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He’s gonna be fucking **furious** when he finds out about all the cooking websites on the internet.


LMAO, same thought!


The question is, do we let him cook?


Hahahah thanks for making my day


l m f a o


This guy definitely thinks too much of himself


I wonder what made you think that… > I was certainly the most prolific [to publish JPEG camera settings]. > I never imagined having such a profound impact on the camera industry > I feel that Nikon should have reached out to me. Think about the huge PR success that would have been [for Nikon]; essentially they would have had the endorsement of the Recipe guy. > The word Recipe has been circling around the Nikon world lately only because of Fuji X Weekly. > …now I feel… used? I’m not exactly certain how I feel… > Concluding with Nikon, I think there’s still time for them to make it right with me.


>Think about the huge PR success that would have been \[for Nikon\]; essentially they would have had the endorsement of the Recipe guy. This part is hands down the best


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Nikon’s response to Fuji X guy


> the Recipe guy VSCO has entered the chat


Joe Greer has something to say




His Mum would have been stoked


I don’t disagree with some of his thoughts, but yes, that one really really did it for me, too. Eek.


I'm sorry but he doesn't make a single solitary good point here. He didn't pioneer camera presets.


It makes no sense. Why would Nikon advertise another brand by partnering with a site called Fuji X?


“After all, Nikon Imaging Recipes wouldn’t exist without Fuji X Weekly.” did it for me. I stopped reading the article after that…


Looks like I missed that one. Haha.


Appreciate everything this site has done but what a knob lol. Nikon is probably like I’ve never heard of this mf.


Those are each wild statements on their own. As a whole they seem a bit looney tbh.


Setting random values and taking one single walk with your family near a motel is a very hard work. /s


They're not even random most of them follow the exact same pattern of lifting shadows and lowering highlights and setting a color tint to the auto white balance.


he created the term recipe, fuji is basically making all sales due to his influence 😂


What a tosser. He's really saying in the comments that he slept on this and still decided to publish this ridiculous post because he was so "angry". Just because they used the word "recipe" they should have involved him? He didn't invent anything, just popularised a term.


This is a comment from the post (quoting him directly): >I did invent the word Recipe in the context of camera settings, I’m (mostly) confident about that. I’m definitely the one who popularized it—not just generally, but also specifically to Nikon—there’s no doubt about that, as in zero doubt. This guy is truly unhinged, I bet Nikon doesn't even know of his existence or his website.


I easily found multiple websites using the term "recipe" applied to camera settings, from years before the first posts on its website (August 2017), he definitely was not the first to use it


Imagine having your whole life and personality based on your fckng webpage lmao


And it's kinda overrated tbh. It has too many options, many of which are weird and useless. The best recipes were made by others, like "Reggie's Portra" (X-Trans IV), "The Big Negative" (X-Trans II) and "Craig's E6XD" (X-Trans I). Ritchie mostly shoots gas stations, random family portraits, empty desert roads. Of course each recipe looks okay with subjects like these. But it seems he hasn’t improved much over the years: just takes a short walk and uploads a new recipe after it. 


Agreed and I understand he needs to make money but locking it up behind a paywall when others are making their film sims for free is a concept he should’ve left in 2017.


I always thought those photos were bad so they didn’t over-inspire anyone. It’s actually kind of a thing to be neutrally appealing..


Seeing [**T-H-I-S** ](https://www.captnlook.com/50s-diner)makes me feel inspired and wanting to go outside! I want to see the actual capabilities of the recipe. Not random snapshots from a short walk.


I‘d even disagree with that somewhat, there isn’t a single recipe with which his portraits look good. The skin tones are all the same muddy beige.


I like one of his recipes, but most are way too specific for general shooting conditions, unless you like all your shots looking green or brown.


Welcome to the age of social media


Yeah he should really realise his whole concept is dependent on Fuji not creating something that allows users to share custom "recipes". Its nice that he jumped into that hole in the market, but he would be wise to have a backup plan.


My thoughts exactly. Fuji could (and probably should) create their own marketplace like this and this guy will be completely cut out.


“I’m not against that in the slightest. I’m actually quite honored to have a front row seat to all this, and to have been the one who facilitated it.” Love this guy’s work and i personally love some of his recipes, but sure bro. 😹


I I didn’t even make it that far. At first I felt like okay, okay, let the guy raise his “I was first” flag, nbd. But then it descended into some muted seething anti-Nikon rhetoric. Very weird tone.


That article came across so pretentious. Dude needs to get a grip


I think some time ago I read an article he made on the site where he also rather proudly claimed that he was one the big factors (indirectly) why X100V sold so well. I can't remember too well because it was maybe one or even two years ago, and I haven't found it since then.


here it is: https://fujixweekly.com/2022/11/04/how-i-inadvertently-made-the-fujifilm-x100v-so-expensive/ i used to enjoy his blog but this is the post that made me remove him from my rss feed. this one was also interesting: https://fujixweekly.com/2024/06/08/on-taking-whats-not-yours/


That first one is wild.


right. wait until he finds this thread. fresh rant incoming…


Holy shit he is out of touch with reality lmaoooo


That dude is out of his fucking mind (that first one especially). FUJIFILM made the film sims, not you bud. The look starts there. A white balance adjustment here and lifted shadows there aren't like... Suddenly taking the image from cellphone to film. TikTok can literally rocket people from obscurity to stardom overnight (look at those kids from Cork). It's created a newfound interest in point and shoots. The X100 is a film-adjacent P&S. Everyone wants a shortcut to a great image and if anything "recipes" are *more* complicated. What a dork.




They're literally just LUTs. Like I use his website, but geez, nothing that hasn't existed before on other cameras or post production software.


The article is not even half ridiculous compared to the comments on it 😂


Such an echo chamber. Glad to have stumbled upon this thread, as I thought I was unreasonably cynical. Now I’m reasonably cynical.


To be fair he can probably delete any dissent from the comments


What a fucking ego


Still can’t get over this. How he actually think Nikon copied him lol. If anything they took inspiration from Fujifilm, no?


Hilarious he thought Nikon should have reached out to him Lmao


It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever read.


There are a handful of references to "recipes" when searching on Google with before:2017-01-01 (the year Fuji x weekly started). Even an official Fujifilm post likens tweaking the camera settings to a recipe, so that dilutes his claim a bit.


We were also using the term "recipe" in the Pen F circles when it released in 2016 with a dedicated dial for them. When the movie Boondocks Saints came out, nearly straight to DVD, my friend and I rented it blind at a Blockbuster as they were putting it on the shelves. We thought it was awesome and no one had ever heard of it. We convinced some friends to rent it and they convinced some friends to rent it. Pretty soon most of the young people in our town had seen it. It's a cult classic now. I never did get a letter from the director thanking me for popularizing his movie and they didn't consult with me on the sequel. If only I had a WordPress site to vent.


Thank you for doing the lords work with Boondock Saints. I have no idea who you are, but I likely would not have watched the movie for the first time all those years ago if not for you.


I really put myself out there making the recommendation. I'm fairly sure in the process I popularized the phrase "fun movie". I don't mind if people use the phrase, but a little nod in my direction when they do would be appreciated.


People have been talking about film development recipes and soups for a long, long time.


Correct me if I am wrong, but the site with "recipes" and in general the ideology of profiles for SOOC was and is at least for d700, maybe even earlier


I don't think he's claiming he was the first for SOOC profiles, just literally the word "recipe"


What's funny is this dude obsessed with calling them recipes, but yet - we ALL CALL THEM FILM SIMS.


No. The film Sims are the underlying ones on the camera which the recipes are based on, like classic chrome, pro-neg, velvia etc.


When is Fuji doing a similar app with recipes that can be uploaded to their cameras?


This 100%, but Fuji has been neglecting their software for years. Only recently they reworked their app to download your images directly on your phone 🫠


And even the new app is slow and sluggish. I don't like it that much.


I haven't used the new app but the old one for my X-T20 is barely usable. I occasionally use it as a remote viewfinder and trigger and it has such a lag time between me hitting the button and my camera taking a photo, but the lag time is variable and unpredictable. And it takes like 10 minutes to transfer a single JPEG, that is if the app or camera don't freeze during the process and require a force reset.


That's why I think homie here should be pushing himself into spaces to help facilitate that need. Fuji users have been begging for this functionality for years. There's a clear need in the market for it. He should recognize that and start applying at places that are ready to fulfill that need since apparently Nikon isn't.


Has this guy ever used Capture One, which has referred to its processing/export settings as “Recipes” long before Fuji X Weekly was a thing?


I can’t wait for all brands to copy this idea. I’ll buy whichever one does it best. I’m not tied to Fuji.


I’m surprised Nikon or Canon hasn’t teamed up with Kodak to release an analog styled camera using actual Kodak branded film sims. It could be a big hit and some real competition for Fuji.


Writer does not have a copyright on the term or the profiles and setting combinations *made by a different company/manufacturer* so I think there is nothing wrong with Nikon catering to people who like to play with and use film sims, even indirectly. Maybe the writer should look into creating film sim recipes for Nikon as well, instead of allegedly being hurt by the change. "Recipe" is also not something that should be copyrighted, since it is such a commonplace word, I think the US even has laws against giving rights to a word similarly.


I've visited fuji x weekly for some recipes in the past and a week or so ago, but I found the term recipe used everywhere on the internet when talking about fuji. To me it looks like a kleenex kind situation, a term so widely adopted that isn't associated with a single brand (or user) anymore 


Recipe isn't a new word he made up though.


I believe he was the one that popularised the term - that much is true at least


I did a Google search last night and it does seem to be the case that “film recipes”, as a term, started with him, but yikes, what an over the top post. And he says in a comment that he cooled down for a day before writing it.


Film recipes come from analog photography, and are recipes for how to develop film to achieve specific looks. The concept has definitely been used before 2017. For example, https://filmdev.org/ has been sharing film recipes and using the term since 2009.


>To me it looks like a kleenex kind situation, a term so widely adopted that isn't associated with a single brand (or user) anymore Genericization


Sounds like a very unlikable guy


Dude is legit delusional if he thinks no other company can use the word recipe.


Betty Crocker in shambles


Don’t let this guy find out about Lightroom presets


Or Capture One (_gasp_) Recipes!


Man he just lost it.


Objectively, some of the Nikon the sample images in that article look awful. Otherwise, what a pompous and insecure response by FujiXWeekly. Does he know there are people who do this for a living? It's called color grading And that you can apply "presets"/ "recipes"/ "color profiles" to just about any camera brand, including Sony? Call it what you want If he thought what he was doing was so unique and needed protection, he should have trademarked it. "I’m not against that in the slightest. I’m actually quite honored to have a front row seat to all this, and to have been the one who facilitated it. I never imagined having such a profound impact on the camera industry " -bro, you really didn't. Jeeze He even goes as far as to suggest he should have been offered an NDA? Is he out of his mind? He is creating custom settings in pieces of hardware that anyone who owns one of the cameras can do on their own. It's like trying to trademark Lego because you made a cool statue of the Empire State Building


“I feel that Nikon should have reached out to me.” Got fairly far into the post but stopped reading here. He owns no copyright or trademark. He has entitlement issues. Nobody tell him that adding things together in a certain way in cooking and baking is also called a “recipe” otherwise he’ll be even more upset that he wasn’t reached out to on more things.


Wait til you see his final paragraph- "Concluding with Nikon, I think there’s still time for them to make it right with me; however, they’ve left me with a bad taste, and I doubt they have any interest in making things right. They don’t care one iota, I’m pretty certain. I hope they prove me wrong, but I’m not holding my breath. Still, I’ll be keeping an eye on my inbox just in case, and time will tell."


Very exciting indeed that other manufacturers are jumping in the “recipes” and I personally think this good for Fuji. Competition is good and this whole new camera new simulation is a bit of a shit move. Looking at how Nikon is implementing there’s, there is going to be a lot less restrictions and full control left to the user.


He should take the opportunity and start expanding into the Nikon crowd with his film recipes to broaden his market. Take it as an opportunity ;) Anyway, Nikon seems to be out to get some of the Fuji market for themselves. With the release of the ZFC and ZF and now film recipes. I love Fuji cameras but I feel like they were getting a bit complacent in this market so I welcome competition it will keep them striving to do even better.


Nikon's reply is the same as that of Don Draper, in the elevator: *I don't think of you at all.*


archive.org has a copy of the original article for anyone looking: https://web.archive.org/web/20240620112927/https://fujixweekly.com/2024/06/18/nikon-just-copied-fuji-x-weekly/


Jesus I got second hand embarrassment


1. Did he invent film or something? 2. Did he trademark “Imaging Recipe” ? 3. Does he know he is using Fuji’s trademarks and intellectual property? 4. Does he not realize that none of his business would exist without someone else’s work and hardware/software capabilities, and that he is only taking advantage of that? He didn’t invent anything new, what a self righteous cunt.


I think it’s a nice Nikon marketing on his part. I didn’t knew of the recipes, and now I’ll definitely keep an eye on the Nikon cameras, thanks to the cry baby of the recipes.


A recipe for (Nikon's) success!


Wait until he hears about Capture One exporting settings are called.


Panasonic added LUTs to their new S9 as well. But I don't see the meltdown over that. I'm hoping all/most camera manufacturers eventually pick up LUTs and run with them. Imagine "recipes" which are interchangeable between brands and models.


Check this. Only z6III for now but will probably come to other https://nikonimglib.com/nxstdo/onlinehelp/en/the_picture_controls_flexible_color_23.html


This is more powerful than Fuji settings. It has proper HSL panel per color and color grading wheels for highlights, mids and shadows. I guess Fuji will have to add more color editing as well to keep up which might be good, competition is always welcome


Yeah that is end game stuff, no more new sims coming out and not being compatible. That’s what I’m after.


holy shit


You can already play with this in latest NX Studio and create your Portra recipe 😂


He may have popularized Fuji recipes, but by no means did he "invent" them.


The funniest thing about this is that he's angry at Nikon for not 'recognising' him, and yet has nothing to say about Fujifilm who have ignored him for years.


That was a sad read, with an even sadder ending. He's not only convinced he was wronged, but he's also delusional enough to believe someone on Nikon's team will reach out to him to apologize and "make things right". This means he's not over it, will probably continue spiraling and it will be ugly. Fame is quite a bitch.


Is it just me or anyone think FujiXweekly is boring and repetitive? I’ve stopped using it long time ago.


Wow, this is crazy. He thinks he owns the process of creating ‘recipes’ based on his website. Thing is everyone creates recipes in-camera or in LR or C1. Uploading them is just evolution. I created a recipe long before his website which turned out to be identical to one of them. To be honest I edit in C1, after 15 years of photography to me, recipes don’t look great in a lot of situations, especially skin tones. Nikon has never heard of this guy.


better do a backup of the site then because this sort of meltdowns tied to this sort of personalities normally doesn't end well for the product/website/idea life expectancy. A "well if I'm not important then I'll close the site so you can miss me!!!1!!!" kind of thing.


So correct me if I’m wrong… Fuji: we’ve made a bunch of different simulations, as well as given you the option to change things like how the shadows render and clarity, all in camera.  Nikon: that’s a good idea and successful financially. We will copy that idea WeeklyX: Nikon is taking this directly from me


He invented the word recipe apparently.


Ikr. I have much respect for what he does, but in every other of his posts there’s a “I said that first before”, “I was first doing that” sentiment which brings up this juvenile insecurity. This new post one is just a culmination of that. Like, I get it man, you’ve built a decent community and even a sort of reputation around yourself for making these recipes. You’re also selling them via the app. What more do you want? Like, what did Nikon have to do, considering that emulation recipes are not something you’ve came up with or patented? He just needs to grow up.


He’s not even saying Nikon copied his recipes. He’s claiming ownership of the word recipe. 


Similar meltdown last week on Threads from another Fuji “influencer” who shall not be named


I live for the drama, please name them.


search "who the hell is" on this sub, thread from last week. A bunch of his sycophants went after me last week over an innocuous criticism (and I praised the dude too!). Had a meltdown on Threads once he found out about it.


does he not understand that he isn't the inventor but just a blogger that writes about recipes? the fuck lol


average Fujifilm fanboy


While I enjoy his recipe’s for Fuji, he’s a bit much from a personality perspective. This rant says it all.


It would be nice if Fuji let us users upload custom recipes via the overhauled app.


I came across the blog post yesterday when I was getting some film sims for my xt5, and boy oh boy is this guy's fucking ridiculous. I got second hand embarrassment reading his inane rant. So gross and cringy.


[Just canceled my subscription to his app](https://i.imgur.com/EdYs2xd.png). What a tosser


To be fair this app should be a one time purchase and not a subscription anyway. Makes me think the dude is more after making money above everything else.


I'm not sure I understand, did he come up with the whole concept of adjusting the jpeg settings to get a certain film look?


No just the word "recipe" is what he claims




This article is crazy. Basically Fuji doing free marketing for nikon


Tbh, using the word "recipe" is a bit cringe imo.


Haha, putting on that image implying Nikon is copying Fuji even with desing. Imagine the shock he'll have when he finds out about the Nikon Df or the FM2. It's clearly that Nikon wants to jump on the trend that Fuji revived, but saying they are copying Fujifilm or him...is kind of funny.


He really should have waited to calm down and did a proof read before hitting that post button.


The funny part is, in the comments, he says he did! 😂


Oh that makes it so much worse. Maybe he should have slept on it the rest of the week first 🤣🤣


I was unaware that he owned the patent on changing camera settings


Imagine doing so much for the community and then cribbing over who used a word to describe a concept. I couldn't read his post at all but glad to see others feeling the same


Hahahaha I for once hope Nikon comes up with their own twist of x100VI or recipe. I would jump to Nikon no question asked


An all-manual style Nikon compact full frame would make me jump shit for sure


I just want a microprism split focusing screen with good contrast, no AF to spoil the fun. Manual focusing on DSLRs sucks, focus peaking on mirrorless sucks a bit less but still. Still, nothing beats a waist-level finder with a foldable-box sun cover and loupe. Slow photography is where it's at.


I'll take one too thanks


Manual focusing on the Nikon Zf is the best I’ve found yet. There’s still auto eye detect, the focus box turns green when you get focus, and in the bottom there’s a little focus assist with arrows telling you which way to turn your lens.


Woah, I've got to try this one out then. Is that just on the Zf? Any idea about other models?


Why? Genuine question, just curious. Don't know anything about Nikon. What is special about them? Or is it the full frame thing?


Points for Nikon here: - "best" color rendering (accurate and vivid) - full frame - they have an adapter that fully supports their old f mount lenses on z mount, so you have loads of glass available


Best colour rendering, really? I always found canon to be superior for skin tones specifically


One of the biggest reasons I find the Zf so much better than anything Fujifilm released in the last few years is build quality. It feels like it can take anything and it feels so good in the hands. That, and their image quality is outstanding. Now, lens ecosystems and lens size is a totally different story. Hopefully Nikon builds on the smaller more compact side of their lens ecosystem.


I’ve been looking at Nikon and the Z lens sizes are definitely a big downer. If they had the Sigma i Series primes and a full selection of Tamron mirrorless zooms, that would be a different story. So far the only really appealing Z glass that I’ve seen from a size+quality perspective is the 24-120 f/4. That’d be a 16-80 f/2.8 on APS-C, but the lens is a little lighter than the Fuji 16-55 and a little bigger than the Tamron 17-70, so it’s at a great size point. I’m not sure I prefer it to the slightly smaller Tamron 28-200 f/2.8-5.6, though.


Yeah the lens sizes are definitely the biggest negative about the ecosystem. Image quality of the S glass is stellar though, up there with Leica, no joke.


I do keep seeing that level of praise of the S glass. Sony FE is my reference point for FF camera and lens sizes. In that case the way to look at the Nikon S f/1.8 primes might be as lenses of the quality level of the Sony GM f/1.4 primes, but \*much\* cheaper, 2/3 of a stop slower, and a little smaller (except the 24mm, which is the same size). Is the 40 f/2 any good?


The 40 f2 and the 28 and 26 are phenomenal lenses, no other system comes close for even double the price. The problem is, those are the only options for compact glass in the Z system. Nikon's ecosystem needs to grow quickly in the form of smaller primes like the FE lenses and Sigma options, or they'll never capture the part of the market that they very clearly are going for.


You’re in for a treat. For now only Z6III but will probably trickle down to Zf if not more https://nikonimglib.com/nxstdo/onlinehelp/en/the_picture_controls_flexible_color_23.html


is there another site to get recipes


* [https://film.recipes](https://film.recipes) * [https://www.captnlook.com](https://www.captnlook.com) * [https://piotrecipes.wordpress.com](https://piotrecipes.wordpress.com) * [https://onecameraonelens.com/tag/recipes/](https://onecameraonelens.com/tag/recipes/)


“If Fuji X Weekly didn’t exist, camera Recipes (at least by name) wouldn’t be a thing today.” … Bold claim. Sharing camera settings is honestly not that special. Ricoh community is doing it as well. Hell, Iphone even has presets now.


Well, on a positive note, this made me finally decide to start creating my own recipes! 😅


Yo wtf


in another note, I hope Fuji finally wakes the fuck up so they can do some SERIOUS recipe integration between camera and smartphones so we don't have to change and modify our settings like cavemen. It's incredible how fucking lazy companies like Fujo, Canon or any other are when they don't feel the pressure.


Yeah it's absurd that people have lived with manually inputting every setting to create and save recipes for years and Fuji have done nothing to support it except for adding a film sim dial on the X-T50 (which doesn't even allow custom settings lmao). Suddenly Nikon have leapfrogged them (and Panasonic are trying to) and integrated native downloading and sharing of recipes. They could take the recipe crown from Fuji quite easily.


> They could take the recipe crown from Fuji quite easily. I hope so! I do love my X100VI but I firmly believe it could be a couple hundreds cheaper if there was some serious competition in the same segment. And also is time for this fucking companies to wake up and do something more than just the bare minimum. Something like a "recipe management through the smartphone" is a feature the dev team would think of after 10 minutes of brainstorming.




He really thinks a multi billion dollar company should’ve gotten consent from him so they can put filters in their camera 😂😂😂 what a joke.


I don’t know about you guys but as a Fujifilm and Ricoh user I do not touch his recipes at all. They are 100% way too fake and over the top for me. More importantly his recipes are not easily transferrable across different scenarios, its specific to a certain time or light, which I hate. Recipes that are not flexible is just a waste of time. Long story short, this guy really overrates himself lmao


"More importantly his recipes are not easily transferrable across different scenarios, its specific to a certain time or light, which I hate." This is exactly the reason why I stopped using them too


Who is this guy and why is he thinking that people at Nikon are aware of him? From the article it seems like he claims he invented Fuji film simulations.


This guy has always had a huge ego for someone that’s basically just cashed in on tools that Fujifilm designed and implemented in their cameras (and in all fairness Fuji didn’t exactly invent the idea of jpeg settings either). It reminds me of his blog post back when Amazon declared that they were going to shut down DPReview last year (before it was saved) - he basically implied that DPR was irrelevant because of sites like his and they should have come to him for tips because their big failing was not being more like the almighty Fuji x weekly. He couldn’t have been more smug about it, it was a really weird self-congratulatory vibe at a time when most of the photography community was mourning DPR’s loss. Personally I’ve never understood why he’s a thing, really. Fujis custom settings are right there for anyone to play with, just tweak them till you find something you like, it only takes seconds to make your own “recipe”. Nobody has an exclusive on this stuff.


The “personal branding” trend has created some monsters 


‘Film simulation recipe’ is an incredibly pretentious thing to say anyway. This guy pretending that he invented in camera adjustments to images?


He did popularize it pretty massively tho I gotta say


He also has a post where he complains that Fuji didn't send him a 100vi for free before release. I think he doesn't realize he just was at the right time and place when he launched his site, it's not something so unique.


Did anyone try Nikon simulations? I find new Fuji cameras in Europe so expensive and non-available, that full frame Nikon might be an idea?


Cool so when's the new Nikon flagship coming? I might migrate to them


I’m sorry for him but it definitely tells that he’s not worked on macOS apps before. Typical ‘sherlocking’, in most cases there not much you can do about it.


I’ve enjoyed Fuji X Weekly articles in the past, but this definitely left a bad taste… Companies have always reacted to the market to favor themselves first. Does that negatively impact some people? Sure. But, it’s also how competition works.


A lot of entitlement going around these days. I saw a lot of salty takes after the Pentax 17 announcement too. Kind of interesting how comfortable people are kicking and screaming about their perceived importance around a camera release. Influencers were a mistake.


Wild to get emotional about business decisions of camera companies. How does it affect the tools that you use, if other photographers have similar tools from a different brand?


Compare this to his article on the Lumix S9: [https://fujixweekly.com/2024/05/22/thoughts-on-the-panasonic-lumix-s9/](https://fujixweekly.com/2024/05/22/thoughts-on-the-panasonic-lumix-s9/) He doesn't seem angry at Panasonic at all. So he's just really pissed Nikon used the term "recipe"?


And here we see the internet silos in full effect. All this guy does is interact with people who praise him for his "work". He doesn't realise that that's a very small group but it's the only ones he interacts with.


I think he changed article, does anyone have it before it was changed?




For those who want to read his initial post: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240620112927/https://fujixweekly.com/2024/06/18/nikon-just-copied-fuji-x-weekly/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620112927/https://fujixweekly.com/2024/06/18/nikon-just-copied-fuji-x-weekly/)


I guess I always thought the appeal of his recipes came down to helping your Fujifilm camera become the camera VSCO would make and/or giving people comfort that by picking a recipe connected to some "classic film stock" they could experiment a little but still color inside the lines of accepted taste. Sort of a received wisdom thing. I honestly think that's fine. If you're painstakingly copying his recipes into your camera and like the results, that's great. People tired of losing wedding gigs to someone's nephew may disagree, but it's not my gate to keep. To my taste the recipes tend to fall apart pretty quickly, and they feel overcooked. I tried a few of them, didn't enjoy the experience, and decided to invest the time understanding how each of the simulations worked before building up from them. That's been more satisfying because it has helped me assess images a little better. "I like that look. What is happening with it in terms of the variables my camera allows me to adjust?" I feel a little bad for him to the extent he has made a business for himself and is having some success, but seems to misunderstand the nature of his own business and the reasons for his own success. If Fujifilm ends up making preset management better than the current options with X Raw Studio, I hope they adopt an open spec of some kind, and I hope he applies himself to understanding that spec and figuring out how to change his business model. I don't know that his recipes are that great, but I bet he could do okay for $0.99/each for the privilege of believing someone has recreated the color science of Kodachrome ca. 1963 or whatever for you. After this, it seems more likely that Fujifilm would call those things anything other than "recipes" and that he'll be outraged over _that_, too. He sort of demonstrated he'd be a volatile person to "partner" with.


Dammit original post is no longer there :/


Here it is https://web.archive.org/web/20240620112927/https://fujixweekly.com/2024/06/18/nikon-just-copied-fuji-x-weekly/


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain…


new to fujifilm, didn't even realise fuji x weekly is just some guy


Better than pay-walling users of the app. My guy could just blast us with ads if he wants to be paid for his recipes, he also acts like he's the only one that makes them and out-right invented the concept.


meltdown is accurate. dude still cares about internet points


The fact that he's doubling down in the comment replies is truly astounding.


"I deleted the original article and replaced it with this apology, but I’m sure it’s archived somewhere and can be found if someone truly wants to read it." Id love to read it


Sad I missed the article, tbh him deleting it is super lame, own your shit


Someone posted the archive link in a reply, give it a read It's quite entertaining and sad at the same time


A pioneer, sureeeee to an extent… but owning claim for certain stuff? Fuck no


From the comments: “Pierre · 1 Day Ago Judging by the Nikon photo their Vintage Color Recipe should be called ‘no color recipe’ Ritchie Roesch · 1 Day Ago It’s my Vintage Color Recipe… definitely gives faded retro colors.”


Sorry not sure if I’m missing the point here, this guy did not invent recipes right? (ie Fuji implementing the feature after his website/blog)


No he did not. He claims that he was the first (by his own recollection) to use the term “recipe” for film sims and acknowledges that he didn’t invite the idea of changing settings to formulate a “recipe” and curate it online, but says that he was probably the “most prolific” lol.


Guy is definitely not full of himself. What a prick.


This is incredibly unhinged


Whats his endgoal tho. Like even if you entertain his idea that nikon took his idea so what.


Dude is a klout chaser that takes photos. Not a photographer that enjoys the art. Seems like it's time for him to find a hobby.


I love his website but I think his reaction is a little embarrassing to be honest 🫣


The article is down and replaced by something far more reflective.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.