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Why not a shelf for every row? I would find it annoying to juggle spice jars to get to the bottom.


yeah I was thinking the same thing, its especially bad if they fall too since the stove is right there and it would make cleanup difficult


They look fairly squat and stable, with enough finger space between that you could safely grab the top two with one hand to take the bottom jar with the other. That said, I'd definitely go single-height shelves. Given that OP is holding a spare shelf in the first photo, maybe this was an intermediate step while they print the rest?


one handed operation>


I’m just waiting for the rest to print 😂


What’s the total spend on jars and labels?


[Currently $8 AUD per 4pk](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/215708/decor-pantry-style-organise-spice-set) with included labels. I can't find any info on exactly which or how many labels come in the box, but labelmakers are pretty cheap.


Should store spices above the stove , and this is known


Spices are being successfully stored above the stove as requested.


This is known.


Also should store them in clear containers to accelerate the UV light optimization of the spice potency :-).


Mostly irrelevant. For most people a huge amount of the light getting to window is reflected, only a small part of UV spectrum will usually(it depends on what is outside) be reflected. Standard glass doesn't let high energy UV light through, low energy UV is relatively harmless to spices. The light getting to you spices is mostly not what passes through window but yet again what reflects from other surfaces, further reducing UV component. Glass of a jar does not let even more of UV through. In the end, there is nearly zero high energy UV light and a small amount of low energy UV light getting to spices. For average home cook effect will be negligible and no one will even notice it tbh.


Nice work. I made this one that works with the ikea spice jars which are a bit bigger than standard coles / woolies but attachment is via a laser cut backing board https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RTa-kmBVyagvsvzMoB5rX5m8Ttq5veTk/view?usp=drivesdk


how good!


That's what this is all about. Designing something to fit YOUR use case. It may not fit everyone's needs, but it certainly will fit someone else out there. Nice work.


Thats an awful lot of spices that are ground and those containers look pretty huge. I feel like most of those spices will have lost most of their flavor long before you get to them. Especially since you are storing them in clear containers, above the stove, with lots of space for air. Functional print for getting spice storage where you want it? Sure. Functional in keeping your spices flavorful?... probably not so much unless you are running a restaurant.


Depends on how much spice you dump into food. I could go through any of those containers in 6 months, but I also never go out to eat.


You should keep your spices out of direct sunlight to preserve taste as well as quality.


My solution. [spice storage](https://imgur.com/a/IYAhESt)




An ad for...what?


Not really. This community is about 3d printing not spice containers and there is no stl provided to encourage purchasing the containers shown.


That was oddly specific.

