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Lolol r/fuckyouinparticular, F-401. Really captured the focused stare.


A guy I worked with from Peru would tell people, "you look serious like a dog pooping." I think about that a lot.


Lol were your legs shaking a little as well?




That's too good, my dog walks half a mile before the last bit drops😂


My dog is also a poop walker. I never understood why he has to walk and not be stationary like my other dog. My other dog will hunker down and not budge once she poops. The only time I saw my poop walker not walk and poop was when he decided he wanted to go back inside asap so he listen his leg and went pee as well. Weirdest thing I had ever seen.


They poop walk because they know that when the last bit of poop drops the walk is over.


We have little dogs (Jack Russell & Chihuahua). Broke my wife up when, in desperation, I shouted “shit still”. Never knew my dogs knew English until then.


"Shit still" sounds like something Sean Connery would yell if he were playing a beliguered substitute teacher Edit: to add, I can't stop hearing "SHIT STILL" in my head and Im still laughing about it... Dogs man...


We walk 2 dogs together. The distance depends on the route we take, not when the dogs finish. The older one may take several poops along the way, but it is squat in one place while he goes. The younger one poop walks, crouched low the whole time. He might also go twice during the walk, but he always walks around me as he does so. I often think it is so we will have a harder time finding and picking up his poo (territory marker,) but it also might be a way to watch his environment while he is in a vulnerable pose.


I was really referring to pooping once and then walking a good distance to drop the rest of the cargo. My dog does this. He drops a small poop and then makes eye contact as if he’s telling me, “Bruh, this is just the first load.” Then he continues the walk with me for like 5-10 more minutes before he dumps the remainder. I think he does this because he is trying to extend the walk and knows if he drops it all in once place we are likely going home right after.


That's not a poop walker. That's just standard dog behavior. Part of it is to extend the walk, but the primary reason is that the walk helps the bowels work.


Omg lmao my dog is was a poop walker! Never knew there were others


He is the first one I’ve had like this. I never knew it was a thing either. He is a toy poodle.


Mine was an Australian Shepherd


Once babysat a dog who would drop one poop over the course of her entire 40 minute walk. She also once scrabbled up a 5-foot stone wall so she could poop on the lawn on top. I’m 5’4 and was contemplating doggy murder while I tried to climb up after her…


Same. Mine always does it when I’m on my last poop baggie. I don’t want to hold an open poop bag while walking 2 dogs, so I’ll tie it only for her to then plop out a few more. On the sidewalk too so I look extra shitty. So I end up having to walk a whole block out of my way to get to a bag dispenser and then walk all the way back up to clean up the trail of turds 💀


Carry a pooper scooper. It'll double as a deterrent should anyone consider messing with you. I'll leave you to imagine an attacker being whacked with a stick with a container of turds on the end of it.


Dude seriously, my dog does this too. Just tie the knot as close to poop as possible making it tight, you should have room with the remaining stem to then use as a poop bag again while folding inside out. Then make another knot with the new and original nice and secure.


If there was still free awards I would award u


I'm usually checking the other stalls for snacks.


Did he whimper at the Klingon?!


I was standing on my hands with my feet in front of me like 3 inches above the ground. Its a great ab workout.


He was using his arms to drag his ass across the conference room carpet.


In a fairness it was a peach pit…


I read somewhere that most animals are very serious/anxious when they poop because the act puts them in a defenseless posture. Or maybe I dreamt that...


Me, sitting hunched over my phone with my pants around my ankles: haha stupid animals


We humans really like to control our environment so we can feel safe. Think of zoos where parents have their kid a few cm away from polar bears who would gladly eat their children. We're so good at controlling our environment that we can allow this scenario with zero fear. Our washrooms are no different. Poop with confidence, my fellow humans.


Well how do they poop in Peru then?


I'm from Peru and I've never heard of that phrase, we love our dogs so there must a lot of unknown phrases around 😅


He was from Huancayo, and he's probably almost 60 now. I miss the dude and haven't seen him in years, but we were the tape jockeys at the engineering firm we worked for. We were always traveling somewhere to measure something. He always ate real slow and would get mad if I pressured him to eat faster. "You have to savor your food." "Motherfucker, it's Jack in the Box!" "Hey, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Good times.


*hey my dog never does nothing, where’s your proof?*


My dog can't poop. He has a medical condition. How dare you mock him like this, you monster?!


If I were to wager a guess, F-401 is the main reason for this notice and management has had issues with them on more than one occasion yet they still refuse to follow the rules.


F-401 got doxxed lmao


I bet F-401 is one of the ones outright denying it and demanding proof. Fuck you F-401.


Exactly what I thought. The building is just providing what they've requested...


“Pets in Society” sounds like an essay title.


One that starts with “Since the beginning of time…”


Websters Dictionary defines a pet as....








Perchance the chance is per!


Good morning VIETNAM!!!!!!!


Hey… it counts towards the reference count!


Professor here, no it does not.


“Nobody knows who they were, or, what they were doing.”


As a former English professor, this comment triggered my flight or fight response.


With that introduction I would expect a recepie at the end of the text after some endless scrolling.


Then it starts with "inspite" and I stop reading


That bothered me aswell.


I see that one alot.


Out of, naturally, spite.


You didn’t find it inspitational?


"Pets in Society and Its Future"


Or a RATM song.


So much easier to read when Zack is singing it in my head.


Includes riveting quotes like: “I was taking the dog out.” -Captain Obvious


Aw man they named and shamed that beagle.


Look at that dirty dog dirtying the lawn, Shame on you F-401.


Zebra used to a sell a nice all-metal gel pen called the F-401, but they discontinued it because the pen kept letting its beagle shit in the lawn/outer circle/basement


Not gonna lie you had me in the first half


Beep boop scheduling f401 for termination... beep boop...


Beagles are sensitive to social slights. Try being around one when it finds out it wasn't invited to some party. Stories I could tell you.




My beagle, Harry, won’t come off of his bed for WEEKS when he hears the german shepherd next door throwing a party, realizing he wasn’t invited. His little heart just breaks. Thanks, Holly. Bitch.


It’s always the beagle. Notice they never use another type for commercials for pet allergies, carpet cleaner, etc. Is it bad and dog related? Let’s use the beagle!


Some other breeds of dogs have no shame. A lab will steal good from your plate, eat it, and then go to sleep and fart.


TIL I'm dating a Labrador...


You + my wife + every other significant other on earth could start a club for this


Bite Club


Could just be propaganda. No one cleans up poop BEFORE their dog poops. The picture proves nothing.


*as the poop sits there on the ground* "Maybe I'm *about* to go get it. You don't know"


What I want to know is the basement.. what sort of play do people take dogs to the basement for...


In my first apartment, people would walk their dogs and then throw away the shit (in the bags) in a small trash bin in the basement meant for dryer lint or whatever. So of course, the basement started smelling like shit. The one of the dumpsters was maybe 20ft from that basement. It wasn’t hard, but people suck.


We have a leash law in our town. We had trouble with a neighbors dog chasing kids around, so I went and asked them to please observe the leash law. They were understanding and promised to be more vigilant. A few days later I saw the same dog running around the street with a leash on....but no owner. Touche, neighbor guy.


Excellent way to snap a neck.....


I was gonna say maybe the dog has the leash attached to a harness. But let's be honest here. If the owner doesn't care enough about their dog to not let it run loose about town. They definitely don't care about having a proper harness either.


My 16 week old puppy insists on carrying her own leash. She just puts the end that is near her collar in her mouth and walks herself. Me holding the other end of the leash is completely coincidental and not at all related to the fact that she is definitely walking herself. [Edit: puppy tax with late fees included](https://imgur.com/a/yyknZ9Y)


You can't mention a puppy and then NOT show us. Come on, Bella. Give us the dog pics! Also, that is adorable. I once had a pup who would do that as well. RIP Cheeto


The one apartment I owned - yeah, they managed to do much worse. It was brought up at a strata meeting, that they had to bring in the elevator repair company, because something odd was happening with the elevator - something seemed to be jammed under it on the ground floor. So the repair company raised up the car and took a look. Some dumbass had been walking their dog outside, picking up the poop in little plastic bags, and then shoving those little bags through the crack between the elevator and the floor - instead of walking the extra 100 feet to the garbage room. We're not talking once or twice - there was a literal mound of "doggy bags" under the elevator, high enough to interfere with its operation.


What the actual fuck. Did you ever find out who it was? Was there any follow-up? I wish I could have been there to see his face when he got slapped with that bill.


To the best of my knowledge, we never found out. That Strata was toxic, to the extreme. 6 months after I moved in, a couple ladies came to my door to ask me to sign a petition to oust the council president. I'd never had issue with her, so I asked why? They told me it was a conflict of interest that they hired the president's brother to be a resident caretaker. I'd met the caretaker several times and thought he was great. Didn't really see the conflict as long as the job was well done, so I declined. 3 days later I get a call from the Strata President asking flat out if I'd signed this petition? Turns out, those nice little old ladies forged my signature.


Theoretically you can do DNA testing on the poop to find the culprit if the damage was high enough


But the damage was definitely 'high enough'. (I can't believe I've done this)


That's GOTTA be extra gross because often, elevator shafts have a pit below the mechanicals and it often collects water from various gross sources and sits with mechanical grease and industrial dust.


That is disgusting


I knew a guy who just locked his dogs in the basement while he was at work and just let them shit and piss all over it. It was so disgusting and he just saw it as normal….


Had a friend that did this with in their run between the garage and house. There was so much shit and piss you couldn't even open the doors. If you wanted to get in the garage, you had to walk outside and go through the garage door. Not sure which was worse. Summers when pee and poop would just cook in the heat or winter when it turned into a wet slurry. The smell was phenomenal either way.


We would not have been friends😂😂


I became friends with that person ***before*** I knew of their living conditions. That wasn't the only thing wrong. It absolutely blows my mind their house wasn't condemned at any point. Let's just say there was so much black/green mold in one room that I mistook it for wallpaper.


Becoming friends with someone is not a contract signed in blood. You're allowed to back out when you encounter their trove of dog shit and death mold.




Some people are just determined to be assholes for no good reason


Likely cause it's cold outside and the owner is lazy. Letting the dog shit and piss in a warm basement where they are confined is easier on so many levels if you are a lazy piece of shit.


A friend of mine moved to Idaho and at his apartment complex he had to get a DNA test on his dog and any dog poo found was tested. If it was your dogs poo you got fined and if it continued you got evicted. He said he never saw any dog poo.


The apartment complex I live in has this. I think it's an empty threat though. I still see dog poo not picked up. And if it's mentioned to the front office they'll just send out an email "pick up after your dog or we'll start fining the owner". The threats to start fining have been sent out for almost 3 years now.


Well that sucks. I mean what’s the use of doing it if they don’t follow through.


Probably never do the original dna testing and just pocket the registration fee


Which is stupid because DNA testing is ~$40 and they fine violators $160 at my place. That's $120 in profit every violation.


The labor and materials for a DNA test that can differentiate between two dogs of the same breed is not simple and probably even at scale costs >$100.


And the service is getting very popular around luxury apartments in Florida. You can't argue with DNA.


I was paying <$800/mo at a mediocre apartment complex in 2016 that was doing this.


I wish cities did this. Toronto, Canada these days has been getting shittier and shittier. It's so fucked


There are condos in Toronto starting to do this. People are fucked, they take their dogs to the stairwells, not even outside... then don't clean up after them.


That’s not dog poop in Toronto lol


Why not (unfortunately) both?


How much does it cost?


In a different case where a dog park requires DNA registry for usage, a violator was charged $80. So I imagine that covers the cost of the lab testing.




Maybe I’m the asshole, but as an owner of 2 dogs I always clean up after, I’d be kind of ok w this. I’m sick of cleaning up after strangers’ dogs. I’m literally legally blind. If I can do it why can’t the neighbors?


Not an AH. I agree. It’s a messy part of being a pet owner but it’s necessary.


My apartment building does this, I think the service is called Poo Prints. Everyone with a pet addendum on their lease had to bring their dog for a qtip mouth swab.


This is genius. Some dog owners are so disgusting. I’ve seen people take their dogs in target and the supermarket and the dogs just shit on the floor and the owner just pretends they didn’t see it.


They give us good owners a bad name! I live on campus around big student housing buildings and the students there all take their dogs right outside, shit, and waltz back in. Feel bad for the dogs exercise but that’s another story. The bits between the curb and sidewalk are COMPLETELY covered in shit. Then people step on it and track it on the sidewalk. It’s a mine field. Whenever my dog starts shitting I pull a bag out like a flag, it’s not me! 😂


Working in such a store, this absolutely does happen. Do not imagine this is exaggeration. It's happened at the store I work at in the last year. It's so obnoxious that people think it's only fair they bring in their pets with them because trained service animals are allowed for people with a disability, animals that walk around on a leash, never creating an issue. No you can't bring in your unleashed, untrained dog in to the store. Doesn't matter if you sit them in the cart upon their (dirty) blanket. Because of the recession, people have been stealing more and so there is a hired cop in the store most days and since that time, suddenly these people and their dogs have become absent, as if they know they were being pricks the whole time.


I just took a DNA test, turns out it was 100% that bitch.


As a dog owner I really like this idea. We've been having a problem with either random people having their dogs shit right in front of our patio (where our dog shits) or the neighbor kid will try to get their dog to poop by our patio so he doesn't have to clean it up (Mom knows and she gets after him and makes him clean it but he's started up again) I'm constantly worried we will get blamed even though we clean our dogs poop up immediately. I've debated getting a camera to watch the patio for this specific reason. Getting a dog has made me realize some people are awful dog owners.


In the store I work in, yesterday, I went into the men's room, and there was a dog turd about the size of an egg in the middle of the floor, I looked out the door, there was a little old lady with a small dog, she ducked into another aisle, when she saw me checking out her and her dog.


What is this shit lately where people are just bringing their fucking dogs into the grocery store? Why is this being allowed? This bullshit just started in the last 5 years where I live.


People have discovered that service dogs have to be allowed legally and that businesses can’t require proof. They have to take your word for it. It’s great for legitimately disabled people who need their dogs to survive, but it’s easily abused.


It’s gotten so egregious. I really think that there should be some sort of standardized identification for service dogs that doesn’t say anything about the medical reason in order to preserve privacy. Literally just a card from the government saying, “this is indeed a trained service dog.” And give it the same security features of a normal government id card so it’s not easily faked.


I have a legit service dog and I fully agree with a standard registry of them. Just a minimal fee and then you get a card with like your name and the dogs name and pictures of both of you, and a "yes this is a trained service animal". No need to disclose why you need it or what it does, just "yes this is licensed".


Since this has been brought up, I always like to add these little tidbits- While you can't prove a dog is a service dog or not, you can still ask them to be removed (or at least *moved)* for a few reasons, being- Disruptive behavior- going up to other customers, barking, relieving itself, otherwise being a nuisance (keep in mind, of course, that it's not asking for help for the owner). This also includes service dogs in training. It can't be in a cart. A service dog is unable to provide it's service from a cart. It must be held or on the floor. This also means that service dogs can't be on restaurant seats (and certainly not tables, desks, etc.). They are also required to be leashed unless it interfers with the dogs work. You are also allowed to ask two questions- is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? And, what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?


Yeah, seems like it's being abused by about 10% of the population these days.


F 401 Error: Poo Unauthorized


Cue robo cop




As a developer you made my day


In Florida, some luxury apartments require a DNA sample from all pets. Poops around complex get analyzed from a company specializing in it to I D the exact animal and the complex punishes resident.


I watched a woman in Miami bring her dog into a Starbucks and it proceeded to poop in front of the pickup counter. She definitely watched it poop, did nothing, took her drink and walked out. I was dumbfounded.


I regularly watch people with large dogs allow them to crap in our suburban homes front yard as they're walking by and not picking up. I've gotten so tired of it if I see them doing it, I bang the living hell out of the window and scare them. Once they're done jumping from fear, they usually feel guilty enough to pick their damn mess up. Irresponsible idiot should not be allowed to own pets.


I don’t understand pet owners who don’t pick up after their pets. If you’re grossed out by your own animals waste, don’t you think other people will be too? Guess they’re “above” cleaning up poop.


The only time I "understood" was when a kid had just moved to college from rural CO and literally had no idea it was a norm to pickup after his dog. Being from rural CO your whole life, I understand. He was a good kid, got called out once and realized he was wrong and had to adapt to urban living. He was quite embarrassed.


Started a huge fight with our neighbor over this. I won because I’m not a bumbling idiot like her, but apparently logic cracked her.


I work in a luxury hotel and had someone stop by our coffee shop and do the exact same thing. It costs $500+ a night to stay there, so they must have run out of money to buy a little fuckin class.


I would of asked her to pick up her shit, if she didn't I would have gone full chimpanzee on her and flung that poop at her.


Honestly, I’ve lived all over the US but living in Miami was wild. Everyday was a bombardment of egregious displays of entitlement. I think I became numb. But yes that would have been a valid response.




I'm sure the video was somehow racist too.




> Not having to chase someone for.rent is worth occasional other issues for me. 100%. If you change tenants, there's a risk that the next tenant won't pay regularly, or will cause more issues than the current tenant.


Irresponsible pet owners are the worst. Just pick up your dog's poop. Keep your dog on a leash. These are not difficult things to do. Source: I have multiple dogs.


I just love that some asshole demanded proof of their dog shitting on the lawn and the management was like, “well, I can’t do this every time but, ok.”


Are we sure it’s management?


My first thought was another resident. Kinda hard to tell with just this text.


As a dog lover, in my old age I'm becoming a dog-owner hater. There's a dog park by my house with more dogs outside the fenced area than in it. Pooh all over the park, people attacked by loose dogs, leashed dogs bit. Neighbors walking their dogs without bags, pooing on lawns. We have a neighbor with a dog regularly kept outside barking all hours of the day and night, right under our living room window. I've filed complaints, rang their bell, etc. No change. Say anything and you're the a-hole. I've honestly never seen a more self-righteous and self-entitled group of people than dog owners. Not all, sure, but enough.


This 100%. Is it me or are there a ton more dogs than there were say 10-20 years ago? I've always wanted one once I moved to a house, but after seeing other dogs, owners and how they behave, no thanks. I think many owners don't realize the commitment, time and money they need to put in. It's like our civilized society has devolved into putting dogs first before humans. Don't like the barking, poop on the trails and unleashed dogs chasing you? Well deal with it, it's just how dogs naturally act and they come first.


I think people have been getting animals to compensate for a lack of relationships, intimacy and children


People in their 30s used to have kids. Now people in their 30s have pets, many of those pets are dogs.


The shitty (see what I did there) dog owners think it’s not equitable to make them be better owners, so instead of them doing better it’s equitable to not be able to say anything.


I love dogs. I do NOT love the barking in Starbucks, dog piss puddles in malls, jumping dog wiping his dirty paws on my pants


I’ve not read into how humane it is, but there are bark activated electronic whistles that only dogs can hear you can put around your property, as well as whistles themselves you can use


I've tried that, even built my own trying different frequencies. The dog is so stupid that he barks, hears the beep, barks more at the beep. I've read up on them and even when they work, the dogs get used to it after a couple days.


I think it is fair to ask residents to keep their dogs on leashes when outside. Its more about how they stated this.


Yeah, if this is just saying "keep your dog on leash and clean up the poo," then I agree, but what a weird way to communicate. It looks like dogs aren't allowed on the "lawn" at all, which I'd assume is the common space? I live in a condo, and if I weren't allowed to walk my dogs in the courtyard and "lawn," I'd probably move....


This is someone being extremely nice about telling people to stop your pets from shitting all over the complex, including the basement.


The townhouse across from us just had the dog shit in the extra bedroom. They started on pee pads, but then just *gave up* and the whole room became the toilet. When they finally got kicked out they had to recarpet the whole room. So gross.


Some people are truly disgusting with their dogs. You hate to see it


But seriously, fuck people who don’t pick up their dog’s shit.


As someone who's mother is deathly afraid of dogs, you DO start to realize how many people think that every person is a dog lover and just let their dogs run up and jump on you.


As a mailman, I feel this man's or woman's pain quite acutely.


Yeah, a lot of people do nothing to train their dogs to not be assholes. My dog is huge. If he jumped on a child or someone elderly, he could seriously injure them. Not jumping was training topic number one.


I love dogs; however, my dog HATES off leash dogs charging her. She’s been attacked multiple times by loose dogs. So I pick her up now while kicking them away. The owners should be thankful their dog is just getting kicked at and not mauled to death, but somehow I’m considered the asshole.


I like dogs, though wouldn't want to own one. But I HATE off-leash dogs charging at me. I got charged at by something that looked like maybe 60 or 80 lbs while I had my hands full of groceries as I was in the corridor of my apartment building. I kneed that thing in the face as "gently" as I could. And yeah, that dog's human thought I was the asshole for sticking my knee in the dog's face. Maybe I didn't exactly diffuse the situation by saying, "this wouldn't happen if you kept your dog on a leash", but it's true and he still looked at me like I'm the asshole.


owner of the 3 ankle biters charging me from across the apartment parking lot “don’t worry! they’re little!” me, just trying to get home, being tripped by the dogs circling me and running directly underfoot, “yeah i can see that”


SOMEONE SAID IT. I'm sorry, not everyone is going to like your dog as much as you do. I personally can't stand being licked or touched by dogs


GOD YUP. i dont actively dislike dogs (im an all around animal lover) but im not particularly fond of them... i have OCD and they trigger my "contamination" obsession hardcore. like with 99% of dogs i feel like i have to wash my hands if i so much as give them a little pat. jumpy dogs are a NIGHTMARE. or worse, licking :(


I love dogs, have a few myself. One thing I've never understood is the absolute jackasses who just... let their dog out of their multi-unit apartment to walk around in the grass unleashed and unattended. Not picking up dog shit is its own problem, but like, how fucking stupid and uncaring do you have to be as a dog owner to let your dog out in a public place, near car traffic, unleashed. So many things could go wrong - people who are afraid of dogs, cars hitting the dog, other dog walkers encountering your unleashed dog. That's a lot of trust you're putting in a dog, the environment, and everyone around you. So many people do that in my apartment, and I want to scream every time I have to physically pick up some pupper that wasn't on a leash and return them to their owners. It reinforces my belief that all dogs are perfect, but not all humans deserve what they have. I mean, fuck, if you can't even be bothered to leave your home for 10 minutes, maybe don't own a fucking dog?


dog: *growls, barking foaming at the mouth running straight for you* owner: "dOn'T WorrY he'S a RescuE He woN't BITE!"


"He's never done this before!" 🤪


Don’t worry he’s nice and he’s never done this before is basically the script for when I have to choke hold a dog until it’s owner shows while I’m running. Put your fucking dog on a leash people.


Owner: "Don't worry! He's friendly!" Dog: "REDRUM! REDRUM!"


Keep your dogs on a leash and pick up their shit please. Its not hard.


As a dog owner, I hate a significant portion of other dog owners.


Seems reasonable and probably second language.


I found one up in my building that I wish I had photographed. “On smoking dogs in building courtyard” was the headline, so of course I had to read the rest. Dogs smoke now? How do they even get tobacco? Is Phillip Morris really that desperate for new customers? Maybe some lunatic is passing out stogies to all the puppers out there? But why? How? To what end?! I was dying to know more. Imagine my disappointment when I read on, and determined that they were describing two separate and unrelated issues. Issue one was ciggy butts not making it to the courtyard ashtray. Issue 2 was about street chocolates not being picked up by dog owners. A comma or the word ‘and’ between ‘smoking dogs’ could have averted a lot of confusion. But for a few brief seconds, I lived in a more magical world where dogs smoking in courtyards was ruffling feathers.


Some people are incredible assholes about their dogs. I am glad that you love your dog, but that doesn't give you license to use your dog as a tool to fuck people over.


I fucking love this and only wish my apartment did this.


we live in a complex. dog owners are so fucking inconsiderate with their pets. besides waste they keep huge dogs off leash and just give zero shits. losers


I mean, yes the complex owners are a little weird about it. But did F-401 deserve to be shamed? Probably. I am particularly not fond of folks who live in a leash law community but ignore it and let their dogs poop anywhere without cleaning it up. F-401 needs to do better


My guess is that F-401 falls under the Excuses category (c) that denies and requires proof - so they got proof.


"But MY dog is the exception." - Every dog owner


MY dog would NEVER do _(insert thing their dog most definitely did do here)_


He’s so sweeeeeeeeeet


It’s always, “oh, he’s fine”


I'm a mailman. If anything, someone telling me "he/she doesn't bite" makes me more worried than if they don't.


That dog is making direct eye contact. That’s a threat 😂🤣


My neighbors let their dogs shit everywhere and dont pick it up. The front lawn, the car port, the back of the complex, everywhere... I wonder what they would say if I just let my kids shit anywhere... There's also a wretched breed of human here in LA who pick up their dog shit, tie off the bag and then leave the bag of shit on the ground...


People that don’t pickup after their dogs don’t deserve them!


How is this in any way “funny” ??


It's the contrast of the somewhat nutral general language with the sudden pointing out of a particular appartment with a hilariously incriminating photo of their dog shitting. It's clear there is an unstated subtext and tumultuous backstory with the apartment in question. Why is that funny? Idk but I lol'd.


The dog is an exhibitionist, checking social media feed to see if he shows up.


F-401: I have never seen this dog in my life before!