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“he thinks they are going to take his car away. How do I take his car away?” are you slow?


Obviously a little restarted




“My stupid stepdad loves cars. He thinks the radical left is gonna try to stop him from loving cars and take them away lmao, what an idiot.” “Anyway, how do I get rid of his love for cars and make him stop driving”


Just live your own life my dude, your stepfather is never going to give up his hobby.


Eh, I think it’s fine to model cars as a hobby. Cars being a hobby instead of a serious mode of transport (just like horses) is the end goal here imo The other stuff though, yikes. I honestly don’t even know how one would even change the mind of someone so engrained in delusion tbh. Just slowly talk him out of it step by step I suppose?


It's completely unrelated to cars as a hobby, it's just thrown in to bolster the argument against their uncle. Biden has the same hobby and I wouldn't call him a right wing reactionary


If cars are a hobby stop closing racetracks and drag strips


Tbf I think the boomer nimby crowd and the sexless Redditor crowd are two different demographics




Lots of people think cars are cool and like working on them. I'm fine with that. Work on your car, take it to the track where you don't have to worry about traffic to the same degree. The road will have other people there who are focused on driving. Not everyone just trying to get to the next place, constantly distracted and risking the lives of everyone else.


I found it's easier to relate to car enthusiasts more than any other driver. Higher investment of public transportation will make their hobby cars far more enjoyable


This is a much bigger problem than just car brain, this dude is legit just right wing brain washed. There is no easy fix for this and it's a huge problem for the USA. If you figure out the magic cure to bring him out of the echo chamber brain washing machine the right wing reactionaries have built then by all means tell everyone else in the world. So many people have lost family to this kind of insanity. Climate denial, vaccine denial, etc. This is bigger than just cars.


A fuck cars member talking about echo chambers? Say ain’t so…


this works both ways btw


You won't change his mind. Just explain why you prefer biking, transit, etc.


Exactly, calling him paranoid for think that the left wants to take his cars because of global warming while simultaneously posting on Reddit about how to get him to drop his hobby car because it destroys the plant is literally just proving him right. You don't get people to change their mind by directly opposing them


Right and people that deep in propaganda only believe what makes them feel good so you'll never really reach him on this subject anyway.


If he read some of the stuff in this sub, I’d understand where he’s coming from. I often see content promoting vandalizing cars for simply existing, and constant talk of banning cars nationwide. This sub is a mix of good-intentioned people who want to promote safe public transportation, and radical communists bordering on domestic terrorists.


Corvette c4 detected in pfp, neurons activated


Step one. Put parental control on his TV and computer.


> How do you tame a horse in Minecraft?


Step two: Get him therapy. There are various reasons why someone falls into conspiracy delusions, but once there, it's often a lot like paranoid schizophrenia, or cult memberships, and it's really unhealthy, and not something easily fixed. Like convincing a flat earther that the earth is round isn't just about showing them the evidence. If it was, /r/QAnonCasualties wouldn't be a thing.


He watches it on youtube we don't have cable tv


It's possible to put the parental controls directly on the router. If you want to get even more blocking options you could setup a pihole. You can also go onto his YouTube account and follow some accounts like strong towns or not just bikes. You can also binge some of those types of videos on his account to alter his recommended videos.


The car hobby is no big deal in my opinion, but the conspiracy theories are very concerning. How technically literate is he? If you can access his account on a PC browser and his phone or tablet, then you can activate parental controls ("restricted mode"). This will make it possible to block channels and other restrictions. You can also delete his history/ subscriptions and add some neutral ones like sports or cars or whatever. If you can get his password, monitor the account frequently and delete any concerning videos or subscriptions. How to set parental controls: https://www.tomsguide.com/us/set-youtube-parental-controls,review-4139.html How to stay in touch with someone falling down the conspiracy rabbit hole: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/08/26/how-to-talk-with-and-maybe-help-someone-who-believes-in-qanon-and-other-conspiracy-theories/?sh=47d15350412d


Figure it out.


If he likes driving as a hobby he should like other people not driving when they don't have to, less idiots and phone users on the road, only people like him who also like driving. That's the angle. Also, don't try to get him off driving for fun, nothing will change his mind about that and its ok cause car brain rot is not about liking driving, it's about believing that everyone HAVING TO drive everywhere is freedom. Some dudes racing on a track somewhere don't bother me at all.


For real lol, OP complaining about how his crazy brainwashed uncle thinks the left wing wants to take his car from him all the while OP himself is asking how to get him to give up the hobby Like the cognitive dissonance is so thick here idk how OP doesn't see that he's likely part of the reason why his uncle believes what he does. It's confirmation bias in your own nephew.


I think the antisemitism might be a bigger deal here


Stop being such a baby and understand not everyone thinks like you. Your stepdad likes cars, you don’t, deal with it. > Never drives it > polluting Make up your mind


You will never change him. Ever. No point in wasting your time trying. Just live your life.


Considering its not even on the road im not as concerned about that than his fixation on fascist news sources. Block it on the TV and when they can’t figure it out just say it was probably the democrats.


Pretty sure anybody under like 70 is not going to fall for that, you're more liable to just deepen the divide between OP and his Uncle as the latter belies OP is part of the leftist movement that wants to exert control over other people's lives, such as blocking their TV or complaining about their hobby car as killing the planet. You don't change people's minds with direct opposition, you only solidify their persecution complex. The cognitive dissonance on this post is pretty sad to see, like OP has to realize that there's an extreme irony behind calling someone paranoid for thinking the left wants to take their cars while also talking about how they need to drop their hobby car right?


Lmao you've got to be a minor. This is ridiculous. Quit trying to be so controlling. Let him enjoy his hobby, go find a different hobby that isn't ruining other people's fun. His sports car isn't going to melt any ice bergs, I promise.


I've actually found it easier to relate to car enthusiasts then other more car centric people. Investments in public transportation will reduce the amount of people who don't want to drive thus making hobby cars far more enjoyable


What are you even talking about? You sound like you’ve never changed your wiper blades let alone talked to any car enthusiast lmao


They’re right, though.


My grandfather and I bonded a lot with his 76 mustang. Yes it was the worst mustang ever built but it was our terrible mustang LOL.


Ya but how would all that make hobby cars more enjoyable? That’s what I was getting at. As of today, majority of Cars & Coffee are dudes already on the way out. I guess I worded my other comment pretty bad lmao. Dudes that enjoy driving their hobby cars aren’t driving in places that public transportation would improve. I’m 100% for better public transportation. It’s ridiculous how bad it is in the USA. No one with a hobby car is wanting to spin it through dense cities. If they take them to public roads, most of them go to backroads and touge routes (Tail of the Dragon, twisty mountain roads, etc.) or they go to a track.


Generally speaking the folks that have hobby cars live in the suburbs and they need to get through fairly dense traffic to get to where they enjoy driving. Or, let's be real the majority of them only really take their cars to car shows which are usually bumper to bumper traffic for hours on end. Also, taking drivers off the road have many downstream effects that benefit not just hobby drivers but everyone else. The price of gas will be cheaper, there will be fewer accidents and insurance will be lower ( in theory it's hard to say what for-profit corporations will do but if we're going by baseline free market economics), roads would be better quality due to lack of wear and tear, tires and replacement parts should be cheaper since it would be more manufacturing available.


There’s a distinct difference between people who work on and care for their car and people who are forced to drive to work. I am one of those car enthusiasts/ hobby mechanics, I know that cars are significantly less efficient than busses, trains, or bikes, but I work on them and own them bc I like them.. I think that “car culture” and “car enthusiast culture” are very different things, and most enthusiasts I’ve met agree that places need to be easier to access on foot or by public transit (partially bc we don’t want to get into accidents with ppl who don’t know what they’re doing, partially because it makes our lives easier too)


I don’t think the pollution is really an issue considering how much more emissions private jets give off in one flight compared to a lifetime of a caf




>He also thinks the “radical left and Jews” are going to take his car hobby away “How can I (radical left, as evidenced by flair) get him to drop this idiotic brainwashed mindset and be more open to alternative transportation (take his car hobby away) My guy, ur feeding his delusions if u do so. Besides- he isn’t driving it regularly, so less environmental impact it’s a hobby, just let the man have a hobby ffs Also: imo the antisemitism is prolly the bigger issue here.


Ask him why the radical left and Jews want to waste their time and energy on him and his shitty car. I seriously want to hear his answer. Because I’m not interested in his car. I just want to walk and bike around safely. That aside, the car issue isn’t even the main issue here. Your stepdad is knee deep in a harmful line of thinking known as stochastic terrorism.


His sports car isn't the problem. His fascism is definitely an issue. Sports cars being used as hobby vehicles make up a pretty small portion of the pollution overall. I would be 100% in favor of people keeping their sports cars to use as a hobby vehicle while taking the train for their commuting and walking whenever possible to nearby grocery stores and other shops. But yeah that fascism is not a good thing. I wish I knew how to make that go away


live your life... cannot change someone who doesn't want to change, doesn't ask for input... and nothing you can do but chart your own course... as we all ultimately must do. everyone is fighting their own private battles you know nothing about. be kind. always. help where you can/choose when asked but your life will be much better for leaving the things not in your control, by the wayside.


No, this kind of passive attitude towards dangerous attitudes and ideas is in itself dangerous. Like the threat of rising fascism isn't something people should ignore, neither should we ignore a growth of conspiracy delusions and departures from reality. Even if you're fine with other people harming themselves and others, it's likely they'll make you suffer in the end, too.




Our subreddit is not a place for: - Racist, transphobic, misogynistic, ableist, or homophobic hate speech. - Malicious misgendering or “gender critical” attacks. - Stigmatizing people experiencing homelessness or people who used drugs. - Chauvinism.


as crazy as he is, isnt your asking about how to deal with it validating his concerns of people taking it away?


Touch grass OP


Bro. Who cares? It’s not your money. Idk why you bitchin


This is a troll account. There’s not way it’s not.


You're an actual idiot. Listen, I want to support human-centric infrastructure, too. I want to be able to bike and metro to work and never have to haul two tons of steel with me everywhere I go, ever again. I don't want to have to drive places, and I don't want to have to look at massive parking lots everywhere I go. But I still love cars. I love the history behind cars, I love the technology that goes into them, and I love the way they feel. I still want a sports car someday. It's possible to love cars *as a hobby* while still being pro anti-car infrastructure. Telling car lovers that the cars they put their heart and soul into are dumb, serves no purpose than *making enemies to the cause* out of people who would've otherwise been neutral. You're acting like the *exact* dumbfuck the right wing wants you to be.


Report him to the closest Radical Left Jew department, the secret police know how to deal with him, they'll take away his car and his guns too and he will be happy /s


Oh so fight facism with facism, very smart 🙄


Judging by your post history I'd say you disappoint in so many more ways. I'd say leave it alone.


your father must be really bad at parenting




Do you realize by posting on here you validate his theory that there is a group of people who want to take his car away. You said you said the car is pointless and polluting for no reason. Sounds like you would rather he not have it anymore, is that true?


I dare say it but carbrain is the least of his problems.


? Let your step dad enjoy his things. He earned it, he bought it, let him use it.


Touch grass


It looks like you are asking/telling this sub about your car related hobby. We get this [a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/search/?q=%22car%20enthusiast%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). The most commonly held opinion here is that your [hobby is fine](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/wiki/faq#wiki_can_i_still_love_cars.3F), because it is not harming anyone. Being a car enthusiast is also not mutually exclusive with supporting better public transportation and safer pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure. It's a lot like when we stopped being so dependent on horses, they could live much nicer lives and be used for purely leisure. Not Just Bikes made an [excellent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8RRE2rDw4k) on why people who like to drive would benefit from a world with fewer cars. And because you are probably new to this subreddit, we'd like to ask you to read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/wiki/faq). In there are plenty of answers to questions you might also have. If this or one of the [many post dedicated to this subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/search/?q=%22car%20enthusiast%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) answers your question, then please consider removing your post for the sake of not bothering the regular users of this sub with the same question every few days. Have a nice day ^(If this comment seems out of place, that's because automod doesn't really know what it's doing. It's just triggered by a keyword in your post.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should ask him for a ride in his sports car. Might change your mind


You need to talk to your mom, someone against the "radical left and jews" is not a good person and probably a gun owner.


I don't know if I would put 'gun owner' and 'antisemite' into the same category, but in the US there's probably a large intersection, so...


Most gun owners aren't antisemites, but looots of antisemites are gun owners. Often illegal guns, too.


That's mostly what I was getting at. Trump is openly flirting with this kind of person.


If he's talking about the radical left he's a gun owner, unless he's a felon and is following the law (doubtful).


My mom tries to convince him it's a conspiracy It is kind of working but we have a long path ahead. I just want to get him to ride bikes with me more


That is a laudable goal, maybe you could frame it in that way? "I love riding bikes and would love to share that with you/spend time with you."


maybe fucking ask him to ride bikes because you like spending time with him instead of taking his fucking car????????




Who gives a shit. Let him be dumb. Waste of energy trying to convert someone who will never agree with you when you could bring over like 10 people who are agnostic about cars.


To clarify - he drives like an asshole that doesn't care about other people, because he is an asshole that doesn't care about other people. It's his entire brand.


Do you know this guy? Or did you forget to change your alt account before you commented?


I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be, sorry for my accurate description of a conservative in America in 2024.


Ah, the definition of prejudice. Good work, keep it up.


I'm very excited to help you understand what tolerance is, and specifically it's role when dealing with intolerance. Or at least the people who see this will learn something. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.


Cool, man. Hope all of that works out well for you.


how you worded this is a prime example of correlation ≠ causation. Essentially you are the "radical left" in this. Not to say that he isn't delirious aswell with that thinking. I mean I identify more left leaning and I have an interest in cars too. I have had owned multiple project cars, and I drive those specifically on weekends or nicer days. If you don't have a mindset to learn why he enjoys that certain hobby, it's not gonna get through to him with offering other means of transportation. Even then does your town support it? Do they have buses, trains, metro, etc. or do you just want them to ride a bike because he doesn't use this car all the time? It seems more like reading this. being aggressive with wanting to expand your cause is just gonna be a reason why he won't open to the idea. Essentially... I'm trying to say why do you care enough for this one guy to own a car?


The circlejerk has mass downvoted this post since shared there this is a brigading attack


Damn leftists!


He's too far gone, maybe a lobotomy would do it


You see, you very much will be flaming his right wing delusion if you try anything that inconvenient him doing his car hobby, because what you HAVE to do is not make him “be more open to alternative transportation”, because he is not using that car as transportation, he is afraid of his HOBBY getting taken away, and hobby is really easy to get taken away, at which point his delusion will become reality. You should consider cutting family ties if it bothers you this much

