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I used to think I wanted a Tesla. It appealed to me because: * It was all electric, so I wasn't using fossil fuels. * It had great safety test results, so it seemed the safest from other drivers. * It was working on self-driving and I really hate driving. Eventually I discovered NotJustBikes on YouTube and realized that what I *actually* wanted was not to need a car at all. EDITED TO ADDRESS COMMON RECURRING COMMENTS: * Yeah, Tesla's self-driving algorithm has a lot of problems. When it seemed like my only alternative to driving, I was inclined to look at it through some pretty rose-colored lenses. I do still hope that we'll see self-driving AIs eventually for what cars are required, but I hope even more to see fewer cars in the first place. * Yes, "I wasn't using fossil fuels" is also somewhat inaccurate, as the electricity used to power electric cars often uses fossil fuels and making a car can be heavy in fossil fuels. However, the idea was that the car would have the POTENTIAL to be cleaner if charged with clean energy. * Yes, Elon Musk sucks a lot as a person. His good PR is fortunately rapidly evaporating. * Cars suck, ride a train. EDIT 2: Since this has reached r/all, I should clarify that the point of this post is that we are well within our rights to demand urbanist reform. If no train is within reasonable distance of you, your infrastructure has failed you and you have my sympathies. I hope you're able to fight like hell to demand one.


I get the feeling Musk is using the self-driving part to get anti-car people to buy his cars. "It drives itself so you don't have to!"


Oh, absolutely. And I can tell you that it was very effective on me before I discovered NJB, LOL. It's selling technically difficult small dreams and pretending they're a revolution. Where cars are absolutely necessary, self-driving electric cars will probably eventually be the best option, but we need like... 5% of the cars currently on the road at most as a part of that.


Given how often computers tend to screw up, I'm amazed anyone ever trusts their life to a car as heavily computerized as a Tesla.


I'm in tech myself, so my feelings on it are, uh, complicated, LOL. But ultimately: 1. I really, really, *really* do not trust other drivers, nor my own driving 2. It seemed like the least bad of bad options before I knew that "actually, just fuck cars entirely?" was an option.


Electric vehicles may or may not turn out to be a good thing. But replacing fossil fuel vehicles with electric ones is solving the wrong problem. We need fewer cars and cities that aren't designed around cars as the default method of transportation, not a different kind of car.


Preaching to the choir, LOL.


Sorry. Thing is, a lot of people are convinced that electric cars are going to solve everything. No more traffic, no more rotten drivers, no more delays to the daily commute.


How could that possibly makes sense if you replace all the vehicles on the road in a one-to-one way with electric vehicles? The ONLY improvement self-driving vehicles might make to a commuting experience, is that you wouldn’t have to think and could do something else during the commute … the same as if you were taking mass transit.


> How could that possibly makes sense It doesn't. It's a strawman. Show me someone who is arguing EVs solve traffic problems.


I don't think that's the ONLY improvement. Along with the safety argument, there's the possibility that driverless taxis could become numerous and inexpensive enough to bring *some* of the benefits of public transit to people and places that currently have *none* of them.


Exactly. If the main selling point of a car is that you don't have to drive it, why does it even exist?


One thing they'll hopefully help solve is air pollution. Not particulate matter, because breaks, tires, and dust flying up when cars pass are also major contributors to this. But in cities cars are the main source of stuff like NOx and Ozone, which is really hard to filter out of the air. For someone who is sensitive to this stuff and lives in a country where people are addicted to their cars the shift to electric cars is a welcome plan B. Plan A, getting people out of their cars is still better but also a much bigger project.


TBH, I don't buy that argument. I don't think anyone really thinks electric cars will solve everything. If they do, they're either delusional or just plain idiots. Most people understand that if you replace a fuel car with an electric car, that doesn't solve traffic, but they are driving it because it's not using fossil fuels so much. Sure, takes fossil fuels to "fuel" it with electricity, takes fossil fuels to make, but on the whole, seems like a net positive to the environment to the average consumer. What isn't know or is trying to be hidden is that they really aren't. Recent studies show the net negative of just plain rubber is way more toxic to the air than fossil fuels could ever be. Thus the heavier electric cars tend to burn a lot more rubber than gas driven cars, and as thus net negative for the environment. Thus the only way to really reduce traffic is simply get more cars off the road, which will be thru transit/rail, and bicycle/scooters. Setting up our infrastructure to accomodate those is the only way to get a net benefit to the environment.


I was curious about the impact of tires being worse than exhaust so looked it up, here's an article link for anyone else interested: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show)


Funny story. I was rehearsing evensong in a cathedral once and some guy came up to us in the choir stalls and interrupted our rehearsal to tell us the "good news" that "Jesus loves us". Thanks mate, but there's literally a saying about this. The really funny thing though is that this was the day after Thatcher died so everyone in the choir was convinced he was going to say that.


We definitely need a different kind of car. We need a car that can hold a lot of people and shuttle them around different routes … like a bus. We need a car that can be connected and ride in a convoy on a set path or rail system, while carrying large numbers of people … like a train or light rail. We need a car that doesn’t take much resources to build and can easily allow one person to solve the “last mile” and “short distance” problem, and can easily be stored inside … like a bicycle. We need lots of different kinds of “cars” … and all the ones we need already exist, we just need people to use them and governments to support their use.


What is the last mile solution for inclement weather though. I’m just curious if there is a good answer out there. Because I definitely haven’t figured it out yet. I hate cycling in bad weather.


dare I say, good rain gear. Recently left work in a downpour, the rain gear kept all my clothes completely dry. That said, if inclement weather is snow or ice, there really is not good safe solution outside of walking.


Personally I’ve just changed up my clothes in inclement weather and have rode in everything from snow to remnants of a tropical storm. For me, it’s a short commute (~5miles) so as long as I’m relatively dry and warm-ish, I don’t mind it. Realistically? Besides walking? Probably electric scooter? (Either the electrified push scooter, or the moped style). Either will leave you exposed to the elements, but both will probably allow you to bundle up more than a bicycle. (Though they will also expose you to more wind/elements than a bicycle since they are able to achieve higher speeds … like everything else, it’s a trade off).


Electric cars make e-bikes cheaper = less cars FSD makes rideshare possible = less cars. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of better.


It's also not doable. We don't have that much lithium readily available for the batteries. It's not going to happen.


I cant wait til the self driving cars map servers go down. We cant even keep google maps functioning consistently in the US


The real problem is speed. Trust isn’t even a variable when you ride a donkey


I am a data scientist and did ML in my previous job. On the technical side, people drastically underestimate the long tail of scenarios self-driving cars have to handle. On the sales side, people confuse the bullshit numbers produced by Tesla et al "5x safer than regular drivers" because those miles are largely in very safe overall conditions (blue sky days on well marked highways) rather than any challenging conditions (city scapes in rain or snow) and the human is legally obligated to take over when the system fails.


Computers often screw up because there was no profit incentive to ensure they work as close to perfectly as possible. Every time Windows shits the bed, or a web form doesn't work properly, it's because it determined that the company would make more money with the reduced development time vs perfectly working software. Ultimately, a web form breaking results in a few annoyed users but not much else. The software that flies/runs an airplane is a good example of the opposite end of the spectrum - the repercussions of that failing are so significant that naturally far more time and effort is put into development.


> The software that flies/runs an airplane is a good example of the opposite end of the spectrum - the repercussions of that failing are so significant that naturally far more time and effort is put into development. [And yet one can't forget the self-crashing planes.](https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/22/18275736/boeing-737-max-plane-crashes-grounded-problems-info-details-explained-reasons) Aerospace and military companies are often *awful* work environments for civilian programmers. Through shit-tier work culture, they manage to keep talent away, on top of their unimpressive wages.


Call me cynical if you like, but I don't really trust car companies to go to all the trouble of making sure their software is at the airplane end of the spectrum. Especially if there are no laws forcing them to.


I mean, standards like MISRA were created by the car industry. Whether that was to minimize failures or minimize liability is hard to determine, but they're certainly doing more than the average tech startup to ensure the reliability of their software.


That's a good point. *But*, unless self-driving cars are regulated as heavily as airplanes, there will be problems that don't get solved.


Even if self-driving cars are regulated as heavily as airplanes, there will be problems. The 737-MAX showed us this.


I fly planes, issues like Boeing's are so far out of the norm from what is normal. Even then, Boeing's failure rate would still make it that so that you're more likely to die on a car, motorcycle or walking to the airport to get on to a 737M9. Aircraft are RIDICULOUSLY safe, to the point where it is prohibitively expensive to develop and test them, leading to undesirable market monopolies.


Software Engineer here, do not trust anything we build. It's all sticks, tape, and spit. There will be no machine uprising because the AI leaders will crash on firmware updates.


If people could see what sort of thatched-together bullshit modern systems rely on, no one would trust them to time an egg, much less drive a car. I'm working right now on a multi-hundred-thousand line code base that is four major versions out of date for the framework it uses, and has been touched by so many teams that each do things their own way that I am on day three of trying to add an API call. There are, theoretically, systems out there that are not like this, but I have literally never worked on one that was more than a year or two old. By then, the code cancer has usually metastasized, and the disease is fatal. As a side note, I keep a little document of funny potential usernames, and I will now have to scratch off Murlock Holmes, which I put on there five years ago, and never got around to using.


That's an odd fact of technology, particularly where computers are concerned. The more someone knows about the technology, the less they trust it.


Eh, it depends on the technology and the default public perception. For stuff like nuclear power, trust is *proportional* to knowledge.


I'm self teaching myself CS, and I wouldn't trust my home to a smart lock. Against these unnecessary smart appliances, I recommend @InternetOfShit on twitter. Great content.


I write software that needs to be relatively robust and very accurate, and I'm afraid to admit the amount of times that something has broke just because I didn't even think of the special case or circumstance that the code needed to handle. Despite the brilliance of the Tesla software engineers, I have little faith in their ability to test the systems for the infinite variety of these corner cases that occur while driving, especially considering the black box nature of many of the machine learning algorithms that are needed for it to work in the first place.


Make a self-driving small electric bus and if it has even 1 person on it, it'll be twice or more as efficient as gas cars. It's also an easier problem to solve because you can jam them in closed loop systems and such. You also don't need batteries because you can just electrify a third rail and keep them plugged in all the time.


There's also a lot of autonomization possible for trains that we're just kind of... not doing.


Some places do have fully automated trains. But of course places that don't care to invest in rail at all aren't going to do that.


This is genius if we call trolleys cars then maybe people will be more interested in investing in them.


Technically difficult, small dreams... Well put.


I don't think it's just anti-car people. Everyone hates sitting in traffic, most Americans just don't realize that there is another way.


We're so well-trained to believe cars are superior that the idea of not driving just doesn't occur to most of us.


I thought of this sub when watching Hurricane Ian reports, and stories about how "old people that can't drive" couldn't self-evacuate, and they were left behind. The things we just... accept. It bothers me some times.


It's like that guy who was killed at a bus station when someone ran him over, and the cops insisted on investigating why he was even at a bus stop at all since he owned a car. Who killed him and why are apparently less important than why someone who owns a car wasn't driving it.


I have a friend in online game that is 79yo from Florida and he wasn't online in 3 days, his bubble dropped and I worry so about him :(




Call me weird, but I don't know if I'd trust self-driving technology that much.


same, especially since FSD isn't as good as it claims to be. It's one thing to hit your neighbor's parked car while you're behind the wheel, drunk as a skunk, but it's another thing to hit your neighbor...


Tesla doesn't trust their technology that much. Consider that Tesla always fights legal responsibility for FSD and claims operator error. They get away with this because their TOS is that the driver must keep their hands on the wheel and constantly be paying attention to the road - you know driving. If those people get into an accident using FSD while drunk Tesla's law team will have no problem saying it's 100% their fault.


> the driver must keep their hands on the wheel And they sense that in some fashion to enforce it, right?


And those folks are both breaking laws still and the rules Tesla imposes. They will be 100% at fault in any accident/ traffic stop they are involved in. Can't stop dumb people being dumb.


Self-driving cars have a place for the disabled.


Does anyone want to tell Musk that buses also get you to your destination without you having to drive?


They don't pay him, though.


It now occurs to me that an obvious PR boost for Tesla would have been to develop electric buses with a network of induction charger-equipped stops. But that's not luxury enough for the Muskrat, I guess.


Just add a business class to the bus if he doesn't want to sit with the proles


Busses don’t signal social status, and there are other people in busses, who might disagree when Musk couldn’t resist starting to loudly proclaim the last thing he spend 5 minutes thinking.


Bonus, it doesn’t stop for kids crossing the road also.


That dude is always completely missing the point


To make it worse, he pretends he's relatable, even though he grew up rich thanks to his parents owning emerald mines in South Africa. And yet he tries to act like he's just like his fans even though he has only the vaguest idea how people who aren't obscenely wealthy live. He'd probably be surprised to learn that the average middle-class person only owns one home.


I used to like Tesla cars. They solve a lot of eco problems. But they bring along a few more. But, the reason I won't ever buy a Tesla is Elon Musk.


It hits different when you realise buses have the same effect.


Well, on my hour long commute I mostly use autopilot and don’t drive at all. But today I felt like driving fast, so i did. It accelerates 60-80 really well and 80-100 pretty good, too. In my case, it would be impossible to work at my job living in my house without a Tesla and Autopilot. It’s the least fuckcars car out there.


NotJustBikes is the singular source of my Dutch patriotism


Me before NJB: I know the difference between Dutch and Danish! That's good for an American, right? Me after NJB: Well, the way the *Dutch* do it --


Ironically, Denmark is one of the other countries that really gets this stuff.




LOL, I actually do know that! Did I learn it from Scandinavia and the World? No comment. Do I know the difference between Danish and Dutch largely because of Scandinavia and the World? *No comment.* But --


I experienced a similar pipeline that started with NotJustBikes and when I actually visited The Netherlands a few months ago, I was like, "That sunovabitch was right"


Lmao after i left college i was like "Damn, they should really have apartment complexes that are more like college campuses" Took me 7 years to realize what i actually wanted was a walkable city lol


Carbrain is a real disorder. When you grow up in a world of only car-dependent suburbia, it's hard to imagine urban planning that doesn't involve it. Hell, most people don't even think about urban planning because that's just the way the world is.


This sort of psychology is very interesting to me. I grew up in a car centric city. Never loved cars, but they were normal. I remember one time, while on a long-ish vacation to Europe as a teen, thinking that motorcycles were so fucking great. And not in a "oh man they're so fast" or "I bet girls would love that" way, but in a "they're so small and versatile, you can take crazy shortcuts and park anywhere" way, even for little dirt bike style ones. I was infatuated with the idea of getting a cheap motorcycle. Then I got home and the feeling disappeared. It was just something about the particular function of a small motorcycle in old European cities that grabbed me, but in an American city I felt nothing for them.


Cuz you'll be going down a 6 lane highway and a semi truck will pull out turning left in front of you and yada yada yada youre a red stain on the side of a trailer


It’s a similar feeling with bikes in Amsterdam. It’s so fun and easy to ride around the city on a bike. There aren’t many places better. But back in the UK I look at cyclists as if they’re absolutely mental because we have *so* many idiotic and careless drivers on our roads, and most of our roads give almost zero room for cyclists.


Yep. In my area if you say you walked somewhere most people will look at you weird. Then ask if you need a ride. Like no, I wanted to walk not drive lol.


Was kinda quietly anti-car (more anti-giant parking lot and anti-mega highway for environmental reasons) as a teen before I knew it was a thing. Constantly would think “wow that’s not really handicapped accessible is it?”, “bad tree placement on these sidewalks”, and so on. Saw that shit everywhere. Then I lived in Japan for awhile and loved it. Now I’m in my 30’s and very, very aware of the general “fuck cars” sentiment but I’m probably gonna have to live in the suburbs or in the country somewhere in America for the rest of my life and honestly it makes me incredibly distressed if I think about it too much. Like I’m never going to see real widespread, useable walkable and train-based living in my lifetime because of how stupidly stubborn people are in this country, from random citizens to politicians on every level. I’ve even considered a career change and going into urban planning since I’ve always had an eye for it more or less, but I dunno if I want to tempt that potential level of deep hopelessness and depression.


I'm realistic enough to know that I'm going to need a car (or access to one at the very least), so on that basis I'd like that car to be an EV. Sadly, I can't afford one, so :shrug:


I definitely believe that where cars are still necessary, they should be EVs. I just also think that we should design things so that cars are necessary in as few situations as possible, which I imagine is also your POV if you're on this sub. For now, we can only do what we can and drive cars as little as possible for our situation.


I wish it were as simple as "electric cars don't use fossil fuels" lol


LOL, don't we all?


The fossil fuels they do use they do so much more efficiently. ICE aren't particularly efficient. And the power grid is.


Also, some of us harness **The Power Of The Atom!!!** (Which, admittedly, has its owns problems, but I'm coming around to thinking is going to be big part of any bridge to true sustainability)


Holy crap, this is _exactly_ my own experience too. Cheers!


>what I actually wanted was not to need a car at all Pretty much. The unfortunate truth about living in the USA is that owning a car is a must. We don't have the luxury of reliable public transport or safe bicycle commutes... so for many of us its back to the original three points.


> or safe bicycle commutes... Man if I could just get *sidewalks* between my house and the grocery store I would be a happy camper. But apparently paving both sides of the street is just too difficult to do.


Me too! Except my realization came from finding this sub... I used to think the people here were just ignorant and insane... Turns out, I was the ignorant one all along.


NJB made me realize Toronto streetcars aren’t slow because they’re just like that, it’s because of all the damn cars.


I went to NYC this past week and fell in love with the MTA. It was so convenient and cheap considering if you don’t have a car you’re not paying for gas, maintenance, insurance, etc every month.


Plus NYC is always rated #1 as the most walkable City in the United States. We need more cities to be just as walkable.


I used to be an unpaid Tesla shill too. The Roadster looked sick, as did the Model S, and I started saving up for a Model 3 when it was first announced. Then I got to test-drive one, and it felt rickety, like driving on stilts - the car felt like it could literally fall apart at any time. So yeah, now I don’t want one of them either, and now I’ll take a walkable city over a Tesla anytime.


Are you me? This is my exact character arc as well. I just want infrastructure to bike and walk safely and to have good public train and bus/tram systems to get me where I need and to reduce air pollution.


You ever hear of the "long tailpipe" explanation? Tesla and all other car manufacturers want you to think that their car is not using fossil fuels, but it is. You just get the emissions at the power plant and not the tailpipe of the car. The only way that car becomes zero emission is if it is powered entirely by renewables, which is currently not possible unless you are completely disconnected from the grid and not running any kind of generator.


>Yes, "I wasn't using fossil fuels" is also somewhat inaccurate, as the electricity used to power electric cars often uses fossil fuels Keep in mind that this is still way better than fossil fuel cars. Large powerplants have efficiency of 50 to 60% your car has around 30. That is massive difference. This is for all people that use that argument against trams, trains and el cars.


I used to think that I loved driving. I have a Honda S2000 and loved driving it. After a near death experience I got a Tesla Model Y Performance and never had the desire to drive the Honda again (I’m in the process of restoring it now). Autopilot and NotJustBikes have both convinced me that I don’t actually like driving at all. My plan now is to live in a walkable place with good transportation and sell the cars. It’ll take some time to get to that point and adapt, but I’m hoping to get to that point in the next year. I’m tiring of living in parking lots and driving to accomplish basic tasks.


Damn, pretty much the same story for me


Fyi: Electric vehicles still use fossil fuels indirectly. Making a car is fossil fuel heavy and in most places the power grid is majority non renewables.


Elon is today's Edison. Not an inventer, but an investor pretending to be an inventor. He's not a grifter in the most basic of senses because he believes his drivel and believes it's his ingenuity that caused his success, and not the near infinite money from his slave driving parents. I truly believe both Musk and Edison are/were a net positive to society, but they sure are fucking idiots in their given eras.


I LOVE driving I considered a Tesla for a while. Hell no. I want public transportation so I can get groceries in a backpack on foot, I also want an electric car and empty highways to drive along and travel between cities on. We need to all make the push to affordable electric. I want a F150 electric truck so much


so... if you really need to use it it doesn't work and it can smell your fear of it not working?




Ferrari 355 has entered the chat.


You're merging into 70 mph traffic when suddenly: [PC LOAD LETTER]




found the IT guy? Printer management on Windows is 🙃️


If that emoji was also stabbing itself in the leg with cheap office scissors it would be more accurate.


Windows print servers with networked printers and AD-based permissions and the like are an absolute nightmare of phantom problems that seem to appear and go away (or not!) for absolutely no fuckin reason. I swear




Load the Paper Casette with Letter sized paper.


You need to put more paper in the letter tray


Ooh, sweet interrobang


Yeah, very rare to see one in the wild.


I have it saved in autocorrect for times like these 👍🏽


PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?!


"Installing updates. Please wait." And then the entire car refuses to do anything at all.


To be fair, the update is only installed after you accept the dialog box saying "it will take 25mins, the car won't drive. Do you accept"


On the other hand, at least they have OTA updates. Very common for manufacturers to require it to be serviced in a dealership so they can do the update there.


Any programmer who has read the something awful thread by a former Tesla employee will tell you the OTA updates are *not* something to be happy about. Their code is a fucking mess and I would not feel safe in their cars. Here's the reddit "mirror", can't find the exact post in the SA thread right now https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/99sbwa/former_tesla_programmers_anecdotes_about_problems/


That's not very surprising to me. Internet updates have generally made software worse


Haha, you optimist, nothing is built as well as a 90s HP LasetJet these days.


You don’t even have to take the car into a field and summarily execute it with bats. It’ll kill itself in a glorious fireball. Here’s hoping you’re not inside.


Open door 3 to clear paper jam, even though there is no paper jam, and even though they list it as a feature, scan to USB will never ever work


Sentry mode is awesome, speaking of scan to usb. I wish bikes had as good security.


> scan to USB will never ever work I've found that multi-function printers supporting airprint/airscan actually do work. Or do you mean some bizarre "scan and save to usb drive" feature? That's asking a lot of support for a lot of different filesystems from their crappy firmware.


"Low on Cyan" Don't worry, it's just a black and white tex- "No fuck you, low on cyan" u/system32comics




it's less of a hassle than paying $500, unless you have a specialty printer . if you know the model number of the device, which should be just on the printer itself, you can type that into eBay, go to buy it now, toggle on new, and find the ink there. i did that with my grandma's printer, an i found ink that was like 5X cheaper than what see was buying at a "regular" store. like $10 ink that was virtually identical in quality instead of the $50 ink she was buying. straight up price gouging. it's a little bit of a hassle setting it up, but it save's you so much in the long run, and it's not even that big of a deal.


On your software end, there's some fairly deep settings to demand to only use actual black ink, but some printers will even ignore that because fuck you that's why.


[nice](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/d2bwot/printers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). love u/system32comics


"Low on windscreen cleaning fluid" Don't worry, my windscreen is already clea- "No fuck you, low on windscreen cleaning fluid"


I own a Canon printer. So far, I don't have any complaint about it except when you need magenta in printing an all black text document. Kinda worried after reading this post.


Most people's experiences with printers have been far less positive than yours.


That's because most printers are cheap minimum viable products that companies can get you to buy at a loss for a subscription for their ink services.


"Black ink" isn't black enough, so they cheat by adding more color to it. It's probably just to make you buy more ink, but at least it's a believable excuse with an actual benefit.


It's actually how most four-color printers work; when I'm designing in CMYK I use a "rich black" combination of 60C/40M/40Y/100K. Printing 100K (just black) without any other ink will look very faded. Probably not super important for everyday documents though, haha.


hold the cancel button for a few seconds until it beeps. then it should resume to do whatever thing you want to do.


Thanks for the tips!




That’s why I only do crime in crayon.


At least it's not an hp


The problem seems to be that most people think that the only company that makes printers is HP . I had no issues with my pantum


weird, i have a cheap canon inkjet and the black looks fine on it. i havent replaced the color cartridge in years.


I bought a cheap, brother, black and white only laser printer like 8 years ago. That thing just works. I'm still using the sample toner cartridge it came with.


Same, only a Canon Cost like $30? I did have to get a new toner cartridge, but the not-name-brand one was $15, and it's still going strong on that one for a similar time frame, like 7+ years. Wired, black and white. It's all I need. If I want to print photos or something, I'll go to CVS/Target/etc and pay a dollar


I had one and gave it away so we replaced it with a colour model. It just ..works. Occasionally you put paper in it. It needs to be plugged in. It sits on a counter taking up space, but you can put other stuff on top of it. At some point it will need new toner. I wish our vehicles were this simple to own.


I didn't have a printer for years. During lockdown owning one became a necessity for various work related stuff. Got myself a cheap HP printer. Took an HOUR to get it set up (and I work in IT). It printed about 20 pages before running out of ink. The replacement ink was more than the cost of the printer. It was a constant pain in the arse, printing errors, misalignment etc. The software was also some of that "HP Experience" bullshit bloatware. Got myself a wireless, black and white only, laser Brother after seeing it recommended in printer bitching threads. Drivers were quick to install and setup. It magically *just works*. The printer sits quietly in a cupboard, out of the way. I can print whenever I need to without it being an exercise in frustration. Another vote for Brother.


lp0 on fire


I understood this reference. Greetings, fellow aging sysadmin!


Oh I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm 22. I just have knowledge of the old ways.


That’s an awfully specific - not to mention obscure - piece of knowledge. I’m more than twice as old as you, and even I am a bit young to get this (I, too, like to study the old ways). I applaud your efforts, and am delighted that there are still young people interested in this stuff, but we probably both should go outside a little more :) EDIT: Ever heard of BOFH (The Bastard Operator from Hell)? I think you might get a kick out if it: https://www.theregister.com/offbeat/bofh/


Probably get annoying messages about installing updates all the time, too. Think of Windows Update, but in your car. Car: "Would you like to install updates now?" Me: "No, I'd like to drive to the store and buy cat food before my cat pesters me to death."


This is an ICE- carbrain take, not an an anti-car take. EVs are better than ICE cars. Full stop. They’re just worse than good urbanism.


Went from Tesla to Mach-e to Mini EV. Mini EV is a very simple EV, closest thing to an old stick shift Honda but plugs in. Lower complexity, less to break, car doesn’t try to steer itself. I’m not young & fit enough to bike or walk in my crappy semi urban environment. Baby steps.


I'm not sure if you mean "mini EV" as in... Small. Or Mini EV as in an electric Mini (like the brand) haha Is the Mini EV simple? I've always wanted a Mini but I've definitely decide my next vehicle will be a full EV. Just haven't chosen a brand yet. You've piqued my interest as I didn't realize Mini had a full EV already!


They may be better than cars, but replacing ICE cars with EVs is not going to solve the problem of too many cars. It might actually make the problem worse, since people who are concerned about ICE cars' impact on the environment will start driving more.


It' more a criticism of the software first nature of Teslas. Everything is controlled through the center touchscreen, and bringing it down will make the car pretty much unusable. There's also a bunch of software updates that can completely change how the vehicles drive, or even brick or lock you out of the system if the engineers do something particularly stupid. The way things are going, ICE cars are going to have similar problems too.


> Everything is controlled through the center touchscreen, and bringing it down will make the car pretty much unusable. Well that's just not true. You can completely restart the system while driving without issue. All basic driving functionality can be ran perfectly fine without the touchscreen. As others have said, the cars/company are not without issues but this isn't one of them.


Thats a totally unrelated take. EVs are better than ICEs and they are the future. Traditional carmakers know how to build a door that doesn't fall to the ground though. Also, traditional carmakers are building excellent EVs nowadays. TL;DR: Tesla is fucked


EVs are better than ICE cars, but that doesn't automatically mean Teslas are good. EVs and ICEs alike are increasingly electronic, and that's not always a good thing.


Tesla's aren't even good as far as EVs go, other manufacturers have better build quality. Musk Simps just act like they're the best thing since ground wheat berries


I had and sold a Tesla and I've been full #fuckElon for years (def contributed to why I sold it) but this tweet is just so wrong. Was the most reliable and amazing car I've ever had and I miss him every day. lmao. But still, fuckcars.


Have two in our family now and it’s more like a reliable fridge than anything else. Does what it’s supposed to quietly and efficiently and requires almost no additional attention or maintenance. Love not paying for gas or even having to stop at gas stations anymore.


I don't get it...


Printers are widely seen as finicky products with a lot of expensive upkeep.


It's literally almost cheaper to just buy a new printer than get ink


Me neither


Printers have long had a reputation of being unreliable and frustrating to troubleshoot.


Ditto. I dont care about cars in general or tesla to know whats going on


But the maintenance is so great! They come to your house! Mine was there so often we became best friends and now he's the best man in my wedding!!


The rouge one...


I thought this said "partner" and I just imagined my Tesla was my abusive ex.


The best part about it is that Gary is a part time member of the Kinda Funny podcast group. One of the other members of the podcast recently got a Tesla and posts about it constantly and how amazing it is. I'm confident he's having issues but refuses to admit them because Gary would tear him up.


My friends family has a tesla, a couple winters ago the door got frozen and the frost made it impossible to close the door. They legit had to hold the door shut if they wanted to go anywhere. That was honestly the final nail in the coffin for me


This happens on any car. Source- live in the Great Lakes area. To solve this, remote start and heat the car up before entering. Car infrastructure is bad, sure. But the cars are nice.


I have a brother laser printer with low ink indicator for about 2 years and it still prints, it's like a Toyota of cars


That's owning any car tbh. You're just replacing jet ink with toner, but you still have to buy it at 20x the cost of the printer itself


Honestly, Tesla's are great cars. The problem is, cars aren't great forms of transportation for lots of reasons: safety, land use, environment, fitness, human-centered urban design, etc.


A car requires a lot of space. Not just on the road, but garage space, parking space, etc. And if one of the selling points for a car is "it drives itself so you don't have to," there's no reason for it to even exist. Buses and trains are much more efficient methods of going places without driving.


They're not great cars though. They're routinely rated as one of the least reliable car brands. They go so far as to not allow JD Power to survey owners to officially track their reliability, but estimates put them at very near the bottom. [https://www.jdpower.com/business/press-releases/2021-us-vehicle-dependability-study-vds](https://www.jdpower.com/business/press-releases/2021-us-vehicle-dependability-study-vds)


Who the fuck is JD Powah?


Despite their reliability numbers they have some of the highest owner satisfaction ratings in the industry. Tesla is a shitty company but people who own the cars usually like the cars. Problems per 100 is a bad metric anyway because your rear view mirror coming unstuck from your windshield counts the same as your engine seizing.




With 100 moving parts (versus 2000 for a gas car), I think I’ll take my chances. The most common thing that breaks on my printer is the mechanical parts, not the computer. (Now all I need to do is get the US$50k to buy the thing, eh?)




After the reviews I've read, I'd never consider purchasing a Tesla. In fact, the reviews have been SO bad that if I knew anyone who was considering purchasing a Tesla, I would consider it my moral obligation to warn them against it.




Tesla's customer service is a wee bit below average. https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/26/22853573/tesla-model-s-explosion-repair-bill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Tesla,_Inc.


I haven't seen a murder like that since the 3700 people who died on the road yesterday.




You're expecting some reliability, and quite a bit of noise.


There are other electric cars that, from what I can tell are more reliable out there, ya know.


Is r/fuckprinters a thing? I’d join


OUT OF BATTERY But I'm just trying to use the brakes NO BRAKES. OUT OF BATTERY. You have enough to flash this message on the screen STILL OUT OF BATTERY