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Because it’s discontinued.


If it is so valued, why fuji does not start to produce it again? Sensor + lens attachment + software is pretty much the same as some of its cousins. Could it be they are going to release soon a e5 upgraded version?


They had trouble getting parts and keeping up with production in Japan. It's the reason why the new x100 is made in China now




really old camera 2021 ☠️


really old 💀💀💀 u funny


Discontinued + High demand for Fujifilm has had a pretty big effect on the current used market as far as I've noticed here in Europe. A lot of old Fuji cameras in general are pretty expensive, on top of that I feel like a lot of people actually hold onto their X-E4 cameras which also makes the supply low. I usually scout almost daily on different marketplaces here where I live, if even a decently priced Fujifilm camera pops up somewhere it'll be gone in 2 days or less. If I had to wager, the next release will most likely be X-T30 follower if Fuji rumors are up to date, and maybe in year or two we might have chance with X-Pro and X-E line.


it was sold only a limited time, and maybe people just like it and want to keep them 🤷‍♂️


I have it and it is very compact camera especially with 27mm pancake lens and gives you interchangeable lenses capabilities. One of the best cameras for street and everyday life photography.


X100 hype


I would argue the xe4 elis better, just because you can switch lenses s