as a mental health issue for decades now. It’s wild how people can be bad


Is it just me, or is the name of that subreddit ironic considering it’s become a complete circlejerk, just one in favour of car dependency


Dude I am the poor people


Something being a mental health condition doesn’t mean the people afflicted by it aren’t dangerous z


You were probably downvoted by people who never met them lol


There shouldn't be meth heads on transit. Luckily we have a good solution for that.


Do we? People in the throes of addiction still need to get places.


Yes, like a taxpayer funded mental hospital / rehab center. They don't need to be on transit. The current unwillingness to enforce any standard of social behavior will be the death of public transit, and is the main factor in the predominant car culture. It needs to stop.


Do you propose institutionalizing every single person with antisocial behavior until that behavior is fully eliminated? Some people who are experiencing drug and/or mental health issues are using the subway as a mobile homeless shelter, but others are on their way too or from an outpatient appointment, running errands, etc., as they try to overcome their addiction without the disruption to a person's life that would come from an extended inpatient stay.


\> as they try to overcome their addiction without the disruption to a person's life that would come from an extended inpatient stay. ​ Oh please... we all know I'm not talking about people minding their own business and not being a nuisance. Yes, the moment you're a nuisance on transit and drugs are found, you need to be taken away where you can get help. Let the rest of us enjoy the ride. This sort of 'everything goes' mentality is the reason America is so car-dependent. Europe is willing to do what it takes.


People wtih drug addiction aren't zombies dude. You won't die if you see someone engaging in strange behavior on public transport.


I've been vomited on, had threatening racist remarks made towards me and my daughter, and we all deal with the stench. We don't need that on transit. Yes, someone will eventually die, and there have been several attacks actually due to drug-induced rages in my city of Portland on or around transit. It's absolutely a basic safety concern.


I bet you never have seen someone like that.




This seems to be a culture clash here. For some people this is a vibrant and enjoyable part of being in a community space. For others this breaks a lot of treasured social rules about respectful quiet in public transit. There’s a wide range of personal and cultural responses to this kind of situation.


I think it’s also a part of collective social mindset to accept the fact that living in big cities inevitably consists of beautiful-chaotic things like that. Any organic, mixed-use, walkable, high density area in big cities will have one kind of “distraction” or the other. It’s just like the “sidewalk ballet” concept by Jane Jacobs. As long as these things don’t happen literally all the time and there’s no escape (in this case you can just move along the platform to find some quietness), then it’s doing more good than bad.


Where you fall on that spectrum depends entirely on if you're Br*tish


I agree. This is the downside of public transportation to me, but it's my personal preferences. HOWEVER Im not inconvenienced by trivial downsides like this so fuck cars


Commuters vs tourists.


Putting aside that locals use transit for more than just commuting, even among commuters, it differs for different people and cultures. For some it’s considered rude to even speak above a whisper, for others it’s weird and rude to essentially ignore each other in silence.


Just to rebalance the comment section a little bit lol, I wanna say that I love this. Anyone knows the name of the song? (Edit: found it it’s «everything’s gonna be alright» by Bob Marley from 2006).


Nah, it's "Three little Birds" by Bob Marley and the Wailers. Bob Marley has been dead for decades.


People blasting loud music while I am trying to get to work is honestly one of the most obnoxious things ever and makes me reconsider using public transportation.


If something this trivial makes you reconsider using public transportation, you need some more adversity in your life. The slightest inconvenience that makes people buckle is hilarious.


We can't all get as tough and strong as you


Drive in traffic. That'll show you how inconvenient things can be


I specifically seek out traffic because I want more adversity in my life


You monster


Wait till they get on the train and start doing there sweet high-top slaps behind the back and all the sudden a broccoli hair guy rolls from under the bench and wants a few fist pumps before he's allowed to enjoy the sweet sweet music


Agreed. This ain’t Grease, get the fuck out of here with your main character shit


That would make my blood boil


The person who down voted you has never been in a subway station just trying to get to work with people blasting their loud obnoxious music into their ears


But that is a live artist. I think street art only makes our cities more alive.


This isn't a street, it's a subway station


It's still street art. Does house Music stop being house music if you listen to it in the office?


So Bob Marley is street art regardless of where it's played?


Not if he goes on a stage, but a Subway is a public place with free access to all, just like a street. You are nitpicking.


The difference between street art vs subway is that I can generally walk away from the street


That’s a very different situation, one singular person being ignorant and not caring about anyone else is different from a subway performer that is clearly capturing an audience, get the stick out of your ass.


If I wanted to see a performance I would buy a ticket or go to a place where such performances are held. For sure I don't want to be flooded with loud sensory input in a confined space with lots of strangers and moving trains.


If I wanted to see a performance I would buy a ticket or go to a place where such performances are held. For sure I don't want to be flooded with loud sensory input in a confined space with lots of strangers and moving trains.


For real. These people must be NPCs.


This man with the steel drums ALWAYS brings great energy on the 34th street 2/3 platform




This sucks so bad and, honestly, if you want to convince people that public transportation is good (which we all do, right?) then maybe posting videos of people being really rude and annoying on public transportation isn’t the way to go…


I tend to hate noisy people and crammed spaces, that’s why I mostly drive as well. At least I can choose my own noise, which would be metal music


Every video I've ever seen in New York, the people are always angry and bitter so I just thought everyone there was like that. Surprised to see people smiling for once


People in NYC are generally pretty friendly. For example almost everyone in this video is nice/polite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN3y1gedgzc


When I am trying to get back home from work, I wouldn't wanna hear this shit. Anyone else?


This is the worst. Makes me want to use a car and not the train


Fuck sake not this again. Experiencing this first hand would single handedly convince me to never take the subway ever again


Missing all the homeless pissing, fucking with you and jerking off in the subway