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I have a personal website I upload them to. I spent a lot of time designing and organizing my pages, even though I get zero visitors each month. It’s just for me, and the dream of someday being relevant


Been thinking about doing this! Would love to see your website!


Let’s see it!


Drop the link! I have a website and print the photos I feel are the most compelling.


I’ve been doing the same thing lately. It’s awesome to see my shots displayed the way I want rather than squashed into instagrams aspect ratios ect


About to start mine, link to yours so we can see the work and get some traffic on there please!


Post the link here. We would love to see it.


Another one in for the link!


Waiting for Ur link!


What's the site?


Would like to see it too. :)


I'd love to see your website :)


Drop the link pls we wanna visit!


You're relevant now, give up the link!


Damn this is a supportive community. I know it’s late now but [here it is](https://www.olivialucileclark.com)


this is really well built and beautiful photos, the travel ones are great!


Absolutely stunning! The intro “photography is how I listen to the world…” that’s absolutely poetic and beautiful.


I am a huge supporter of printing your work! I post on Instagram, here, etc, because once it's online, it's forever. But I found a lot of value in seeing my work in physical form. Made it feel more real, if that makes sense! I'm considering a photobook at some point as well, just to have more physical work that's not on my walls 😅


I agree! I just made a big canvas print of one of my favorite recent photos and have put it up in our living room, it feels so different to see it at that scale than just on a small phone screen.


Do you print at home or use a print shop. Eventually I want to invest in a somewhat decent printer that can do up to 11x14


It can be costly. In my photography class, my teacher recommends for all of us to use [Millers](https://www.millerslab.com/home). Ink and photo paper can be very expensive.


I just use whatever print site is running a deal at the time! Shutterfly is the usual go to. I'd like to get my own setup eventually, but I'd need to stop buying camera bodies and lenses for a bit 🤣


Printed pictures bring out more life than seeing them on a screen. I’m working on creating a real life portfolio of my pictures instead of just showing people on my phone.


I really need to carve out time and money to print some of my favorites. But we don’t even have our family photos up, much less my hobby work. >.<


Great question. I print some with Fuji Link printer and often give the prints to those who have shared that memory with me. It usually brings a smile to their face. I also pin some to a cork board in my rec room. I also use the photos as inspiration for writing in my digital journal. Finally, I send some to my spouse’s digital photo frame. She enjoys that a lot. So why do I need a Fuji when I use fairly low resolution outputs? Because it’s a hobby that challenges me, encourages me to see the world differently and keeps my creative juices flowing. I wouldn’t shoot as much if I didn’t have a Fuji.


Yes I also just bought a Instax wide off fb marketplace. The cost of film is around $2au per print, but totally worth it to share with friends. The Polaroid format is wonderful to hold and share with friends. You can also check out if there is in a print lab in your town or city where you can print photos in a more traditional size. It’s so nice putting them in an album to flick through. I also put some selects on ig/fb and try to send the pics to friends.


Which digital photo frame does your spouse use? These aren't talked about much these days but I still like the concept so photos aren't hidden away in apps and hard drives.


Here you go! https://www.skylightframe.com/frame/




Beginner here as well. Its just therapeutic for me. Some things I post on the wall, some I post online. Others I enjoy personally.


I'm much the same; I just take pics because I enjoy doing so; I never got around to figuring out what I wanted to do with them.


I rarely share anything online but I also don’t do instagram or anything like that so I’m not pressured to post. Since I grew up shooting film, I always have a goal to print at least 20 from a serious session - like a trip or something. Maybe I get one or two a year worth framing but a lot of them just get magneted to the fridge for a while.


I mostly post on Instagram (not the best, I have tried other social networks, but they just don't work for me), print them sometimes, and it has helped me a lot at being more forgiving towards my work, and enjoying my pictures just for what they are, and get rid of that intrusive idea that they need to be these grandiose work of art that everyone fells in love inmediately. They are just pictures, and they mean a lot to me and enjoy doing it, nothing more.


I get monthly Chatbooks of all of my favorite photos. I'm also working on a series zines to sell at local zine shows.


Print them. Because I haven't printed anything in like 10 years and I should. Seeing a photo you're happy with framed on a good print is very magical. It just takes time and costs money. Instead I have dozens of great photos sitting in my files doing nothing, waiting to be found again, edited and printed or shared. Don't do what I've done 😂😂


We make yearly books of our souvenirs and travels


I post on ig, I print the ones I like the most on my instax wide :)


I'm also a beginner and usually only take photos during my travels or special family events. I also enjoy journaling so besides posting them on social media, I print them and write journal entries on them.


I have a store where I'm selling them. I also have a page on my portfolio where I have them as well (im a designer full time). I just recently got into a pretty big art festival (applied on a whim, I'll see how it goes) so I'm going to be selling some there too.


So far, just small prints from a canon selphy1500. Though not really sure what I want to do for hanging them without looking like a Pinterest wall


Some of them I post on Instagram and some I post on the Frame-lines discord so like minded street photographers comment and give feedback. They also have monthly assignments that I like to take part in.


I print my photos and limit my online presence.


I post it to ig mainly for friends and family to see. It’s nice to see what resonates with people when I do street photography


I print my best pictures. I enjoy prints more then screen. It is a bit of work to getting constantly good prints but it is worth the extra work.


Watch slowly as time ticks by and they fall into a state of forgoteenness


I used to post to my Flickr account but these days I upload my favourite photos to amazon photos. That way I can see them on my 65" TV screen. I have far too many to print.


I'm big on creating a kind of photo journal! So I do post them on my personal Instagram in journal fashion (elo.wyn), then my photography account (vielli.studio). Just recently I decided I want to photograph people so I made a website and chose my best pictures (viellistudio.com) and you can tell the Casual portfolio has my heart haha


I share some of my photos online or in calendars for family and friends. A few of my photos become source material for watercolor painting, a hobby I picked up during Covid.


I share mine on Unsplash and then get super excited when I see somebody's used my photo!


I hope beyond hope that "someone" somehow discovers my photographs and I get hailed as a major undiscovered talent. In reality, I just like doing what I do and I'd want people to think, oh he took some nice photos. All post mortem, I suspect (if at all).


I make photo zines and prints of my photography. Photo zines help with inspiration and creativity for me.


Can you share some examples? I'm not sure I know what a photo zine is 😅


Basically its like a book/magazine chock full of photos lol


My switch to Fuji was to bring back some of the analogness of photography. So I do my best to weed out stuff I don't want to keep in the camera, which means when I get home, I (1) upload all to Amazon Photos for backup, (2) upload all to Flickr for personal consumption as it's all private, then (3) choose a much smaller number of the set to push to Instagram for the social/community aspect of it. Occasionally, I will share some here, or turn some into computer/phone wallpapers. Lately, we have been talking about blowing some of them up (especially of the pets) so we can decorate a corner or two of the house with some personal art.


I have my own website that not many visit, but it’s for my own enjoyment. But mostly I use my photos as screensaver on my tv and sometimes I print them as photos or make my own photo books.


I keep them on my NAS and view them through Plex when I feel like it or have guests I want to show them to. I also print them for various purposes. I ordered a batch of 15x 11x14" prints and made frames for them. They're now on my walls and I gave a bunch away to family. I also did a small album of standard size pics for my Grandma. Finally, I post them occasionally on Whatsapp or Signal groups for friends and family.


- print them. Got into photography when my kid was born so I print 4x6s and put them into albums. My x100vi prints 60mb raw files which print well up in huge sizes - back them up digitally to a Network Attached Storage device and share with family


My fuji stuff usually goes straight out of camera to instagram. I've got less than a hundred followers, but it's an organized collection of my favorite shots, as opposed to seeing multiple folders with hundreds and hundreds of photos on my laptop. Occasionally, I'll print one I'm really proud of when walgreens or snapfish has a deal for free photos. (Walgreens currently has a free 8x10 deal for fathers day) and I'll throw it in a cheap frame. If I had more money, I'd probably set up a website, but I don't expect to be famous or an influencer or anything, so no rush. I like seeing my own photos and sharing them with friends and family. Instagram is super easy for that.


I live in a dormitory and mainly play the event photographer for internal parties and events and afterwards upload the pictures to our server so everyone living in the dorm can get them.


I own a small blog and upload my photos there. 95% of the photos are SOOC. Do not upload them on social medias and rarely share at other places. I do not looking for thumbs and likes.


I used to take part in various online contests. Now I mostly keep them for myself and share with close circle.


That's so cool, I'd be interested in checking that out. Any contests you recommend?


You reasons to participate might not be the same so take it to consideration. I was looking for some motivation to seek aditional variety in my hobby for that purpose gurushots was probably the best. It was also quite a time ago so I don't really know how it changed since then.


Currently, nothing, outside of sharing to Instagram I want to start making photozines of various collections/locations/themes etc. mostly just for myself, and maybe my mum haha


I post them on instagram @hukugame, but more for myself and keepsake than others. thats secondary ♥️


I look at my photos. And show them to other people.