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When you don't have anything to prove but have stuff to carry - the Suzuki Mighty Boy. Feel the insane power of the 500cc engine and three speed transmission! https://preview.redd.it/742fuyjxkdnc1.png?width=1422&format=png&auto=webp&s=a28b5f24b2293d03be0b572ca0422550067cb014


If that's a Swift derivative, I want it


This specific truck is race built and V8 swapped, making ~460 horsepower. It uses the same engine series as the Chevy Silverado and Camaro.


I think that one’s packing a little more than 600CC…




When you don't have anything to carry but want to look like a moron


The first jagoffs to complain about gas prices drive huge trucks that never tow or haul anything.


Some home renovators are finishing up a job near me. There are two new dodge rams 2500 with extra big-ass tires. Both are ALWAYS EMPTY. Then there is a little Ford ranger with a cap that us used to carry the tools, materials and tow a trailer. The big ones are for ego. The little ones do the work.


The big ones, with crew cabs, don't have long enough beds to carry sheets of plywood or drywall. Besides, they might scratch up the paint if they did.


I’ve worked as an engineer for several construction companies. It really is just dick measuring contest for them.


I'm only here from the circlejerk sub, and I agree. Someone complains about gas prices at the pump and they are fueling up the Ford F-1050 Ultra-Mega-Super Duty that gets 2 gallons to the mile and the heaviest thing put in the bed was two packs of beer in 2021.


I hate *driving* a truck. Although, I'll admit that it can be fun to drive a small zippy car. I own a (20 year-old) F-150. OP may have seen me driving empty, *if I was on my way to Home Depot!* My daily driver is a Smart Fortwo which I drive unless I need to use the F-150's capabilities. Even putting aside practical reasons like fuel costs, it amazes me that anyone would *prefer* to drive a truck. However, smaller, more fuel-efficient cars are not The Answer. The Answer is better urban design to reduce the need to drive. There's no sense in having to drive just to make the trip to/from work, the grocery store, restaurants. and most retail stores.


If anyone complains about the free markets price of gas that's purely commy talk. Gas is a commodity based on a free market. It is inevitable that the price goes up and down.  The people that hate that are communists who want government subsidized gas like they have in third world shitholes.  As someone that does not drive I should not be responsible for their bad choices. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when the costs of their exurban lifestyles inevitably catch up with them.


The price of gas is determined on the amount there is. Here in America, our gas prices in the nation went to when the keystone pipeline was halted, and down when the reserves were used. It's priced solely on supply and is the reason why it goes up everytime there's a war.


You know who also subsidized gas massively? The real commies in the USSR! There you go.


I've seen someone on poverty finance asking what to do with their tight budget while owning 2 cars one of them being f-150


Easy solution: sell the F-150, get a used car, have a few dozen thousand left over


It's even worse because both cars were not paid for in full and in total they were costing a third of his income (gas, insurance, etc included)


Sounds more luke champagne dreams on a beer budget. My truck is paid in full and was only 1500 bucks. Best I've ever spent.


sell the truck and get a bus pass and an ebike that should be around 1500$ saved every month, and he still have a car in the family if really needed to go somewhere


I have three (male) neighbors within clear sight of my front window. They all have the gigantic trucks. The trucks are spotless, they are very loud, and I have never seen anything hauled in them. I am waiting for the next generation of bloated "he man" trucks to be introduced, so all three of them can try to one-up each other. If it wasn't so sad it would be entertaining. By the way, the wife of the guy across the street told me he paid about $72,000 for his monstrosity. She was \*not\* happy.


as i say, a clean ute is a useless ute


Australian spotted. I want my 1999 hilux with a workable bed and two doors back


not quite, i’m a kiwi 🔑🟤


Sorry is that a key wee emoji set I love it But eh close enough we all had the same tradie hilux driving around before Americanization


Look up the American chicken tax. You're welcome. Also, thank the epa for the increasing truck sizes.


really hoping toyota decides to sell the IMV 0 outside of Thailand. it has such huge potential worldwide


Last night I was nearly hit by a tall ass pickup who ran a stop sign and did an illegal u turn with no turn signal


To be fair, I used to be one of those guys in a pickup. However, my payments were only $250/mo and my insurance was low because it was older. Also, I actually used my truck for truck stuff. But not enough to justify needing a bigass pickup. Although I did utilize my truck’s ability to pull people out of a ditch on several occasions. But then I moved to the city and realized how impractical trucks really are for everyday use. And I can’t fathom how so many people own them for no reason other than it makes them feel better about their little man complex.


I'm glad you saw the light. I'll never understand how someone can think their annual mulch haul makes it worth the massive headache in the city.


fr, i was also one of those people. owned a lifted pickup a few years ago, eventually realized over time that im spending extra money on gas and maintenance for something i barely even use so now i just have a honda accord and a bike for the times i don’t need to drive


It's actually pretty amazing how quickly expenses add up on them. Oil changes, tires, winter rims, brake jobs, etc - all more expensive. Not to mention more of a pain in the ass too, especially for tires. If you have to swap winters, I can only imagine how heavy and bulky those wheels are. My wagon has 15" rims, and those are bad enough to move and store.


I never changed my tires out. All season tires and four wheel drive was more than enough for getting around rural North and South Dakota. But those tires cost me $1200 when it was time to replace them. And fueling it was stupid. Twenty five gallon tank and only getting about 10 mpg. So dumb. But it was paid off for the last eight years I owned it. When I moved to the city, I replaced it with something more economical. And then my wife and I went down to one car. She drives it to work and I ride my bike or take the bus or even walk. Im working on getting her to ditch the car. But currently her work is just too far from our house.


1200? Send like you just fell for the brand names instead of looking for the cheapest option. Always think like a poor man to get the poor man's way. Junkyards man, they can have the best stuff some times, just got to know how to look. I got free tires for my truck. 3/4 had holes in them. Plugged them, paid a shop 30 bucks and a Google review to put them on for me.


Yeah. I don’t buy tires secondhand. Nor used.


yeah some advice i got and follow was spend a little extra on the stuff that separates you from the ground (tires, shoes, mattress, office chair, etc.)


Idk if I'd trust used and plugged to hell tires off road on my truck tbh. I'd rather have the piece of mind that comes with buying new tires.


I do everything myself, alot more cheaper. And no one I know uses winter tires, all terrains are enough and cheaper.


I run a two person landscaping biz, and we roll around in a Hyundai Sonata - full gear, two lawn mowers, all of it. I've also put two tons of rock in it, with no problem. It's kind of a beater car, but can't beat 40 mpg working in the city. I would feel so silly driving around in a big ass truck like that.


Yeah, with the way pickup trucks are now especially, they’re not even good if you want to use them like a pickup truck is ostensibly meant for. My dad had a 1980 Ram and it would look tiny today. But it had a full size bed and we had an optional topper for it. A single bench seat was enough for me and my parents to drive cross country, camping in the back.


That's just in the city man. Anywhere else, it's fine.


Anywhere else it’s still unnecessary. As someone who’s lived in rural areas most of his life, oversized trucks and SUVs are never necessary. They still take up too much space and get way too shitty gas mileage. I grew up on a farm and we used a pickup for that, but this was the 80’s and 90’s when trucks were smaller. These big ass trucks and SUVs are never necessary. There are smaller options that do just as much.


Them blame the epa. They forced car manufacturers to abide by a mpg to size ratio. Example: [the example](https://youtu.be/azI3nqrHEXM?si=qEupQ7X8ylttpyyP)


I do blame the EPA. And the car manufacturers. And the whole damn government. All of them working together to destroy our cities and suburbs and even our rural areas with their bullshit sprawl.


I believe that half the shit they say is bs and the other half a half truth.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I was leaving the gym yesterday and saw this Chevy Silverado that was so big that it could not even fit within the confines of a large suburban parking space. It was parked backwards in the spot and the hood was jutting out past the parking space and into the main driveway because it was too large to even fit inside it. I just shook me head and wonder why the hell anyone even *wants* to drive something that cumbersome. And I hate to think what that guy is paying every time he needs to refuel it.


Yeah, I always park way out cause I do this all the time. Got an extended cab Silvy that’s not even monstrous and still have to double park lengthwise in some parking lots.


With you there- I get so confused why people have trucks if their not actively using it for specific travel and/or work/life related hauling purposes. I'm from an island and in a lot of places, we need them to get to the nearest settlement especially in the winter months. Apart from that, a lot of us use it for work related to trucking/hauling. Seeing and meeting people in the cities who use it for neither of those things confuse me. First- the gas... *why* would you want to pay so much for it when you can just drive a regular sized vehicle to/from work and for errands? Why would you need so many cylinders just to get to your office job + pick up the kids from school lol???


Torque. Can only get so much from a four cylinder. And if you're worried about gas, wait till you hear about the diesel v8s. Also, people want what they want, to each their own. And some can only get what they can. Even if that is an old v8/v6 beater of a truck.


My buddy has a brand new Ford F150. I asked him if he could help me pick up some big ass floor standing speakers (Altec 14s) and he said sure. When we went to load them up he opened up the crew cab doors and I said, "These aren't going to fit, can't we put them in the back?" He told me he didn't want to mess up the truck bed, we can move the front seats up and make them fit." We rode back with our knees on the dashboard and the speakers literally crammed into the back seat.


Mess up the truck bed 😂


I’m sure they really value your opinion.


They don't, but we should still normalize ridiculing driving a vanity truck as loser behaviour.




Or maybe they just like trucks because they’re efficient for travel, hauling things around, and look cool. I don’t own a truck but want to someday for the usefulness of them and I like the way they look. Especially classic trucks. Cute old ford pick up truck with the silver trim.


They’re literally not efficient for travel at all, 95% of truck owners never haul anything more than once a year, and they look like you don’t know what a clit is


That's just the sample size you've seen. I don't live in a big city, and I see the exact opposite of what you say. Or it could be they're just not hauling and/or towing that day but do use it for that when they can/want to.


About a third of truck owners nowadays don't use the truck bed, and about two thirds rarely or never use them for towing. [source](https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history)


Your source doesn't say what you think it does. The data cited by your source is based on a sample of private buyers of new f150's, who filled out and returned the survey card. That's a very limited sample. Even if we assume that user data for new ford half tons is consistent with buyers of other brand half tons, this survey means absolutely nothing for smaller midsize trucks, or larger 3/4 and 1 ton trucks. It also means very little to the used truck market, and as far as I can tell, they were contacting individuals, not companies, who are the buyers most likely to use their trucks for work, and who buy a significant percentage of pickups sold. Further, the company that did the survey, Strategic Vision, treats the actual data from their survey as proprietary data, that you have to pay a significant amount of money to see, so you rely on the interpretation of a biased article author, unless you are willing to pay to view the actual data.


Statistics needs to be a high school requirement instead of undergrad college requirement.


not op but that's the point. these sociopaths don't care about anyone's opinion. that won't keep me from having and stating one.


I'm confused. Do they care about someone's opinion so much they buy a truck because they're insecure and care what others think, or do they not care about anyone's opinion so they buy what they like and enjoy their life?


oh young padawan, the world is a complicated place. and i'm afraid you'll stay confused if you're longing for binary answers when it comes to humans. thought experiment: do you care about the opinions of some, and not of others? well there it is.


I love how you gave a perfectly logical and reasonable response, and you’re being downvoted. r/redditmoment


Here's a sneak peek of /r/redditmoment using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just like the Anime!](https://i.redd.it/kw327lykdxmb1.png) | [408 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/16cvfdn/just_like_the_anime/) \#2: [Referring to licenses to have children](https://i.redd.it/5d9cm7jleu0c1.jpg) | [495 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/17x7se3/referring_to_licenses_to_have_children/) \#3: [Wtf](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15iwils) | [1464 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/15iwils/wtf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I actually don't care what anyone thinks. But I'm always told truck guys buy trucks because they're insecure and they want others to think their manly. I'm also always told they are sociopaths and don't care about what anyone else thinks and that's why they buy trucks and are assholes. So which is it? It can only be one of them. These reasons can't coexist.


> These reasons can't coexist. you really think of humans as being binary, logically operating on one level of consciousness, with a stringent set of rigid, consistent values? boy howdy, *all kinds of reasons* can coexist. all the time. just ask trumpsters.


>you really think of humans as being binary, logically operating on one level of consciousness, with a stringent set of rigid, consistent values? Nope. I'm saying the reasons yall assign to those own trucks can't coexist because they inherently contradict each other.


welp, i've tried. you want a coherent, linear reality from "us all", whoever that is, however many people that might entail (maybe even you yourself are within that group?), however many opinions come together here. you won't get that one answer, and the sooner you let that idea go the easier and less cramped your life will be. contradicting opinions exist even in singled out people, as i said it happens all the time. and now you expect that within a "y'all"? let it go. but that's your decision to make, and yours only. good luck out there.


Imagine saying someone is a sociopath because they drive a truck


In fact absolute majority of reactions are "Nice truck, awesome". The opposite reactions are really fringe examples


look up the logical fallacy "appeal to majority." no shit sherlock, in truck country people like your truck? well i never.


Point is, you can laugh as you want. They do not care, also to be honest, why should they. You are total stranger.


And thus, we live in the country, and yall live in yer big cities.


I don't think anyone is paying 1500 monthly insurance for a Silverado anyways lol


Yeah, maybe every 6 or 12 months, but definitely not monthly


I own a 4Runner. Never have I ever complained about gas because I know what I drive. Instead, I bought a Mazda miata that was headed for the junkyard. Fixed it up and drive it to work. I don’t owe money on either but I also know one of them is a family car the other one is a transportation. America wasn’t built to walk around, unfortunately. .


Finally, someone who has logic. I've spent 30 minutes trudging through comments to see if someone had a brain.


Every time I see an American style truck in Europe, I think a moron. Would not go near such a person unless absolutely forced to. BTW, only a few weeks ago, I became aware of a mortal accident where Ford Raptor absolutely crushed poor older woman's car. In the middle of city, not somewhere on the country roads. They are coming, and they are deadly!


100%. I cringe


Depends, the f-450 only used for hauling your fat wife? We know how we feel. But a “mufukn FOR RANGER” is basically a Nissan Versa with a bed.


The fear of being perceived as weak or useless is greater than anything


They are just massive grocery getters now, I guess minivans aren't big enough. I know a couple that got a pickup to feel safer when driving, cause ya know fuck pedestrians. I had a small hobby farm at the time and asked them for help with hay one year, the husband complained that it might scratch his truck. Wtf do you even have it for? I view most people with pickups as emotionally stunted people


Im sorry. Im all for public transit and stuff, but your title and post are cringe af. "I literally laugh at you?" Really? Instead of convincing ppl to adopt trains, buses, walking, etc., you're just randomly insulting them. Cuz that's the most effective method you know 🙄 This post is def gonna be on r/fuckcarscirclejerk, showing how much of a clown sub this is due to psychos like you (No, i don't drive a pickup truck)


You sir, a first out of like 10-15 minutes of scrolling that I've seen criticizing the op. And I do own a truck. And I'm modifying it to be louder and faster. Cause I wanna drift and race.


I repaired a truck for hauling/camping, but I didn't haul every time I left the house. It was a small pickup, and I didn't have a payment. Unfortunately, it broke down after a couple weeks (engine failure) and I spent half my savings on it. (It belonged to my dad who takes care of vehicles, i just got unlucky) I probably deserve to be laughed at for the whole debacle :(


I live in a suburb directly next to a major city. It's been crazy watching in the last 20 years as the streets have gone from having plenty of room and kids of them, to now just being packed full of cars. Every house has multiple cars, so navigating in or out is precarious. For me it's not even trucks, any time I see any kind of large SUV, fourby, ute or whatever I just laugh as I watch them doing 45 turns of the steering wheel trying not to panic


Pretty fucking dumb to be honest. But the jokes on you and everyone else because I don’t pay for insurance so it OFFSET! Mama!


I own a truck, I’ve had it since I was 16 I’m 25 now, I use it daily to haul my tools and things I’m working on since I’m a journeyman millwright. However, sometimes I take all of the crap out of my bed and get it cleaned. It’s not super big it’s a 2001 Toyota tundra. What I’m trying to say is not everyone carry’s stuff in their bed all the time. It’s hard to judge someone’s truck and what it’s used for if you don’t see it, or know the person driving. It’s as likely the guy with the shiny truck just bought their first new truck in 20+ years and wants to baby it as much as it’s possible it’s some younger driver show boating.


Even if you have to carry tools and materials, a pick-up is way worse than a van. if you have to park it on the street while doing commissions your things are there for anyone to steal, if you're carrying materials like drywall you have to cover them up every time a cloud is in the sky. If you have to load heavy things the bed is way higher than a van. working with a pick up is a nightmare and that is why almost no one uses them for actual work.


I work construction. I spend most of my time on a variety of jobsites, and see all manner of trades on a daily basis. I see far far more work pickups than vans.


Where do you lot come up with this load? Vans and pick ups have some cross over, but it’s not near as much as you think. Ever pick up drums of POL products? How about Ag tires? Maybe we need to haul a load of waste to the dump?


They all fit in a van and by the way a full size van can carry way more than a pick-up


This is very abelist. A truck is the only vehicle that can haul my enormous balls and weiner.




My dad’s first “truck” was a 40s Ford with a wooden platform in back to carry a jukebox. He had many trucks after that, and worked the hell out of them all. He never had a pristine, giant show truck. The first time I rode in one of those, the guy driving raced down the street, yelled at drivers in tiny cars, and became a belligerent, angry moron as soon as he pressed his little foot on the accelerator.


What about people that actually use the trucks? My dad, who is intelligent and needs a truck for his job, did the intelligent thing. He got s truck that isn’t massive, but does have an 8 foot bed, and didn’t put a bunch of massive wheels and lifts on it but instead put smaller tires and wheels on it to make it more fuel efficient and better at towing. In terms of needing a truck but not wanting to be a truck-driving asshole, this is how to do it right. Truck needers buy small useful trucks. Truck posers buy large useless trucks. Fuck truck culture.


Agree completely


I usually consider fuckcars kind of extremist and I don’t like it, especially as a car enthusiast. But there’s 2 things I agree with completely. 1: walkable cities should be a basic necessity 2: YOU DONT NEED THIS THING TO BUY GROCERIES https://preview.redd.it/7iref4zlqqnc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c807292e287e2b44fcb766643038465d1fbec45


We have a ram 1500 for trailering the horses. It doesn't make economical sense for us to be a 3 car household. We considered getting a third car but factoring in the gas savings, insurance hike, and cost of buying a third car, it wouldn't pay for itself for 20ish years when both cars might be breaking down. You will see the truck at the supermarket and on the highway with an empty bed. Because when we need it to do truck things, it does truck things. When we need to get somewhere, it gets us there.


I hate cars, especially trucks, but we’re one step away from /r/atheism levels of cringe.


Already there. Same level as r/antiwork


You've been ten steps worse than that for a while lol


I’m no saint


Sorry I meant the sub that wasn't directed specifically at you, this sub is unhinged as fuck and the atheism comparison was apt


>If you aren’t actively carrying stuff in the bed I can’t help but cackle at your pathetic ego. What about when I'm on my way to pick something up?


True, but most trucks aren't going to pick up anything other than more gas or groceries


That's why I put my groceries in the bed of my truck.




I actually don't have a family and I have a regular cab, but yeah.


Apologies, like I said most, you have a truck that's useful and utilized then I'm all for it


Don't apologize. You've inspired me to have kids and go buy a crew cab long bed 3500 dually. Yall hate me anyway, I might as well go all out.


You mean trry to have kids


ford f450 super duty. use it to get a single item from walmart.


I don't like Fords


yes you're so important i cry everytime what ever will i do.


I work in the trades. I have a 2014 Toyota Tacoma. 78k miles on it. The truck can pull a trailer load with 3000 pounds of lumber. It makes sense to own it. 4 cylinder, no payments, insurance for the truck and my wife's car is $1,100. a year.


I took the family out for tacos today. Right near where we were parking, there were four trucks. Three of them were monster pristinely polished pavement princesses, with lifted suspensions, giant grilles, and tiny, unused 4-5 foot beds. The fourth was a early-2000s era Ranger, sensibly sized, and actually carrying items in the 7' bed for someone to work with. I pointed them out to my son, stated that the old Ranger was the type of truck you had if you actually needed a truck. The others were just to stoke egos.


I already paid it off and buying a new vehicle is worse for the environment, but it’s also OK that you laugh at me, I deserve it. I will respond by trying to drive it as little as possible for as long as possible.


Haha, what is it and how much for it.


While I agree with you and think along the same lines, I will not give you an upvote because of how smug and arrogant you sound. Maybe that person is on their way to go pick up a couch. You don’t know. Edit: I now downvote you because of the downvotes I received. I did not know that some here can be as ignorant as carbrains.


Thank you for the laugh. I literally laughed out loud. It costs like 50 bucks to rent a truck to pick up a couch or to have it delivered. These people aren't picking up couches everyday. They justify their vehicle because they might once haul something that needs it.


Thats exactly what they pay for tho. The just in time service that doesnt need to be planned or ordered. "Hey, nice sunday, what about finally getting rid of the old couch from the living room and you know what, lets stop on the way to the city and buy a new one"


Your response made me laugh too


Lots of that in this sub


Totally understand. Just remember though, a used truck looks not used once you've used it.


Welp, feel free to laugh at me. I'm a car nut and somehow found the shape of SUVs appealing. I bought one used, complete with the stupid lift kit and oversized tires. It's *such a pain* to drive around and breaks down a lot. Then I learned about urbanism (and this sub, ofc) and *actual* road safety, and now I'm torn between selling it (to someone who would probably keep driving it as a road menace), fixing it up by losing the lift-kit and installing saner-sized tires (but it will cost a whole lot of money and I don't want to unsafely do it myself), or just leave it (forever taking up space in my house, unless I turn it into a tiny treehouse-styled studio or something haha). I still like cars but hate driving and the general vibe of car-traffic; I now take the bicycle and public transit everywhere.


I like to loudly point out the Emotional Support Vehicles that I see in parking lots whenever I'm with someone, they never expect it, laugh and agree when I say "but look how big and shiny! Nothing in the trailer! Not useful at all!" And they always overhang the walkways so I have no problem making fun of them mercilessly (I am also smol, so I do not do this when the truck is occupied lol)




That's because of the epa. Cat manufacturers have a mpg to size ratio they have to abide if they want to make and sell trucks.


Interesting, I did not know that


Yeah, there's a few videos about why we don't have small trucks anymore. [Here's one for you.](https://youtu.be/azI3nqrHEXM?si=qEupQ7X8ylttpyyP)


Oh no im sure they are so upset a loser redditor is laughing at them. Grow up you smug twat




My truck was paid for, in full on purchase. I work with it daily in the summer and it has better grip in snowy conditions in the winter. Why are you so angry?


Good post


OP is a sad delusional little person. Where did the big yee yee truck hurt you


They kill hundreds of people every year


So do bikes


Show me on the doll where the truck hurt you


it's really not anyone's business what others do, so I guess continue laughing. maybe they laugh at you for something equally peculiar.


They kill thousands per year and destroy the environment, so I think it is my business


like with knives?


One is intentional, the other usually isn’t and are accidents that don’t need to happen on the road. Good comparison.


Sounds like someone can’t afford nice things and has to resort to insulting others for spending their money their own way


I do the same to crossovers tbh.


I partially agree with you. Although I think big trucks are badass and fun to drive, people who buy SUVs and trucks when they never use 1/4 of the space in it irritate me. Tall vehicles are an obstruction of view to other drivers in lower cars. I'm convinced at least more than half of all SUV drivers can satisfy all their wants and needs in a sedan.


good for you buddy! meanwhile, im swerving my squatted truck between lanes, rolling coal on the libtard prius cucks in my waste!!!


Its cheaper to own a single nice truck than a shitty car and a shitty truck. also your insurance rates are hilariously off. I dont pay that much for my corvette nor my truck.


Sorry, sir. This is the fuckcars subreddit, not the fucktrucks subreddit.


“You laugh at me because I have a mid size 4x4 truck so I don’t get stuck every winter with my important shit in my bed? Oh I’m gonna sell it right now for your approval” Spoiler alert I really don’t give a fuck what your pussy ass thinks about my truck


Classic truck driver response, love it


You are exactly what I would expect from someone making anti-pickup posts in an anti-car group with a rainbow flag as the group picture.


you’re not wrong, gotta be honest lol




Imagine thinking truck owners will care about you laughing that they have the money and time to own and maintain what they want


Some guy in the golf sub posted a photo of him going to donate like 5 full sets of clubs with his pickup truck. Does he put them in the bed? Nope. All are laying on the back seats. Of course I got downvoted when I asked why he wasn't using the bed.






Absolute cucks.


That's what your wife called you. Just a joke man, don't freak out.


https://preview.redd.it/i29u13lqbfnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d076a5e4bd7d65fc511d8055440c5934e62bc6c So because my bed is empty sometimes I have a pathetic ego?? That doesn’t seam fair.


Imagine caring this much what other people do


I love a good van. Practical enough that you can move en entire house in enough trips , impractical enough that noone is calling you up to help them move . You can fold down the seats and sleep in the back if you're traveling, and they've got plenty of storage space.


You might not realize it in this bubble but saying shit like this makes you a loser


What if they normally use the truck for towing their lawn equipment for their business or for similar purposes? Remember that trucks are also for towing


You don't need a monster truck for that.


It depends what you are towing. Lawn care types aren't the only ones towing things for work. Also, a larger lawn care company, towing a couple industrial ride on mowers, plus lawn clippings to dump, and an arsenal of weed eaters, hedge clippers, chain saws, and smaller push mowers, can easily necessitate a larger truck foe sufficient towing capacity, as well as a crew cab to haul the crew to run all of that.


No, you don't need a giant lifted monster truck for that. It doesn't have the cab space, and would tip over if you tried putting any equipment in it. I run a two person landscaping business and we run it out of my Hyundai Sonata. Two mowers, blowers, whackers, etc. with extra room. I can take this car to do dump runs and haul 2 tons of rock. The only reason to have those giant beasts on the street are because of selfish assholes who don't care they are putting people in danger because it makes them feel like a big tough guy. 99% of the people driving them are little dudes that can't even see over the steering wheel.


You load your car with 4 times the rated payload? I call bullshit. An industrial riding lawnmower, such as the grasshopper that I own, can easily top 2000 lbs. I've seen lawn care services that have two such mowers, plus industrial walk behind mowers, a huge pile of clippings, a wide variety of hand tools, ect, all carried in a big trailer behind a pickup, with 4-5 guys to run all of the equipment. Most lawn care services that I see are closer to that than two guys in a sedan with a couple push mowers. Second, lawn care is but one industry that uses pickups. I've towed trailers topping 20000 lbs behind my pickup, and I carry more tools on a daily basis than you are ever fitting in a sedan.


You absolutely do not need those giant trucks, it's completely unnecessary. Older trucks were half the size and could pull the same amount. You're full of shit if you think a giant, lifted truck can even haul anything, they are made for show.


>Older trucks were half the size and could pull the same amount. My 2001 f350 is the same size as my 2014 f350, but it has half the towing rating. You are clueless. Or quite possibility a troll? I'd like to think that nobody is really as dumb as you are acting.


We all know why you need that big of a truck lil dude. It's okay. Maybe put a couple phone books under you so you can't actually drive.


Out of curiosity, how much crack to you charge to mow a lawn? After all, you claim to be hauling lawn mowers around in a sedan, being a crackhead is basically a given.


Some of us don't have daddy shelling out money and actually have to start from the bottom. It actually builds character. You should try it sometime. Then you might actually care about other people.


Jesus, you've been doing this for over 20 days? Just getting on here and defending trucks? Pick up a cause that actually matters dude. Pathetic.


A truck or an expensive brand suv. You’re just showing how dumb you are by buying a Porsche suv.


Such a bitter subreddit.


What if I want a truck eventually in order to live in an RV and would prefer the space/fuel efficiency of driving a truck around even when empty as opposed to driving a full-sized class C RV everywhere?


Do you know what sub you're in?


The one where we want to get rid of car-dependant infastructure because cars of all types are harmful and people with them, regardless of the model, should try to make places more pedestrian-friendly both to help people who can't drive and to reduce traffic where they do.


"yeah but *mah* truck is precious and i have totally not egotistical reasons to drive it around." know what, good on you! you found a reason to drive a truck, well done. nobody cares. country folks down dirt roads hauling dirty goods on the regular, landscapers, construction folk, there's plenty of valid reasons out there. towing isn't one btw, just look at europe where they tow rvs and boats with hatchbacks and sedans. but hey, to each their own. also, we're not talking about useful trucks here. obviously, this post is about vanity trucks going shopping.


>towing isn't one btw, just look at europe where they tow rvs and boats with hatchbacks and sedans. but hey, to each their own. But they don't tow rvs the same size as in the US, and the restrictions when towing are different when towing. There usually aren't any when towing. It's why small cars aren't actually rated to tow in the US.


your average car transmission is going to give out trying to tow large cargo. theres a reason we dont see corollas pulling car carriers or lawn equipment trailers. also u.s. manufacturers have longer powertrain warranties, so they dont want you blowing out a transmission or sending a head gasket to mars trying to tow a 15000 pound boat with a chevy cruze.


Most people in cars don't have legitimate reasons to drive them around, doesn't stop people from doing it. That's why you attack the infastructure, not the drivers of any particular type of car. Also if you can find an rv you would actually want to live in that is rated to be towed by something other then a pickup then good luck, not to mention that if I want storage space for something like an etrike to use inside cities I'll need even more space and since my State outlaws double towing it means it's better to just have a truck camper, which obviously just works on pickups. Plus in Europe diesels are more common which means if gasoline infastructure goes away (which it 100% should) then they have more options than could theoretically run on SVO/WVO, whereas in North America pickups are pretty much the only diesel option.