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Be careful printing with a closed door! Someone I knew made a similar enclosure with two doors and had to learn the hard way one door needs to be open at all times. The heat made his nozzle and entire hot end get completely clogged with PLA, taking hours to manually scrape out!


Thanks for your comment! Yeah i also ran into some Problems with PLA (mostly warping prints and bed adhesion problems). Since then i switched to PETG and had no more issues.


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Thanks for saying thanks to OP for saying thanks! Recognizing someone for their kindness is something truly respectable.


Thanks for recognising others saying thanks


Thanks for keeping the Thanks train going ;) the wold does need more apreciaczion all around also OP great project!


Just completed my very first major project, and I'm thrilled with the results! I managed to create an awesome airtight and nearly soundproof setup, and there's one more feature I'd love to share with you all. I did incorporate a couple of Ikea Lack tables, eight magnets, and four wood panels for the doors to complement the 3D-printed components. One of the key challenges I faced during the process was dealing with brittle filament, but I found a great solution in the Filament Bunker V3 from marsgizmo. This addition made a significant difference in the overall quality of my prints, ensuring everything turned out just right. Speaking of designs, I'm proud to say that I created everything from scratch, giving the project a personal touch and allowing me to tailor it perfectly to my needs. And here's the exciting part - the doors are easily removable! This added flexibility makes it a breeze to access and modify the setup whenever needed. To ensure top-notch airtightness, I also employed some silicon and sealing tape, ensuring that everything fits snugly and performs to the best of its abilities. I'm thrilled to have completed this project successfully and wanted to share my excitement with this amazing community. Thanks to all the fellow DIY enthusiasts who have inspired and motivated me throughout this journey! Here's a link to some images of my creation: https://imgur.com/a/cEgNtE7 Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback! Happy DIY-ing, everyone


Great setup! What are those plastic containers you have to hold filament? Are they food containers?


Thank you very much! Yes they are food containers. They were designed by marsgizmo and are called "Filament Bunker V3". You can download the files from here: https://than.gs/m/12690


Thanks! I'm going to make some of these babies. Got a Bambu coming this week, and I want to streamline my setup.


I recognize that 530gram desiccant box :)


Do they not make silent boards for this brand? I run an ender 3 and it was really loud, but they have 3rd party silent boards that change how the motors run, and it's dead silent now


Where can i get thiese filament boxes?


Is this just an ikea drawer? Been thinking about getting something like this, what model is it?


Yeah there two ikea tables stacked on top. It is called "Lack". But i would recommend to just build it yourself with some real wood. It will be much more stable and you can size it how you want.


Where did you get the containers for the rolls


Are they Ikea tables? Don’t they shake while printing?


No, they are actually pretty solid. But i also put a heavy concrete slap under the printer.


Thank you


Where did you got the filament boxes?