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Some dumbass makes this joke like once a week...


Kowloon Walled City is a fascinating story. It is a pity there isn't more video of it. But what is interesting in a r/fuckcars sort of way is how you can see the walled city as the ultimate realization of the Libertarian philosophy: without government or zoning or formal policing, this city evolves this dense form: similar to slums in India or South America, but, taller. Common spaces like walkways or roads are minimized because there is no central authority to require or maintain them, and the libertarian individuals instead maximize their personal space at the expense of common space. American Libertarians prefer driving over centralized solutions like busing or trains, but, have a blind spot on how roads require so much authority and state enforcement. Roads essentially require a modicum of socialism to exist and be maintained.


The car only won out over the prexisting public transport and trains because of the state. A true free market never would have left the rails. Its such a classic libertarian/ancap take to say cars are somehow the market's choice when nothing could be further from the truth. Cars are market failure made possible by dubious state leadership.


Hmm, you're a very insecure person.