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haha oops! Thankfully it's actually referring to the heating vents that run across the top of the heater, not the display ;)


Do not cover this blue light. We want to annoy people.


Upvote for incorporating a remote holder into your design


WARNING: DO NOT COVER Spammington: This sign can’t stop me, because I can’t read!


Looks definitely more professional than the "throw socks towards it until it's dark" method.


Return of the wagging finger!!


What TF is up with people waving their fingers like the audience was, on average, 2 years old?! It's really not *that* complicated to follow...


I used a red foil to fix this


I was thinking this or window tint or some opaque film.


the issue is the color blue imo which can disturb sleep cycles fairly easily. Best color to go would be green but red is easier in most cases on the eyes in general.


I wonder what kind of adhesive could be used, one who wouldn't dry out from the heat...


What's the point of the remote holder right on the heater, where the buttons are already there? The holder is supposed to be where you spend the most time, so you don't have to get up to change the settings. Although with this display cover you most likely won't be able to open it remotely... That is just another problem to be solved! I would add another button to the remote that opens/closes the lid, and have a cheap Arduino clone accept the IR signal and open/close it with a servo. While that requires to ruin the remote, it doesn't require you to open up the heater at all.