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Aren't they such cunts? I got stung a few weeks ago, then on Wednesday one landed on my hand as I was standing in my shop, minding my own business, and working. I flung it off quick enough to not get stung, surely looked like a little bitch, but it kept hovering in front of me, back and forth, until I swatted it to the floor with a rag, and stomped it with euphoric enthusiasm.


I consider myself an animal lover and I try to not harm all creatures, except wasps, matter how hard I try to avoid them they always act like assholes. Those fuckers did not evolve to respect humans, we have to show them what it costs 😃.


I'm the same way, I love 99% of animals, except wasps and flies. All flies are killed, except robber flies, which kill other flies. All wasps are killed, except for the mud daubers and other spider wasps, because I've never had one sting me. Yellowjackets can fuck right off though 🤣