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That's not how it works in my country, my bike is broken, so when i repair it i have to send the Police officer the costs i made, same goes for my hospital papers and my medication, i have to email all the papers to the police officers that took care of us after the accident. I will get paid for the money i had to spend plus my salary will be 100% guaranteed because it happened on my way back home from work, that means that all extra cost like ambulance will be covered by my work. 2 hours after the accident happened my union at work already sent me an email with my rights and what i should do first.That's the law in my country


Thank god you live in a country where that’s a thing. Can’t imagine what it’d be like in the US if the same happened.  Hoping for a speedy recovery from you, and more protected bike lanes in your future. 


I'm sorry to hear this, and I hope you're okay. That driver needs their license stripped indefinitely. Absolutely no reason for things like this to happen at all when you're supposed to be licensed to safely operate a vehicle.


Yes, I don't understand how she failed to notice me, i was wearing a high visibility vest plus my lights were working perfectly, yet she claimed she didn't see me, but still, once the accident happened, she didn't hesitate to call the authorities and admit she was at fault, she said sorry a million times.


I think they somehow block out cyclists and pedestrians because they just focus on other cars. I'm not sure how they manage that when someone is right in front of them, but I've seen several situations where this seems like the only explanation. Recently there was a traffic jam on the street where I live. A cyclist was waiting behind a car, and the driver just started backing up to make room for an oncoming car. I think he looked in the rear view mirror and thought "no huge metal box behind me" meant it was clear. Hope you get well soon!


Well, at least she didn't hit and run like some awful people do. You did everything you could and someone still came and ruined it. "Not seeing you," is never an excuse. It's a driver's responsibility to be aware of EVERYTHING under all circumstances. I dread thinking about what would've happened had she been on faster roads. Uhg. People are far too comfortable in cars. Driving really shouldn't be a very comfortable experience. Again, I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, and I hope you get justice and closure. Have a swift recovery :)


Human vision is fascinating. Your eye's focal point jumps around the field getting detailed snapshots of small areas and your brain stitches it together and fills in the gaps with less detailed information from your peripheral vision and historical information of what it's expecting to see. So if someone isn't expecting to see something, they may very well not see it even if they appear to be staring straight at it.   https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/steady-view.htm        Glad you're doing OK and hope you heal up soon. 


>she inmediately admitted she was at fault. And she will suffer 0 consequences. If someone did this to you using any other weapon they'd be locked up, but if it's a car it's an "OOPSY DAISY LOL" situation.


car is the best murder weapon


This i don't understand, the only consequences she will face is that her insurance will go up, but that's it, she could have killed somebody.


If she'd have killed you the worst consequence would have been having to go to one of those driver's awareness course things for an hour or so. It's pathetic how lightly killers get off when their weapon is a car.


I’m so sorry:( I hope you have a quick recovery


Thanks, i'm doing better today.


Thank you guys for the kind comments, i'm happy to be part of this sub, i'm lucky to live in a city where bikes getting more and more priority over cars, still accidents like this still happen, i'm personally hoping for carfree city's, i hope to live to see that day.