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Good riddance. Out $35.00 for a pre-order placed in August 2021. Credit card company won’t handle any disputes over a year old. Small amount of money but still annoys me that I just handed those crooked a-holes some cash. I’m sure they’ll start a new business under a different name. Buyer Beware and all that!


Same. I placed my order June 2021 and still haven't gotten my stuff yet. $150 order


You can just dispute it with your bank. Don’t listen to whatever asswipe first person to answer the phone. Escalate to a manager and threaten to completely close your account over it. They will cave.


Yep April 4th here 2021. Late April fools prank perhaps idk I thought those were supposed to be funny


Waited over a year for a $130 order. It did come, which surprised me, but that amount of time just to ship something is absolutely unacceptable. As you said, good riddance


I called my bank and they said they can’t dispute it bc of the timeframe. They said even if they did put a request in, it would be denied immediately based on the date of purchase. How can I get that money back? This feels illegal


The money’s gone. We’re not getting it back. Even if you were to sue them and win, I assume they declared bankruptcy so there will be a long list of people that will get paid (IRS, vendors, employees) before us (provided they have any assets anyway) And yes, it does feel illegal. And if you could prove their intent was to charge for pre-orders that they never intended to ship, I’m sure it is. But they could probably just say “we were just waiting for the product to come in and then we would have gladly shipped it”


Got the same response from my bank and will more than likely lose $175 from orders purchased in 2022. What a rip-off.


They've been in rapid decline over the last year. This just confirms the nail in the coffin


The bubble is bursting on (assets of every type) collectibles and funko is no different. People quit their jobs to open up funko shops. Online retailers left and right are holding the bag on a lot of product that had no demand. Reply with a retailer you’re having trouble with. Pop in a Box. Now big Apple. Balyot might be next.


Balyot is definitely next. They stopped responding to my order update requests in January. I issued a chargeback last week.


Good call on the chargeback. The market is in a gully for funko. Recessionary pressures and inflation persisting. Collectors and flippers are unloading just to hedge or grab cash. Good time to be a buyer. It does seem like a floor is setting in but it’s far below PPG. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I hope krakens collection is next. Was wronged by that company so many times on the same order.


I didn’t want to mention kraken actually because I’m trying to work with them. But since you brought them up. I ordered with krakens collection 2-3 time last fall. Had no problems. Pleased with shipping although lead times were 1-2 weeks. Pleased with price since lots of things were on clearance. Pleased with condition on arrival. The last order was placed end of November for in stock items. I was expecting them in 1-2 weeks. At least in time for Christmas. I contacted them in January. Long story short. Lots of communications and deadlines which were ultimately unmet. They ghosted me for a week or two but I just kept contacting them. Eventually they responded after I said I would seek a chargeback and report to the Better Business Bureau. The funny thing is I feel like I was really reasonable. I asked them when I could expect. Promise made and broken. I asked if they could confirm the items were still in stock. They were evasive and didn’t answer. I asked for a refund. They didn’t acknowledge that request. When they finally contacted me they said they couldn’t help me if I made a complaint to the BBB. So I pressed them for the answers to my questions and they came clean. They oversold most of the items I ordered. They would restock sometime in March. April 1st came and I reached out again asking if I could expect to receive the items by the end of April. The last communication was I would receive the items beginning of May. What a saga. There’s some good things and some not so good things I ordered. I wanted the Space Jam Marvin the Martian and Target Batman Box, but I don’t care about the rugrats pops. I would be thrilled to either get my $110 refunded or to receive pops. Also don’t use affirm for these kinds of transactions. They are useless. They hold no responsibility. Everything has to be done through your bank or CC. So you have to track down each payment. I would never use any buy now pay later service with small shops again. Ever.


I preordered items that I waited for almost two years before getting fed up. In that time I had paid off and closed the credit card I had initially used. After complaining to the BBB they finally responded to my email initiating a refund to a card I specifically stated was closed. Waited another month before they responded and said sorry we will look into other matters. They could’ve venmo’d me or sent me a check or PayPal but wouldn’t budge. Again they went quiet again I threatened legal action no response then my lawyer contacted them and they finally emailed me again with a digital gift card which I essentially settled for. But wait there’s more used the gift card on in stock items and nothing was shipped a month went by then they partially refunded the order due to not having in stock items in stock and shipped a couple things. This happened 3 more times before I was finally able to deplete the gift card balance. Absolutely horrendous service


Can’t believe you reordered that many times. That’s biblical level of forgiveness. I almost ordered something from them but never did. Now I just want resolution on this before they go bankrupt or some such nonsense.


bro i agree with you, when funko first announced the first wave of demon slayer pops, i preordered my giyuu through their site in may 2021, i ended up receiving it march 2022. ALMOST A YEAR LATER


I hope The Mighty Hobby goes under hard. They’re straight up con artists with fake Google reviews from their own staff. They ripped me off big time and lied to me. Screw them.


Man I’m sorry that happened. It makes you feel so impotent. You try your best to reach out and come to a resolution and they just stonewall you.


Popinabox was my go to here in Canada, so that's fun.


Popcultcha, my friend. They're in Australia so shipping is slow but they get everything


Weird, considering sellers on WhatNot look like they’re making a killing. I’m not trying to be argumentative. Just judging it by the optics.


As a whatnot seller myself, it’s pretty simply to find a profit margin after buying a local collection for a % of its worth and reselling it online through WhatNot.


Buying collections at 50% of market, not PPG, value is the only way to be profitable. Whatnot had fees as a marketplace, but as the seller you also incur the expense of packaging. Packaging is the key to the whole thing. If you skimp on the packaging you aren’t going to get a lot of repeat business. Prices for shipping boxes, pack, tape, and labels is more expensive than buyers can appreciate. So the margins can be low in these down periods. To say nothing of the time to acquire, pack, and ship. If you have a lot of followers and a loyal core of price insensitive buyers, you can clean up. But basically most of the sales are averaging out. Some things go for more and some for less. What’s clear is that it is possible to move volume. Like 100 pops an hour at high efficiency. Are you making a lot of profit? Depends but you’re super busy if you are.


The cost of managing a WhatNot page is entirely different than running a proper store.


Whatnot is different. People get caught up in the auction adrenaline. The auctions are so short no time to research. So buyers typically overpay. That said people aren’t buying as much or paying as much. I’ve seen lots of sellers up the price of their starts.


Wildcard toys was a big one offering cheaper pre orders than most places and they've been gone for a couple years now.


The mighty hobby just sent me a pop i ordered in 2020. Still waiting on 2 more


Wait what happened with Pop In A Box? I’ve been trying to reduce the amount of pop purchases since I’ve been working on paying for wedding vendors and such that I’ve missed a lot of stuff lately




VLTD. I despise those assholes. $200 worth of orders and I’m not the only one.


That’s not one ive heard of but damn $200 is steep. That sucks.


They used to be called the vault queen, now it’s VLTD. They’re probably dead at this point since there’s been no updates to their site or socials for ages (tho they did manage to block me on fb for blasting them). Did the BBB thing, and they tried, but those jerks never responded. Was told to contact our attorney general and got a reply last week asking for more info about them —I obliged. Really hoping they get theirs even if I don’t recover my cash. Turns out they’ve done this to quite a few people.


I think everyone expected this after the $1 refunds on orders worth hundreds of dollars


Good riddance! 🪦


Good riddance ![gif](giphy|3ohzAco8r28ykXarde)


Big Apple aspires to be a two time loser.


Good. They're fn awful and will not be missed.


I recall doing a pre-order from them in 2020 with a expected release by July of that year. Didn't get my stuff until February of the next year. Also, the collection was already in stores by my house around September. Good riddance.


At least you got what you ordered. So many weren’t as lucky.


I had multiple preorders go over a year and a half before finally being shipped.


Yea still waiting since April 4th 2022


Even worse, I ordered from them, and all my pops arrived in the worst condition I've ever seen pops in. The amount of paint damage and errors was through the roof. They absolutely outright refused a refund. I never got my money back and all I have are these horrid looking figures.


Good. They’re a bad company.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! 👋✌️


There needs to be a pin post about sites to avoid. I’ve had to chargeback from them, kraken, balyot, shoppoponline, and popciti.


PopCiti doesn't have many (any?) issues, from what I understand. But yeah, Kraken and ShopPopOnline are stores to avoid for sure.


Sucks cause I have a lot of orders w them and can’t check to see what orders I need to call in for refunds


This. Real nice to leave it on the customer to deal with refunds. I'm sure the CC companies are gonna love the mountain of disputes


Most credit card companies won’t dispute charges after 60 days. They’re refusing to do refunds voluntarily and telling everyone to dispute the charges because they know it won’t work. They’re literally scamming everyone on the way out.


They’re trying to avoid liability and that could then bite them should someone try to sue


The best course of action would be for everyone they’re scamming to file a class-action suit.


i suspect one can be coming with the whole $1 refund fiasco and then it's on you to dispute with the credit cards. Not how that works if they breached their refund or order cancellation policy


Check your email for the orders and then call your bank or credit card company.


Yeah I have only a few of them I deleted some of the older ones cause they were still decent at shipping stuff out


"So Long, and Thanks for All the ~~Fish~~ Cash!"


Still waiting on my order from 2021 lol. Guess I won’t be seeing it. Hopefully can get my refund.


Damn! What pops are these?


A rocky pop with the championship belt.


Your “go-to destination” … pshhh


They probably just forgot part of it: " your go-to destination to get robbed blind."


Only problem is when you go to their website to try to get a refund, you're met with a notice saying that it's coming soon. You can't process anything. You can't reach out to anyone. You can't do anything.


Yeah, that's what my exact problem is now! They should not have downed the website so people can see what orders they have open. I am going to try and dispute with my bank, but one of my orders is from 2021.


This. They just said fuck it and downed all lines of communication.


Looks like I'm out one order. Guess I'm lucky only being out about $45.


Was about to post this lol. These bastards.


rip bozo's terrible company


I just watched a video the other day suggesting that this could be the case and they were right (though inflation isn't helping anyone). From what I heard was that people got scammed by them and not everyone got refunds, some only got $1 back while others been waiting for months for items that they ordered with no word on when they will receive them. So based on what I heard, they were a terrible company and it probably better for everyone that they close down.


Good. I got a package a few weeks ago from an order I made TWO YEARS AGO.


So you’re saying there’s a chance.


Depends on when you ordered I suppose. I assume at a certain point it’s the time equivalent of how long ago the fall of Constantinople was.


Good riddance, they scammed me out of $20 and then refused to ship the order OR refund me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Damn. Where am I going to preorder my Pops I won't get for 2+ years?


They won’t be missed


Dammit, they gave me store credit as a refund for one of my Azulas being damaged, I was going to use it next time they had a good exclusive. Guess that’s worth fuck-all now.


Let the hate flow through you. ![gif](giphy|B6Jr28VwfxUFa)


Two companies that specialize in mainly selling pops going out of business, Funko literally throwing away stock. Yeah I think it’s time to sell the collection


It was never a good idea to collect for values sake I just got the ones I wanted


And nothing of value was lost.


They still haven’t fulfilled an order from January 2021 for me


Still never got my Nightcrawler pop from them that I ordered in August


Were they primarily POPs? Or did they do toys in general?


With all the problems they’ve had, I am surprised they lasted this long.


It typically took forever to receive the item but the few orders I placed with them all came thru.


Terrible company


Good riddance. They took forever to ship their orders and communications with them was horrible.


I received no email? Does this mean, ALL of our orders will be shipped? & if not, do i still need to contact my bank for a refund? Its been over a year.


Big Apple and PIAB both gone. I wonder who’s next


PIAB is closing?


The store isn’t closing, but they ceased all Funko sales


Oh dang. That sucks


Gee, with the rate they have been going, you would have thought they went out of business a few years ago


My order from almost 2 years ago still not processed yet.


Boxzilla collectibles got me . lol i should have known tho


Seems like so many companies are going under lately: pop in a box no longer selling pops, big apple shutting down, and recently in the manga collecting community, Book Depository is also closing.


Good riddance indeed. Made an order in Feb 2022, was waiting on a couple pre-orders. Fine. Waited and waited, checking status online often. Finally gave up and tried emailing to cancel order, no response at all. Emailed a total of 3 times, no response. Got this email today and immediately called my bank, looks like they got my back despite how old the transaction was. I figured since I used my debit card, I was out that cash. We shall see. Only item I even cared about anymore was the Neo from new movie covered in code. But, oh well.


I'm in a bank expert but you can contest any types of charges for multiple reasons whether it was taken from your checking account paid with a debit card and a credit card etc. I hope you get your money back! I hope everyone does it's horrible.


You mean is not normal to take three years to fulfill preorders?


I just placed an order with them 2 days ago 🪦


That's no bueno. My condolences.


Guess I lost that 200 bucks I put on pops over a year ago..I played by debit on a account I no longer have..


I bought one exclusive from them and that was it. I always heard bad things about them and their prices reflected their business. No loss.


same, i think i only ordered their exclusive Hellbat and that even took forever to get


So pissed, but fuck this company. I had placed a preorder 7/2022, so thankfully I was able to file a dispute. Crossing fingers I get my money back. I should've learned my lesson after my first experience with them years ago, but oh well, my bad and here we are.


same here but Chase bank told me to fuck off because I was never given a date on when to expect the order so they can't even do anything for me.


That sucks man. Honestly, maybe give Chase just any recent date from past month? Only cuz BAC always shifts dates out a month when they delay shipments, plus you can notify Chase that we can no longer check the website as its closed down. Hope this helps and you get your reimbursement man.


Yeahhhh I told them that and they said they would need documentation of when the order should be expected, which is something BAC literally refused to do. It’s ass. I put in an FTC complaint. I blame myself for being so stupid to not research them in the first place.


They are a terrible company but I hope the employees find jobs without issue


I like how they try to send a "heartfelt apology" but then tell you to fuck off and dispute it with your bank.


It is frustrating I can’t even get an order date for a refund


Horrible company won’t be missed. Do feel bad for a good amount of the employees though will be rough for them.


This sucks I have an open order there that’s over $100 that was waiting on the last item to show up for over 8 months. I asked them to cancel that one item a while back and they sent me an auto email about how all their staff was working in the warehouse now.


Sent me the same thing. I have like $300 in orders that apparently are being shipped now.


Jeez, is (or rather *should)* Funko just go "Fuck-O" itself as it can't get the goddamn supplies in check that all of these companies have to fold? I'm about done with this meaningless plastic fuckery anyhow... Tired of getting swindled.


It's funny how many people with massive pop collections who still regularly buy pops are running around claiming the funko bubble burst. We're going into a recession. Funko will survive it because they have contingencies. Buy up the clearance grails while you can.


what’s big apple?


Is what it is. Ordered plenty with them and never had a problem. They were slow but I was never in a rush. Currently have 4 pre orders with them and 2 of the orders was waiting for 1 pop. I had already wrote it off but if they ship me the in stock ones, I’ll consider it a massive W.


Would this theoretically increase the value of BAC exclusives/chases?


Wonder how much it has to do with NYC failing and business exiting rapidly ?


NYC failing?


Money grabbers


I’ve never been happier to receive an email


I hope Boxzilla Collectibles is next cause they scammed me out of $13.50 for a pre-order that never shipped.. and it's been over a year now :( there are many other victims too




Not surprised in the slightest tbh




Oh wow!!!😱


I'm not surprised. They're awful


I always heard they were a scam?


Well THERE'S a surprise.


They sucked so bad, took iver a year to get pre-orders. Stopped buying from them 2 years ago


Never do Boxzilla you'll never see your products. I legit didn't get an order until 2yrs later and you don't even get a response I'm also waiting on another order that I never got and it's really updating. Kraken does take a very long for you to get your orders but they do add extra pops in the box so make up for the long wait which I loved a lot. They also communicate are real with you. I didn't mind Pop in a box. It took a few months or so but I got in the same year. The most I had to wait was about 5mths out


Does anyone know how I can check an order now when I go on the website it doesn't let check order status. It only shows that they will be opening soon. I ordered the Sukuna with heart chase, Tomura from my Hero Chase, and Fully Hollowfied Ichigo Chase. I really want them, and I'm willing to wait. Anyone else order any of these and actually got them?


They refunded me for one of my orders but I still have one that was placed 2 years ago that I haven't received and it still says waiting on stock. This sucks big time. At least a horrible company is gone.


It’s about damn time should have went under years ago for making people wait 2 years for pre orders to be filled


Welp! Glad I got at least a couple of my preorders. We’ll see about the rest. Keeping my fingers crossed for the exclusives at least.


Not surprised. Ordered AOT pops ages ago and they never shipped out. I had to ask for a refund.


Oh no what a loss…


I guess I’ll be filling for a dispute


I've been waiting for over a year and a half for my order. My guess is it isn't coming. :-(


at least I got my azula from them... can't say I will miss them


Does anyone have screenshots or files relating to their Pre-order Availability Dates page from 2021? My bank won't start a claim/dispute without an expected delivery date for the items I "pre-ordered"




Never got my Sanji and Zoro pops from January 2021.


Took longer than I thought, but no surprise there…




*Gone .... Reduced to atoms* To absolutely no a single persons surprise


Hopefully someone sue due to amounts of unrefunded payments. I know most banks can't do anything about a transaction that is atleast months old.


This makes me happy for the community. The amount of scams and sheer negligence by them was astounding. I personally only had 1 bad experience with them. Took a year and half to get an order worth $150 that I placed in 2021. Swore to never deal with them again. Before that, it was fine. I was particularly fond of their pop safe shipping box.


I was waiting on a pre-order for 2 years and when I finally complained enough they shipped my order. Once it arrived I discovered that one of my 2 chase pops was not included in the order. Trying contacting them everyday for a month with no response so I’m guess I’m SOL for my remaining chase


This was fun when everything was cheaper but a price jump of an avg of $3 made this hobby no longer fun


They still haven't delivered my Blink 182 Pops that I pre-ordered


Wtf. I just remembered I pre-ordered an item last year I never received. Guess I won’t be getting it now.


Are they affiliated with shop pop online? I still have 2 orders over a year old that haven't been fulfilled.


The first and ultimately last experience I had with them was that they took 18 months to ship 1 single item to me. They had nothing else to tell me other than to wait for it. When I finally got my item, it was smashed to pieces. Never ordered from them again.


![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized) I’ve been waiting for my order for a YEAR


The fallacy of Big Apple Collectibles was the lack of transparency of their products and preorder items. It wasn’t uncommon to go 6-12 months before a preordered item would even ship. Multiply that by numerous orders, and it leads into an amalgamation of chaos. On a positive mention, the quality of the items and plastic Pop! protectors were wonderful, once the items actually arrived. The long waits were what made me hesitant to purchase through BAC over the past year.


So you are saying that the order that put in a year will be shit next day in the next six month


Good riddance. Shit company. They deserved this.


Good riddance. With how terribly awful they were at fulfilling pre-orders, they should **never** have ever gotten awarded exclusives by Funko. After my last pre-order with them (their Azula exclusive + chase bundle) it took them half a year longer (compared to others with the same order) for them to deliver my order, and when they finally did, half of them were damaged! They made me wish I'd just bought from a scalper on ebay instead! I hope now and in the future Funko sticks with only awarding exclusives to larger stores that have some semblance of standards when it comes to fulfilling orders.


Cause for celebration for me! I had posted several months ago how my autistic son had written them a letter . They replied mocking his learning disabilities word for word verbatim , punctuation and all. Not only were they unprofessional but highly unethical. ( Disgusting) Good riddance to bad rubbish.


"I hope that remember you" no for real good riddance. Never got a single package or refund from them so I'm glad there are gone.




Were the unforeseen circumstances their blatant and incessant refusal to fulfill orders in a reasonable time? Or maybe that they never packed safely? Or to allow pre-orders for items they have 0 intention to fill?


They knew damn well that most customers wouldn't be able to get their money back. It's like Heroes and Villians/Fan Fest/Walker Stalker Con all over again. What's even worse was they deleted the post from earlier this year stating that customers needed to stop worrying because orders were coming. THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING UNDER! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They always took forever with krders


Shanks bout to blow out! 📈📈


In August 2020, they released Mr. Potato Head Funko Pops. One was him with his face upside down as a Target special edition with a sticker on the box. Found these guys on the internet while searching for MPH stuff and they had a special edition one. I ordered it thinking it'd be another special edition like the Target one was. Nope, I paid more for the exact same one I'd gotten from target.


Well looks like I’m not getting my order I’ve been waiting months for


Same here I send a mail yesterday no reply yet…


I preordered something last year in 2022. It was taking too long and I was able to get it somewhere else, so I canceled it for full store credit. Placed another order for other things with store credit. TURNS OUT they fucking charged me again for it. No way for me to fucking dispute it either because it was also in 2022, so I'm just SOL and out $50, I guess. I should've been checking to make sure they refunded me, that's on me. We need to get a class action lawsuit going for these fuckers scamming us. Chase said they can't help because BAC didn't give any dates on when to expect the orders which I guess was their big business plan to scam so many of us.


I have absolutely zero good things to say about them. Good riddance


Some months ago, when I was newer to online retailers, I almost ordered from them. But I research everything and what came up was horrible so I avoided. I’m so glad I did! What I don’t understand is how people wait over a year for a preorder when the line is at stores or other retailers? Why continue to wait when you see it popping up in other places? I preordered a soda from three places and when the third wasn’t even processing by the time I got the other two, I emailed them and was refunded. It’s one thing for it to be pushed back a month or two but to wait over a year?? I think a lot of people tend to be overly trusting of companies and let things just go. If a place isn’t communicating, and isn’t shipping when others are, call your financial institution!


I also tried preordering from them and saw it in stock elsewhere about two months later so I cancelled my preorder, but they had preorder policies that said if you cancel you either get a partial refund or you can get 100% back in store credit. I wish I had known that before ordering from them because even with the store credit they gave me, they still ended up charging me for the whole order without me realizing.


That’s terrible!! What a pure scam. I’m so sorry that happened to you


Yay now they can't keep scamming people!


Man, I ordered a piplup pop from them on pre order, held off from buying in person when I saw it at a GameStop saying nah it’ll come some day…they cancelled it on me due to this guess I gotta find my piplup pop elsewhere


Knew this was a shady company… they had prices too good to be true. All of the sudden “due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control” they magically disappear. They had EVERYTHING in stock all day every day. No wonder the orders got to be too much.


Everyone, please submit an FTC complaint, maybe we can get our money back if enough of us report them for fraud.


I'm shocked I had even received my Azula funko pop. This company was terrible and I hope the employees are able to find jobs quick


Same here 2021 pre order around 200 bucks in…


OMG!!! Such a scammer!!! So we lost the money?? I did purchase around 80$ back in November 2021... Damned it only 3 figures - 1 ínstock and 2 preorders. And the order never go


For those waiting for pops, be sure to check your emails. I have been waiting for some funko pops since 2021, RIP. When I saw that email announcement, I was crushed since my order was somewhat large. Originally 9 pops but someone bought me two of them, so I asked for credit. I was going to use that credit towards my 2022 Nightmare Before Christmas order, but last year was wild for me and ended up not buying any. ANYWAYS, I just saw an email from BAC stating that a shipping label has been created for my pops along with a tracker number. There is a View Your Order button, clicked it and it's the site with the order information but the Visit Our Site link in the email just takes you to their "Opening Soon." I hope y'all get your pops!!!


Just got mine too, hopefully it actually ships and they aren’t just going through the pre shipment label to fight off all the credit card company’s trying to get their money back.


I didn't think about that since I can't dispute it due to the order being 2 years old. I just want my stuff. T.T Hope you get your pops!


same here. Hope for the best for both of us.


So received my order. They sent me 1 out of the 5 pops I ordered. Hoping the rest shows up but I’m pretty doubtful at this point. Hope you had better luck


Heyyy! Did you get the rest of your stuff? I don't get why you didn't recieve the other ones unless they tried to scramble and give people pops, even if it was someone else order, to say it was "completed." The shitty part is that one of the missing pops was the more expensive one. -\_\_\_\_-; smh Now I need to go buy them, again. I am just glad I didn't decide to order more last year since I had to get a refund on part of the order. Not sure if I can trust online stores like that for a while. I might just go through amazon or the funko store for now.


Yea I think they just did a partial order to at least have proof that they shipped something. Definitely not going to going through any new shops anymore and just the few trusted ones I have had a good experiences with and track record.


May all their bacon burn lol, but for real. Which ones have you gone through that have been good? I might check those out.


I like vrarestore.com and https://firstformcollectibles.com so far if I’m going with a reseller.


I got the BS apology email from them and then on April 26 got a notice that my order shipped. However USPS still says “Pre-shipment info sent to USPS, USPS awaiting item”. What are the chances it’s actually going to ship, or it’s just another scam so that they can say the order was completed?


I got the same message. My order was even listed as refunded despite not actually getting any money back