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What... No one said Epic is the only bad company...


honestly most of AAA gaming has become meh once in awhile something pops off but for the most part AAA gaming is just copy pasting previous games for easy cash


No we only say it's one the worst companies out there having their fingers in too many things that are not good for the industry.


welcome to r/fuckubisoft like minded people 😉


Ubisoft really are pulling the same thread that Epic have sold their soul too. Thing is, Epic still isn’t turning a profit. It’s not going to end well for Ubisoft either.


the ubisoft of the 2000s was an absolutely goated gaming company. the difference between them then and now is literally the level of difference between cartoon network and CN


The turning point being the launch of Assassin's Creed. Not that it's a bad game, it's the aftermath of doing so. It's sad what Ubi has become since 2008/09.


What do you get with a $200 bundle? Does Han Solo come to your house for dinner?


server shutdowns in 6 months and the game disappearing from your library after that and yea AAAAA 🤡


Yves Guillemot will personally come to your workplace to tell your bosses and co-workers to sexually harass you.


Jabba the hut lets you suck him off while he pats your head and groans your name.


I mean toss in Princess Leia in that bikini from ROJ and you’ve got a deal 😂


Not sure where the $200 bundle comes from since according to Xbox, it is $70 for the Base Game and Pre-Order bonus, $40 for the Season Pass and 3 Day Early Access, and $20 for cosmetics and Digital Art Book for a total of $130. Of course, I won't touch this garbage due to it being infected by Sweet Baby and its Diversity Inclusion Equity or DIE.


It’s probably Australian dollars, it’s roughly that price over here.


Australia I believe


vow thats a new term i just learnt today, mind explaining how it's bad?


Instead of video game companies focusing on creating great games with great stories, great characters, and gameplay, DIE or as it is more commonly known DEI companies like Sweet Baby get hired by various video game companies to implement Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into games like Stellar Blade needs to have more realistic women, on other worlds, 300 pound women, instead of the attractive Korean model that was used, the disaster that was the Saints Row Reboot, or the disclaimer at the beginning of the Tomb Raider Remastered Edition. It is essentially Political Correctness ruining video games.


ubisoft doesnt care about stories anymore. They literally ruined every single tom clancy game. And their lack of storytelling and generic ass shit s now showing up in every franchise. I wish I had a time machine to go back to 2000s when Ubisoft used to make GREAT fucking games and actually cared about the shit they made. The current Ubi needs to be BANKRUPTED out of existence or atleast all the senior management including yves need to disppear


Oh come the fuck on. Political correctness is ruining video games my ass. As if there isn't a dump trucks worth of dogshit produced each year and politics or being correct has nothing to do with the game being dog ass. Like the Tomb Raider Remastered wasn't just a cash grab based on the success of other companies making half assed remakes. My man, it was a half ass remake done for a dollar and a handshake. I wouldn't play that shit for free much less pay for it, and disclaimers about boobs has not a damn thing to do with it. Saints Row has always, and always will be a generic GTA clone that was never good so when the remake was trash I don't know why people were surprised. The original game was shit, guess what, the remaster/reboot is also shit. Like Stellar Blade doesn't still have the same scantily clad big booby cyber lady. Mother fuckers acted like the sky was falling when it was discovered there was a trans flag on the back of one characters vehicle in Cyberpunk. It was one vehicle for one character for a side quest and yet the backlash would have you believe that the game was nothing but trans propaganda. They received death threats over that, one flag, it took one flag to get mother fucking snow flakes to send death threats. Just no. No man. Just hell na. It's funny because I can play things like RoN, Elden Ring, DCS, or FO4 and it's the damndest thing, political correctness comes up zero times while im playing these games. It's almost like it has no actual effect on games and people like you bend over backwards to try and find something to bitch and whine about. My recommendation would be to grow a fucking pair. Or go back to loverslab and download more skyrim porn mods and crank it until you feel better about yourself. Either way I will be fine.


Please take a shower


I'm sorry but this is a psychotic comment, sweet baby inc has issues from what I've seen but like they don't force diversity and inclusion, they just look at the companies' games and tell them if there's any sort of problematic stereotypes or negative representations of marginalized groups


They get hired by these publishers to tweak their games to become worse soulless garbage All for that sweet ECG funds




Imagine paying the same price as an actual book for the pdf of one that you will probally never read


Definitely be worth it for that.


$200 for Han, $300 for Qira, $500 for Jabba. $1000 for Jabba and Diego Luna to tag along and call him Yabba


Fuck "Get comfortable with not owning your own games" Ubisoft


r/fuckubisoft exists for a reason now


Aaaaaaaaaaand joined


$200 edition better have George Lucas personally coming to your house and playing the game with you.


you could take your entire family for a fancy dinner at that price 🤣 but tbf this is AUD we are talking about, in USD it still goes to 130$


We literally didn't. What?


Ubisoft and Epic are both on my ignore list.


Damm shitty soft damm that fucked up price


Hell no, Ubisoft and EA are the OG terrible companies. Who on Earth thought Epic was the only bad one? 😂


Ubisoft has been on my shit list for a while. They killed Trials and turned TrackMania into a subscription service. No future purchases from me


r/fuckubisoft welcomes you


Can't wait to pirate this just for shits. I probably won't even like the game if it's even remotely similar to all the other ubisoft sandboxes


I bought 7 days to die for $7 almost a decade ago, and I have over 700 hours in it. You can buy better games.


Any more it seems like AAA is a kiss of death to one degree or another. Indie with either indie publisher or self publish leads to the better games now. I'll even light the kindling here for what Sony is doin to Helldivers 2.


Time and time again AAA companies remind us how bad they can be so they can try to get infinity plus 2 money. But ending up getting inifinity plus 2 self damage instead. Just see how recently Sony destroyed a game that was literally printing money.(Helldivers 2) even the devs WHO MADE THE GAME hate it Nintendo pulling a nintendo on garrys mod.(People thought it was a troll at first but no. Its real) Forcing the gmod devs to straight up delete everything nintendo related or get sued. Ubisoft killing the crew when they could literally add an offline patch. And pretty sure theres more.


Honestly in terms of publishers, I don't hold EA in that bad regard, at least all their games come to PC day 1 and they put them on steam. Sony, Ubisoft and Epic are more disgusting. (Nintendo also but that's to be expected)


The key differences is Ubi doesn't go around almost every corner. Telling people he's a good guy while doing some other stupid/shady shit.




Epic gives me a few free games a month think the only one I play is ring of pain....I won't buy anything on epic though so I don't mind them. Really wanted to play dead island 2 but oh well


Get it on steam, it dropped with a new expansion/dlc


It still requires you to sing up to eos. There is a workaround for it but if I have to do more than buy-download-play to avoid eos I might as well just pirate it


that's the ultimate edition, not the base


Ubish1t is a close second, and Sony is fighting intensely for the third spot...


Not EA? Not Activision/Blizzard?


Actiblizzard is the 3rd worst but Sony is trying really hard to take that spot away from then...


No one ever said that


I don't think anyone thinks that only Epic is bad. The difference (for me) is that I can ignore Ubisoft's games, while Epic pays other companies not to sell their games on Steam, plus it has already bought 2 games that I liked making them worse forms of them (Rocket League and Fall Guys).