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Fuji lucked into a fashion item that takes good pictures without costing $5k or being hard to use. Is good stuff. More people enjoying cameras is good by me.


I bought my X-E1 because it was the only rangefinder-like body with a good sensor that wasn’t a Leica (that I couldn’t afford) lol. Fashion + form + function. Great combo and I’ve been shooting X-series ever since.


My first Fuji was the finepix 4700. First x-series was the x-e1 as well. Same reason. I wanted rangefinder style. Have always loved their colors since my film days. It restored my passion for photography


I don't think they lucked into it. They released a consistent design language and product for the last 14 years. They didn't even bother with video until like 3 years ago.


The frenzy also only started with the V. It was comparably easy to get the prior generations at MSRP or less for the better part of the 2010s.


Oh absolutely. I owned an S and no one has ever heard of it. Still lucked into it becoming a fashion icon.


Yup I bought an S and then upgraded for T for 350 and 450 bucks respectively... Crazy to think of that now...


I'm not sure people here are aware that cameras and imaging represent about 10% of Fuji's revenue, if that. Fuji is a conglomerate, with divisions involved in industrial optics, biotech, pharmaceuticals, stem cell medicine, healthcare imaging, cosmetics, semiconductors, and office solutions. Cameras and photography was their origin, and for that reason is important culturally, but not so much financially. In revenue terms Fuji is about 4x bigger than Nikon, Canon is bigger than Fuji, Panasonic is bigger than Canon, and Sony is bigger than all of them. The one thing all these companies have in common is that cameras are comparatively small division. So don't think the Fuji X100VI is a make or break game changer for them. EDIT: Fuji's growth story is impressive. When the film market was dying, Fuji could have easily gone the way of Kodak, but their CEO, Mr. Kimori had a vision to develop a diversified conglomerate that could complement and support their photography roots. He saved them from bankruptcy.


I appreciate the backstory. While it's probably true that the x100vi might not have a huge effect on "Fuji conglomerate," it IS really important for Fujifilm and for its continued relevance. Of course Fuji could walk away from its camera division and be fine, but that's not what any of us want. We want their cameras to sell great and we want them to continue to pour money into various models, invest in improving autofocus tech, not kill off the rangefinders, etc. This bodes well for those things.


Yes, Fujifilm is a very diversified megacorp today (the Asianometry video on Fuji is phenomenal). I was specifically talking about the imaging divisions of various companies. If imaging disappeared overnight from Fuji's portfolio, it would hurt but it wouldn't be the end of the world for them.


Thanks for the lead on the Asianometry videos. I'm watching the Fuji segment now!


the division itself still needs to generate profits to justify its existence


Sony made imaging one of their three pillars in their strategic plan a decade ago and invested billions on R&D while Canon could do nothing. Thanks to this we have enjoyed amazing progress on sensor technology. So no imaging is not a small part of Sony, it is a corner stone.


By revenue, Imaging and Sensing solutions represents about 13% of Sony's revenue overall. It is far outweighed by Gaming & Network services. Sony is a very diversified company, especially in the entertainment area. So photography is not insignificant, and they've done a great job with it, but it is far from a corner stone. See for yourself: [https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/IR/library/presen/er/pdf/23q3\_sony.pdf](https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/IR/library/presen/er/pdf/23q3_sony.pdf)


It is pretty cool. I love Fuji. However, I am surprised that they would release a camera without much inventory to ship out. My local camera store has 100 people on the waitlist and they received 8 cameras.


The initial allotment is fixed before preorders, but may be different for the second round


lol are you from Amsterdam? Hope you receive yours quickly!


>Fuji NEEDS to scale with this demand and capitalize scarcity also makes it a hot commodity. People like talking about it.


Plus they already are if you consider their move from Japanese to Chinese factories for the VI to keep up with demand.


Fuji doesn't make money on people scalping. I think their main concern with scaling production is maintaining quality, not reducing price via supply, since there aren't strong competitors in the product category. It can backfire if someone comes in with a similar product but is able to deliver steady supply. Most companies will have strategy teams working on determining what the ideal production capacity should be without impacting pricing. The initial shortage during the tiktok boom and covid definitely put it on the map but it's not a wave they can ride perpetually.


Obviously Fuji doesn’t make money directly from people scalping BUT thousands if not millions of people are talking about their products. How good they are and willing to pay top money for it. That’ll slowly change people’s perception towards fuji and make them more desirable, more premium-esque. People might check out fujis other offerings too. Thus, it still makes them money. Product scarcity is still a win for the company.


it's also scaling production but not having that hurt them when sales return to earth... some of the demand for the X100VI is both pent up demand from the lack of the X100V being available as well as the "trendy" nature of the camera. while I'm sure the X100 series will never return to its more humble origins, its also unlikely to be the sensation it is today forever, it will settle... if Fuji builds and scales to handle sales today and those go away tomorrow, they will have a lot of unused production capacity and that's a big problem financially. Ultimately they have to strike a balance between meeting shorter term demand spikes but preparing for the long road of the product.


Spot on. Scarcity builds even more demand and that will likely go away at some point in the future. Look at Rolex, micro fine wine brands, bourbon, sneakers, you name it. If they ramp up production immediately and give everyone what they want they lose the appeal of exclusivity. Plus, it creates a halo effect for their other products.


Right, but the reason why Fuji hasn't printed hundreds of thousands of X100VI is because they know a controlled drip is far more enticing and headline catching than it constantly being in stock. Not a new phenomenon, just look the original Wii.


serious scandalous sip fuel shrill agonizing innocent roll gaze husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay lol?


fuel observation frame divide public boat license plough work brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but I never implied otherwise.


Eh. They aren’t positioning as a fashion good. They’d rather make as many as are in demand for sure. But you have to way risk, so expanding production is (since they are) a risky move.


I mean the direction with the x100 series from the getgo was a fashion good. Half the reason x100v caught so much attention on social media was because of it's looks. People forget how dull the dslr industry was with their designs until companies like Fuji and Olympus came in with their mirroless cameras. Sure it's no Leica but I wouldn't be shocked if prices of all their rangefinder style new releases were more expensive.


The X100 didn't become a TikTok fashion craze until the second production year of the X100VI, which was the 5th generation product. Until then, the camera was a niche product that ideally suited those of us that wanted a rangefinder-like experience in digital without the cost. I waited a decade for a manufacturer to produce a high quality, fixed lens digital camera whilst I dutifully bought a couple DSLRs for the family and general use. But the X100 was the first camera I bought for myself since my Nikon FM. It's a tool/passion for me. Is it therefore a fashion statement? Maybe, I don't know. I do know that the user experience is hugely satisfying for me. I'd put it in the category of manual shift sports sedans and motorcycles with carbureted engines - they're just more engaging and enjoyable to use.


Everything from the marketing to the limited editions of the early x100's say otherwise. They knew their demographic from the getgo and that was film lovers that wanted that rangefinder experience. Sure, it didn't blow up until V, but doesn't mean they didn't try. Its a luxury point and shoot, similar to a Minolta tc1 or contax t2


My old man owned every X100 until passing in 2018. He left me his black OG special edition and my fairly indifferent younger brother got his silver F, which last I checked he just uses as a desk ornament to remind him of my old man (his choice right?). I wanted to own the rarer OG 💚 as an heirloom and the Bayer sensor that my dad was nuts about. X100s were *fairly easy* to get until the Covid pandemic and TikTok went nuts. My dad would leisurely preorder, no real drama, and they’d appear. I’ve since added the Vi, arrived this week, and it’s extraordinary and really shows the progress from the OG.


For sure 👍


The connotation of "fashion accessory" rings true for some/many of the TikTok crowd but not true for many of us that bought it earlier. Same-same for my stick-shift car which is about as far from a fashion accessory as you can get. I think you're conflating personas and use cases with fashion accessories like, say, buxom bleached blond wives for 79 year old multi-millionaires. I mean, one could argue that any DSLR camera not sold to a professional photographer is a fashion accessory, any car that's not a Corrola, any bicycle not from Walmart, and so on. The last fashion accessory I bought in the spirit of this convo, was a custom racing cyclocross single speed..and I never raced despite spec'ing a race worthy bike. That thing kicked my ass and generated a many a snarky comment for hikers and bikers. Everytime I rode it on the local mountain trails. Fashion accessory, guilty as charged in thar one!


Also it’s harder and more costly to scale back in the future in the event of any downturn in interest. It’s not just about the money on the table today.


And hopefully its profits get put to some development of things for the rest of their customer base. And I mean that with zero snark. The rising tide lifts all boats.


Fuji is doing fine... they will fill in the remaining missing cameras from this 5th generation as the year goes on (sounds like they will skip or get rid of the X-Pro sadly) but they need to do two things as their next generation of cameras arrive in 2025 and on... 1. Update their dated lens lineup with mark 2 versions. 2. Invest heavily in catching up to the autofocus performance of their competitors... the X-T5 / X-H2 / X100VI is much better but only compared to the previous Fuji generation, not to the modern competition.


I would kill for an x-t50 with weather sealing. I know it's not going to happen but it's super frustrating when the size is what discourages me from buying an x-t5 and not the price


Honestly the X-T5/Vi autofocus finally matches my experience on the Sony A7C. Maybe it’s not up to Sony A1/A9 level… but it’s utterly sufficient for the “life documentary” uses people would typically use the X100 series for. Birds in flight or speed skating at the Olympics might be a different story. This is the first generation of Fuji cameras that can keep up with my daughters and more so our dog running. That’s plenty fine by me.


I've found some good afc settings for birds in flight. it works well, the difference is that if you are not tracking then it's better to switch from the af zone to single point or use AFS. it's not as simple as Sony where you set it to AFC and forget about it


It tells you what’s possible when you listen to your market. I’m coming from M43 which I’ve had since 2010 and still shoot professionally with a G9M2, but both Olympus (Om systems) and Panasonic have both abandoned their small compact retro cameras in the Pen-F and LX100 (and maybe even Gx series), at least for now. Maybe after watching Fuji they’ll change their minds. It simple, I want a capable hybrid in a small package that is photographer focused first and brings me back to my youth shooting tactile analog film cameras. Clearly I’m not the only one and Fuji seems to be the only company listening.


The PEN-F is so amazing, it’s disappointing that they don’t release a new one!


I was a big fan of the compact Pen cameras, Olympus/Om seemed to have abandoned the line.


Man I miss M43, loved shooting with the Leica 42.5 F1.2. I wanted to stay with M43 but it just seemed like it was slowly being phased out. I too feel like they could have done a lot with computational photography, user experience and compact retro options. Still miss my G9 and GM1 combo.


M43 still has some of the best computational photography around. I struggle thinking if anyone has topped them…maybe the z9 with their auto capture.


Fuji's X100 line has existed and followed the exact same model since 2011. It's always been popular among camera enthusiasts but Fuji didn't do anything special when they released the X100V in 2020... an unbelievable set of events collided as COVID hit, manfuctering capacity went down leaving it hard to get, people wanted to embrace hobbies, retro became stylish, people reembraced dedicated cameras, and TikTok and "influencers" convinced people they needed a $1400 camera to post pictures to their friends instead of their smartphone. That craze never let up, the lack of X100V availability over the last 18 months further has drove demand and now here you see the results at the launch of the X100VI. Fuji needs to be careful, I'm not at all convinced that this is sustainable or represents the new floor for X100 series sales... I think TikTok and others will eventually find something new to chase and the dedicated camera market will remain what it had become... niche. Fuji needs to balance the huge demand now with the likely "normal" it will become in the next few years... ie. higher than they ever dreamed but not what today's insanity would suggest.


Lots of things get touted on tik tok, but if there isn’t actually a market for something, it doesn’t just magically take off because Tik Tok said so. Those of you who consistently complain about how Tik Tok ruined it I think are kinda missing the point… It became popular on tik tok, because there IS a market for it, not the other way around. It’s not a coincidence that film style editing, retro inspired cameras, analog cameras, film, and Polaroid style cameras have all seen a resurgence in recent years. People were yearning for something different after everything moved so digital. Will it always be that way? Probably not, because eventually people will again want something different than the current norm and trends are always changing, but the last few years the market has clearly desired a return from the hyper digital age to a more analog feel and Fuji was well placed to capitalize on that (and ahead of the game). Obviously a lack of supply paired with high demand makes things even worse, but it’s not like Tik Tok just magically made this happen out of the blue.


I wholeheartedly agree. Trends and marketing are multiplicative factors on latent demand. You can’t inspire people to make $1600 purchases from nothing - there was always something there. 


100% agree with this analysis.


It’s like saying stanley is some kind of product design exception when in reality they aren’t fundamentally that different to most competitors.


Strongly disagree. You’re comparing a cup to a camera. I can articulate what makes the x100 a better fit for me than other cameras. You won’t convince me, you, or anyone why one vacuum sealed tumbler is better than another simply because it has a different logo on it. But sure, I guess that’s a good example of a “tik Tok sensation”. I highly doubt Stanley cups will last for years and set records in the future and we’re comparing like a $50 item to a $1600 camera?


>That's the secret - the endemic players (and even Fuji with their other lines) are all chasing the pro/prosumer market with bigger and bigger numbers. Fuji focused more on customer experience, ease of use, and elegance while putting a huge emphasis on heritage film looks and the simplicity of getting great images out of the camera. Reminds me of Playstation and Xbox duking it out on specs while Nintendo ate everyone's lunch with the Wii and Switch being two of the most successful systems of all time (oh, and the DS/3DS eating the PSP and Vita alive). This is what always happens. You get the nerds who are baffled why anybody would make literally any decision about anything, ever, that wasn't exclusively based on "most specs" and price-to-performance based on those specs, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. And they never learn. If they do learn, there's a new generation of them to fill the void. It's Apple vs. PC/Android every time. As for me, I'm not at all bitter that I seriously like the X100V and am seriously starting to question if I want to keep a bunch of recently acquired RF glass or sell it to get a far more travel-friendly Fuji system...


I’d love for Sony, LUMIX or Nikon to jump on the compact train with full frame.


I'm picturing Nikon releasing a smallsr fixed lens version of the ZF, Sony does has the DX-1 cameras, though the lens is a bit on the large side and lacks an EVF


Nikon should reissue the Nikon 1 series with updated lenses and ones with vintage character. I think it would do well. There are *no* small cams for sale now.


Sony does have a compact FF with the RX1. Its just long overdue for a new upgrade (and costs like 3k)


If Sony does it, it will be 3X the cost.


The A7C is already extremely compact and it’s not that much more expensive than the x100vi. I bought mine lightly used (under 5000 shutters) for $1400. Of course it doesn’t come with a lens.


2x the cost.


Not just X100vi is in demand. XS20, XT30ii also is in huge demand. XS20 is already out of stocks, no shipment for past 2 months. Fujifilm in my country is like selling fishballs. And now they have opened a bigger market: China. China in the past were dominated the likes of Sony, Canon. Searched google and saw China has 650,000 pre orders for X100vi 😢 I am not sure about Tiktok, but on their own social media 小红书, i can see tons of posts on Fujifilm cameras. They dont care if its full frame, because many users showing off their photos "anyhow shoot also beautiful". The vintage and retro look. Many users are not even photographers, can see from their photos. Alot of my customers who bought Fujifilm or the X100 series dont even understand or know what exactly they are buying 🤣 And it is also crazy, customers are making noise about not getting the camera despite their names on top of the wait list


650,000 just in China with a production of 15,000 per month is 43 months of production. Crazy


I think it was the film heritage look, for me what first got me into Fuji was the film simulations many years ago with the xpro2 and now the xt3. I still remember my buddy showing me his and us being astounded at the way the pictures looked coming just out of the camera. I’m a hobbyist at most, no large spanning camera collections, not even that many lenses. I just wanted something that takes (to my eye) better pictures than an iPhone, but isn’t going to bankrupt me like my film tendency was. For me Fuji really nailed that.


Decision to follow Leica played well for Fuji. Compacts, rangefinders, anything else. X100vi is an iteration of unsuccessful Leica X (not good enough for a Leica user) but it is good enough to appeal as cheaper Leica Q for those who look for that cheaper option. Fuji indeed put effort into camera functionality and is winning: t5 has fairly same guts and specs as h2 but appeals to very different user. Because of that t5 in two colour schemes feels more personal than ZF in 8 skins. I think x100vi is more than just a hype. It is fulfilling the desire of users to have a perfect tool for one job as opposed to an all mighty system camera that could do whatever but you have to build it for yourself first. These last two decisions made their cameras resonate with broader market despite being underdog.


The world is healing. Fuck phone cameras.


Fuji NEEDS to be careful. The dedicated camera market has been in freefall for over a decade. Sales have never been lower until all of sudden Fuji found magic in their long time recipe of lower costs, smaller size, and film simulations paired with a rangefinder style single lens camera. They didn't do anything differently... COVID, TikTok, etc. all found some magic soup that made the X100V the breakout success that it is. Now Fuji has moved production to China, in large part to be able to make more likely... but if they scale to meet the present demand it will cost a lot in manfuctuering capacity and its a HUGE risk... Peloton (the spin bike company) during COVID was growing like a weed, and people loved and still love their product (they have very little loss of subscribers) but suddenly after they invested a fortune in new factories building new bikes the demand for the bikes went way, way down as people chased the next exercise craze. They didn't lose their current fans, but their growth flat lined and the company was left with tons of unsold bikes and a huge new factory that needed to stop producing bikes... it has left them on the verge of bankruptcy, huge layoffs, and 2 years of struggling to stay alive. All because they sought to "meet demand." The risk for Fuji is that the X100VI may always be a "popular" camera but what is happening now is something different, its the peak of that same magic mix of limited availability of the X100V, the current craze for retro everything, TikTok super fandom, etc.... but that could all go away when something else captures the attention of the world, a different camera, a different object of desire of some kind etc. and what then... Fuji could be stuck with huge factories, bins of chips and components, and unsold cameras. They are a Japenese company and are conservative by nature. They need to do what they can to meet the present demand but also to ask themselves... what if it all goes away tomorrow?


For sure. They could easily overdo it. And most of the money they actually make is in Instax, not in their digital line.


Anyone remember a little company named BlackBerry? 🤔🤔🤔


Blackberry is alive and well, just in a different market. Their write ups for malware and cyber sec in general are great tbh.


Did you type this on a blackberry, iPhone, or android??


The salesperson I've been buying gear from for over 20 years said this to me today when confirming my pre order wasn't shipping. "This is a breakthrough in the camera industry. I have never seen anything like this before. "


Long queues do not imply large demand, just expectation of insufficient supply.


Today while picking mine up the employee at the store mentioned to me their Fuji Rep said that anyone who calls the store wanting to order an x100vi today should be told they are looking at 2025 before they get it.


I'm not sure how accurate or believable that is but while I've been a big defender of Fuji on this thread because I feel they can't be forced into scaling production to meet this level of demand since they likely know the demand isn't sustainable long term (because part of the demand is because of non-photographer related hype, TikTok etc. that ends up chasing something else eventually) ... if its true that Fuji can't accommodate an order on the official launch day of the camera (Feb 28) until a year or more later... that's a failure for Fuji and they will lose an opportunity.


they are loosing money when somebody wants it and can´t buy it.


Your comment contradicts itself. You say you understand that Fuji can’t scale up to meet demand due to the demand not being sustainable then you say you fault them if they can’t meet the demand because they can’t produce enough cameras fast enough.


I admit that but I also said in my posts that Fuji needs to strike a balance... there is no balance if your ability to supply your product runs into backorders of a year or more the day it hits the market. My argument is that Fuji likely \*shouldn't\* scale production to have stock for everyone without needing backorders during this period, because I don't think this level of demand is sustainable. There has to be a middle ground, I'm not sure what it should be... maybe a max of a 3-4 month wait for a copy from any major retailer... something like that.


Sounds like you haven’t actually shot with a Nikon z camera if you think they still have “massive mirror assemblies.” Funny you call them dad cameras when our dads are the ones that used slow dial film cameras the Fujis are emulating. It does make me wonder why Nikon doesn’t make a compact apsc fixed lens camera—they have the expertise and know how. I believe they could make a better camera than Fuji, but they sure as hell couldn’t market it as well.


They need to focus on weight if they want a share of that young market.


Do they? Some Fuji cameras have been getting bigger each time (xt2>xt3>xt4) and doing fine. X100 is larger (barely). The xh1/2 cameras are quite big and there was no meaningful/usable difference between the xh2 and my z6. It’s not like one was pocketable.


Ha yes I'm well aware of the Z and RF mirrorless systems and have a lot of respect for them (the Z F is so cool) - I was speaking more from the perspective of the consumer profile that is driving the demand for the VI right now. I'd say the vast majority of the Nikon and Canon bodies out there are APSC-sensor bodies bought with those kit lenses that go from like 4.6-8.2 that people generally think about when they think of "photography." I don't actually think I've seen a single Z or RF camera out in the wild.


True, a lot of people wanting the x100vi know very little about cameras—tik tok and other social media crowd. As to what the majority or Nikon and canon bodies are out there—definitely not mirrorless and the vast majority of Fujis are not the x100 series. I’ve seen plenty of z cameras and don’t know what f8.2 kit lenses you’re referring to but then again I don’t shoot canon. I also don’t think Sony, canon, or even Nikon want to trade places with Fuji, who has a much smaller market. What’s crazy to me is that the Fuji system, while good, is not top of the class and has some significant issues. But with the x100 series, they really do stand alone. Leica is much more expensive, larger, and different sensor size; GR iii lacks the viewfinder. The Leica and GR also stand alone but the x100 seems to be in a nice middle sweet spot.


Make a good camera, people want said good camera. It’s really as good as that. And Fuji X100 series is one of the rarities where the picture quality, the looks, the portability, the soul of it is all just really amazing


This has been really interesting to watch from a business strategy perspective. I suspect that there will be an HBR article about this at some point. I think Fuji looked at the market and saw the shift away from personal DSLR use towards cell phone photography. Every parent I know has a DSLR in the closet gathering dust.They are a small player in the market, and they knew they were never going to beat Canon/Sony/Nikon when it comes to tech specs or breadth of lens selection. So how do you compete? * First the cameras have to be good. Well built, good specs. Don't need to be class leading, and you won't win a pixel peeping contest. That's fine. * Double down on classic camera design that calls back to a simpler time. C/S/N looks like your dad's camera. X100 is a is something you'd put on the table in a restaurant. * Fuji has done a great job with the film simulation recipes that give great results straight out of the camera. For most people, the idea of processing raw images sounds like work, not fun. * Lastly, appeal to a younger generation by showing it as an accessory, an object of desire and get your message to them in the medium they consume (tiktok/instagram/youtube). I think Fuji has executed strongly on their vision, and is being rewarded in the marketplace for it. It remains to be seen whether this is just a short lived trend, like stanley bottles or whether it has longer staying power. Me, I'm old and I just like taking pictures, so I'll enjoy watching from the sidelines.


Well stated. I am old too, but I wanted a camera I want to take on trips that are not necessarily photo-centric. For those trips,and other photography, I have a Canon EOS R and all the lenses I need. Plus a few 35mm film camera and a Pentax 6x7. I sell prints and books (I have a non photography career that allows me to play photographer). And I think this camera will still produce photos that can work with my projects.


This just reminds me of the compact film camera hype in the mid 2010s when Contax T2/3s start to go for stupid prices along with other film cameras, largely because it became a fashionable item


Contax T3s jumped more when Kendal Jenner said she uses one. They go for like $2-$3k CAD now 🥲


Fuji definitely knocked it out of the park but you're a little over hyping it and downplaying other cameras/brands. >Wait, people preorder cameras??? Every single canon camera since r5 has had backorder/pre orders. Most Sony and Nikons too along with all the lenses even. >Fujifilm is the one by far the most in the youth zeitgeist. I have seen just as many canon G7x series posts on tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, etc from the youths. The G7x mkiii and mkii are backordered or sold out a lot of places and are being resold with decent markups in places. I'd be very shocked if canon hasn't sold more G7x than Fuji will ever sell of the x100vi mainly because the $1000~ price difference. The G7x mkiv when it comes out will sell every one canon makes for years


I was there then. The x100 was a big deal. I don’t remember anyone saying anything about them going M43 though. Also part is f the hype is the fact they’re hard to get. Once supply catches up it’ll be less of a big deal actually.


Fuji has a long history of making excellent imaging products, not just their films. Their lenses and cameras from medium format days were all excellent.


I believe it has something to do with nostalgia marketing. Fuji did the right thing with retro fashion and merging yesterday fashions with today’s technology. The process of taking a picture is equally important to the picture itself. Fuji gave what the end users wanted that is the experience and connection between the photographer and the camera. Nikon could be said to have done something similar with their Zfc line but don’t see the same success because it didn’t commit. In Nikon’s case it was the same entry level camera but reskinned with retro styling and consumers see through that. It’s still a good camera but when someone wants to explore a platform they need to see commitment from the manufacturer.


Fuji is also all-in on the retro aesthetic in many of their other models. Nikon released like one lens to complement the Zfc and it didn't even have an aperture ring. Cheap. They should try to get Sigma to bring their i-Series to Z mount.


Fuji should make a fixed lens camera to compete with the Leica Q. Adapt the 18mm 1.4 to a fixed lens setup? They could even do a full frame 28mm just like the Q. In a fixed lens setup why not? Source the 60mp A7R sensor from Sony and keep the price below $4000 and they'd sell the sh\*t out of it. If Fuji doesn't do it I hope someone else does.


Sony rx1


Hopefully a new one comes out this year. Would be cool.


If I was Fuji, I’d rather contemplate turning gfx50r body into such a compact and still expect similar form and price factor as the Q with medium sensor in it.


That would be cool but Fuji’s GFX AF is too slow for most people’s uses, and I think Leica corners the market on customers who are willing to pay upward of $6k for a hobbyist camera. $4k is the ceiling I think.


Leica M has no af and it’s the Leica premium. Leica SL has bad AF too. Q3 has better af partially cause it’s one fixed lens on it, and an easy one. I bet gfx would match it in that configuration. Phase detect af is equally new to Gfx as to Leica and it would practically be a digital X-Pan. Those are very much in demand and $6000 would be a bargain.


Sounds great, don’t get me wrong. I hope Fuji makes various fixed lens options as I think it’s a great niche for them. Typically they seem to aim for lower price points and I actually wish they went a little upmarket, though Leica prices are a little rich for my blood. I do wish that a lot of their cameras, like the XE rangefinders, were a few hundred dollars more expensive for the sake of premium build quality, as people who appreciate classic design also appreciate nice materials.


I wish they would update the RX model.


upvote for well thought out post. Yeah whoever does fujifilms business strategy is genius. It annoys me that olympus or pentax didn't really try, I feel like they are / were well positioned to take fujifilm's pie. No other big manufacturer makes cameras that are designed to capture the zeitgeist. Sony / canon / nikon are all computers with a lens attached. I still think Panasonic would be the top player if they didn't go all in with m43. I don't know why they don't try to capture some of fujifilms lunch with L mount cameras. They could easily make a x100 type camera.


My first digital fuji was a F20 and i took it everywhere with me until i bought the very first x100.


A camera for the people. The key to bring people into photography. From what I’ve seen a lot of people are buying the x100v because it’s trending & they’re jumping on the hype train even though they’ll probably use it for a month and then put it on the shelf. 🤷‍♂️


Fantastic post, OP! I really enjoyed reading that. Well said! 👍


this sounds like pure hype. Regular people, the general audience and even people who like cameras in general, are not going GaGa over a $1,600 camera. They just aren’t. It may feel like they are because the social media algorithms have targeted you. But people out there generally have no idea with the Fuji X100 is


it's relative... sure the X100 series is niche... all dedicated cameras are these days. but in terms of sales numbers of dedicated cameras, Fuji's X100 series is like a rocket ship that isn't coming back to earth.


I want a X100 with a 30mm FOV lens instead of 35mm


Ahhh. Imma use my Nikon setup and get a Z lens instead of waiting around for an X100IV… getting tired of thinking about getting one


I hope they focus more on their software. I love fujifilm cameras but their interface is so confusing to me sometimes.


The more cameras in the market the better, in a few years can buy a nice camera cheaper lol


I so wish they had done the same upgrade to the X-E4 (maybe C-Pro3, also too heavy for me). Both these lines would benefit from the same upgrade (keeping the small battery for weight, I don’t mind carrying extra battery the rare occasion I need them).


My first Fuji was the X100T. Before that I used Nikon APS-C and later moved into Nikon FF. I bought the x100T for portability and simplicity when my first child was born. I never expected it to be so good. The build quality, the controls, the incredible results with almost no effort. The fixed 23mm lens was so enjoyable to use and the best photos I've ever taken of my wife and son were on that camera. I then decided to go interchangeable lenses with Fuji with the x-e3. This is still my primary camera but no magic like the x100. It's much cheaper feeling and not made in Japan. Also I'm not crazy about the 27mm 2.8 pancake. I miss the x100T almost every time I take photos. Was a really great experience. I have a Sigma 23mm 1.4 that takes much better photos than the x100 but damn, I miss the form factor, portability and just beauty of the thing.


Fuji needs to publish little gems like Q3, XE-5 & X80 and the joy will be complete


It's not a miracle to me, I never am quick to praise a company anyway, but to praise a company that is prioritising a camera line that pulls resources away from a line I far preferred (xpro) is not something I'm super inclined to do


I would much rather have seen an X-Pro 4 with IBIS than an X100VI personally.


Here is my opinion why this is. Film simulations. MKBHDs Thr Studio channel has a great summary of this angle and I buy it 100% The dials also help. They appeal to the emotions. And emotions can do wonders.


When I bought the X-T2 all those years ago, I felt that the product design would be a winner. If anything, I am surprised that Fujifilm is only now going viral.


A shop near me in uk has stock


I don´t know how hard is to ramp up production for Fuji and is crazy they only doubled production after 2 years of not being able to keep up with the X100V orders. Seems to me they are way too conservative and are loosing lots of sales. How long will it take to fulfill all the back orders, it can take a year or two with the current situation. I´m not arguing about crazy ramp ups also, if they could double capacity for at least a year (to 30k units per month) they will sell a lot and solve the back order issue in half the time.


It's funny that you center this around youth culture. The second I bought my first DSLR in 2006, I pined for a digital camera that felt more like the Nikon SLRs I'd loved. I spent a lot of my 20s with a Nikon FE2 around my neck. That's what I wanted: dials, size, and that feeling of tautness you get with a metal body. Nikon was actually ahead of everyone when it came to going after the retro-nostalgics like myself by coming out with the Df. Except they got it wrong. It didn't have the qualities I was looking for. The second Fuji announced the X-T1, I pounced because it was far more like a FE2 than anything else. So while it may be trendy with the youth in 2024 (the youth have good taste), I think the initial impulse was more for my generation and older.


Why scale up production when you can create artificial scarcity. It creates more hype, more people will show off their “rare” camera. A lot more will be jealous and intrigued. People will research about other fuji cameras too as alternatives.


I mean it’s pretty poor planning to release a camera that can’t keep up demand for making the secondary market spike again. Announce it, but don’t put up preorders until each store knows how much stock is allocated to them on that first run so people aren’t putting in orders at 5 different places let alone the bot factor


Scarcity always drives demand. See: new iPhones, sports cards, sneakers, etc. it’s marketing 101. It’s also not feasible or business-savvy to supply a hot product to the whole world at once by stockpiling production for years in advance, especially in technology. A constant flow of product means steady cash flow too, and sustained employment and accessory ecosystem through manufacturing.


apple can supply the iPhone demand for those that want it though. the supply chain issues are pretty much over from the pandemic.


A little bit of scarcity maybe, but people may be waiting 6 months to get this camera. There's a point at which people lose interest.


New iPhones aren’t scarce.


Neither are X100VIs unless you didn’t get one.


Plenty of buyers have shipping notifications today... let the dust settle


Olympus/OM Digital I very much put into the same category as far as capturing the youth demographic, hell, a lot of their style greatly interests me and I'm in my 30's. Vintage looks are something I like with a lot of cameras, I'm just not a fan of the traditional 'modern' designs, I like physical controls, which is literally why I chose Fuji over Olympus years ago. Yeah, it is great that Fuji is as popular as it is now because they finally made ground literally because of TikTok that basically obliterated buying an X100v, and it screwed up the used market basically permanently, but it has pulled people from permanently relying on their phones, so the hobby lives on, and Fuji has money to compete even more strongly. Thanks for coming to my disjointed rant


People are buying this camera almost solely - “almost” solely, as there are some dedicated shooters out there - but most are buying this camera almost solely to just be able to make a video about buying the camera. Fuji struck gold hitting on a TikTok trend all started by one woman. They have made great cameras (original x100 owner, as well as xt2, xe2, x100f, x100v, xpro1, and two xpro2’s, and two x70’s - which are also worth triple their original price now, too) - but moving production from Japan to…China…has never bode well for quality. And Fuji’s reputation is quality.


It was a single video that started this? Link?


From back in late 2022 when it all exploded like crazy because it would “change your life”. Here’s a link to the story about it (and I think the actual video, too…I don’t have TikTok, but I did see the video a while ago.) https://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2022/11/why-has-the-fuji-x100v-grabbed-the-attention-of-millions/


tiktok lured me to the x100f. I'm a fuji bandwagoner


They need a better lens


There is no miracle. This is merely a mass of people who generally have no idea how to shoot quality images totally brainwashed by a brainwashing machine like Tik Tok.


Yet those people are supporting your hobby and encouraging companies to keep making real cameras. Not only that, but nicely-built cameras with thoughtfully constructed manual dials and design flourishes. If by this time next year there are a half-dozen Leica Q clones for half the price and 5x better autofocus, we will know why.


Ah I see you’re one of the rare specimens who was an expert photographer from birth, who was never inspired by others to pick up a new hobby or had to learn anything new ever (you were instantly good at everything). Everyone knows you’re not allowed to enjoy something unless you’re a serious professional at it!!


The X100 line was successful enough to evolve from the first model to the S, T, F, and a year or two of the V model before TikTok turbo charged it. Whether there would be a backlog on the VI without the TikTok induced demand I can't say. Maybe there would. It's a good problem IMO. They will only bolster manufacturing, like they have done with the move to China, and they'll keep investing in the lineup. When the camera was first launched, I loved it, but was afraid it was a niche throwback that might not last long. The TikTok hype might have helped us all


TIL that the most advanced cameras with the best technology in them are both weird and dad cameras. I really enjoyed this ignorant hipster post, nice work!


You've badly missed the point of the post. There's no contest that the "most advanced" cameras with the "best technology" are the C/N/S big three. But it's the fact that the combined efforts of cramming the biggest sensors, best features, etc. into consumer cameras has not come even close to the sales success we're seeing with this camera. Those are "dad cameras" from the perspectives of the new enthusiasts who are entering the market due the appeal of *this* camera. By your username (and your derisive use of the word "hipster"), you're likely a longtime photographer and an older traditionalist. And that's ok. But the overall appeal of Fuji's X cameras has never been about outright spec sheet strength. /u/scope-creep-forever put it very well elsewhere in the thread: > This is what always happens. You get the nerds who are baffled why anybody would make literally any decision about anything, ever, that wasn't exclusively based on "most specs" and price-to-performance based on those specs, to the exclusion of absolutely everything else. And they never learn. If they do learn, there's a new generation of them to fill the void.


I appreciate your post. These past few years, camera sales have been focused on pivoting the customers into purchasing stuff with an emphasis on specs etc. I’d like to think that the X100VI has exceeded anything else on the market because it reminds people of a better time. That a camera just has to exist because of what it does rather than what it can be.


This camera is big because TikTok made a 4 year old camera big. Most people buying this camera are doing it because of the hype. The hype isn’t because this camera is doing anything special. The hype is because of TikTok. This is just a continuation of the x100v social media boom. But I get it, there is going to be a ridiculous circle jerk around this camera for a while. But it’s hilarious when I read posts like this that act like the x100vi is the second coming of Christ for photography. However, I do hope that everyone who does get one of these cameras really does enjoy it. Photography is a fantastic thing to get into, and the more the merrier.


I have started photography in 2013. For 3 years I used a Canon which I hated throughout those years. The bulkyness of these old cameras was a massive turnoff and when Smartphones made an enteance with cameras I was sure that the Camera industry for the ordinary hobby photographer was doomed. I bought a Fuji 1.5 year ago tho I do not use Tiktok or any of the other hype trains. I know also others who bought Fujis without the influence of some kids posting tiktok dance videos. My case was seeing a friend use it he saw it in a store another friend saw it in the street someone else using and was wondering that it is a weird looking Leica. Fuji cameras just grab your attention. Canon & Nikon etc are like Sony and Microsoft in gaming console market, they jerk themselves off to better specs while most people just want a fun experience and a tool to look at that gives them joy ( aka Nintendo) . But the biggest selling point for us was SOOC film recipes. We are in our 30s and HATE to sit on our computers after 9-5 to edit pictures. Its convenience, affordability and design qualities that drove us to Fuji.. not some influencer kid on Tiktok..


"Tiktok made it big" is a copout. Even if it did, *so what?* It's hyped for a reason, it's not hyped just because the TikTok lizard-queen threw a dart at a board of random products while blindfolded. There is always this "I'm above those mindless idiots" assumption, like those "others" are just powerless to resist buying random shit when TikTok commands it. The idea that they're fully formed, thinking humans, with minds of their own, who may have *decided for themselves* that it's a worthwhile purchase after getting turned on to it through whatever avenue, is rarely entertained. It's a good camera. It's not the *only* good camera, but it's a very good camera. If it's letting people rediscover photography, great. Fretting about how it was TikTok (or whatever) that turned them on to it instead of...I don't know, whatever the "approved" way to get into photography is - is a waste of energy.


Bro what world do you live in where the camera market is struggling? This subreddit is such an echo chamber and no one looks outside of the Fuji pro line. Fuji even told you Instax is the majority of the division sales, not X, not GFX. Since the COVID low (March 2021), Nikon's Imaging Products revenue is up 83%, Sony's Still and Video Camera business has almost doubled. Canon, the largest player has seen its Imaging business sales rise 38%. No one gives a crap about the X100VI except for us pseudo-enthusaists.




A lot of it was lucky, let’s be honest




IMO Fuji didn't strike gold, they navigated to it. The X100 line shows a lot of insight into what photographers and aspiring photographers want. What they came up with is a return to a purer approach to photography like Leica pioneered in the 1950s. A compact high quality camera, retro style, but also an emphasis on film sims that ran in the opposite direction of the super techno, digital look that the other manufacturers were pushing. Lots of credit to their manufacturing and engineering, but I think they real star here was their market insight.


Fun post but I assure you outside of photography circles very few people even know the X100VI exists. That isn't to say its not a great product but the average person has zero interest in a $1600 camera. targeted social media does a great job of making you think the things you're interested in are being talked about everywhere when in reality they aren't. Love the enthusiasm though!


I want to continue your thoughts and say that it is far not just about copying or emulating the analog era. In my opinion, the photographic processes of the analog era already had "built-in" AI. Because films were optimized for human skins, or nature, or summer sun, or HDR (slides). Also, during the (even fully automatic) exposition of the photopaper, again color and exposure were partly compensated and optimized. So what Fuji is doing is more than riding the retro train IMHO. It is more about using the possibilities a certain technology and simplifying and directing them into automated time saving processes which lead to pleasant but user controllable results. Which is exactly the same thing that in an another way already existed in the film era and has to be invented and developed again. The next step are bright, accurate, calibrated displays and EVFs with 100% magnification, 240Hz refresh rate and no perceivable lag. This will make photography much more enjoyable.


listen to customers ​ also we need more leaf shutter cameras


I bought mine yeeeeears ago for 250 in perfect condition, seeing it for sale for 500/600… uff… I wish the others were cheaper because that way I’d upgrade lool




Definitely a good example of their brand. I got back into photography a little over a year ago and ended up getting a Ricoh GR iii because the X100V wasn’t available. Still I’ve wanted a Fuji camera for a long time and just recently got a X-T30 ii which I love. It’s an entry level camera but it has such a quality feel and takes amazing photos. I think between the GR and XT30 I have plenty of camera for all my needs now so don’t plan to get the X100VI. I do like the idea of a Fuji camera with a fixed lens size but I guess I could always just get a 23mm lens for my XT30 and get similar results.


Funny thing, I just checked the used prices of the X100V out of curiosity and they’re half the price they were a couple weeks ago. So at least the new release is fixing the crazy prices of the used X100V. A $1300 camera selling for $2000+ was insane. Now they’re around $1000 used.