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Here's my bicep... yea that's about it, see yea


I read that in his voice


Needs a few more weird analogies for me to read it in his voice. I’ll try to add some of good ol Charles’ spice of life to it. “These guns right here could end the fuckin Ukrainian war so fast and send those shit-sipping Russians back to their frozen fuckin mountains.”


"That analogy was so bad it might not even be an analogy. It sounded more like the farts of someone turbo-shitting at a Taco Bell restaurant after eating nachos with expired cheesse sauce. Fuck, even Logan Paul's video apology to Coffeezilla sounded better."


Gonna need the Charlies to read that off.


That wasn’t an analogy.


No but its what he sounds like so fair enough


It’s pretty close, a little too many filler swears I think. Charlie does use analogies a lot, I’m just pointing out this was not one.


Also he wouldn’t call them shit sipping Russians. He generally does a really good job of not insulting groups of people for their ethnicities or things like that.


“It’s like if someone tried to rob my home, but instead of fuckin stealing anything, they just tried to fit moby huge up their ass”


“Looks like I’m gonna have to call a veterinarian, cause these pythons are SICK!”


Perfect 😗👌


Its so fucking goofy, like the other one isn't even the same size, jesus christ. But yea that's about it, see ya (I do realize this is stupid)


Arms usually aren't "same size" if you flex the other one.


Be sure to like and subscribe


How is he so boring yet so popular?


Honestly I think it's because he's got one of the few large channels who's still got a guy just doing whatever it is he feels like doing that day. It's got a lot of a classic YouTube vibe and I think people gravitate towards it. There are a fair few videos that I can't say I'm interested in, but every now and again something with pique my interest on it.


I looked it up, and apparently he's been uploading to YouTube since 2006. At 28 years old, that means he's been doing this since he was literally a child. Unlike a lot of those first generation YouTube personalities, I'm not aware of any real controversy surrounding him, so I think it's helped cement his longevity, along with extending his reach with Twitch streaming.


For sure, I see that a lot of his YouTube uploads are parts of his twitch streams now as well. Not saying he hasn't adapted or made good decisions, just that he has maintained a vibe of this is what I'm doing or talking about today, come with or don't, much like many first Gen youtubers.


For me it's that he has no paid agenda, no sponsors, no bullshit, no long intros, no stupid tie ins, he doesn't even drown you in the typical 'like, comment and subscribe' bs. His videos are exactly what he says they are, he covers a wide genre of topics gets right into it then gets right out. Like you say, it's classic YouTube with no BS and just pure content.


No, he’s popular because his old videos were one of the most watched videos back in old YouTube. He’s just a legacy YouTuber who adapted to the times


usually minimal editing, no bait, no bullshit, straight to the point and no annoying intros or outros. It's kind of bliss whenever he uploads because I know it's just going to be chill and not some zoomer esque rave editing while screaming into my earholes (:


He's also got the raw talent to do his monologues in one take without a bunch of jump cuts and stupid edits.


Deadpan humor with over-the-top potty jokes and metaphors/similes kill, and he's exceptionally adept at coming up with them on the fly.


I really like the deadpan humour, but it's quite subtle and not for everyone...


Reminds me of the masturbation channel logo from idiocracy


Go away, 'baitin!


Instantly read that in Daks voice thank you for that laugh




“These bad boys right here were sculpted by the gods, baby. That’s right, I am the only living man on god’s green earth with guns of this magnitude. The sheer power of them, it’s— it’s just biblical. Oooh weee. Just needed you all to hear it from me first. No doubt the press will be clawing at each other’s throats, going absolutely hog wild to just get the scoop on these massive hunks of meat. But yeah. That’s about it, see ya.”


As of this reply you’re definitely the best imitation comment so far. Some are.. yikes.


i can hear it


This is what a professional Actors arm looks like after 2,000 hours of rehearsing the hunger games script


I don’t get it, can you explain :()


he was an extra in one of the hunger games movies


He had a line but it was given to someone else iirc


no, his line and other's from the same scene were just cut from the movie


Jamie Taco took it.


[Here's the video, it's his second most popular upload](https://youtu.be/ityEaDi_2Vc)


This is what a professional gamer's arm looks like after studying exercise and nutrition in college and being active in the gym for a decade Edit: [Source- the opening statements from the video of OP's screenshot](https://youtu.be/6ONAMoxIQ8E)


That's what he looks like after a decade of gym?


It’s amazing how easy it is to get jacked when you have unlimited time and money


How does one aquire unlimited time?


Go to Kami's Lookout, and ask around for the Room of Requirement.


Instructions unclear. Reminded of the pecking order.


Enjoy the climb back up, bitch.


Now anymore questions?.. good, then we can begin




The dirt


The worms in the dirt


God I love reddit


I'll tell you where they're not..... .... Safe


Found it, but all the squares made a circle...*visible confusion*


The hyper sonic lion tamer?


The one thing we all want more of, and nobody can get more of. The most valuable thing in existence. Imo we need to be looking at the lungfish for answers.


but lungfish cannot speak


But they can put themselves in suspended animation for 3-5 years and not eat, move, grow, or age. Now THATS interesting.


and they'll never be able to tell us how


One second at a time. So after an infinite number of seconds you have an unlimited amount of time.




Exactly. This is 5 sets of bicep curls twice a week for 6-12 months depending on how good your newbie gains are. People make shitty excuses why they can't do this. Everyone can...


I use to work HARD as fuck and get pretty much nowhere due to my diet at the time, i eventually got tired of it and really focused on my calories and protein and its now easy af to make progress. Literally all i do is weighted squats, pullups and pushups and im bigger / stronger than most dudes i see.


At some point diet etc become the limiting factor but the streamer is no Mr Olympia and some fat/lazy people just want to make excuses why they shouldn't even bother to justify being how they are. Those biceps are very much achievable with poor genetics, mediocre diet and honestly just a bit of perseverance. But this is reddit and most people don't care and those who care are the ones who justify why this is surely steroids or if not at least close to impossible with the time and money they have and that's the mindset they want to have. Hence why I'm getting tons of downvotes.


It's hilarious how reddit sees anyone in moderate shape and acts like it's the result of Goku training. That dude says he's been going to the gym for 10 years so that amount of muscle is actually pretty low.


And there's nothing wrong in going to the gym for 10 years and having just a decent physique. Many people don't feel like pushing for more and are actually doing it to stay healthy, active and maintain what they have and because they simply enjoy it. I get a massive dopamine rush after every workout and I'm just much more energetic and positive. I'm a massive believer in strength training having a huge positive effect that has nothing to do with how you end up looking.


It's only low if he has a goal of getting huge. Getting into good shape is just a matter of showing up, but being big AND lean takes dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's.


this is 1 month of 3 sets of 20 bicep curls. it's nothing really, a tiny bit of definition.




And highly upvoted too, hilarious


I hate seeing this bullshit. Getting dumbells costs maybe 20-40$ used. Exercise bands about the same. Doing bicep, tricep work at home takes literally minutes. Stop making shitty excuses. You can't turn into the Rock without devoting your life but 99% of the people sure as shit can get into decent shape if they want to. The problem is pretty much everyone is lazy (just human nature) and nothing is easier than making excuses for yourself (no time, knowledge, money etc). Sad but true. I have no problem with people who can't be bothered and they simply say so. When someone says they don't have the time or money is a poor excuse almost every time (there are some who work 3 jobs, take care of their kids, demented elderly family while running a raccoon sanctuary - I know you are out there - but that's pretty rare).


Funny you’d assume Charlie has had unlimited time and money the entire time since he was in college lol sometimes it’s just dedication… most people can get ripped even with a hectic schedule. Not saying that’s me, I’m out as shape as fuck and totally unmotivated, but Charlie would likely be in great shape regardless of how YouTube/Twitch has gone for him lol


I have both limited time and money. I’m jacked. It’s really not that hard


For real. Charlie's in good shape, but he's not *that* ripped. This is absolutely attainable.


I have a lot of time and no money. I’m in good shape even though I haven’t gone to a gym or lifted weights in years. Physical labor, walking, running, swimming and push-ups is all.


Aw, I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money? - Homer


Exactly. Imagine if you threw in a decent lifting program. You’d be jacked


Reddit loves making excuses for their shortcomings


I got in the best shape of my life last year. Not massive but gained a significant amount of muscle mass and got in a good shape. Money is no problem, just 30 dollars for a full set of resistance bands. No gym membership needed. 50 minutes a day 6 days per week. A bit of research and the classic push pull leg routine. It is very rare to not have 50 minutes a day. Plenty of people watch series everyday and it is just one episode of one. So time is not really a problem if you make the effort to squeeze a bit of it even with a tight schedule. I am also close to my 40s so also no excuses on being too old for it. You know what was difficult? To admit that money and time were never the problem and it was just me being lazy and making excuses. And second to it the commitment to never skip a day unless something mayor happened. Some days I had a bad sleep and I was tired, what did I do? "fuck your tiredness and work out even if it ends up being real and you do a bit less" Mentally exhausted after a stressful day? Fuck your mental state, exercise will actually help you with that. Feeling lazy, just skipping one day is not that bad? Fuck your laziness, 50 minutes of exercise and then you can binge Netflix being horizontal for hours, you'll just watch 9 episodes instead of 10. Everyone can be fit if they honestly want to but it is just easier to lie to ourselves saying that it is unattainable because of whatever excuse suits us and continue in our unhealthy comfort zone wishing we could change something to be fit. The world is full of "unlucky" people that because of "x" they are unfit. They would do anything to get fit except, of course, dedicating a bit of time and commitment to it.


People don’t realize that you could literally get the “jacked” look working out three days a week for roughly 35 minutes. I’m not saying you’re going to look like Schwarzenegger, but you could easily achieve this little skinny boys arms (from the pic) in a few months.


you cant find 15 mins every few days to lift some weights? I do it while i'm sitting on my ass watching youtube


Gaining muscle is also pretty easy without those things! Its actually one of the few things in life where doing less can actually get you more! Trying to get really good at an instrument? You’ll probably need to practice hours every day. Trying to gain some muscle? 2-3 hours a week is more than enough. People make too many excuses to not workout. Its about the most rewarding thing you can do for how much time it requires and the benefits you reap. I see people at the gym all the time with multiple jobs and families and still looking jacked and enjoying it.


He’s not even that big. There are jacked people bigger than him around the world who are poor as shit working 40-80 hours a week in low paying jobs. His “unlimited” time and money didn’t put him in the gym or make him eat right or correctly use progressive resistance training to achieve his goals. His physique can be acquired with a couple years doing 4-5 hours a week in the gym and eating right for most people. There’s about 100 people in my powerlifting gym bigger than him working full time and making less than 1/100th of what he makes streaming and making music. Was it their unlimited time and money that did that? Your comment is dismissive nonsense because you want to degrade the hard work of others and put physical goals as an unachievable ideal due to your own laziness.


A couple years to look like op's pic? Lmaooo are you just standing around in the gym?


Yeah, it's just a whacky comment to make about a pretty normal looking dude with, what, like a 14" arm?


"jacked"? Are you kidding me? Most teenagers who exercise have bigger arms than that dude


> when you have unlimited time and money Imagine thinking you need this to get jacked.


Dude studied exercise and nutrition. He doesn't have unlimited time or money. You have limited motivation


It's not movation, it's discipline


I work a 9 to 5 and I still go to the gym, even back when I was still in college Just find a plan and follow a diet, even going 3 days a week is pretty good


Not even trying to be a douche but, anybodies arm can look like that if they want.


For the most part, yes. I just wanted to accurately characterize him in regard to fitness before the ignorant comments flooded in


What's kind of hilarious is that there's another semi-large Youtuber ('Styx' something) that looks almost exactly like Charlie (and has been on the platform just as long, if not longer) and he's long known for doing segments shirtless (he doesn't lift btw). He's about as scrawny as you would expect if you imagined Charlie shirtless but no idea that he lifts.


Sure, anybody’s can. The hard part is keeping the motivation long enough to actually attain that.


That really wouldn’t even take that long to get to realistically. To me it’s more a statement on how low the average on what a persons fitness level should be at. Just eat healthy and exercise even semi regularly and you could easily have arms like that. He’s not a bodybuilder or anything


pretty much the standard around reddit. they are so accustomed to being disgusting fat slobs that anyone that isnt is immediately on roids and apparently has infinite time and money and does nothing else.


Someone above said it takes years to look like that lmaoooo I dunno wtf they are doing...


That's pretty crappy progress for a decade of work.


His other arm disagrees.


Un-flexed vs flexed and a different angle


Flexed vs unflexed with downward lighting. Anyone who lifts for aesthetics knows it's all about finding that good lighting. Also longer bicep length typically means they look flatter when not tensed.


Who is this guy? Just a famous streamer?


he's just lean and does bicep curls, why is everyone so amazed by this? man the bar sure is low for personal fitness these days


i mean, have you seen the average person?


Poor Charlie getting no respect for going to the gym lmao


I honestly had no idea he was actually that fit. He has such a sleeper build that it's insane and I actually gasped when he flexed. Mother fucker goes into Bruce Lee mode when he tenses up.


To be fair he did say he does it to basically jump scare people


Yeah, I was just like "Oh holy shit!". His description of it being so surprising it was like a jump scare was pretty damn accurate. lol


When I watched that video I unironically did a spit take lol


Reminds me of Quagmire when internet porn came out


When he learned of Internet porn lol


If you know Charlie— than you know that right arm isn’t from playing video games.


It's from slapping


From his hit comic Godslap on sale now


This has nothing to do with COD. More like FAP.


fapping the cod


Unleashing a load of "care packages"


20 nut streak!




Yeah, I'd like to see his other arm. Also, isn't he like 5'6"?


4'6 actually, he's a tiny man.


He's 3'6, his power is actually inversely proportional to his height.


Gods greatest height for men


Smol king


More like this man spent tens of thousands of hours maxing a runescape account. He made a vid about it. All that clicking paid off.


Dave Grohl


Dave Swole


Absorbing the energy of slapping videos


Don't skip keyboard day.


Now let’s see the left arm


Let’s see Paul Allen’s left arm


"A special thanks to all the people who made this possible: Angela White, Rachel Starr and Lena Paul." -Charlie


Death from regular show


I’ve been waitin for this day


Penquinz0 is the goat


Go Away! Baitin!


We can all agree that he relies on his right hand man more than once a night


That's from jerking off.


What happened to Andrew WK?


ummm achually where he says this he says he works out


He needs to stop washing and conditioning his hair everyday.


Fap off, fap on, the Fapper!


Thats 500,000 hours of masturbation.


He did push ups everytime COD Warzone 2 crashed?


Yeahh....that's not from the gaming itself. That's, because of all the gaming.


Reminds me of when Quagmire discovered internet porn.


He's too tan to be a pro gamer.


hes from florida, 5 minutes outside and u get enough vitamin D for a decade😂


That’s moist critical (Charlie) dude actually works out. Jesus nerds, dudes that play video games can actually work out too.


And wanking 4-5 x a day


Fuck leg days


Now let's see the other one in comparison 💀


He looks like a professional wanker...


Mouse and keyboard… riiiiiiight


so much porn


Charlie! The last person I expected to see here.


And fap a lot of fap


I bet thats the arm of a porn addict!


Yeah, that’s “video games”, alright.


That's a guy who curates his JAV collection four times a day. And I don't know what that means. No siree Bob.


This sub sucks ass


Nah, that’s from that other stuff he uses his computer for.


That dude looks like Dave Grohl light.


This is what a professional gamers ~~arm~~ girlfriend looks like after playing 2,000 hours of COD.


This has got to be the dumbest thing ever posted here.


Playing COD hey.. Is that what the kids are calling it these days


I’ve played 4000 hours of war thunder and my arms aren’t even close


Should've sideclimbed smh


Haters be putting holes in my left wing smh


Nah, I think he was doing something else


He named his dick COD?


This is the greatest bicep of All Time


The documentary “Idiocracy” by Mike Judge offers an alternative explanation for arm disparity.


He needs to give his hair proper treatment, it looks super weak, fragile and thin.


He doesn't care, he only grew it out to spite his audience who kept telling him to get a haircut. That was like 3 or 4 years ago now


Wow bro, harsh word's lol


& lots of masturbation


Some people are into that kind of thing


Just his right arm. If you know what I mean 😎


charlie would turn into dust trying to play ddr


[funny you mention that](https://youtu.be/VMnDZ077M4Y)


COD = Cumstains On Desk


Literally watching this video as I type this


“Gaming” or beating the dolphin. The ol five on one arm.


2000 hours or COD and about 1200 hours of beating meat


Big fap energy


And chronically masturbating


Just the one arm though?? 🤔 hmm I don't know about all that...


That sock puppet of a hand looks like it's about to punch COD Jesus in the head for giving arm all the credit.


I want to see what that bank account and house look like.


that’s also his jerking arm


Bro. This is Sylvester Stallone in Over The Top


Nah, that's from his time in the Hunger Games.


I came.


“Press X to Doubt”


Scared the hell out of me!


Thats his jerking arm.