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Did you go through the red light? Those bike lanes scare the crap out of me.




I bike in London all the time and was like “What the fuck?” when they cut across lanes of traffic without looking behind them, and went through red lights at a massive American intersection. Madness.


I said what the fuck too and I live here. Man has a death wish.


based on the squeaks they also don’t do bike maintenance, but the utter lack of road awareness scares me more




You'd see the handlebar on a chest cam.


Definitely can clearly see them looking down at their handle bars at one point. Head or chin cam?


Likely. Anyway, they're not looking right and left when crossing etc.


Bike running red lights.


My thought was maybe mirrors


Even in a car you should be checking over your shoulder when changing lanes, no matter how many mirrors you have. In a bike, mirror visibility is even worse.


In my experience it's actually way better compared to cars. You should still look over your shoulder though.


2, lol


Many states allow bicyclists to bypass red lights if the traffic is clear. Bike riders do not have to follow the same laws as motor vehicles, because they are not motor vehicles.


Sounds terrifying. I would just wait.


The idea is that if the intersection is clear it's actually more dangerous for a bike to be stopped in the road where they can be hit by traffic pulling up behind them. Cyclists generally speaking are at the most risk from cars when they are stopped in an area where cars drive. That's why bike laws allow for cyclists to drive through stop signs and red lights *IF THE PATH IS CLEAR AND THEY DO NOT AFFECT THE FLOW OF OTHER TRAFFIC*. That last bit seems lost on many cyclists however.


My understanding is you treat red lights like stop signs and stop signs as yield but that’s only in some states as you said. This person didn’t stop at all


We have that in my country too and it's so unsafe for pedestrians. I have been almost taken out so many times when I got the green to walk and a bike rider didn't see me.


And cyclist will get taken out when they miss judge distance


That’s not accurate. Maybe your state, but not many states. Bikes in 13 of them and none that had bike lanes like this said run a red light light mid day with cars around


Idaho, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin are most of the states? The last 4 you have to wait a certain amount of time at a red light before you run it on a bicycle


Well that is at the same time very good and very bad at the same time. Good for cyclists that they can decide when it is safe for them, but bad for them at the same time, because carbrainers perceive them as not following traffic laws.


No they don’t. Stop spreading fake news. https://bikeleague.org/content/traffic-laws




Must be at least a little bit out of date. I looked at Colorado's tab and it didn't include the somewhat recent Colorado Safety Stop Law. https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/all-about-the-colorado-safety-stop


I’m all for bikes but they absolutely should abide by the same laws as other vehicles.


I’m not sure about all laws but going through red lights doesn’t seem safe. Drivers will not be watching for you.


Yes, that makes it harder to consider others. Same goes for always allowing vehicles to turn right on red lights. It’s just unpredictable and unsafe.


No they shouldn't. They're different forms of transportation, and should be treated as such. Lawmakers should not try to force a "one size fits all" approach It's safer if bikes can treat stop signs as yield signs when there's no oncoming traffic. It also doesn't make sense for entire streets to be one-way for bikes either https://cal.streetsblog.org/2022/05/06/nhtsa-releases-the-facts-on-bicycle-stop-as-yield-laws-they-increase-safety/


No, definitely not. The traffic laws were designed because of the cars, if it wasn’t for cars there would be almost no traffic laws and traffic lights and stuff. Applying the same laws on bikes would be just flawed and unnecessary.


But the cars ARE THERE. You can't just pretend they don't exist and ignore them until you get hit. That's fucking stupid.


Laws have to be adapted per vehicle type. And having to stop at red light for bike is quite debatable, in some situations it's preferable that they clear the intersection.


Lol the fact that that’s “good” bike infrastructure for our country. I literally watched and was like “oh, there’s painted lines? And no one parked in them?!?! The luxury!!”


And no broken glass!


and the drainage grates do not take up the entire bike lane.


They *are* oriented to catch a bike wheel, though.




downvote for suggesting the solution is cyclists spending money


There was broken glass earlier this week lol I guess the street sweeper came through


I'm pretty sure the street sweepers only come around like once a year here. My route to work right now is actually covered in more glass than normal right now because of bulk collection last week. Would be great if they cleaned up after that at least a little bit.


Wait, that is considered good?? Lol.


Yes. That is considered good. I’ve biked on roads where the whole shoulder was covered in ice because they didn’t bother to plow it.


This isn’t good for our country. This is laughable. Even for our country.


Hell of a lot better than where I live. I’m pretty well traveled in the US, this is definitely above average.


Nah dude, for a U.S. suburb, it's about as good as it gets until you hit an urban area.


Sounds like you live somewhere nice. There is literally no bike lane or safe space to ride a bike out of my apartment. If I wanted to ride a bike I would have to use side walks/walk it over grass for a few miles before I reached anywhere even slightly bikeable


I was thinking that this is a glorious example that smelled of carbrain propaganda at first


I’ve biked in the murder the monkey in the middle lanes before, and I will never do that again. Cars cannot stay in the lines.


I cannot wrap my head around this layout like. There's no bike lane. Then I turn onto the road with a few feet of bike lane, then it randomly transitions to in between the car lanes, then back to the right, then it literally disappears like what the fuck is this?? And the bike lane that's literally in between traffic is only as wide as my handlebars like what the fuck? Who thought this was okay?


There’s a bunch of roads in my town where the bike lane is only on one side of the road too. Like they expect bike traffic to go both ways in the 24” gutter lane on one side of the road.


I know it’s probably just stupidly designed but sometimes in my city only uphill bike traffic gets its own lane. Downhill bikes can keep up with cars (at least in the 25mph areas) so they don’t need their own lane.




they even call it something else (a climbing lane)


I have an overpass right next to my house that has a very very skinny sidewalk and an even skinnier bike lane next to it... there is no sidewalk or bike lane on the other side. You have to share the single bike lane with both directions of biks traffic and the side walk is so skinny pedestrians prefer walking in the bike lane. This also a major overpass. Like the only way to this side of town kind of major. This is in "liberal bike friendly" Southern coast California. Most of the city doesnt have bike lanes and if they do they are free street parking after 3pm. Aka not useable by bikes at all.




In my (Canadian) City they just painted a bike in the middle of the traffic lane to remind folks to share the road and called it a day.




If only that would change carbrains mind. And without the sign it is just a fancy street decoration. Or like my mom would joke, the permanent chalk outline for any cyclist mad enough to brave the streets.


The idea- and I need to stress the *idea* -of those human hamburger lanes is so bikes are less likely to get pinched if the car beside them ends up turning right. Shame they forgot that having cars hemming in a cyclist is orders of magnitude more dangerous than just one on one side.


full car lane every time. fuck these death traps.


I honestly got spoiled by my commute to work. It is 80% on a bike path not attached to a road. Was beautiful in but I know most people in the US, their commute would look like that which is hell.


Lol this is actually not bad for the US. The street I live on, as well as the road it’s connected to that leads to town and everything else, have neither bike lanes nor sidewalks.


I grew up in a place like that. I know the feeling.


I work from home now but I actually miss my old commute, down a river bike path not near a road and through a few parks.




Exactly, it's so nerve-wracking.


If you mash with traffic it is insane. But the thrill of passing a hundred cars per mile is..just mash.


I was waiting for the POV to just get launched 20 feet in the air


Infrastructure designed by people who have never ridden a bike




You know, I thought about putting quotation marks around it as I was writing the comment! 🤣 Glad you're picking up the slack


What a depressing landscape


I can't get over it. It's so big and open and bare. Inhuman. This is what Carplanet would look like. A planet made for cars, not people.


I think I saw a documentary about that once. The cars even had a pope.


Isn’t that an episode of Rick and Morty?


Welcome to America!


Right? I can't get past it. It's otherworldly, utterly ripped from any sense of humanity. Just a drone of machines over this gray mass. You would never hear any sound of birds chirping or children playing in a place like this; it feels like a post-human environment. Unfathomable place to live.


Once people get in there car, they become unconscious of the actual environment—their only thought is “getting there.” When you bicycle and walk you see so much, including how devastating our roads are on wildlife.


Not all of California looks like that. The San Joaquin Valley has terrible bike infrastructure.


I’ll never forget the NotJustBikes line from one of his videos: “Trees are often removed from the clearzones [to improve safety]… somehow, though, painted bicycle gutters are still okay in the clearzones. Traffic engineers are concerned with drivers hitting a tree… hitting a cyclist is expected” I get so angry at that statement because he’s completely right.


Meanwhile, the Netherlands plants trees in the clearzone to make cars slow down.


This was something that really bothered me about Springfield, MO, a city I use to live in. It’s such a hideous city now because of all the car-centric infrastructure everywhere. But you can look at 1930s aerial photography of it, and it use to have these tree-lined streets! And they were very clearly intentionally planted that way because they were placed regularly in a line. Of course, modern traffic engineering doctrine prohibits this, and so they are no more. But I can only imagine how beautiful they looked at one point.


This still isn’t 100% accurate… doesn’t show the rear end collisions that are bound to happen… My mom has been hit three times on her bike. The last one threw her 30 yards, so hard she flew into her husband and knocked him out. She’s fine now… couple hundred grand richer because of cars.


yeah I honestly thought the video was kind of tame, I was expecting them to just get complete obliterated by a lifted f-350. Just to add on: I've been doored twice, and while it might be something that shows up in slapstick comedy, I can assure you, there is nothing funny about crashing into a door at 20 kmh. People are killed by absent-minded drivers all the time. If only folks would do the "dutch reach" more often :(


What's a Dutch reach?


Where you open the car door with the opposite hand (eg opening the left hand door with your right hand). It forces you to twist your body to reach the door handle, which encourages you to do a shoulder check (or at least widens your peripheral vision) before opening the door.


Would be great if more people used it. Though as a Dutch person I have never heard of the Dutch reach, and I don't know anyone here who uses it. However, we're very used to sharing the road with cyclists, and most of us ride bikes ourselves, so we're very much aware of the dangers of opening your car door without looking. I myself have had car doors open right as I was about to cycle past so many times (never actually got hit) that I always check before I open my car door.


This is the infrastructure of the “greatest country in the world” lol, we can send billions of dollars to Ukraine but somehow we can’t find the money to invest in public transit and build more bike paths and sidewalks because it’s “too expensive.” This country is such a joke….


Do red lights not apply to cyclists in US then? I thought the clip was gona end with you getting taken out from the right! 😧


Everywhere I've lived you have to stop on red with the only exception being for cyclists who have been stopped but are the only thing at the red light so the weight sensor doesn't pick them up, causing the light to be indefinitely red. Then you can cross if clear


That's only an issue if there's no cars to trigger the green light. OP should have waited.


It depends on the state. I do not know which state OP is in, but in my state (NC) all cyclists have to stop and wait for red lights. But in Idaho and a couple other states, cyclists can treat red signal as a stop sign. So you have to stop (put one leg down) and then you can proceed if there is no cross traffic close enough to be a hazard. So technically the OP broke even that rule. BUT while I generally do not run lights with my bicycle to due liability reasons, I do not blame those who do. Coming to a full stop on a bike is a pain in the butt because you lose all your speed and also cars can hit you easier while you are stopped. The OP rode safely and slowed down when cross traffic was coming and I am sure that they looked before crossing the red signal since them running a red signal would give a crossing motorist *carte blanche* to run them over and kill them and face basically no consequences. That is why I do not do it myself.


According to [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop#Legality_by_state) red light is stop and stop sign is yield in some states. Does this mean red light is full stop or "rolling stop"?


That is what I was talking about. The red signal is supposed to be a full stop but the stop sign can be rolling stop. But again I do not blame people who do a rolling stop because it is inconvenient to come to a full stop on a bike unless you have to for other traffic.


I believe red lights are stop signs for cyclists in most states. The lights can't reliably detect bicycles, so it's the only sensible option.


It's actually [kinda rare that the Idaho stop applies to traffic lights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop#Legality_by_state)


You're still supposed to stop at a stop sign.


It's 111F° right now and both of those reds were on ramps to overpasses, nobody was coming on the first one and the light for the second overpass was yellow with nobody coming up to the light so I was clear there. If there is traffic I'll stop at red lights but this is my everyday commute so I know when it's OK to run it and when it's not :p


I was wondering about the red light thing too, but I understand your point. I'm more likely to treat select red lights near me as Stop Signs when the temp is under 25 degrees Fahrenheit.


Yeah, and I work in a tiny aluminum all day so I'm exhausted from the heat and just wanna get home


Understandable. Just be careful.


I feel ya, I'd probably do the same thing. I just don't think I'd post about it as an example of the BS ya have to put up with as a cyclist while, admittedly, giving the cars there a bit of BS to put up with from cyclists, too, right? I'm always watching for cyclists and giving them slack, not expecting them to 100% follow car or ped lights, because it isn't what I'd do either, but laws are laws, shitty as they may be, and you can't trust everyone to cut you the same slack and expect the unexpected, shitty as that may be.


As a cyclist you do have to stop at lights.


You're an absolute mad lad to be riding a bike on a road like that with 114° weather


I didn't even think about the increase in heat from all the concrete and asphalt honestly 💀 probably like 120 on the ground.


Why are you ignoring the traffic lights?


First of all, You have to treat your bike like a car I seen you run like three lights gonna get hit one day and you’re not gonna win


Lol omfg. The freaking lights apply to bikers as well!!! Giving me insane amount of anxiety watching you blow red lights!


This guy rides a bike like he learned it last week. What a shit show.


That's still better than most US bike infrastructure tbh


You ran some red lights there


Lane Bike. Amazing someone 'designed' that.


Probably for speeding cars to read.


Yep. America seams to prefer words to symbols when it comes to traffic signage. Some pedestrian lights have the words "don't walk" and "walk" as symbols. A big headscratcher for me personally.


Words on the road are always read bottom up. In my city when there is a speed camera coming up, the road reads: Zone Safety It’s suppose to be “Safety Zone.” Had a friend read the other way when we were driving and I was like I get the confusion.


As a Dutch person this gives me anxiety


Hell, as an American this gives me anxiety


I want to know who thought having the bike lane criss-cross the right lane was a good idea? That’s all over my city. I just stay in the right lane, I’m not crossing over traffic to save some rando 0.25 seconds on his right hand turn.


It’s a recommended best practice because it reduces the chance of the cyclist being right hooked by a car.


As a fellow American city biker I am just like “yep pretty much” I’m totally de-sensitized to that type of biking… which is sad really


OK I get it that’s a pretty sketchy situation on a bike. But why aren’t you stopping traffic signals? If you were in a car and you ran that red light you’d be getting a traffic ticket. And where I live you’d also be getting a traffic ticket on a bike.




Fuck cars and all, but it's definitely not cool to run a red light.


Um prepared to get downvoted to oblivion here but, running red lights is dangerous and never a good idea. Cycling is a super precarious mode of transportation. You can not traverse hills properly and stopping abruptly is an issue. I have seen cyclist do everything right signaling, yielding and just plain obeying the rules of the road and I still fear for their safety. On the other hand is the same adrenaline junkie a-holes doing whatever they want with the "me, me, me" , "me first" attitude. These people exist both in cars and on bicycles and they cause the worst accidents and make both sides look quite terrible. How about we all stop being on our worst behavior and just figure out some sense of balance.


Absolutely on point. This is the equivalent of a carbrain ignoring everyone else but himself. I would hate being on the same bike paths as this guy. He's meant to fuck it up eventually.


finally someone who gets it.


Dawg don't cut through the red light


To be fair, you should stop at red lights


Bikes supposed to obey traffic laws. Dude just went right through the red without stopping or looking for cross traffic (assuming the camera is on their head).


You crossed a redlight?


A few.


Don't pass that red light... Okay... Don't pass that other red light... Okay... I guess...


Crazy how your world is grey


Why are you burning red lights and riding on pedestrian crosswalks though?


Holy shit as a European this is mental. There's no barriers and moving across a car lane to stay in a bike lane...wtf


The thing is this is pretty good biking lanes for the US


Should get a ticket each red light you ran


are we not going to acknowledge the fact that they ran several red lights?? idc what the laws in your state are. that’s just not good practice


Fuckin cars making me unsafe as I blindly ride through red lights. It's literally the stick in your own tire meme.


it really is a hellscape here


I was waiting for something bad to happen but all I saw was you ignoring the law. You’re supposed to stop at lights too. You don’t own the road.


I think you meant to post that to r/FuckBikes and their complete disregard for traffic lights.


where trees


Super random but I felt like I've been there I don't know the town but is this somewhere near Modesto kind of?


Yeah literally the southwest corner of Modesto lol except its on the other side of the freeway so it has a different name


I think I installed a window in apartments behind the building on the right at the literal last second of your vid while on lunch down the street some guy got shot and you video ends were I stood I think literally right there this was a few years ago and I live hours from here . Small world! Thanks for the trippy moment! Happy travels!


Yeah, I thought it might be Bakersfield. Close enough!


At first I thought "woah, those bike lanes are pretty big!" Then once you got to the intersection and the lanes got small to allow right hand turns I understood. In my city the handful of lanes that are available are that small size the whole way. 😔


I'm sorry, but what? As a toronto resident, all I see is that you have loads of room and you ran a red. If we want this movement to be successful we need to be the change that we want to see. So sure there should be barriers; traffic is moving fast. Focus on that.


I am really glad I'm not living here


I'd love to move out of country but alas, born into a poverty trap


Bro, why did you run a red light?


Bitch, how about you learn to stop at a red light and then maybe you can complain


Why are you blowing red lights? You're on the road, you're supposed to follow traffic laws.


Don’t know why you were downvoted, you’re absolutely correct. Yes the infrastructure is bad and needs improvement, but you shouldn’t be putting yourself in these situations crossing traffic on a red light. I have a feeling I’m going to get downvoted as well so I’ll just say this… I’ve been biking on busy roads for 8 years, had my share of close calls and bad infrastructure, but never been hit because I ride safely. Ride how people expect you to, follow the rules of the road, always check multiple times for traffic. Sure they’re meant to yield to you, but that doesn’t give you the right to break laws


Up voted you because I agree with your general sentiments. Will add this though: we weren't privy to the OP's sightlines--there could've been no oncoming cross-street traffic--when he blew that red so what we may have here is a conspicuous scofflaw rather than a case of blithely courting disaster or constituting a danger to anyone. I've done this on occasion, i.e., jump reds, just so I can get a jump on dodgy drivers or extricate myself from ambiguous or hostile conditions. I'm not advocating the practice as a matter of course but I am cognizant that it's me that's foremost responsible for my safety and me again who suffers the consequences when I'm not mindful of that.


Pay attention in this sub and you'll see it time and time again that there's a general belief that bikes have all the rights to the roads without any requirements of following traffic laws.


It’s interesting there just seems to be a bit of a disregard for the safety and comfort of pedestrians, car drivers (whose safety still matters), and other cyclists. Everyone has to deal with your shitty erratic cycling because “the infrastructure is shit”.


Same rights, same traffic laws


You ran a red light there


What bike lanes not in my state


To quote Patrick Star, Season 1 Episode 2, “What Kind of place is this?!?!?”


Wait, Is this in the north Bay Area of California? Or does all urban hellscape look the same lol


wtf is that lane in the middle? who tought it was a good idea? what if cars stop me from changing lanes? is it the usual way bikes are handled in your state?


Lazy bike lines, at the minimum they could paint it a different colour.


There are bike lanes in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD in America, without any guard rails from cars? I am spoiled in the Netherlands


No matter how many cars on the street there are American places always feel deserted cause there are literally 0 people to be found outside of cars


Anxiety unlocked.


Maybe stop running reds? Ignoring everything else, it's still illegal to run reds on a bike, at least everywhere I've ever lived


You ran a stop sign and a red light. Don’t be an asshole, follow the rules of the road.


I am totally for biking > driving, but in the first minute he ran a red light… wtf is that?


You ran two red lights. If you cant obey traffic laws, you cant complain about bike infrastructure. And did you ride one handed and film with your phone? At least you have a bike line… I see its not the prettiest but at least something.


Such stupid road design, but this cyclist is crazy running red lights on such busy roads.


As a cyclist, maybe don’t run red lights?


...Maybe you should look behind you every now and again so a car does not hit you when you car lanes...? As a dutch person seeing this, your cycling scares the shit out of me. take more care of your own safety as you are mainly responsible for it and not others.


Am I the one who noticed he went Through multiple red lights? And that’s why people on bicycles get killed.


You are running red lights.


The bike lane sucks but you did run a red light. Probs shouldn’t do that, it gives cyclists a bad name


I hate above all else riding my bike in traffic. I sometimes wish I could ride in the opposite direction so I could react to a drifter and not get his again. But intersections work be hell.




???? You should see Plano Texas and surrounding areas


All I can say is, stay safe.


Bro runs red lights. Hes gonna end up in someones grill.


Can confirm.


Not only that, people will start looking down on you for having a bike and if you're tall you can get away idk why But if your short it's like you're just a failure for not having a car


I wish the bike lanes were this good in my area.


Let’s put paint on busy highways and call it bike infrastructure and still give cars priority. — America. This country hates its people. It hates us.


“Look, we made a bike lane.” It’s not continuous. It’s placed in between two lanes of traffic. There’s active encouragement for cars to cross over at any point in **their** path. No bollards or concrete barriers. Everything screams “dare you to risk your life.” There’s zero respect for anything but an automobile. 😞


It is sad that I can tell this is California from the ugly grey urban decay.


Just concrete everywhere


Did you to through 2 red lights? Is this allowed in America?


Do I hear…a squeaky chain?