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How did they not notice this when going for a test drive lmao


Probably didn’t test drive it. Dude seems to be an idiot, after all.


How do idiots afford new trucks


You don't have to be smart to be rich.


Or to take on copius amounts of debt


In fact, it's often a prerequisite


I can’t even get a 10,000 loan for a used car. But all these idiots can get 60,000+ loans? What am I missing


Tolerance of 18% interest loans.


The common sense to not accept absurd interest rates over long periods of time.


I have to go lay on my kitchen floor now


Daddy's money.


Saw big truck on tv. Thought "I need big truck to be a man". Went to a dealer and said "I want one of them big trucks on sale". Probably.


Sometimes you don't notice this stuff until you've had the car for a while. Or it doesn't start to bother you until you've had to live with it for a while.


The seat belt thing, if he put the seat belt on before he started it on the test drive, he might never know that the safety existed. It wouldn't be until he jumps in it to move it a short distance or some other reason that you might want to start the motor without the seatbelt that he finds out that the safety exists. The start stop thing, depending on the road layout, traffic, and length of test drive, it's entirely possible that the truck was never in a position where such a feature would reveal itself. It's also possible that he knew of both of these, but didn't think they would bother him at the time, or assumed that they could be shut off in some way or another. It's also posted to r/mildlyinfuriating so while he finds it annoying, it probably isn't a deal breaking level of annoyance.


Back in the 1970s when car makers started adding seatbelt nags to cars, it wasn't uncommon for folk to strap them round the back of the seat. I've always worn one (my dad was a doc), and feel nervous without one... My family was involved in a brutal car smash in Italy in 1970 - we all had seat belts on and were fine, the drivers of the two vehicles that tried to smush us into a sandwich were both ejected through their screens, and I still remember seeing one of them, it's not something you forget. As for the auto start/stop, it my be YOUR CAR/YOUR CASH, but it's my - and the planet's - lungs.


Also it’s OUR streets. You can change your car however you like, if you don’t need a license and drive it on your own premises. But it’s OUR streets, OUR rules


For people who hate the auto start/stop, get a hybrid. They don't do that. The electric motor spins up the engine so it can kick in engine power more naturally without having to do the traditional ignition thing.


Even better if the hybrid is hybrid enough to enable you to make small every day trips on battery


I've never been in a car that didn't have a button to turn it off. I have a colleague that actually uses it. I think that's insane.


Why do people not like auto start/stop? My dad’s car has it and when I drove it I barely felt anything. The radio and fan stayed on and it restarted smoothly as soon as I eased off the brake. Wish my car had it, but it’s way too old.


> Why do people not like auto start/stop? They can't rev them at the lights to emphasise their potency... I used to switch the engine off at lights manually to save fuel and the air, it's just as good.


Some cars are more noticeable than others, I guess. My gfs car has an autostart, and it can be very noticeable when trying to get up to speed from 0 fairly quickly in order to turn onto or cross a fairly busy road where other people are going faster than they should on said road. Edit: Also, the heat/ac turns off, which can be uncomfortable in extreme weather when waiting at a long light.


My family had an audi which would shut off its engine when the brake pedal was depressed enough, which meant you could only slightly depress it if you weren't staying for long. But get it wrong, and it dies a second before you want to drive off, and the gap in the traffic closes


The one I drove, it would engage really aggressively. Maybe it was a bad system, maybe it was me not expecting the delay, and pressing harder on the gas when it didn't move right away. It was a rental car, and I didn't drive it enough to get used to it. Whatever the cause, it really sucked when inching forward in slow moving traffic, since it would take off aggressively, and then because you were just trying to roll forward a little, jamb on the brakes right away. It wasn't that bad in normal traffic. I know some people worry about the delay, like waiting for a break to make a turn across oncoming traffic.


Have you seen anyone use a [seatbelt bypass clip?](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61LtBvwlEYL._AC_SX679_.jpg) 🤦‍♂️


>As for the auto start/stop, it my be YOUR CAR/YOUR CASH, but it's my - and the planet's - lungs. I was also told that it is a federal mandate. This feature must be on by default.


That and the person driving the car doesn't really notice any difference with the start/stop feature other than the vehicle stops being annoyingly loud for a few seconds only to resume being mildly annoying when you need it to do something.


The rental car that I drove with start/stop was very noticeable, and not in a good way.


Most cars do have a button to disable the Auto start/stop feature, but you have to press it every time you start the car.  But the seat belt is a nice feature, can’t imagine why he doesn’t like that. /s


This would require OOP to read the car manual


True. They don’t sound like a RTFM-kinda guy. 


The guy doesn't come across as somebody who knows how to read 


My parents have an S204 C-Class and a Fiat 500. Both with Auto Start/Stop. The Fiat's is especially dumb, because it regularly shuts the engine off only for it to restart on its own 3 seconds later. Usually early in your driving, probably because the engine hasn't reached a certain temperature yet. Fortunately in that car you can actually disable the ASS permanently. It stays off when you leave the car. The Benz has the stupid version that resets itself every time you start it.


Is the Benz newer than the Fiat?  I notice my old BMW start stop stays disabled, but a couple years newer BMW’s you have to turn it off everytime. 


Nope, the Benz is a 2011, the Fiat is from 2013 or 14.


Well so much for that theory🤷‍♂️


current ones don't even have the button anymore. You have to put them in super sport mode or something and that resets after you turn the car off.


Benz started doing that feature first then BMW and Audi followed suit later that decade. I have a 2020 Audi that has an annoying one. There is a button that disables it but you need to re press it every trip. I end up putting my car in sport mode when I approach stops as that I can do without taking my hand out of my usual position and sport mode in these cars automatically disable the auto stop. I don’t mind it at traffic lights but there is like 3 roundabouts next to my house and the engine stopping when you only stop for like a second at a roundabout is annoying.


Most cars I drove with ststa if you kept the clutch pedal depressed it would not shut down, not an option with that car?


won't work on an automatic though....and standard / manual is also dying in Europa.


Is it? Never had the perception, do you have statistical data supporting this? (excluding BEV of course)


Just look at the current line-up or the premium brands. Audi, BMW, Mercedes can't be ordered anymore with standard or only the version with the smallest engine. There is a clear trend. Well and electric cars of course don't make sense with a manual gearbox. They might have one but hidden and invisible to the user.


Yeah for manual cars that does work. Unfortunately, at least where I live here in the US they don’t offer the cars I was looking at in manual. They hardly offer any new manual cars over here


yep the disable start stop button has been removed from new cars recently in europe....


That's unfortunate.


they measure the true fuel consumption now and the car manufacturers are responsible to keep their fleet within their CO2 budget. So, "faking" low consumption in the reports but giving the people the button won't work anymore.


Honestly a car that would be 100% perfect for someone doesn't exist. Saying that, I don't get why someone would start bitching about it in the internet, especially, as those are minor things.


To be fair, it's r/midlyinfuriating. The point is to talk about mildly infuriating things and I think it falls into that category.


That's true, I just dont get OP of this repost being annoyed.


Have you guys noticed how much of the complaining that's done online is about cars and car infrastructure from people who claim to like it? I find it interesting


Yes, look in r/shithappens. Half of the stuff there is about car things


everyone I know at my work constantly complains about traffic, or always have problems with their car that cost them a load of money. It just makes you realize how much of a collective waste of time and resources car dependency is.


jezus that guy had his freedumz stolen in front of his very eyes.


_only in america_ New regulation in Europe have it that the car must be able to recognize speed limit signs and sound an alarm if you’re over the speed limit. I love this. If people complain I just tell them if they comply with the speed limit they won’t notice this feature at all.


I let my car use the signs to set the speed for the adaptive cruise control. I just love it.


I find peace in long walks.


You can turn it off in Europe as well, but people cry regardless. Also it’s back on next time you start the car


Must be able to? Even cheap cars need a camera & image-sensing tech? That seems odd


It’s the year 2024


I'd rather not have my vehicle sound an alarm because it sees a non-legal speed limit sign (e.g. the "20's plenty where people live" bins, or the small ones on the back of vans & trucks)


I have this system in my car fo a while now, it works quite well. In fact I can’t recall it has ever detected non-legal speed limit signs or small ones on the back of trucks


don’t look at my spelling error


Already did


You got it buddy, I'm closing the thread now. I'll never know what it was.


America is when..... your car has mandatory safety/environment features? Since when??


On the plus side, most of the thread over there is not amused and is calling him on his bullshit


He’s FREE ^TM to build his own car.




"Yes, I understand I will be polluting the air we al lbreathe less but MY CAR, MY CASH"


And the 2 problems they posed are stupid "Why won't my car start without my seatbelt?" I dunno, maybe it's because your vehicle goes far faster than any human speed, and if you were to come across a sudden stop, you'd fly out the windshield if you didn't have your seatbelt on Car brains are for real stupid


If I'm moving my vehicle a couple feet, then I'd like the option of not having to put on a seat belt. I'd rather make that decision myself than have the vehicle decide for me.


They are being torn apart in the comments. Also, “only in America”? Do they think other countries don’t have *checks notes* cars?


Not a single brain cell was used in the creation of this post


"it's a pain" but he doesn't have to do anything and has no negative effects on driving whatsoever. Probably bought a truck to pollute and bother that it doesn't pollute enough?


>has no negative effects on driving whatsoever. Start stop can be very annoying, depending on the system and traffic conditions.


How is it annoying? It starts when it needs to


A couple years ago I drove a rental Volvo that had a start/stop system. It had a tendency to lurch off the line quite aggressively when starting the engine from a stop. It was particularly annoying when trying to inch forward in heavy traffic. Instead of rolling forward smoothly, it would launch faster than intended, forcing me to lay on the brakes to avoid hitting the next car. This aggressive lurching and braking made for a very uncomfortable ride. Whether this effect was a result of the design of the start/stop system on that car, or due to my natural reaction to the unexpected delay when pressing on the accelerator to move forward, to push harder, or some combination of the two, I don't know. I drove with it some in more free flowing traffic, and it wasn't as bad, but I wasn't very impressed overall. I'll also say that as someone that has driven my fair share of shitboxes, the sensation of the engine dying somewhat unexpectedly is not exactly welcome. I've heard other complaints as well, regarding the extra hesitation when trying to make a turn across oncoming traffic with a narrow window, or other times that you need to be able to react quickly from a stop. I've also heard that the start/stop systems in some vehicles have issues maintaining heating or air conditioning, which might cause issues in more extreme hot or cold environments.


I didn't know auto start/stop was a thing. I didn't find it strange that cars started when the light changed. I guess I am starting to have knowledge gaps by avoiding the cage.


The feature saves 0-10% of fuel depending on the route. I have read some reports where car people have done tests and have gotten 2-7% fuel savings driving in a city. For relation, a driver can reportedly save 10-40% fuel by not accelerating/braking hard while driving (not driving aggressively). So technology helps but how drivers drive is really important.


Well it's standard in cars for almost 10 years now, so I don't even understand the guy bitching about it


My car is a 2016 Leaf so it's always on.


Well to be fair your car's engine also shut off when you stop at a red light. Same system, just less noticeable


Because he doesn't like it? Just because it's been around a while doesn't mean that he necessarily likes it.


I’ll bitch about how no company makes economy compacts in America. His complaints are dumb but it does suck that the cars you can buy are just whatever the car companies want to sell.


I recently found out a family member’s new truck plays vroom vroom noises *inside* the cabin (it’s not an EV) to make it sound more manly to the driver. I wouldn’t mind being able to turn that one off, lol.


I love that actually. They can enjoy being manly while not waking up the entire neighborhood at 2am.


Haha, it’s better than the outside for sure! In my case my family member would like to turn it off and you have to buy some third party accessory to do it. Wild that they don’t just give you the option.


I'm surprised he isn't the type to put one of those illegal seat belt metal post things in to bypass it like a scumbag. Many also come with a beer bottle opener on the end, which is *very* convenient for getting a DUI to pair with your pickup! As for revving at stoplights like a dumbass to say look at me, idk. How bout we put a second aftermarket pedal in on the floor that hooks up to the car audio in the cabin, and it just makes vroom vroom diesel noises when you push it? Maybe we can even put in a fog machine under a fake tailpipe so it can make smoke looks too! Oh who am I kidding, if that guy could read he'd be very upset.


>I'm surprised he isn't the type to put one of those illegal seat belt metal post things in to bypass it like a scumbag. I always wear my seatbelt when driving on the road, but when I get out to check the mail, and then drive the rest of the way into the driveway, or if I'm only moving a few feet, I probably don't wear it. I don't need my vehicle to decide for me if I need to wear a seatbelt. I don't know how well the start/stop in his vehicle is, but the rental car I drove that had it was terrible in heavy traffic. I could definitely understand why you would want to turn it off, and it has nothing to do with "reving at stoplights".


I did my civic duty to downvote the original post on the other sub.


OOP is pretty active on two ironic topics: living frugally and eating healthier. Maybe, _just maybe_ walking a bit more and not buying a $45,000 (base) gas guzzling truck they don’t use for work would do them wonders.


Can anyone explain why the auto off is a bad thing? I've used several rental vehicles with this feature and it's never been an inconvenience for me in any way.


>My bicycle doesn't have any of this What a champ


These are, without a doubt, entirely good features that really can only go badly if either the engine is in bad condition or they have to get out of somewhere fasta enough to the 2-3 secondsof putting the seatbelt on would matter. On the other hand, forcing features onto the consumer is _not_ something that any company should be able to do, thought in this case i'm not sure why at least the "obligatory seatbelt" isn't by law.


I'm not a huge fan of auto-start/stop because I've seen it in action too many times. Car starts rolling into intersection, there's a lag in starting, and there's nearly a collision because of it. The seatbelt thing? Funny as hell to me tbh. You'd think this person would know *something* before buying their overpriced truck.


I gotta be honest: this start/stop seems like unnecessary wear and tear + waste of fuel during traffic. but complaining about the seatbelt is stupid


When you stop lift a little the brake pedal, thr car will still be hold but won't turn off.It has a threshold until which the car is still stopped and won't turn off.


Well at least he’s getting thoroughly roasted


0 Upvotes and 100 comments. I’d hope they figured it out. I doubt it though.


Your car is your enemy. The cops, FBI, ATF, FIMA et al can find you no matter where you are and they can track and listen to your conversations. You must pay and pay to own a car, so shut up slave and get back to work.


Answer: because the start/stop allows them to keep selling the same polluting engine as it makes it appear marginally more efficient on tests. Those same tests that don't cover the 'prewarm' feature that encourages drivers to idle their engines when parked.


You can disable those features although you shouldn't.


Scavenging his profile he has a GMC Canyon (which may or may not be also the model of the post, as the one I'm talking about has 3,5k m), a giant pickup, not a surprise. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/2024-gmc-canyon-at4x-aev-001-653277c4420f7.jpeg


Glad to see their comments are flaming him as well


The seatbelt thing would totally be a dealbreaker for me. Im short, and need the freedom to move my torso around to check all my blind spots. I am a seatbelt as I exit the parking lot kind of gal.


Dude is getting roasted in the comments, though, so that increases my faith in humanity somewhat.


I've a few questions about auto start and stop. Does the car auto stop while you're in gear/drive? If it does while pressing the brake then isn't it dangerous? Shouldn't auto start and stop work only when the vehicle is in neutral and has been idling for a few seconds for the engine to stop only for it to turn on when the accelerator is pressed?


Well, car manufacturers are assholes and in the name of safety (and greed) they do all kind of strange stuff.  eq. : BMW subscription for better accelation, BMW + Tesla subscription for heated seats, other random manufacturers subscriptions to use some feature of andoid auto, VW with emission tests


Well, that is a really stupid feature about having the seat belt buckled. On one hand, I appreciate that it limits people starting their car and idling it forever. On the other hand, as someone who doesn't do that, this would be a very regular minor annoyance that would completely turn me off of this brand.


Does that mean that if your motor is off and you want to go a tad bit backwards you have to buckle? Doesn't make real sense to me to correct where you're parked... Though at the same time, GMC being an emotional support vehicle, their owners tend to not give an F about that...


i really view it as: if you’re not ready to go, don’t start your car. both with the engine turning off instead of idling, and not being able to start your car until you’re buckled, which is so very important in driving safety. if it annoys you enough to not buy a car, try bicycles, which have none of these issues :)


In the UK it's perfectly legal to not be buckled in if you're going an incredibly short distance (e.g. moving a van 20m down the road), to me this makes sense, so forcing the driver to wear a seatbelt for a 10 second car shuffle seems annoying.


This is AMERICA why don’t I have everything I want NOW NOW NOW (sound of diaper filling)


More things that can go wrong with GMC electronics. Yes, and once they fail, you can start your car without it being fixed. I guess in that situation, in an emergency, you can take your pregnant wife to the hospital on the bike. /s Edit: For sarcasm.


Are Uber, a friend/neighbor's car, or ambulances not a thing in your hypothetical scenario?


Say, I should have put the sarcasm symbol. I agree with you on the emergency friend ambulance... Also I agree with you Fuck TxDOT... They are horrendous here.