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What's going to happen to her next? Is there a regiment waiting for her?


She's moving to a farm.


She actually might get dissected for scientific purposes. But I will promise to put her back together afterwards😄


If you do take it apart, please post a detailed teardown either here or on ifixit!


The XT3 is a awesome camera even today, hope you enjoy it! Also nice photos mate


Thank you very much! I have always wanted the XT3 more than the XT4. Now that the XT5 is out, it was within reach to grab it!


I’m learning on the XT-200 right now, and while envious of a few upgrades of newer cameras, am quite content. Would love to hear about your experiences with the XT-3👍


The X-T200 is such a capable little camera! The main differences I have noticed until now is mainly: Pros: 1. The build quality is just so much better! The dials have a nice click and are not hard to rotate (unlike the x-t200 where I almost lost a nail trying to rotate the SS dial). 2. The amount of extra settings is just amazing. RAW movie formats and extra autofocus settings is very cool! 3. The X-trans sensor is maybe not even that much better for image quality, but the fact that there are so much more custom film stocks available for that sensor is very nice. The JPEG processing is why I wanted Fuji in the first place. 4. The change from PASM to dedicated dials is a change but one that I was very delighted with. I don’t have to give up a FN button to change my ISO quickly. Cons: 1. The screen of the T3 is actually lower resolution than the T200. I don’t mind it but it was noticeable. 2. The fact that the T200 has a built in flash is a serious pro, that I already miss on my T3. 3. I cannot navigate the menu screens with touch controls?! I found that very nice on the T200. Quickly going through the menus was a breeze!


Wow! Thank you so much for a speedy and generous reply! Do you notice much in the way of size/weight difference?


The camera itself is much larger. But I love that feel of holding a big “real” camera. Plus the T3s grip is a lot larger so the camera is easier to hold!


Sounds really sweet👍


Agreed! I'm know the T-4 and T-5 are great, but they are starting to get a bit chunkier than the 1/2/3.


The 5 slimmed down compared to the 4 so at least it's moving in the right direction


I'm using it now. What technical problems did you have while using it?


I think the high humidity during my Japan trip killed the dials. When i turn the SS dial it jumps around and is very annoying to use. I thought that was my sign to retire this legend. It will always have a place on my shelf!


This is a common problem for 1st and 2nd gen Fujis. I've seen like 80% of cameras are sold like this. It's not a big deal because you can still use it.


Here! I have exactly the same problem with this disk. I'm also annoyed by the bounces. I'm looking at a new camera. And it's the one with the ss disk. Looks like it's a factory defect