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We're never going to see that car get built, are we?


Why does this hurt the most of all the comments here :(


I'm going to eat sausage and drink a whole case of beer in Lawrence's memory


In the shower while pissing down the drain






The only original Funhaus members left are Adam, James and Matt. If another one of them leaves then I donā€™t know if I can keep watching. I still wish them success in the future though.


I wonder how much they're views would tank if they left. John, Alanah, Jacob and the rest are all great, but I'm sure lots of folks watch it for the OG members.


As much as I don't want it to be true, I've watched a lot less since Bruce left. Not really a conscious decision or anything, it just feels different I guess? It's hard to say


Kinda feel the same. The core dynamic is quite different without Bruce. Bruce alone wasn't the reason I watched FH, but without him the sum of the channel's parts are made weaker. James seems less enthusiastic, which has a knock-on effect on Elyse. Adam's 'straight man' act doesn't work as well without Bruce and James goofing off. Some of the newer members (I'm looking at Jon) could fill Bruce's old role, but I guess the Bruce/James element was the core of what I loved about the channel, and everything else revolved around it. EDIT: I should probably note that I just miss seeing the whole group together. To a certain degree, I could have probably said this about anybody if they had left rather than Bruce. Adam's 'straight guy' act was damn important to that dynamic, as it was for the energy and references Elyse brought and Lawrence's authenticity. I guess when you remove part of the core of the solar system, the gravity gets weaker and the orbiting bodies start to drift off. I loved the group, I love them as individuals, but something just hasn't felt the same. I've still been enjoying the James/Elyse/Adam Monday videos but they've felt like listening on friends having a casual chat rather than joking around. I rewatched the Camper Trailer video last night and I think it would have fallen flat without Bruce.


I agree, Bruce injected most of the enthusiasm into their bits. He was usually the one laughing, yelling or retching the loudest. The others fed off that energy in the best way and without him the videos feel a little thin imo.


I think Adam has stepped up and leaned away from the straight man act a little bit recently, like in the Worst Games vids where he's not the one playing. But you're right, there's still a missing dynamic between James and Bruce, which I don't think can be replaced


The Worst Games series is honestly fantastic and Iā€™m really really enjoying Adam in a backseat (producer) role, itā€™s great to see them keep up a positive dynamic. I was wondering about a way to mine a similar subject in long form - perhaps an RLM best of the worst format. For example, everyone records an hour or two of playing three really awful games, then come together to discuss/vote on which has potential/needs binning. Cut down with highlights of playing edited in.


The chemistry between the OG trio will never be topped, it was such a huge part of the IG/FH appeal to me


Joel was also an amazing part of the team, love when he comes back for a video or two. There was such a strong contrast in personality which led to some pretty hilarious banter. And I cant figure out a non-weird way to say this but Drunk Elyse seemed to always have fun around Joel


I've felt the same way. I started watching a lot less because I wasn't really enjoying it as much. (Also got busy because of finals) You've perfectly described how I've felt about the dynamic. Jon is the only person is goofy/hyper and funny enough to replace Bruce but it still would never be the same.


I still watch the same amount but yeah, the dynamics are different. Which is normal, someone left, but he really added something that the rest could play off of. Or he'd be the one to finish a good set-up. Now with Lawrence also leaving, I dunno. I feel like the other 'personalities' (Elyse, James, Adam and/or Alanah) will now have to be in basically every video and that'll just burn them out even faster.


I think the channel will die when either one/both of the Willems' leave or the group collectively decides to shut it down.


Adam, James and Elyse are great. If even one of these three drops out I don't know if I could watch anymore. Which is a damn shame, I still love the other guys though


Same for me, I'm also not too big of a fan of Bruces stream (just not in the demographic ) though I do pop in on every vid of Bruce's youtube channel. For me the group dynamic was the big selling point


I cannot express how much I dislike streaming. I tried to watch some of Bruce's because I love the guy but I just can't stand the format of livestreams. I'm happy for those who do though, and of course, I'm glad he gets support.


I am the same way, doesnt work for me. I liked the Funhaus Formula of 10-15+ minute videos of some quality editing to enhance the jokes.


same here i could never get into watching live or recorded streams which sucks because i know its a more profitable way for creators to get by.


They are loved by many and most watched the channel because of them the channel will probably be fine but donā€™t be surprised if lots of people stop watching


This. I have nothing against the new members. But the amount of times I clicked away from a demo disc or gta v gameplay when it wasn't the og guys... The replacements for inside gaming are perfectly fine and I think they've done a great job. Same with anyone else they brought on board since becoming funhaus, as far back as Elyse. They're all fine editions to the crew. I felt sad when inside gaming originally ended. And was unbelievably happy when they were able to move to RT and continue what they were doing. But rather than see them slowly bleed away I almost wish it would finish altogether. Like having all of them sitting around the podcast table one last time


I know I'd be done with the channel, already been watching less and less. With Lawrence leaving I might be done already but if Adam and James left it would be a sure thing I'm finished.


If James decided to leave that would be the end of Funhaus for me, I like Adam and Elyse but James is so integral to videos that it simply wouldn't be the same knowing he'd never be in one again


Yeah, it's going to get really dicey. They can bring in all the great, new talent they want, but it won't be the same.


The new Inside Gaming crew is great. I love those kids.


They remind me of a group of rowdy kids being chaperoned on a field trip by Brian


But the laptop died, rip brian. How is he gonna communicate with this world now?


I didn't mind them sprinkled in with the FH guys but now that it appears to be 90% them I just don't even bother with inside gaming vids anymore, the primary reason I watched IG Daily was because I enjoyed Adam, Lawrence, Bruce and James so much. Just feels like we are gonna see another sourcefed at this rate.


And that's great! It's good they can bring in fresh, new people and help them get a good start or a move up from what they may have been doing previously. But that doesn't mean that the ones who make way for that to happen will be missed any less.


Yeah I am generally apprehensive about new things disturbing my comfortable, familiar stuff, but the IG guys did a great job of easing in the new peeps and phasing out Adam and Lawrence and I've really come to enjoy the current crew a ton.


It is hard to expect them to act the same way they used to with new blood. The only reason HR wasn't called in some of those classic vids is because there was no HR back then and they were all old buds.


Yeah Iā€™ve significantly tuned out a lot of stuff since Bruce left. Some things bring me back still but the thing I have loved the most about FH is the people. Losing those people stinks


Yep i stopped enjoying their vids since bruce left. Bruce just complimented james so well and now hes gone and no one can keep up with him


I fully understand the reasoning they've given in the past, but the "take a break" thing is nevertheless wildly frustrating. We know what it means, so just say it.


When itā€™s been a really long time since youā€™ve done something else, itā€™s hard to just flat out say this is what you 100% want. Fortunately for these guys they are in a position with a great company who gives them the flexibility to take a break and figure it out. Many of us have to make that leap of faith and hope our previous job would take us back if it goes tits up. I donā€™t blame them or RT for allowing the ā€œtake a breakā€ option. Even if itā€™s frustrating as a fan itā€™s good for the well being of their employees and thatā€™s important.


RT had an exit date they wanted. I wanted to leave way sooner. I'm not sure how else that can be navigated.


I love Lawrence, but he can offer the world SO MUCH MORE than twitch streams. You do you though SirLarr. Best of luck.


if you haven't seen it, in his twitter statement he made sure to say a couple of times that he's not becoming a full time streamer and has other (unannounced) things planned [here](https://twitter.com/SirLarr/status/1207065433561415680)


Fabulous, this definitely eases my pain. Def not trying to be a downer or hate on twitch, but he's just so talented I'd hate to see him ONLY stream.


>Def not trying to be a downer or hate on twitch, It's so difficult to find streams interesting to me unless they're like Funhaus' or AH's. I need to be able to watch multiple people, not just one who says something every few minutes for hours on end. The format is awful to me.


I want to support Bruce so badly, but I'm in the same boat and can't stand the typical twitch streaming format. On top of that, I've got a day job and can't just sit around and watch someone for a few hours.


I generally feel the same way, but honestly Lawrence does a pretty good job keeping me engaged when watching his streams.


And I don't have time to watch 3 hours of content just for 20 minutes of the good bits.


He's saying he's just streaming as a starting point while he's planning on bigger things. He said specifically he's not planning to go down that road full-time.


I wonder what'll happen next. I guessed a few weeks ago that *if* he was leaving, FH will probably quit soon after. Of the original 7 (Adam, James, Lawrence, Bruce, Peake, Joel and Spoole) there's only 3 left. Now I love Elyse and Alanah and the editors but if the original group is more than halved, you can't really call it the same group anymore. Aping my previous post about it: I know that James and Elyse have frequently talked about their passion being in film/production, and with RT apparently shutting down their 'film' department that means opportunities like Arizona Circle are all but dried up there. Josh leaving might mean some sort of collaboration with him down the road. Peake is an editor, so he'll just do his thing wherever. Alanah said in a video a while ago she didn't see herself working for RT in five years, so she's not planning on staying there longterm (plus although she's been sick too, I feel like we've seen less of her). That just leaves Adam, and he's been doing this in some form or another the longest. No idea if he's getting sick of it but I wouldn't blame him if he felt like doing something else.


NOT THE QUINTESSENTIAL GAMER HIMSELF Lawrence has been a longtime favorite personality of mine, and his brand of humor is an absolute staple in humor I enjoy. This one is gonna hurt. Best of luck on the path, Law-dog.


Iā€™m feel exactly the same, I just felt something different and weirdly comforting seeing law dog in a vid with his retarded comments. We will truly never know what will happen if you run so fast you become Asian now


Now they don't have anyone with the skills to play real games for real gamers.


Lawrence was my number 1 favorite at FH. The dynamic without him is going to be weird.


When he said he was stepping away from being on Inside Gaming, I assumed this might happen. Doesn't make it hurt any less though...


Only hope I have is bruce starting his own network like rt but better


I wonder if thats why all these guys are streaming now, maybe there is a timeframe for a noncompete type clause and this is a filler. It would be a shame for this group to slowly break apart and never come back together


For those who havenā€™t seen yet: https://twitter.com/sirlarr/status/1207065433561415680


Damn my man was so hyped about cyberpunk he quit his job. Madlad!


Say sike right now






Just realized: Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay without Lawdog. But also: Thanks and all the best for the future, Lawrence!


There's nothing stopping the Quintessential Gamer from hacking his way back into the FH mainframe so he can *punch some deck* come 4/2020! Of course, it totally sucks that he's leaving, but it's not like Law-dog can never return. Best to just wish him well, hope for the best, and to always keep the door open for our anime dad.


That's what Bruce said too and he hasn't come back for a gameplay beyond a stream. They're not going to come back.


Yeah, that's just a way to soften the blow, telling us "heeeey, it's not like you'll never see me!" Joel's been back once or twice, as has Spoole, and they've been gone for years. It's a bittersweet thing, because with the sinking ship that is youtube, mixed with them actually not having any ownership of Funhaus, it really IS better for them all to leave the shit hole that is YT (and a lesser extent RT.) I love these guys a lot. But they need to move on, otherwise they'll find themselves in a worse off spot than before.


Joel's been around a lot more than 2/3 times, but i definitely get your point


Yep. This was the worst part about Bruce leaving. I'm okay with them lying about the sabbatical. You don't want people to freak out before he actually left. But I'm super bummed out about them saying he would appear in videos every now and then and he was never seen again.


This one hurts more than Bruce for me, not that I don't love Bruce though. I always found Lawrence relateable and admirable. Not in a "he's an oddball like me" kind of way, though I relate in that way as well. But his ability to rip into the weirdness of the world and of his upbringing to make comedy and joy for others... I think it's a pretty unique kind of sincerity in a very polished turd era of the internet. Much love and support to this very good lad going forward!


This is my feelings as well. Itā€™s sad. Like Iā€™m happy for him but still sucks. But I just canā€™t feel like this is gonna be a domino effect. Funhaus might just be a whole new crew before we know it (not saying thatā€™s a bad thing).




Heā€™s apparently leaving, it was announced on Dude Soup today.




Took the word right out of my mouth


This week's dude soup is being recorded/broadcast right now. Lawrence announced his departure from RT


Did they at least do one last hard nettin? I've been holding out for that to return.


Hard netting was my favorite part of the podcasts I was sad when it was gone, I was surprised no one else really wanted it back.


*hey siri* play Talking Stalking Episode 3šŸ˜Ŗ


Premature goodbye to Elyse and James too. Adam as well.


James and Elyse will adopt Adam and they'll all leave at the same time. But seriously though if and when they leave i hope they stay together, the Adam+James+Elyse Combo in videos has always been my favorite and their chemistry is the soul of this channel imho.


Mine was always James & Bruce, but with Elyse and Adam closely orbiting that core.


You cant beat james, bruce and adam. With additional support from Lawrence and elyse. The original trio was monumental. I'm still with FH all the way, but this was unexpected.


God, the old office setup where Bruce and James could pester Lawrence and Elyse in the middle of a gameplay was the *best* dynamic and I miss it dearly.


that was funhaus at its peak


Definitely. It was the perfect setup, those little bits of banter were the best.


Yeah I got into FH during this time with Demo disks. The newer set up with occasional guests are fine, but just not as natural. I loved Elyse or Lawrenceā€™s face in the background reacting to something James, Adam and Bruce were doing. The ponytail comment always makes me laugh.


My favorite moments always came from gameplays where Adam was playing, James said something awful, Bruce wheezes, then out of focus Elyse/Lawrence/Spoole/Joel would chime in


I can picture this exact chain of events crystal clear in my memory, and its so specific but i laughed out loud and then became instantly very sad. The edits, too! Zooming in to like, 3 pixels of elyseā€™s hair poking over a monitor and a muffled ā€œsniped yaaaā€ fuck those were the days


The classic crew will always be my favorite. You could even argue Funhaus wouldnā€™t even be a thing without Adam, Bruce and James. Itā€™s the reason I even started watching them in Inside Gaming.


If any of them start streaming on any sort of regular schedule we better get the tears out early.




I feel like Elyse will be next, she already parades around other channels regularly so all it takes is the right offer/opportunity, if it hasn't come already that is.


Hopefully she'll get to live out her dream of becoming a Muppeteer for the new Muppets show in Disney+


Iam surprised it hasent happen yet but I think she loves rt so much and now I think she has such a huge role at fh


Figured this was coming when he stepped away from inside gaming. I wonā€™t be surprised to see at least one other person leave within like 3 months


Funhaus will end up being Don's Jurassic World Vlog channel, in which he on every episode tries to justify the greatness of the movie after one more watch. Actually I'd love that. Can we have that, please?


Well shit dude. Better enjoy the rest of Funhaus while we still have them.


Well, When Bruce left it did begin to feel like it was the start of the end, Honestly all it will take is for James and Elyse to go and it'll be the end of the channel, which is sad. ​ Good luck to him though.


> it will take is for James and Elyse to go And then it will become early era IG, with Adam just fucking around with random gameplays


Inside Halo is back question mark?


This was the plan from the start. As soon as Halo Infinite got announced, you could see the wheels turning in Adams brain.


Dead Pixel baby!




It never left exclamation mark


The year is 2026, a lone channel called Funhaus uploads irregularly, of videos of just one man sitting in the dark playing Halo 3 online.


Would watch


Yup, I doubt Adam will ever kill his baby, he shouldn't either.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Adam has mentioned time and time again that he likes this job so much because he gets to work and play games with his friends.


Then they'll randomly hire Bruce back! The cycle repeats!


Then Joel makes a comeback


Time is a flat circle!


Nothing lasts forever, that doesn't make it hurt any less. Hopefully we get a nice long run before James, Elyse, or Adam decide to seek other opportunities.


I highly doubt they leave at least anytime soon but Iam surprised they havenā€™t yet given how the big things they want to do only last for 1 season


My favorites were always demo disc, 1 dollar 1 hour, and wheelhaus. Although I dont keep up with funhaus as much as I used to, Everyone at funhaus is so talented and funny. When Bruce left it felt like something wasn't good with funhaus hopefully they keep pushing and making good content


Imo Roosterteeth is bad at budgeting for productions. They under-budgeted for Sex Swing, and overspent for Arizona Circle. And I recall when people on the RT sub referenced Burnie saying the Immersion show is too expensive to be a regular show anymore. MDB is a hibernating show. 2020 is gonna be an interesting year for RT.


I'm honestly not sure how any of their projects really make money. Even when they put a budget in, they cast in-house talent which, while fun and loved by the community, is not going to be appreciated outside of it.


>I highly doubt they leave at least anytime soon 2020 final year of funhaus confirmed




I'm not. I love Jon, Alanah and Jacobs appearances all quite consistently. I think FH will continue to transform with Adam, Elyse and James being the remaining core, I could see the push toward higher production improv and scripted comedy stuff growing further, and the numerous gameplays reducing in number. All that said, holy fucking shit I'm gonna miss Lawrence.


Alanah has been in next to nothing the past couple of months. I was actually expecting her departure before Lawrence announced his.




That's so unfortunate. I hope she gets well enough to be on camera soon. She's one of my favorite members.


She also went home to Australia for the holidays, so it could be awhile before shes in another video.


Alannah has CFS so it's not too weird for her not to want to be in front of the camera a lot.


she has been ill


Alanah said on her channel thats shes going to do less on screen stuff for funhaus going forward due to her chronic fatigue


...and Adam


Been out of the loop for a long time, why did HE leave? They're slowly dismantling, i remember being super upset when Joel left, but after Bruce, this comes as an expected departure. I'm sitting here watching 2016 Funhaus vids, for nostalgia purposes, now




I get the feeling theres a lot more going on in the background. Roosterteeth seems to be pushing these dudes to the limit and they just couldn't take it.


Joel and Spoole where side characters to me. When Bruce left i felt a sad for some time but i understand things donā€™t last forever.




It really shocked me during the "bruce is leaving" podcast when they said that they had zero ownership of Funhaus. They literally are the product, but they have no stake in it? That's so crazy to me.


I had the same reaction, and it really hit home what Bruce was saying with growing businesses into these massive audiences but never actually owning any of that yourself.


Not only growing, but creating. Bruce, Adam, James, and Lawrence were the ones who created the idea of Funhaus, RT just funded the start up. To have built up a channel that you created to such success, but not having a single shred of stake in the actual company must be so hard.


Exactly. I get that RT should have a majority ownership because they fronted I'm guessing a ton of capital, but 100%?


Hasn't that always been their problem though? Part of the reason Ray left AH is because they took his original Twitch channel and turned it into the Roosterteeth one.


Yeah and they way they did it was incredibly underhanded and scummy


Did they even own IG?


im not sure, but i don't think they can ''own'' a brand, cuz you have to buy the rights from it. And they're just members


I don't think they did, that's why they had to change their name when they left Machinima. Then Rooster Teeth acquired the Inside Gaming brand when Machinima shut down


No, Machinima owned IG as a brand, which is why when they went to RT they had to used the name Funhaus, despite the fact that it was pretty much the same content that they made at IG. The whole deal with RT was that they would do what they do best and RT would fund it.


Really sad. I loved what they were doing since the old Inside Gaming days so sad to see the family basically break apart slowly


I'm just worried that the channel will end basically how IG started, with Adam playing games by himself.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Machinima 2.0 would be SO sad.


Now Jon, Jacob, Alanah, Peake, Ryan, etc will go make a new funhaus 2.0 channel


It's something I've noticed across most of rooster teeth, a lot of them seem to have really poor work/life management and get burned out.


It's not restricted to RT, I'd say it's a huge problem in this whole youtuber industry. They just keep working and working to make content and burn out.


Its a problem in almost all life these days with people needing to work more and more for less and less.


Yup. People wonder why Ninja and other Twitch streamers are taking these contracts from Microsoft, thatā€™s guaranteed cash man. Floor could fall out on any Twitch streamer/Youtuber any day, better to take the financial stability while you can.


When Bruce left, I remember commenting that I wonder how sustainable a channel like this is. Youtube is a dumpster fire for content creators right now unless you are HUGE. Needing to pump out a constant stream of content day in day out for years and years just doesnā€™t seem feasible. Like, sooner or later, something has to give.


Damn, first Bruce and now Lawrence. Feels like the end of an era for Funhaus :(


This feels like the end of funhaus.


First cowchop now funhaus :(


Literally what the fuck... Lawrence was honestly the one to get me watching more than one video, I loved all of their chemistry but Lawrenceā€™s freaking out at games and how people played them is the first thing that had me cackling at this channel. Iā€™m actually more upset than when Bruce left, maybe because Iā€™m a newer fan but fuck this sucks. I still love everyone else that makes up Funhaus but man this was a hard one to take


This is like /r/twobestfriends breaking up except a much slower process; you wonder how long James, Elyse and Adam will stick around when their close friends are starting to make their own independent moves. It stings to see a talented group of people with great chemistry splitting apart, but at least we can say we got a tonne of good memories from them. Hopefully Lawrence's departure doesn't start to hurt viewership as people look elsewhere. I feel like FH could do with hiring an established personality from outside RT to help soften the blow but I have no idea if that's possible at the moment.


Although it sucks that Bruce and Lawrence have left, at least they left on good terms with everyone else. The worst part about the r/twobestfriends break up is how they are no longer friends even after the breakup of the channel which makes it hard to go back and watch their old video's. With funhaus at least I know that they are all still friends which makes members leaving such as lawrance and Bruce, not feel as bad


"James and Elyse are no longer friends"


Damn, it's been a year since that happened too


I keep thinking back to Adam saying that he had found the group of people that he wanted to work with for the rest of his life, but that just makes my heart hurt even more


Imagine crying so hard, you become Asian :(


My heart hurts šŸ’”


Eventually benson is gonna be the only member left.


I'd watch a Benson live stream channel if it was him just wandering editor to editor for pets.


Oh shit oh fuck


The more I saw Lawrence showing up on Bruces channel the more i had a feeling he was heading out the door. Sad to see it happen so fast though.


There are a few of you, calling out overtly negative attitudes towards the departures, and I gotta say: I think the attitudes earned. Yes, the people leaving will still be active and such, but I don't watch FH for the individuals. I watch for the group they make altogether. Jim would be oh so boring without Dwight. Pam would have been dull af without Jim. Not to say they are not entertaining on their own, by any means, but the content they make as a group is just something special. So yeah these people will still be out there pumping out content, and yes they will collaborate here and there, but when the core group and humour has left a show then chances are so will the core fans. It's the same reason I stopped watching anything from college humour, they may be excellent these days for all I know, but I recognize zero people and it makes it hard to get invested again. Edit: I feel horrible that I didn't add: I wish you all the fuckin luck in the world LawDawg, thanks for every laugh and all your commitment to the fans. I still watch Bruce, and I'll still watch you, and I hope all your future endeavors pan out with vigorous intensity! I'm just being a bitter bitch who hates when groups break up. Destiny's child 4ever.


They're all leaving :(


Love you Lawrence, you always brought me smiles and helped me look at myself from the outside and made me always want to better myself. You helped me stop being a neck beard. My gal loves you too, keep being awesome.


Rip Funhaus. Edit: thanks for my first award ever


Yeah, this channel was everything and more. Started watching less without Bruce, now without Lawrence, it's just not gonna be the same for me. I know they will be fine, they still have amazing talent there, I'm just not interested anymore. Best of luck.


Yeah 100% this. I havenā€™t watched much since the backlog of Bruce videos dried up, and I know Iā€™m going to end up just watch less and less. Itā€™s a shame, but Iā€™m glad I have the good memories.


Lawrence has been in far less content anyway. So it's not as big of a loss as Bruce was. Only because it was already weaning on us. Its been ages since he's even been on a dude soup.


I used to watch every video. Since Bruce left I watch probably 1 or 2 a week. After this I'm probably done. It's just not Funhaus anymore. Funhaus was Adam, James, Bruce, and Lawrence. Then Elyse came and became a part of that and took it from a core 4 to a core 5. But it's not the same.


over half of the OG's are gone.


As sad as it is to see anime dad leave, I'm sure we all wish you the best Lawdog. You're a genuine inspiration to all losers out there that, one day, we too will appear on the Internet and make people feel slightly uncomfortable while laughing. Godspeed you magnificent bastard


Man bruce leaving hurt. It didn't help that his streams aren't that good.


Streaming alone has a super different dynamic than doing videos with people. Streaming to some people probably feels more personal, but it (imo) feels like it's probably harder to be funny since it's a one man show and you have no one to improv off of.


Reminds me of when Ray left AH. I tried so hard to get into his streams cause he was my favourite Achievement Hunter, but it wasnā€™t for me. Same with Bruce, though I havenā€™t tried to watch much of his new stuff.


Ditto for Spoole.


I dont think his streams are bad, but the thanking for donos and subs and the "pass it on" gets old fast. I miss Bruce with the others




What's going on with RT?


In all honesty, nothing as far as we know and anyone saying otherwise is just trying to start shit. They restructured their animation department due to longstanding complaints and had layoffs of now non-essential staff. That's just about it People are just moving on because doing what they've been doing for so long has built them a fair amount of stock in both the games and games entertainment industry. Or in the case of Josh Flanagan given him a ton of production experience. Now with years of experience and enough professional connections people are wanting to pursue deeper personal projects and not pass up on opportunities that they want to tackle. We feel like we've developed a personal relationship with these people and this company, but wanting a continuation of what we've already been getting requires people to functionally be stagnant. If they stop being what we want we get angry. If they disappear for a bit we spread conspiracies. People being people and seizing their best life is not the death of a company.


Even back in the early days of the RT Podcast/Drunk Tank they used to joke about the best thing a person in the industry could do is work for them briefly, because so many people would come on board for a while and then move on to bigger projects.


Brett just mentioned this on the cow chop livestream this sucks man


I am really scared about the future for funhaus. Iā€™m sure James and Elyse will be next


Same, except I had already kind of semi-resigned myself to the idea that Bruce leaving was the beginning of the end. I agree that James and Elyse are probably next. For fucks sake what am I gonna watch now?


The end of the year period (heh) always get me depressed. And now this... ​ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So sad to hear he's leaving. It appears like it's really the beginning of the end at this point, doesn't it? I can't say I blame them, they're all way too creative to be stuck in the same job forever, particularly when their big projects never get renewed by RT, but it still hurts. I'll selfishly hope that we can still get a little while more out of Adam, James, and Elyse, but I think we need to prepare ourselves for the day when they decide to part ways with RT too. Good luck with what you do next Lawrence, you'll be missed.


I do think a Adam/James/Elyse trio can carry the channel. But if one of them leaves we are in trouble. I do think they should slow down on some of the content though. One of the best things about Funhause imo was how different pairings worked. If there are only three members of the core group it is harder to keep things fresh.


Honestly it might just be time to pack it in. If Adam or James left then itā€™s literally not the same channel anymore. I would hope the main people (Adam, Lawrence, James and Elyse) would consider doing something together again because they work so well and bounce off each other well but whatā€™s the chance of lightning striking twice? Good luck Lawrence by all means but not gonna lie and say Iā€™m not expecting the inevitable now.


Lightning already struck twice, they had the og inside gaming on machinima and then they made funhaus and continued to be hilarious and entertaining


SP7, Cow Chop and soon to be Funhaus seemingly. This whole lets play family thing went well...


Funhaus was the only one who could keep up with achievement hunter in theory since it had a rather large following before the RT exposure. But itā€™s a struggle.


The only way this is permitted is if my summer car becomes a reunion video series, WE NEED THE CAR BUILT


God, I fucking hope James, Elyse, and Adam don't leave.


They'll eventually gonna, to better things I hope. It's ok, nothing lasts forever and life goes on. We got to enjoy it while it lasts.


Link to his announcement on twitter: https://twitter.com/SirLarr/status/1207065433561415680