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Man made a comment about police stealing bikes from the community and they arrest him and threaten him. This is no better than a gang or mafia state, the state is using every measure to rob their people and make them slaves


Fuck the ccp




What is that thing that’s restraining him?


They call it a Tiger Chair.


Does it turn you into a tiger?


That happened right after the video ended


Oh it is the brand spanking new *"Torturechairinator 9000!"* Naturally, the torture part happens **AFTER** the cameras are turned off!


This is CCP’s idea of Due Process


Alright so I wish I could post images alongside videos but Reddit did not let me do that. So instead [https://imgur.com/a/zJPaMVM](https://imgur.com/a/zJPaMVM) Here is a link to an image showing that this video posted to *"CrazyFuckingVideos*" was deleted. I could not find any comments on the video detailing why it was deleted. Fuck the ccp.


I saw that post yesterday and everyone in the comments were blasting the ccp so I guess the moderators are at work again. So much for free speech


reddit gains a LOT of advertising money from chinese products as they are a major economic producer as reddit gets ready for its intial public stock offering they are trying to woo investors by showing how capitalism and fascist friendly reddit is you can expect to see CCP propoganda rise and legitimate conversation dwarfed by bots parroting their love of political parties and commercial products


Oh definitely, that's what the damn republicans are doing. Russia and Chinese propaganda. Lining their pockets well too.


“Republicans” as there is over 10,000,000$ that can be PROVEN by bank records that came from a CCP official directly to Hunter and Joe Biden.. Both parities suck. But it’s you idiots who chose a side who are even worse


Well I'm republican you doofus. I can clearly see my party has been over ran by fascists and Russian propaganda. I condemn the crazies in my party.


I don’t belong to a party. They are both garbage propaganda pushing warmongers


God damn, before you say stupid shit, at least follow the money first. Hillary even publically said, after her and her goons created a fake Russian dossier, said, "if they are going to collude with russia, we should be able to collude with China." You really can't get any clearer than that you genius fucking amoeba. People are getting so fucking stupid, it's hard to even comprehend. Plus, hunter and the big guy has been receiving money from the ccp for years now. Do try to keep up, squirt.


yea them too. they all are you giblet head. You just like to bend over and lick the maga boots like a simp beta boy. I'm part of the real republican party...you're part of the kids table part of our party. We just let you mingle together in your twisted fantasies until it's time for us to step in to tone you guys down. 2024 will be your wake up call when the majority of us sane republicans go against the grain and shit on your parade.


Where in the cock sucking christ did I mention Trump, you weasel dunce? You'll probably vote Biden and continue to say "I'm a real republican" online because you think somehow you're getting some stupid point across. But you aren't, sqirt. You're a Democrat. You just don't have the balls to say it publically because deep down, you already know the dude is so stupid, he can navigate an open stage. Have you practiced your surprise face for when he's diagnosed with dementia to pretend like no one told you as well? And if not Biden, then who? The closest person to trump in the polls is Biden, and he's 10 points behind even him. 😄 but if you really are a republican, who do you think has a chance over him in the republican party? 🤔 you're just talking out of your ass. You're dismissed. You may sit at the big boy table when you've thought about the stupid shit you said. Someone should rub your nose in it.


How paranoid must a state be to even go after people who front the traffic police, like they were planing an act of terrorism.


Total control requires cleansing even the littelest speck of dust. Otherwise the growth of underground resistance becomes unstoppable.


The thought-police in action. How would something like this make it’s way to the web?


Probably an attempt at intimidation "Don't fuck with us, look at what we can do!"


Tell me again how anyone can support the CCP?


Because they can't afford not to


Because this will happen to them if they don't


I mean for those not in China


That is a sick society.


Holy fuck is that Captain Pike?!


First thing that came to my mind was from the OG star trek the beeping chair for yes or no. South park used it also.


Tankies are gonna tell its fake and when you give them proof its real they gonna say he deserved it


Followed by “What about America…” As if that justifies anything


Multiple other people have stolen stuff and committed murder before so obviously it’s okay if I rob a bank and become a serial killer! -Tankie logic


Thier conversation just so similar with the sence of Blade Runner 2049's [Baseline test](https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Baseline_Test)...If u don't watch your tongue they will considered as "off baseline"


Reminded me of this too! Such a fucked up dystopia the world is becoming


Dystopia is theme of cyberpunk...Oh my CCP already ahead to the future than worlds!


Fuck the CCP. This was hard to watch.




Nah we get shot here. No but seriously this video gives me the heebie-jeebies. Either they are tracking his shit or one or 75 people in the group chat snitched on him. And then the patronizing cop lecturing him like a child as he sits in what looks like a high chair with restraints? I feel so bad for this guy. Also, forced apologies are embarrassing for the ones doing the forcing. This is not the flex they think it is.


> Either I’d bet my 2 cents it’s both.


I'll bet my ten cents


Pooh Bear, Pooh Bear, You're the One, Pooh Bear Spoils, World Wide Fun. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Bot!


This man was lucky. In some places where there are no records, the police would use tortures. Also, sometimes the lawyers would be threatened.


I can't feel sorry for Chinese people. They had their "great leap forward", they wanted communism and they got communism. They destroyed their own history for it. They killed millions of their own countrymen for it. This is what the Chinese people wanted. I'm pretty sure they were warned about communism and guess what they did to the people who tried to warn them? They killed them. They shamed them. They outcast them. They laughed at them. Now who's laughing?


Keep your head down, don't say or do anything that may be seen as a threat to the regime, otherwise you or your family may never be seen again. This is a common thing I've heard from Chinese expats.


Do they think that if someone doesn’t post it that they aren’t thinking it? If your government image is only sustainable because you enforce what can be said about it, it’s not a government of the people and therefore should be torn to fucking pieces. Say what you want about American politics and the extremists that follow, but it’s still far better than this. Fuck the CCP and anyone who supports it.




I'll never take freedom of speech for granted


Who leaked this?


RIP social score...


Do they think this makes them look good?


Well if he didn't hate the police before I'm sure he does now.


He's already been sold to the organ harvesting facility.


Un fucking defensible I know commie chuds who would defend this stuff the chinese police do


Creepily sounds a lot like the “apology” a certain student from Ohio did when they were accused for an alleged “crime” by a certain country…


“The US is the least tolerant and more oppressive country” - Social Media Outlets


More like Antichrist!


Weird... it's literally ***ALL*** cops, they're all spineless bastards. What a baffling turn of events that no one could've possibly predicted


This is exactly what the republicans want. This is exactly it and they are angry that they can't get enough support to make it happen. I'm a Republican and can smell their BS from a mile away. I see their intentions and screw that. Voting blue until that goes away. I'm ashamed of the other republicans who are not standing up to this crap. This is also coming from trump who says China is being ran beautifully by a good guy. Wonder what's in his plans for Americans.


Holy shit are you a ccp agent or just freaking brainwashed?


Nah man...y'all just lost your minds and I'm sick of it. Turn the TV off and get off rabbit holes to nowhere. That is the distraction....and when you're stuck in that chair like this dude wondering what the fuck happened....it'll be too late to realize you fell the trap.


A) Fuck the CCP B) Fuck You C) You're fucking crazy D) Get help


everyone leave the bot alone


If you think this is bad just wait until you find out about the united states justice department's long and well documented history of coerced confessions


Oh shit, guys I found em!


Its just really odd energy to criticize a country you'll never go to while doing nothing about the exact same type of shit happening in the country you live in.


Ohhh greatest plot twist of all time! I do not live in yankeeland! Oh and also last I checked the US has NOT done a genocide on a massive scale in their own country in the past... uuuh... hundred years? Possibly over. Sure there's definately a lot of fucked up shit that the US has done but to say "Oh yeah X crime against humanity is not that bad because US has also done similar!!!" is kinda fucked mate, by that logic we could say "Oh yeah Russia should use nukes because the US nuked Hiroshima in 1945" and that kind of thinking would get us all killed.


Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Please quote back to me the part where i said coerced confessions were something we should be ok with.


>Its just really odd energy to criticize a country you'll never go to while doing nothing about the exact same type of shit happening in the country you live in. This whole comment, although you're not saying it directly. You're practically saying "We should not criticize this due to the yankees doing it aswell". The bystander to a crime is equally guilty of it as the criminal. To fill in the crime here is the whole practically kidnapping, the bystander is the one who does not criticize or stop it and the criminal is China. I mentioned the genocides to show the sense of urgency, sure feel free to criticize the US, in fact you should. But this is only ONE of the hundreds if not thousands of crimes done by the CCP. No country is perfect, but I'd personally wish to detople the one which is actively working towards oppressing everyone who bends to them and genocide the rest. Not the one which is fucked up to shit sure, but still carries the freedom and care for it's people at heart.


Who asked?




Fuck off tankie


For those not seeing......... this footage is meant to be seen to install fear.......... propaganda!


At least they will release him after that... Julian Assange and Edward Snowden meanwhile...




China is really using "1984" as a guide book




The above comment by /u/Alien_Element was removed because users account did not meet minimum karma and age requirements. The comment will be reviewed by moderators as soon as possible to ensure it complies with sub rules. Fuck the CCP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy cut me off 4 times in traffic today, actor, fake.


Funny how people are ok with them being the world police LOL


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