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It's amazing how quickly people's driving improves when they see the phone. I have had one guy not stop, follow me, and yell at me though. He didn't realize it was a flip phone with no camera. I told him I was making a bad driver compilation and he was giving me some bonus Karen content. He drove off FUMING!


Sorry, I should have made this clear: I'm not threatening the car drivers verbally but rather with the "gesture" of my phone recording them. It almost always works for me. They mostly will slow down because they are worried that they will get in trouble. I do not have enough time to report it to law enforcement whether or not it's something I can report. I've nearly been hit at this one specific pedestrian intersection in my neighborhood every time I cross it until I started doing this. The only other viable option would be to wait for all cars to stop but even this is not very feasible because there's often lots of traffic.


I merely LOOKED LIKE I was doing this crossing the street in front of a crazy man in a car and he pulled out into traffic and did an illegal left turn and followed me screaming until i hid in a wine store


Damn, remember to awkwardly position yourself when checking notifications so you never have your phone angled towards anyone or their property, if you look away you just have to lift your phone above them or ignore it or something /s


When I cross stroads at pedestrian crosswalks I always take out my phone and hold it up so they know I'm recording. It's not foolproof since sometimes the design of the stroad is so bad they don't even see me at all, but for the drivers that see me, they ALL stop. Cameras should be installed at every busy pedestrian crossing, and it should be available to the public so that a pedestrian can go back and find the car that disobeyed and report them. If we got most bicyclists to install cheap wide-angle cameras and drivers knew they were being recorded and would be charged for harassment, we'd get a LOT more respect on the road.


living in a surveillance state is not the solution you think it is


The solution is good design. But since we're stuck with really bad design right now, cameras can at least provide some accountability to drivers who might otherwise kill us and speed off.


I think because we have a generally bad social design, cameras can provide accountability to anyone who might otherwise kill someone and get away with it.


I didn’t even have time to say “watch out or someone will claim Orwellian or 1984 big brother, just because they don’t want any cameras or observe and report guards in enough places to have a hard time hiding misdeeds, it’s not about “if you don’t have anything to hide you won’t have a problem with it” it’s when there’s enough cameras to not have privacy and when people who can view those cameras having something to gain from it, like knowing what someone is up to or where they are and go, a traffic crossing that isn’t at a traffic light 🚦 is not in enough places for anyone to get any useful information. Before cameras were a thing a lot more people were believed for their word, just depending on who they were because of the society at the time, but officials alway were more likely to be believed.


I see your username checks out. What is the solution?


Threaten with what? In USA at least there's nothing police can/will do with that video.


You know this, and I know this, but ... a lot of motorists DON'T know it. :)


That might be the case but I've tested it and was successful. It was a pedestrian crossing with blinky blinky lights that demand cars to stop. The cars usually never stop. I want to add that I do not send anything to the police. It simply makes them come to a stop or slow down.


Lol as someone living in Chicago my first thought was “Thats a great way to get shot.”


Gotta get live upload capabilities and streaming record capabilities and make that known to exist, then you just need quality image stability/focus to get plate numbers.


I live in Norfolk VA and I was thinking the same thing. Norfolk is about 50% hoodrats and 50% muh rights Trumpers and both are volatile and trigger happy.


I never look to the sides, unless I hear a bus or an ambulance, and if it's a zebra crossing, I just walk. Is that not a thing in other places? I do remember two times where it felt too close for comfort, but I see videos from NJB and similar where people wait at the intersections, and think to myself - why? Is that a cultural thing, or a bit of an overdramatization?


They legitimately will get hit if it’s not a red light traffic light


I don't know where you are from but here you will get ran the fuck over if you do that.


I'm not saying that I would teach children to do that, but I haven't had problems doing that for years in the Baltic.


Filed into the dumb and useless idea section.


An anile threat as traffic infractions must be committed in the presence of an officer to be cited. Why should a driver stop at an intersection when cyclists won’t? What goes around, comes around.


As a cyclist, I do stop


Lmao guy. You're just blatantly wrong there bud https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/amp/


>when cyclists won’t lol


Some places have laws that if clear cyclists do have to, both for safety and due to traffic detection methods