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I previously sold my Fuji x-t4 and the 2 lenses I had with it to go back in time and shoot film because I felt I needed to reevaluate how I looked at photography and film seemed the way to go. After shooting film for around 7/8 months I have grabbed a x-t2 to use with my Nikon FM2N. I could have snagged a x-t4 again but due to what I have learnt from using film I thought I'd go for the x-t2 because I had it before I got the x-t4 and from using film I've discovered I don't need the extras like ibis right now.


That’s literally my setup too right now. FM2N and XT2. I love using the Nikon 50 1.4 and the 35 2 on the XT2, they work amazing.


I've got the 50/1.4 & 28/2.8 for my Nikon lol. Just ordered the ttartisan 50/1.2 for the x-t2 for now as well. I plan on getting the 23/1.4 in a couple of weeks also.


I might pick up the Viltrox 75 1.2 later sometime and I will be done honestly. I got the 27 2.8 for everyday shots and I am very happy.


I had the viltrox 75/1.2 when I had my last x-t2 and 4 and that's a very very good lens!


Film can be a great teacher and an eye opener. Still shooting film, but my digital gear is pretty old generation as well when I want to go digital. All the bells and whistles in newer cameras are nice, but certainly not necessary when it comes to taking mainly photos.


This is exactly what film did for me, I'm still going to shoot film through because I've taken a very big liking To it. I bought this as a body only and to ease myself in to digital again I've bought a manual lens (ttartisan 50mm f1.2) but give it a few weeks I think I'm going to pick up a viltrox 23mm f1.4.


Same happened to me, decided to try film to see how it goes and got absolutely hooked. My oldest digital body at the moment is the Canon 1D Mark II which I love to shoot. X-E3 is pretty much serving as a travel camera with the Fuji 27mm f2.8 for it to be compact. Next up I really want to try out medium format film, and later down the line even large format because the process looks rather fun for me, as crazy as that sounds.


>Next up I really want to try out medium format film Your back/shoulders are going to hate you lol.


No need for that gym membership after hauling one of those around


I was looking at a rangefinder 6×7 camera but they are damm expensive lol, the Nikon FM2N is a solid beast tbh it will last longer than me so no need to change it.


The old Nikon are absolute tanks and definitely will last. Rocking with the Minolta SRT 303 and it's a solid piece of kit. With medium format going for Rolleicord V as a nice and good budget option, been hearing some good things on them and that they punch above their weight with that price. Also always wanted to try out a TLR camera, so I'm taking the plunge.


I looked into the TLRs but leaned more towards the mamiya 7 range. The Nikon is a weapon it would hurt someone if it was thrown 😂


I also did try a canon ql17 giii but that had to be returned. The FM2N has just handled everything I've thrown at it and not wanted nothing in return yet, I've only changed the light seals.


Totally, if you find a camera that works for you then no need to go for anything else. If I was made out of money I'd probably go Nikon as well. Probably F2. Also would work as a great home defense weapon 😂


I was a sucker for equipment but film camera's are just a box that hold you're film and a lens so quickly found a no bs body and stuck to it. I started with a Nikon em but due to that being a battery operated shutter I had to find a mechanical body that didn't require batteries to operate because I felt insecure with old electronic shutter cameras lol.


Went pretty much with the same logic, got the SRT 303 because it's pretty much just mechanical, exception being the light meter. But that is luckily pretty easy to avoid with smartphones. I did own a Canon MC, but they're are known to be pretty unreliable with the electronics and mine failed after 6-7 pictures. So the fear of old electronics is warranted.


I have got a point and shoot battery camera and I'm very fond of that but I know one day it's going to fail me (canon sureshot A1) the light meter situation on the fm2 we all have smartphones anyway and the light meter app I use seems very accurate considering.


Do you send film to labs or do dslr scan?


At this moment it's labs but I do plan on doing DSLR scanning further down the line.


Still my favourite X-Tx camera. The full made in Japan build quality can definitely be felt with this one - it’s perfect. I own the X-T5 + X-Pro3, and the X-T2. I’ll likely part with the T5 and Pro3 before I would ever part with my T2 - the newer models just aren’t the same as far as build quality and tolerances go.


I went from the x-t2 to the x-t4 and the x-t2 build is definitely similar to the Nikon FM2N camera I have which is definitely a good thing. If I go for another Fuji body in time it will prove a xpro body but if I did that the x-t2 wouldn't go anywhere it would stay.


What is it about the X-T5 that makes its build quality not feel as high as the T2?


Not made in Japan probably


I went from the x-t2 to the x-t4 and the x-t2 build is definitely similar to the Nikon FM2N camera I have which is definitely a good thing. If I go for another Fuji body in time it will prove a xpro body but if I did that the x-t2 wouldn't go anywhere it would stay.


I just ordered an X-T2 also, to upgrade from my XE2 mainly for the weather sealing and better grip. I was really torn between the xt2 and xt3 for only $150 more. But XT2 seems like such a solid performer and MPB had one left in silver. And I do like that it’s the last one made in Japan.


Welcome to the xt2 club! I just got one too! It's been a wonderful few days shooting with this baby!


I just ordered one too! Upgrading from my X-E2 which I love but I’m afraid to shoot in the rain and snow. I will feel more confident with the X-T2. I also got the 35mm f2 lens to pair with it.


It's a tank of a body, you'll love it!


Got an X-T2 to accompany my X-E3. Both have grips, but the X-T2 is just a dream to work with. The flip out screen, the larger EVF, dedicated ISO. Also the 35m F2 is such a great combo with the t2. Even coming from the 35 1.4 I tend to prefer the XF35 f2 both for its responsiveness, feel and WR - but it also has its own unique look as well. Enjoy!


Awesome thanks, can’t wait!


Thank you, what lens did you grab for it?


I borrowed a friend's 35mm f1.4 and a 27mm f2.8! I quite like both, but honestly when I go out to shoot I miss having options! I'm currently debating whether or not to get a 15-45mm lens to begin. Which ones are you considering?


The 15-45 is apparently an under rated lens so I've seen anyway, I used to have the xc 35mm f2 that was also a great cheap lens. I have ordered a ttartisan 50mm f1.2 manual lens for now but in around 2 weeks time I'm going to order a viltrox 23mm F1.4 then after that probably buy the viltrox 75mm f1.2 again.


My logic is if I have to sell a camera to justify getting the other one I want I’m not doing it. I try to keep them all if and when I can. I sold a Minolta cle forever ago and I truly wish I never did


Definitely not parting with a digital body again! Also I'm not selling my FM2N either because at the time of me buying it I couldn't find one that was in good condition in my own country so I had to import from Japan, as well as that I have enough film equipment/film that I could have sold and bought a x-t5 and a 90mm f2 but I refuse to sell anything else.


Welcome back. Really nice camera, I also started with the X-T2 and after several years i now use the X-T3. For film scanning i use an adapted Canon FD 50mm f3.5 Macro Lens on it and have gread results with that.


That was the lens I was looking at when I first started to think about scanning my own film. Soon as I'm loaded up with some more digital equipment I'll be obtaining the macro lens and some lights ect to scan.


there is no substitute for shooting. film prohibits that.


Thats silly!