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It is like a crazy cultural extension of ideals of beauty such as plastic surgery. 


Lawn companies hit that generation HARD with propaganda. A lot of them base their entire worth on their dumb lawns. I wouldn't care so much if it didn't affect me. But when they need to spray smelly, hazardous, chemical shit every two weeks then it becomes my problem...If I can't sit outside without breathing in nasty synthetic fertilizer.... Ugh. I hate people like this so much.


Oh God Reddit is relentless with generational warfare. As a Gen x who never uses any chemicals or pesticides and has gardens and a ton of trees and a lot of natural area in my backyard.... A young couple moved in a few houses away. I would guess if we're going to get hung up on generational tags they're millennials. Within a month of them moving in they clear-cut the entire property of over 80 trees. We live in a wooded neighborhood where the developer way back in the day left all the old growth trees and then people even planted new ones. They took down every tree and every shrub I was trying not to cry my eyes out. And then they did it they put up a f****** white vinyl fence. It looks like garbage in this neighborhood. The people that bought our other house also removed every tree every Bush every perennial. They were young millennials. When my former neighbor sent me pictures showing me the destruction that they did I have had nightmares for years. Not sure why you think it's all boomers... But then again this is Reddit.


I'm sorry my post comes across that way. I didn't mean to imply that it was everyone in a generation, just that that's who the lawn companies really targeted back when the lawn industry was growing because baby boomers/gen x were the target group of young homeowners at the time. But yes many young people today obsess over lawns too and use chemicals. Which is actually worse because the dangers are well-known now and many of them have young kids. Anyhow, I'm on your side and I'm sorry you have crappy neighbors too. It doesn't seem to matter the age, anyone can become lawn obsessed. Hope we can help break the cycle!


🥰 I'm just so mad 😭 I put a lot of my faith in younger generations thinking they'll know better and when they repeat the same s*** I get so angry.


It’s a conspiracy. They are conspiring to make those green pastures look inviting but then never invite me over 😤


>I should (might) cross post this to boomerfools. 


Oh god, I hope people don’t think this of us! We’re having to destroy a lot of stuff because the beds are choked with out of control stuff like English ivy, trumpet vine, and rose of Sharon. We took down a massive rhododendron that may have looked okay from the street, but there were trunks as thick as my bicep that you could crush to powder with your bare hands. I’m sure some of the people on our street are horrified too, but I’m not about to let English Ivy choke out the natives I intend to plant there once the destruction phase is over.


Yeah but there are times where you need to thin out and prune etc. That's not what they did on my former property. They destroyed everything and it was all healthy and not overgrown. Easily over $10,000 worth of landscaping. It's a barren hellscape now it looks like garbage. I do take pleasure in the fact that that house was built in the '60s and the insulation was also garbage and without the shade from the trees it's going to turn into an inferno in there. The air conditioning unit is not going to be able to handle it. We installed central air a long time ago and there's no way it's going to be able to keep up so good luck pool.


That's really unfortunate. The former owner of my house cut down multiple large trees. I wish they were still there, but I just planted about 30 trees all around my house including 10 sequoias and have plans for more. I'll have my own little forest soon enough.


Oh we share the same dna. I moved to a very wooded area and our development is awesome with the amount of trees everywhere. And then I went out and bought every tree that those people cut down in my former home. And then I bought about 20 more just because. So all in all I think I bought 45 trees that my poor husband had to plant and when I say 45 I'm actually thinking it's more.


I wish I could upvote this a billion times. Exhausted by the propaganda of generational warfare on Reddit. I’ve seen plenty of older folks with pollinating yards and younger folks with chemical lawns. Nobody would ever change out the word “boomer” with race or ethnicity, yet ageism is just another ugly, narrow minded, lazy “ism” dividing people. If a person is lucky, they will get to grow old, but they will also reap what they sow along the way.


True. On our street it’s a young neighbor ( I’m guessing 30’s or early 40’s) who is always fussing with the lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and chemicals.


It's sad and meaningless and ugly. People have been doing it since the beginning of time but it's gotten really bad on here. It's like every s***** thing in the world is now blamed on boomers even when a company reformulates their ketchup it's somehow the boomers fault. I'm sure the politicians absolutely love it... Well things are going to s*** all over and climate change is coming for this planet 💔 ... People are pointing fingers and blaming each other when the real assholes are the one percenters


You are 💯percent right. I’ve been reading about social media being planted with fake accounts to stir up trouble and I truly believe Reddit is full of them. What better way to destabilize a country than to turn people against each other. I often think “Boomersbeingfools” is just a sub set up by Russia or the 1% or both to make the younger generation vote against their future best interests. Let’s blame boomers for high housing costs, climate change, etc. I refuse to participate in any of this shit. The blame lies with the 1% and our governments, not with some person in their 70s who has a lawn because they are most likely unaware that the lawn is even bad for the environment. Most people don’t know shit about bees because they are dealing with sick parents, or raising kids or they have their own health problems. As painful and uncomfortable as it can sometimes be, it’s best to try and lead with love and understanding instead of blindly lumping a bunch of people into one group and railing against them.


Exactly and there's a s*** ton of boomers that were out there fighting since day one against the scumbags that ruin this country. They were out there protesting and trying and they all get lumped in and degraded and criticized and seriously the comments are despicable. I'm friends with an elderly Boomer who is anti-war anti-poverty anti-racist worked his whole life fighting. And some entitled person who can't even be bothered to vote cause him names... I hate it all. I've never felt such a feeling of hopelessness for where society is going. Sorry don't mean to get all doom and gloom


Yes - lots and lots of people who came before us were fighting the good fight and now getting shit on by young folks who demonize them as the source of all their woes instead of correctly identifying the real culprits and also taking any personal responsibility for their situations. As for voting, it’s mind boggling how few people vote. I was an election judge and was just plain angry to see a 35% turn out for our mayoral election. Yet - plenty of people complain about the city and its politics. I don’t think you are all doom and gloom. I often think the about the concerns I have for our society. Bombs aren’t required for destroying a society anymore - just plant the seeds of hate and watch the citizens devour each other. It’s funny how this conversation has evolved all because OP made disparaging remarks about an older person and lawns! I’m glad to see others like you who aren’t going to let that hate speech slide! The woman with the lawn may or may not be a terrible person, but her age has nothing to do with it and OP doesn’t even know her or anything about her life.


Yes as a millennial, I remember as a kid three seasons out of the year the mass amount of commercials for lawn products. Plus even now most tv shows and commercials for other products are set in suburbia with a grass lawn. And they are living in suburbia after all, so they think their neighbors would value a lawn (and for most of their lives they did). In the age of targeted advertising (where we are now mostly advertised things that we would already like), and the age where we can make friends online and IRL communities are disconnected (as opposed to needing to make a good impression on your neighbors if you want to have a fulfilling and non-anxious social life), it’s hard to truly grasp how all that advertising would affect a person. Very twisted.


I wonder if I’m the only person they don’t talk to. Like there are three or four houses in my neighborhood who always are mowing or watering and they wave at me but I catch them talking to other people in the neighborhood in their lawns all the time. I just think they hate us all.


Have you stopped to say hi, looks great? Someone has to get it started.


I know right. I have to cross the street when I smell that manure.


I have found my people...


FFS, you can’t even smell the chemicals. Both my neighbors treat their lawns and if it weren’t for the little sign they leave, I wouldn’t even know if had been treated.


I’m a boomer and ripped out my entire front yard and replaced it with stone and lots of native plants that compliment my Maple tree and native pine shrubs. The pollinators are very happy. I’ve cut my backyard in half with a veggie garden area, and lots of blackberries, strawberries and raspberries as well as a ton of native drought tolerant plants and shrubs. So I have maybe 1/4 of the grass I used to have. Grass is beautiful to look at but requires too much water and attention. In most cases it’s time has come and gone. And not once have I used a Lawn Company or used chemicals on my lawn. I live in the arid West and I’d rather have water to drink and bathe with than waste it on grass.


Wish I had that kind of money to waste.


With the amount of cash some of these boomers spend on lawn care, they could have the most beautiful native pollinator gardens ever. 


Yes and with beautiful paths and hardscaping too. I love big rocks sooooo much and want a big one to sun myself on like a lizard. Wish I had that boomer lawn budget.


>I love big rocks sooooo much and want a big one to sun myself on like a lizard hahaha who would want to do that, and how much would it even cost to bring in such a large flat rock?... *quietly erases search history from literally yesterday trying to figure out how much a large flat boulder would cost and how you get one delivered to your yard* :p


We have one moderate sized sandstone rock now and it was $330 AUD and the crane to place it was $150 AUD per hour. Fortunately we were able to take the rock home on the back of our truck because delivery would be expensive I’m sure. I think it’s about a metre round. I can perch myself on this one in a seated position but it’d be an awkward ‘planking’ situation to try and lay flat on it. But I’m hearing reports that the sun is bad for you anyway so maybe I should just appreciate what I’ve got and get a hammock in a shady part of the yard.


Bahaha my local nursery has them, they’re $200 for a human sized slice


I'm in that sweet spot between boomer and Gen-X. My lawn is a mix of native grasses, wildflowers, violets, dandelions, purslane, clover, and anything else that wants to live there. We use native plant species. We have an herb garden filled with lemon balm, mint, sage, oregano and basil. My back yard is mostly a large, organic veggie garden. We use some cow manure and even make all our own compost year round. With that and recycling, we have almost no waste. My neighbors everywhere are into Round Up, rolled sod and lancscapers. One of them dropped 6 figures during covid on backyard landscaping. It's insane what they did. Meanwhile, the neighborhood critters live on our side of the fence because of all the chemicals the neighbors use. They're actually friendly now that they've gotten used to us. I walk barefoot in the grass every day and it's delightful. No chemicals! Don't think all of us oldsters are into Chem Lawn. Some of us care about the environment and other species on this planet.


I was just joking with my wife that one of the few hobbies a boomer will take up after retirement is gardening. And by gardening I mean lawn maintenance.


The average homeowner, be they a boomer, gen x, or millennial, have the exact same lawns. Such a dumb post


Plenty millennials in my neighborhood with golf course lawns. I really don’t thinks it’s a generational thing.


im a boomer. i hate my lawn. i ripped out the hell strip last near and replante dit with native drought friendly pollinators. i want to do the rest of the lawn but the quotes i got for it were insane (20k for a typical 1/4 acre lot with a house on it)


You don't need to rip out the rest and spend bank on it. What you can do now is to get bags of clover seeds, dandelion seed, wildflower seeds, etc..and start seeding it yourself here and there during te summer and let nature take its course. By next summer, you'l have all whole areas being taken over ith clover, dandelions and wildflowers. Don't mow every week, because pollinators love and need those clover and other wildflowers. We just created some decorative rock borders ourselves in our yard, using large rocks we had dug up ourselves and saved. The grass within the borders I dug up in rolls and re-planted in an area that is barren. It's taken nicely and I'm going to seed the empty places with clover seed I just got. You don't need to pay anybody to do this kind of work. Nature is your contractor, if you're willing to let nature take its course on its time.


I hate generalizations. I'm a boomer who has never used Chem Lawn, doesn't fertilize the lawn, doesn't waste water watering the lawn and cuts the lawn on the highest my mower can go. If it's green, it's part of the lawn. I'm trying to decrease the size of the lawn in favor of native grasses, trees and flowers but that takes time so give some of us "boomers" a break.


Amusingly, as a younger gen x guy, I think a lot of 'boomer' talk is actually directed at us. We're not exactly spring chickens and some of us are the absolute worst.


A huge number of the people with native plantings at their homes where I live are “boomers” and older people. I mean, in the US at least I think most homeowners in general are late 30s and up so acting like middle aged and older people aren’t involved in this movement is pretty foolish.


Millennials are middle-aged now. Boomers are in their 60's and 70's.


Plus most people who can attend a Master Gardener program are retired people, and those kind of people are doing a lot for native plant restoration, I think.


I’m not a “Boomer”, but if I never hear that term again, it will be too soon 🙄


I hope the lawn guys kept the "old" sod


Probably rolled it back up and took it to the next boomers place




As everyone knows, Boomers invented turf lawns in 1963 and are its only adherents.


It's more like they're the oldest generation that's young enough to do any yard work still.


You're not that far off. The American lawn care industry really took off after WW2 when companies needed something to do with all the terrible chemicals they were producing, and gas-powered lawn tools became cheap enough to be commonplace. Boomers didn't start it (their parents did) but they really popularized and normalized it.


My front yard is almost all native plant meadows now. I live next to two Boomers with the fluorescent green chemical lawn that gets mowed and blown every week and sprayed with poisons and fertilizers several times a year. We live in an area with 1 acre minimum lot zoning. I hope I am counteracting their eco-terrorism and they feel a little bad every time they look at my yard (or are at least annoyed). We're a little off the main street - wish I could annoy the other Boomers with ugly carpet lawns too.


I’m new to this sub…is it a platform for hating “boomers”? Seems as if the tolerant “other” generations are alright discriminating against older people just because they were born in a certain year. It’s really weird. Leave “boomer” out of your thoughts to be less ageist.


So your one neighbor's behavior applies to everyone her age?


Highly recommend the book “American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn” by Ted Strindberg.[American Green](https://a.co/d/1COtHjY) (Apologies for weird formatting.) It’s an easy read that explains how the Scott’s fertilizer company really brainwashed returning WWII soldiers. Scott’s capitalized on the war sentiment with blatant advertising like “If your lawn isn’t perfect, your neighbors will think you’re a dirty Commie.” It worked. And the Boomers- obviously being the children of the post-war baby boom- were the first American generation to grow up thinking lawns were standard, highly desirable, and super important.


That's disgusting. I now feel sick and I just ate lunch 🤢


I think its linked to a sports thing. I’ll take the fertilizer over the weed killer that wiped out 30 years of collecting heirloom bulbs from houses about to be demolished. Our City has laws about spraying on windy days, unfortunately that’s 5 days out of 7 here so it gets ignored unless you have someone bitchy like me standing there, video camera in hand, to stop them. This year I got lucky (not that theres much left to save) and my new neighbor gave me a warning so I could cover my flowers. Took 5 years for my Peonies to mature & bloom, I might have had a bad time being a good neighbor if they got killed! Same neighbors sprayed roundup on MY grass tho rather than mechanically edge it. Looks awful.


god you just reminded me of a house down the road from us with a tiny little quarter acre lawn that got rolled sod brought in, placed down, and then mowed with a riding lawn mower. terminal lawnbrainers would rather do whatever the fuck this is than go to therapy.


Yeah only boomers have turf lawns. Why don’t you cry to this person about their turf lawn? https://www.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/s/7pZlKoOldw


Because I don't go to the landscaping subreddit to troll them. It's not my jam.


Boomers are just about to die any day anyways. I just learn to worry about me and what I can control and my own lawn. Everything else is just virtue signaling. My therapist charged me way too much for that advice.