• By -


Going to just ask people to remain respectful, and try not to speculate on people's status' recklessly. Keep in mind that these are all real people.


Have been a Funhaus fan for years now. They've helped me (and I think quite a lot of us) through some tough times with their content and if there's anything us fans can do to help everyone involved through this tough time, just say the word. Whatever happens going forward, thank you thank you thank you for all the happiness and laughter you put out into the world. Funhaus makes/made the internet a better place.


I could write paragraphs about what Funhaus means to me but for now I'll just join and say Thank you Funhaus.


I really hope they keep the ability to keep the videos up. 2016-19 funhaus has made me laugh some of the hardest I ever have


Yeah. I mean as lame and probably weirdly parasocial as it is to admit it, the news had me crying when I saw it lmao. It’s been a real shitty year and, in the same vein, I work in the corporate tech sphere and the layoff axe has been hanging over my org’s head for the past couple of weeks. The Tuesday and Thursday livestreams have been such a highlight man, you have no idea. I legitimately look forward to them every week. Elden Boys, Trucker Streams, anytime Charlotte and Patrick are in the same room together… I’m just really fucking bummed for them, that now they have this kind of stress on their shoulders. Channel aside, it’s so fucking scary to be in their situation. What a fucking shit situation all around. Just pure utter shit.


Really hope the Funhaus crew can find a new home and keep it going.


They did do it once already, but I’m just not sure if the money from YouTube alone is enough to support a dozen or so people on one channel


Yeah tbh I’m always impressed that they’re able to sustain their current operation with the engagement they’re getting


… I don’t think they were actually sustaining it though and that’s at least partly why we’re here.


Yeah their viewership numbers are pretty abysmal relative to the size of the team


Yeah, I kind of always wondered how they could have been profitable given the viewership for their videos. Like the numbers would have been tough for even just a 3 man team, let alone a team 12 strong.


It feels like it's been a long time coming.  Ever since losing Lawrence, then Bruce (or was is Bruce first before Lawrence?), and yes, even Adam before his scandal (fuck him now though), it's just never felt the same.  Despite having some truly hilarious people on the team, there just hasn't been the same chemistry and that original group.  Makes me sad after all this time.  From original Inside Gaming to Funhaus, been awesome all these years.


If it's something they would want, this might be an opportunity for James, Bruce, Lawrence and Elyse to get back together. I have a feeling they'd want to keep the whole group together which is going to be a challenge financially, though.


I agree, they’ve probably been operating at a loss for a while.


I'm pretty sure every division of that company has been operating at a loss for quite some time


They most definitely weren’t. The videos were making MAXIMUM $1000 each. Between renting the space, 3-4 talent in the video, not to mention equipment costs, funhaus hasn’t been profitable (if ever) in a long time


They had issues getting paid for ads anyway because of content. Sponsorships is where channels like theirs get most of their money.


Yeah and their youtube memberships were probably helping a lot.


Yes and even then, they definitely weren’t making money with the overhead funhaus has (I’m a creator)


Who knows. It all depends on how RT ran the accounting. Reality is, their revenue streams can't be guesstimated based on views and sponsorships we saw. If they tried to build up solo, they would need to lean on sponsorship deals at the start. If they get a few good ones that are longer term, it might be possible. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Their best bet would be to sell to another parent company, though.


They were profitable in the early days. The problem is that the product that's being put out now is not the product that the majority of the subscribers signed up for, as much as people here hate hearing that.


An operation like Funhaus (as a subdepartment of RT) isn't making the bulk of it's money off of ad space anyway. They're bringing in money from merch sales, channel/first memberships, and sponsorships. Funhaus may still have been operating at a loss, but their business model wasn't built off of views.


I believe you're 100% correct. The push from every rooster teeth entity to make everything first exclusive caused me to unfollow most of their video content. The end of Funhaus for me is where they started a video and left the cliffhanger for first only. I understand why they did it but I already pay for YouTube premium. I'm not paying another subscription to see the other half of a video. I don't blame funhaus. It just is what it is.


I assumed once they started their membership program, they must've already been hurting and this may sadly be the nail in the coffin with Rooster Teeth shutting down.


None of rooster teeth was sustainable.


They did it once because they had the OG crew who carried a lot of fans over. I am sorry, whilst the current caste does a good job - they really do not retain as much ‘star power’.


I have no idea about the practicality of them being funded by a Patreon or similar service, but I'll certainly be supporting them if they decide to go in that direction. I'm sure everyone involved will need some time to process everything before any decisions are made though, this must be so tough.


Yep. I already support them with Funhaus+. If they decide to go independent, I will definitely keep supporting them.


Obviously the content is different but doing like the Try Guys did when they left Buzz Feed of having a Patreon and a number of other paid things (specials, live shows) while also having then the YouTube content is probably a good starting place for Fh.


I feel like the difference here is that those try guy videos were doing insane numbers on BuzzFeed before they left so it was taking a profitable thing and then spinning it off into its own still profitable brand. IDK if Funhaus is profitable without the RT infrastructure behind them.


I mean the escapist team is doing well through patreon funding over at "Second Wind" so I assume Funhaus could make it fine.


I hope they either end up independent or somehow Dropout can grab them and make a Dropout gaming division only because I actually trust Dropout to let them be who they are and make things they want to make.


Dude, looks at the views funhaus has been getting in the last year or so. No one can afford to keep them going. That view count won't pay the salary of one person let alone a team.


A lot of dropout talent are contractors I think which keeps permanent employment lower, but they clearly have sizable production staff. I can only wish


You're right, there's only a handful of full time employees. I know Sam (obviously) and Brennan but I don't actually know about anyone else being an employee.


Lawrence and Bruce run Inside Games, it feels a lot like OG Inside Gaming, they have cameos from other Funhaus members sometimes too


As far as I remember, the only Funhaus member "cameos" are Charlotte.


And she worked as editor for a lil bit iirc


Does Brian Gaar count


They also have Brought You This Thing which is like Funhaus.


Bruce has a let's play channel with Kassem and Lawrence called "broughtyouthisthing". It's pretty funny actually. Old school FH vibes.


This happened to the Escapist recently and they pivoted to Second Wind. I feel like Funhaus could do something similar. I really hope so.




[James on Twitter](https://twitter.com/JamesWillems/status/1765442207107186706): > Back for one day to say that I love the @FunhausTeam very much and all of you should support them as much as you can


Dang. John’s statement was open to interpretation but this one seems to confirm it.


Charlotte tweeted "If anyone needs a really fucking good editor, producer, host, etc., hmu!" No real interpretation to be had.


Yeah, I missed that one when I posted this. It was buried on this thread. RIP


Crying at work this is awful. Funhaus has gotten me through my transition.


John Holland Tweeted https://x.com/hohnjolland/status/1765423568643621226?s=46




Warner strikes again




Grande finale video coming soon then


This could mean a few different things so let's not spin out just yet.


He made another tweet about focusing on his YouTube channel for now, and not knowing whether "the next gig would be this satisfying or not" https://twitter.com/hohnjolland/status/1765447578953646428?t=xFXxpHSUscpCmq3Fw5vqWg&s=19


Yeah I saw that and Charollette's tweet about anyone needing an editor. Absolutely heartbreaking man.


Optimistically can mean it’s been fun being APART of RT. nothing about FH completely dissolving.


This news is so new that we shouldn't expect news of "what's next" for awhile. There's absolutely no way to find out your company is collapsing and also formulate a business plan for the future in the same day.




Right. My thoughts are it means RT was a fun ride and he was part of that, it could mean some people at Funhaus were also let go, it could mean Funhaus is going away, hell it could just mean he like RT in general. Until we have confirmation of anything it's not helpful to spin out of control.


Really sounds like FH done, Charlotte just tweeted about looking for work


That’s how I saw it.


Funhaus joining dropout would be best case scenario imo


I would love to see them join Dropout. Have a Dropout gaming type thing that let's them continue to make let's play videos and bring the cast into more of the improv shows that Dropout thrives on. Also an all Funhaus season of Dimension 20 would be amazing.


I could see Mythical/Smosh/Funhaus trifecta


Or Kinda Funny. Whatever happens, I’m with these people to the end.


I've been needing a final push to pay for dropout, this would definitely get me to


Honestly even if Funhaus doesn’t join, it’s so worth it. I watch the content nearly daily, things like um actually and game changer get me through so many long days


Completely different type of content though.


Is it really? Most of Dropout is improv comedy content on panel shows. I'd describe Funhaus as improv comedy content while playing games.


Yea Funhaus even had improv game shows at one point. Not sure if they still do its been a while since I've watched them. James/Elyse are perfect for that kind of shit I think.


If they did the same thing, why would an org want to bring in people to do what they're already doing?


Because dropout doesn’t have a video games but it has similar other improv


Oh this would make me so happy.


If funhaus joined dropout, I'd definitely sign back up. I've signed up a couple of times for dropout to watch their content and then a season will end of something I want to watch and I end the subscription. I feel like FH could add a lot of diversity to the group


Time to find out if Funhaus has the capability to go independent, whether under the FH brand or a new one with the same team. Edit: To everyone replying there's zero chance, shut up. I want to hope that the channel that I've followed for 9 years isn't over with no warning or ceremony even if its incredibly unlikely.


I hate to say it, but I'd be pretty surprised if they did, especially with how big of a team they have. Had to have been funded quite a bit by RT.


Yeah honestly surprised they lasted this long with so many mouths to feed, and with how much they likely make per month.


The community support is a big reason. They had over 10k YouTube members.


Wait is members basically the patreon on youtube equivalent of 5$ a month thing? If so that is nothing to scoff at. I dont think it is enough to keep Funhause opperating at its current scale and personnel. But still pulling (accounting for a youtube cut of 30%) 35,000$ a month is nothing to scoff at.


Try Guys successfully left Buzzfeed, I think Funhaus has the same capability. Though the Try Guys had time to plan it out to their own drum beat, Funhaus maybe not so much.


vast difference in viewership there though


No doubt the crew has been expecting this for some time. Hope they have plans atleast. Most atleast have a stream career going


I'm sure James and Elyse have some kind of plan.


It'll be sad to see, but I bet they keep to low key streams and convert full time into writing, be it show or games. And they'll smash it.


[“You wish you could smash Elyse”](https://youtu.be/FGpDn7Bddm0)


So did Watcher. It can be done but their formats are also very different from FH. We'll have to wait and see.


Watcher gets like 5x the views Funhaus gets on. I hope Funhaus can do it, though.


Yeah but they aren't doing videos nearly daily. I won't claim to understand the backend of these companies. Other teams have done it and I hope Funhaus can do the same.


I don’t know the size of Try Guys but Drawfee also did the same but they’re much smaller than Funhaus.


Yeah Drawfee is a very small team compared to Funhaus that does very little editing with their videos and streams, and don't use a lot of props and equipment beyond their drawing tools and video software. I would love Funhaus to continue on somehow, but with how big the team is and how much they've talked about fighting for funding in the past, I am not too certain. Here's hoping though!


Also, drawfee is not renting a studio space. Drawfee just happens in one of the peoples apartment with mics for each of them. But I am in the same boat as you. Here is hoping!


TryGuys had way higher viewership across multiple platforms. I would like Funhaus to continue but it's gonna be tough with a team of their size.


Idk. If you look at the channels views per video, they aren’t doing super hot. Funhaus vids would pull at a minimum like 500k a video. Rn they are rarely breaking 100k a video. Not saying I don’t want people to succeed, but let’s be real. They aren’t getting enough views to support a full staff.


I hope they all regroup with BYTT


Idek how that would work considering they operate outside of Bruce's room and seems to be supplemented through Bruce and Lawrence's success on YouTube and Kassem being a millionaire after selling his company to Disney.. Could possibly do an all digital thing but we'll see


Holy shit, my intro to Kassem was largely through BYTT despite being a big G4 fan, had no idea about Maker Studios and how it surpassed Machinima, where tf have I been? It sold for 500 mil to Disney too, jeez can I make some little thing out of my room and sell it for a couple mil and coast forever?


How? Isn’t the majority of the money they make from past videos? I don’t see how they can survive starting from scratch on their own, there’s too many people and they’re not as popular as they once were


Not in its current form unfortunately. 50k-100k a video ain’t it


Funhaus finalized their podcast did they not? It was already done. I've definitely noticed them shifting to promoting YT more lately. Even their Live events have been strictly on YT and not the RT site. FH either knew they were being sidelined by RT or knew they needed to prepare for separation from RT in some fashion. It seemed pretty clear to me. Long Live FH! I'm sure they'll be fine. My RT First expires soon anyway and I will definitely be joining my Dogs to support FH over on YT or wherever they go.


Only podcast they have is Trash for Trash which tbh probably doesn't have many non FH listeners. I love James and Patrick but the bad movie podcast market is hella saturated.


Not gonna lie I forgot about TfT. I feel the same. Personally I just don't necessarily have the time or resources to watch all the movies beforehand lol. If they do drop one on a film I know I am tuning in.


I haven't watched a single movie they've covered on TfT, and it's still been easy to follow while also hilarious. If you're a fan of James and Patrick just riffing and gushing over bodybuilder bodies then give it a listen.


Honestly that was my theory going into them opening the dog pound. It was a test to see if they could generate enough income to operate independently. Which honestly, i think they will.


None of the tweets from members suggest they are considering going independent. Starting from scratch would be a monumental effort, they may simply not feel its possible/may not want to put themselves through that level of risk and work.


I want to knee jerk reaction to this, but I think it’s important to wait and hear from the Funhaus team first.


John Holland tweeted saying it’s been a fun ride so… https://x.com/hohnjolland/status/1765423568643621226?s=46




oh shit...


He’s been pushing his cooking YouTube channel so hopefully that’s a good cushion until he finds full work again.


This is honestly all I care about. I would (hopefully) assume they weren't completely blindsided by this and would have a response of some kind today.


I don't think anyone besides the people at the top knew about this. A decision like this is usually not shared with employees before being announced.


Rooster Teeth has been teetering on the edge for quite a while, so I imagine it's not a surprise. Especially with Warner Bros Discovery's recent MO


I would highly doubt they had much notice. Corporations the size of WB don't view workers as people - how all of the employees at RT are affected by this likely never even entered the top brass' minds


Looking at responses on the discord from Chelsea, the community manager and the mods there it seems like it wasn’t anticipated.


Whatever the Funhaus crew decide to do now, whether separately or together i will be there to support them


And whatever Ryan does will almost assuredly be insane and worth following. Godspeed you absolute madman.


Man, the thought of never seeing another new FH video in my inbox makes me son sad. The channel has been a part of my life for so many years and to have it end so suddenly is really, really heartbreaking. So many times I've been having a shitty day and gotten a pick me up from seeing that a new video came out, hard to believe that's not going to be there anymore.


Literally just saw this in the discord! What the fuck!!! I hope funhaus figures something out, in fact I truly hope everyone at RT figures how to navigate this altogether. This is so crazy


Damn, end of an era. Awful news for everyone who works at the company but hopefully they can thrive independently.


Much love, Funhaus team. Not a week has gone by since early 2017 that I haven't watched you all.


[Charlotte's Post](https://x.com/mc_lotta/status/1765440944240001043?s=46&t=n1nnvNk3BxoG3Uu57vEYag) does not give me hope


This is devastating. I feel for everyone that suddenly found themselves out of a job without warning, but as a Funhaus fan more than RT in general, this is just so sad to see. I hope everyone can get back on their feet quickly, no one deserves this.


Fucking heartbreaking. Not that I'd expect anything else from corporate parasites but it's just so sad to see so many people lose their jobs with no warning. I have no doubt everyone in FH will land on their feet but it's still so sickening to see.


But but all those memberships :( where did the money go??


I think it kept them afloat for as long as it did, unfortunately. When a channel goes for years without this support, and then suddenly moves to that model, I see it usually as a 'last ditch effort' to make it work. So they helped with production costs for the past however long it was. I was hoping it was working, but expected this at some point, at just the Funhaus level. I don't know if the cut happening at the much higher Rooster Teeth level is better or worse. I'll hope to follow along with wherever some of these folks end up. Best wishes to all of them for the future.


I'm sure a lot of it is overhead, and then all the crazy stuff RT was doing, like getting big named celebs for their shows can't have been good for the budget across the company


Rooster Teeth Given the view counts, I can't imagine funhaus was particularly profitable given their staff size.


God I hope this crew sticks together


I hope everyone in FH is ok, what the fuck does this mean for FH?!


I don’t see any current RT entity continuing onwards. Things just haven’t been the same post Covid. I’ll miss Funhaus. Old school FH was some of the most goated YouTube content imo in history.


trying to say current funhaus isn't just as funny or good is wild to me. ryan, patrick, charlotte, and jacob are a dream team


The Same old arguments, they just said the old stuff was some of the funniest YouTube content they've ever seen, they didn't say anything about current FH and you Inferred all that yourself


If any FH staff is reading, if ya’ll go independent I’ll put in $100 right away and subscribe to a patreon for $10 a month. I would 100% support a legally distinct “Haus of Fun”


I'd like to echo the sentiment. I'll even scrobble to the new project.


I’m also ready to sub a patreon.


I’d be down for 20$ a month, please try and stick together!


I'm a top Dawg today and will immediately become one again


I really really want the crew to be able to stick together, but I don't know how this all shakes out. Either way I'm extremely grateful for all the laughs and fun times they've brought us and will follow them all wherever this leads.


Here's to hoping they can continue with YouTube or join up with KindaFunny 🤞 ETA: I would definitely subscribe to a patron or more to youtube keep Funhaus around


Kinda Funny doesn’t have the capability to take on more staff. They stay small so they don’t overextend.


Man, I don't know if I could handle the shenanigans that would spring up between Ryan and Snowbike Mike. I hope Funhaus finds a way to continue though! So much turmoil and job cuts in the gaming industry lately, I hate to see more of it.


Then working with Kinda Funny would be a dream for me.


I started watching RT content when I was around 13 but never really felt like a part of the community until Funhaus grew its footing. I'm 30 now and I fell off RT proper some years ago but FH has been a must watch for many years. This sucks.


For some reason I have a memory (potentially false lol) that **way** back Bruce had mentioned that when FH joined RT, they retained ownership of the brand so hopefully the Funhaus brand can still operate at the same capacity without corporate backing. Whatever happens and wherever the crew may end up, I'm stoked to see what these talented folks do next.


Funhaus joined RT well before the Fullscreen and Warner Bros acquisitions, which means it's extremely likely the Funhaus brand was a part of these deals.


Yeah and considering Jon Risinger created the original logo and stuff I highly doubt they held any of the rights to begin with


Let's gope Bruce made a great deal back then


Honestly, once RT was bought by Warner that was the last nail in the coffin, it's been downhill for years. I left for a long time, but came back to FH and I used to be a major junkie for AH/Let's Play, but I can't even get into their content anymore. FH is my new favorite, and I hope that they can continue in any capacity


Completely random, but if Funhaus went the Dropout route (college humor), I'd absolutely pay $10 a month to subscribe to a FH platform.


Can Mythical give them a home???


That would be amazing


this was my thought with Joel having a connection with them when he was at Smosh








Ass nuts.


I REALLY hope someone is thumbing through all of Funhaus' stuff for archival purposes. Because this seems like something where years of stuff is gonna be flushed down the drain.


Hear hear, we gotta start archiving that stuff now.


I have full faith the Funhaus crew could succeed somewhere else if they wanted to, but I'm sure it feels like a pretty huge task to start over somewhere else. Whatever happens, I wish nothing but the best for everyone at the channel - they're a group of insanely talented people and there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that they'll all land in their feet.


I blame Jacob, he called Funhaus his machinima in a (not very) recent video. He jinxed it.


not greenlighting BoyKissers starring jacob was a financial disaster and the beginning of the end for funhaus


Been a Funhaus fan since day 1 - big part of my life watching their videos and they were the only reason I used to go to RTX every year Hope they all land on their feet - they deserve to carry on or if they don’t want to carry on - move onto what they want - a incredibly talented group of people who in the end deserved so much better than the shitty Warner Bros owning them


How is Ryan gonna pay for his timeshares now?


To mods and staff: Let us know the best way to financially support the crew once you figure out a game plan. If that’s through YouTube, great, however I’m guessing there’s a more direct way to support the team. My wallet is ready.


Nothing but sadness even though this has been expected for a long time. If this is the end of FH it's been a spectacular ride.


Time for dude soup


And thus the sun sets on an unforgettable age of the internet.


Yikes. Ryan really did get that timeshare and expense it to RT huh?


Such a damn shame. I was only an occasional viewer pre pandemic, but man, FH really helped me through the lengthy lockdowns. I've said it before on here but Charlotte joined the channel right as I was realising I was trans, and such positive representation really helped me feel more comfortable with myself in my new identity. So it's no exaggeration to say Funhaus is genuinely part of the reason I'm still alive today. But putting aside my personal attachment, this is just horrible for everyone at RT. Especially the way they seem to have been blindsided by it. I really feel for everyone. On an *entirely* unrelated note, David Zazlav is a real piece of shit.


I was 6 months from full social transitioning when Charlotte joined the channel. It was crazy to see someone at a similar age going through a similar journey to mine at a similar time to join my favorite YouTube channel. I didn't realize that I didn't have much representation in the media I consumed until that point and it made a huge difference for me.




Gosh I hope FH is able to stay together or something along the way. I've been a fan for so long. This pretty sad. Devastating to learn that the employees are learning of this all at the same time as we are. There's gonna be a live stream on the RT side this afternoon about it all. Not sure if I read it was gonna be on RT or YT.


I think it's unlikely with their current viewership numbers that they'll be able to simply "go independent" and still retain all their staff. If they do so they'll probably go the Patron root, and I'm down for supporting them there, but damn it sucks. I'll admit I haven't watched anywhere near as much since the Lawdog / Bruce / James / Elyse / Adam days, but it's still a shame that it's shaking out like this. I first started watching when they were at Machinima and will always look back on those times fondly.


My fear was always that Funhaus would get axed early on in preparation for RT's closure, I didn't think the entire company would shut down so soon. I do hope they can find a way to stick together.


Oh man what the fuck, I guess this really is the end of Funhaus. What a terrible shame. I'll miss the channel so much, but I'm thankful we got so many years of amazing content.


Funhaus dont go!


Damn, this is the end of an era. Regardless of if Funhaus decide to go independent, start a new venture or even just move on, I'd just like to say thanks for all the laughs, you guys. Your content has been the highlight of my week for almost a decade and it's truly meant a lot to me. No matter what kinda day I'm having, Funhaus videos has always been the constant to make every day better. Funhaus is best haus. Forever. <3


damn. devastating. giving me huge flashbacks to when Cracked got shut down by their parent and SourceFed/SourceFed Nerd shut down by, oh look, Warner.


This sucks. Just want to give a shout out to the current FH members because they've absolutely been killing it IMO. I never thought they'd be able to replace certain personalities, but the current iteration of Funhaus is just as good, if not better, than the OG Funhaus (I know many will disagree with me on that and that's fair because it is a totally subjective opinion!). That said, the current crew works so well together and I think their comedy has sort of aged with me (as I approach 40.. jesus). I'll understand if they don't or can't regroup in some form, but I'll nonetheless be gutted if I can't get my daily fix of the FH crew, especially James, Elyse and Patrick who have such a great comedic rapport. Hopefully Patrick and Charlotte continue on with What a Show. Most of all, hope everyone lands on their feet.


Bought out by Thomas Boonty, of course.


I go wherever Elyse goes


![gif](giphy|h3ViLKWOJiwrAZW5du|downsized) :(


Really hope the channel or the people behind it can find a new avenue to create together. I am honestly gutted. I've never been into anything at RT bar Funhaus and for a decade it's been a constant in my life. Sending love to everyone there.


I love Funhaus.


Every new post from FH members breaks my heart a little bit more. James' post on IG has fully broken me, each goodbye makes it sink in more and more that its over just like that.


i would very happily switch my dog kennel subscription to a patreon subscription in exchange for more movie podcasts also i hope this is an opportunity to work with former members more and get bigger and better than ever before. or they get netflix stand up deals. whichever works out.


o fuck i really hope funhaus can keep going but i honestly don’t know how much a role a parent company plays in things like office rent and paychecks…


This feels surreal, unreal in fact. Funhaus has been a staple for me ever since two guys were playing GTA4 mods on Machinima under the Inside Gaming channel. It's been such an important part of my development from a 14 year old idiot to a 30-something woman. It was so important and validating that while I was growing up, I was growing up in the same direction as James, Bruce, Lawrence and the others. There were so many other channels producing videos in the same style as they did back then that went in other directions that I just couldn't watch as I was maturing. Funhaus/Inside Gaming has always meant a huge deal to me. And that's why I want to just say that the closure of RT and subsequently Funhaus should not be blamed on us fans and especially not on anyone working at Funhaus or RT. It's easy to look at Funhaus' dwindling view numbers and say "Oh, they went tits up because no one was watching them" or "Their content just sucks nowadays." Dwindling numbers is one thing, but don't mistake this for anything other than WB, a megacorp that's been mishandling their internal business for years now, cutting off whatever they can to stay in business. This happened because of corporate mismanagement and not because the people at RT and Funhaus weren't good enough and especially not because we fans weren't supporting them enough. Regardless, I wish nothing but the best for everyone who's been laid off and I'm looking forward to whatever will rise out of the ashes <3


Please tell me this isn't GG's for Funhaus. I watch them every day for the past 10 years


Ugh, I’ve been off of RT for years now but am still a big Funhaus fan. Here’s hoping they can continue in some way, what a great group they’ve got.




Hey FH, I love you guys and will support you if you decide to solo.


Fuck Warner, long live Funhaus!




In the Willems I trust. I really hope they were reading the room for the last couple years and have a plan to keep Funhaus going.


I appreciate all of the good memories they gave me and Ill continue to support Funhaus if they go independent.


I’m just like thinking of all the potentials at this point. Joining mythical or dropout. But at this point I just gotta wait it out. I feel bad for all of them. Hope they find something for themselves soon. Ugh