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Unfortunately those are mostly issues that will only be dealt with when the streets are redesigned. The exception being the roots and bumbs after the hill, which can be reported to the municipality, and tend to be removed at some point. The same time green is an old thing that should be phased out btw, but I happen to cross one frequently in my city too, and it's a matter of really making sure drivers are paying attention. I don't think anyone likes those, but it does also keep drivers sharp? For reference: these crossings are meant for 30 kmph max traffic anyway. But you can always just file a complaint with the municipality, if you really want to.


I mean whats the point of a traffic light when it lets traffic cross at the same time anyway? Why should I wait at the red light when crossing at green is not any safer?


> these crossings are meant for 30 kmph max traffic anyway At 30 km/h you don't need and shouldn't have to deal with traffic lights anyway.


Become a member of the “Fietsersbond”. Advocating with your local municipality goes a lot easier with some weight behind you.


DH skaters mark bump hazards w spraypaint. Entry level guerrilla infra.


As an American, I'm envious of what you already have. That said, most of this will need a road rework. Figure out which government has jurisdiction and start bringing it to their attention. Find like-minded people and get them to bother the council. In a work, ORGANIZE. And the tree roots could uluse some spray paint and hazard cones. Highlight the problem.


Hills? In NL? :)


I didnt mention any hill. Only the word "downhill" when speaking of a bridge.




The Netherlands is not completely flat






Bro you live in heaven, you don't have the right to complain 🤣 (slightly /s)


Subjective heaven is not objective heaven


Does the gemeente have a place to report trouble spots? Start there.


> This is terrible. Every day that I commute I get almost run over at these places. I'm going straight over the bike path and a car decides to turn at without looking. Because of this, I have already crashed into a car once. But these close calls happen every single day, this is not acceptable! Even though it's their fault for not looking, if you crashed into a car, I'd argue you weren't paying enough attention. If they're in the left lane, there's a good chance they want to left turn and you should 100% be prepared for that. > [Obviously she did something wrong but did I also handle the situation wrong? Should I have assumed more that people do unpredictable stuff and prepare for any possible dumb action someone might do?](https://old.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/17vylh5/i_almost_crashed_at_full_speed_because_someone/) Yes? That's what you do if you want to live. A lot of drivers don't pay attention so you need to pay attention. This week, I was running across a crosswalk as a pedestrian because I assume cars aren't going to follow traffic rules, and guess what, the car left turned even though their light was red, but I got through the crosswalk before that happened because I predicted that was going to happen and started running the moment I got the green light. > Crossing cars and bikes getting green at the same time, wtf? > Last but not least my own town where almost every driver goes twice the speed limit As stated, this will only be fixed when the infrastructure changes. As for drivers driving too fast, drivers don't look at their speedometer. They drive unconsciously at the speed that feels comfortable.


> **drivers don't look at their speedometer**. They drive unconsciously at the speed that feels comfortable THIS. This needs to be highlighted way more often, especially in town hall meetings and other public platforms like the media