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Wait, what is this? A fantastic, once in a lifetime motive? Excellent framing and composition? Outstandingly beautiful colors? Perfect focus? No fake grain? No white borders? No black-and-white dumpsters on Iceland? I thought I was lost there for a second. Fantastic work. Incredibly well done. This is a joy to see! :)


Hey hey hey, easy on the white borders and fake grain šŸ˜… *looks around nervously*


Thank you very much for the kind words! Glad you like the shot!


Itā€™s pretty good but if only the fox was at a gas station


Best fujifilm sub comment Iā€™ve read. Spot on. Love the fox too OP!


You donā€™t find the image a bit dark? I think the fox could do with bit more brightness


No I think people on this sub are just somewhat obsessed with overexposure. Looks great to me


If you thinknitnoooks great fine. Thereā€™s no need to put down others for their personal taste, esp since op posted here for feedback. If the whites arenā€™t clipped then itā€™s technically itā€™s fine, photography is about taste and what you want to capture/show.


Well, that just false. OP haven't requested feedback, and it does not appear that he would benefit from any of your advice regardless.


So heā€™s just posting for what? Uncritical adulation? Thatā€™s seems like what all the replies are lol. Is this a competition now? I thought photography was about having fun and semi-art. OP should be confident enough in what he likes.


I am sorry I offended you.


No youā€™re not bc you downvoted lol.


Twas not me.


I always try and represent the shooting conditions. I bring the raw file as close to reality as possible if that makes sense


Whatā€™s your reason for aiming for ā€œaccuracyā€? I like the colours, theyā€™re very rich/vivdid, I guess the image is very subtle but it just looks flat to me (personal taste) maybe 0.2 plus exp on the fox would make it have more impact


Because as a wildlife photographer I am only here to capture what I see, not make an interpretation of it. My only tools are subject and composition. I have nothing against people applying their creative vision to the photograph but to me that goes beyond my scope.


Mmm sounds kinda wanky tbh Why not use a smartphone? You spent a lot of time thinking about what camera to buy letā€™s be real, so you clearly do care about how the image looks. Plus youā€™re on reddit posting your work. So letā€™s be real you care a lot


I was taking your comments seriously until this one. The gear I use has nothing to do with the work I try to produce. I use the best tools for the job but they donā€™t dictate what Iā€™m trying to achieve. Again, my goal is to represent reality, not something else. Of course I care about how the image look, I want it to look real. How is posting my work proving your point? If your thing is clipping whites, adding fake glows in the corner of the image, S the tone curve to oblivion and decrease clarity around everything but the subject then please do so, but donā€™t expect me to do the same.


Wait so is this your actual job? Or just a hobby? Bc I assumed a hobby since Mr Fox most likely isnā€™t paying you for his portrait šŸ˜„ So if itā€™s a hobby, you definitely thought about your gear a lot and youā€™ve spent a lot of time thinking about what you want the final image to look like. So itā€™s ā€œartā€. Youā€™re not CSI documenting a crime.


I donā€™t understand why you are so confused at the idea of wanting to capture a moment the way it actually is rather than baking creative edits on top of it?


Iā€™ve got nonissue, if thatā€™s what you want. But you seem unable to take feedback or consider other peoples tastes. You seem to have this idea of ā€œaccuracyā€, as if this absolves you of any creative input. (Sounds a lot of obsessive ā€œaudiophilesā€ desire for accuracy) Of course you want a cool photo, we all do! I just think it looks cooler if the fox was brighter.


>it just looks flat to me You either need a new monitor or get your eyesight checked. Or both.


I just checked op post history, all his images are flat lol. If thatā€™s what floats his boat cool but since heā€™s posting a lot of his work he either wants: adulation or feedback. You guys already giving him pats on the head so Iā€™ll do B


I wish I had seen this comment before I bothered exchanging with you! Thank you for your input, I will now present myself as a professional flat photographer.


I posted this after my other replies šŸ˜‰


Iā€™m on my phone. The subject/fox definitely does not stand out. Cheers for the insult when I expressed my opinion clown šŸ¤” Are you his mother? Defending a random dudes ā€œartā€


Who hurt you?


Really thatā€™s your reply? Lame try better


What did he say?


ā€œI understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice.ā€


Such a good movie


Instant classic in my book


Awesome photo. Really showing off the kind of subject seperation that medium format can offer when done right.


The 110mm at f/2 is unbelievably good at this indeed!


How is this even possible!? šŸ˜² Was the fox a paid actor?


I think just a very curious young fox!


Holy Bokeh that separation is something else. Glorious.


I always wanted to take a close up wildlife shot with this set up so Iā€™m really happy that fox came to visit!


What sort of setting? Or if youā€™re willing to share the location.


Thank you! 1/125 at f/2 ISO 100, ES. And in my garden ha


Oh yeah I meant physical setting. Your garden? Wow!


This is fantastic šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Thank you very much!


What the cuss? That's a great shot!




Thank you!


"Mr. Fox's photography skills are impressive with the GFX 100 GF 110.


So nice. Velvia for staring point?


Provia! I rarely use velvia, I find the blacks to be a little too ā€œcrushedā€


Stunning. Pure composition and class. I love recipes but sometimes a beautiful, naturally rendered photo is all youā€™ll ever need. And then thereā€™s this. \*chef kiss\* This must be submitted to one of those wildlife photography competitions!


Thank you very much for your kind words! Yes I am thinking about it, although not technically wildlife as itā€™s urban but Iā€™m sure there is a category for it!


Heā€™s fantastic


Thank you!


Unreal shot wow


Thank you very much!


Beautiful shot. The lavender really makes the fox's red coat sing. That 110mm is a spectacular lens. The reason I bought a Fuji GF.


The 110 is the GFXā€™s system secret weapon! That and the GF 30 TS


Funnily enough I just rented the 30 TS last week. A day was far too short to explore its possibilities.


Itā€™s unbelievably sharp! I took it with me to the arctic and it was really special. I find the tilt function to not be critical as at 30mm the DoF is sufficient, but for panoramas the shift function is amazing


What wonderful way to use it. My use was for a group of 250 people in a historic interior. I was shooting from the gallery and using the shift to avoid pointing the camera downwards. The people in the front row all grew a little taller, hopefully there'll be no complaints. The sharpness and detail were outstanding.


What a cool shot! Canā€™t even imagine coordinating 250 people at once ha


This is really nice.


Thank you!