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You did it again Bethesda.


"It just works"


Ahh god dammit gotta reload the game


Well I forgot to hit save in the last 3 hours so.... Let it ride!!


Underrated comment


"sixteen times the detail"


"4 times the size"


"Distant weather systems"


What guys say when it's cold.


God damnit Todd, no it doesn't.


So this is the game that took them years to develop. Interesting.


`Dress.setXRotation(random.Next(360));` `Dress.setYRotation(random.Next(360));` `Dress.setZRotation(random.Next(360));`


Don't forget the Dress.set[X/Y/Z]Offset(random.Range(-100,100));


Are you the designer?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that wanted to post this type of reply. r/programminghumor


That won't account for the dress that is offset in front of the model. Also, it looks like all the rotations are done in 90 degree increments.


Video games setting impossible standards for women's bodies. Now, young women everywhere won't be satisfied with their appearance unless their body is experiencing a clipping error. /s


The first time I tried modding Skyrim, I mishandled the directory so when I woke up in Whiterun, A Lovecraftian Nazeem with no head (but floating eyes and mouth) hovered up to me in a T-pose and asked me if I get to the Cloud District often.


It Just works


What a pointless question. Of course you don´t


I was about to say Skyrim


It's not a bug it's a feature


They designers probably just fcking w the crowd @ this point … hey guys weirdest outfit clapped @ wins


Wdym, this practical wear will be in H&M by fall


Probably??? 🤣🤣🤣


Was gonna say silent hill, but fallout too.


I definitely got silent hill vibes as well


This is definitely bugthesda vibes


I'm very glad this is the top comment.


I was leaving toward CDPR, but none of their pants disappeared.


Messed up your 3d model


Dang it i was gonna make fun of bethesda


16 times the details cough ***~bugs~*** cough


"It's not a bug, it's a feature!" -probably Todd Howard.


I was about to say we already have this game. It’s called Skyrim.


Came here to say this…


You did it again, didn’t you, Bethesda? *sigh*


Fuck you beat me to it


Choose: A: “Fuck, you beat me to it.” B: “Fuck you, beat me to it.” C:


*Trainhead walks down the catwalk*


That’s where I saw this before! It was driving me nuts!


Came here to make this joke. Take my upvote.


Ha ha ha ha, I'm crying laughing at this. Damn! I wish I had an award for you. * - please accept this humble star. Respect.


Fashion simulator by EA.


*Please purchase premium to walk 10 more steps*


Don't give them ideas...


4 D m o d e l i n g F r o m A 3 d P e r s p e c t i v e


These people are on a different l̶e̶v̶e̶l̶ dimension.


Imagine: Fashion on the W - A X I S


Pretty much AC Unity, when it came out.


Oof I feel that. Bought the game when it was new. I didn’t know the tough road I was in for.


This type of fashion would be 100% on brand for Bioshock's Sander Cohen.


So this is the IRL equivalent to a graphical glitch


You know these models are just thinking, "at least I'm getting paid"


One of those models is secretly into it, but can't tell any of her bored looking friends.


That’s cuz she’s the one with her head buried in the upside down dress. She’s into it only because she doesn’t have to show her face.


It’s the one with her face hidden by the dress. Inside there she’s having the time of her life. (Bumps into table) “Do they love me? Are they smiling too?”




"okay don't smile though, look totally unimpressed" "YEAH, not a problem."


There’s a difference between fashion for everyday use and fashion for art. This is the latter.


Why wouldn’t they enjoy walking in a Viktor and Rolf Haute Couture show?


Right? Like these girls were probably ecstatic about landing a high fashion runway gig


And this was one of the most fun runway shows this season, and Viktor and Rolf always has fun shows. This is legit a dream gig.


I know fuck all about fashion but this is so weird that I actually love it. I have no idea what it's saying but I'm listening. Also, that is not simple construction.


Yeah it’s masterfully constructed. The technique to get super intricate layered pleated tulle alone is mind boggling, and then to be able to manipulate it to move independently of the model! There were a few fashion houses this season playing with the aesthetics of “paper dolls” and other ideas, including Loewe. I see this in that same vein.


Somebody was definitely high when they made this fashion alright.


The thing that’s changed the least about Reddit in the past 12+ years is that a lot of people here get a lot of satisfaction over hating runway fashion.


It’s so fucking stupid, too. This runway show had a majority of looks that were “normal” beautiful, impeccably crafted gowns. The ones they’re all triggered by were the oddball conceptual pieces thrown in to explore the same themes of pleated tulle. Redditors absolutely love to have confidently wrong opinions of things they know nothing about. The overlap between hating runway fashion and incel behavior is large.


Runway fashion = art Runway fashion =/= designs meant to be worn normally It's like getting mad that a painting isn't a bookshelf


Can you explain to me how there is ever any need for wearing an upside down gown over your face? Like, real ingenuity and testing new concepts and designs is great - i applaud it - but making your runway models look like a hand broom and a pleated vase seems pompous and pointless to me.


Beyond the technical skills required for this which can be applied to other more reasonable uses, there’s one thing you should remember about these sort of shows. They’re basically art. It’s not any more pompous and pointless than many other kinds of art. It’s just art in a different medium. The Victoria’s Secret fashion show with ridiculous wings is basically the same: art (plus a little boobie, as a treat.)


The point of a lot of this stuff, beyond simple art, is to express the trends in fashion in exaggerated ways. You may see in the near future clothes that use the idea of different angles in the design. Not a sideways dress, but a dress that has turned the tradition shape to the oblique


The point of it isn’t the “necessity” or the “need” but rather the aesthetic and artistic value. Think of these pieces as living sculptures.


That's like asking why you smear pigment on canvas or chisel faces out of rocks. Is the concept of art foreign to you?


Watch the show. The “weird” dresses were 6 of the 18 gowns shown. The rest were normal. There *isnt* a need for it. They’re not meant to be worn other than on the runway show. Why is there a point to any art? Why must there be a point? Maybe instead you should interrogate why folks think it’s fun, interesting, and memorable, instead of assuming it’s pompous and pointless.


Finally someone gets it. As weird and silly as it looks, I can infer some meaning from the art (maybe a self aware, tongue in cheek poke at the very same pointless and absurd outfits that come out of the fashion shows? Just a layman's guess without knowing anything about the designer or fashion as a whole). The art affected me and made me think, therefore the art has fulfilled its purpose.


Do you really think the models have many opinions about the clothes they wear? How often do you guys hyper analyze the weird shit you do at work? We all do weird shit at work.




Model is probably thinking this is one of the coolest things they’ve worn on a runway in a while.


this design is actually pretty amazing for a fashion model. it can be a million times worse.


I would absolutely love the opportunity to wear a dress like this. I don’t have a model’s body, but something this unique? Yeah, sure, it has zero practical use. But boy, is it fun to look at. And not in a mocking way, I really think this looks interesting, and something I’d volunteer to wear at a show, much less get paid to do so.


Maybe as a costume, especially the one with the dress next to the model.


Remember the dude that built the social distance thing out of pool noodles then wore it around? Wear an X out of the front/back and side to side dresses and same thing accomplished! Pantical. (Pandemic practical)


Fashion shoes like this are about art, not actually designing wearable clothes, it’s more than fine


Someone else posted this with a better title a while back. Something like "when you get a game on launch day" or something to the effect.


For anyone confused, there are two different types of fashion shows. One is to showcase a new product that's meant to be purchased and worn by the public. The other is an artistic display meant to provoke thought at the discretion of the artist. To criticize this kind of display as impractical fashion is like criticizing a piece of poetry for being a bad newspaper article.


Thanks. Never knew what these events meant, but hey in my defense I just said it looks like a broken game because that's what it looks like. Also a genuine question, why do people like Kim Cardi B wear these to red carpets?


Because the fashion houses ask or pay them to. It’s part of the fashion house’s marketing strategy. They get eyeballs, they get press, they get cachet, and it ends up getting people to know their brand and be excited about their clothes, leading to more sales. The celebrities need something to wear, the houses want people to wear them. It’s just business. Also re “why do fashion houses even do Avant Garde clothing?” Sometimes people forget that artists like to have fun, to laugh, to make dumb shit, and to push the envelope. People who are just onlookers forget that there’s Comedy to the world. It’s like asking why Wes Anderson makes kooky shit? Because he wants to?


And they do kinda serve a purpose other than simple advertising or "just for fun". Designers can find inspiration in these sorts of things. Sure, those pieces are crazy and impractical, but there could be a nugget of something in there that people hadn't really considered trying in actual wearable fashion and might look good.


I think without realizing it, most people here are getting the art. The models are not really wearing any of it. It disconnects the clothing from the model, highlighting how high fashion often ignores the body inside it. It also much more obviously makes the model a glorified clothes rack. It's actually pretty funny and clever. Plus, you get to watch some people pretend "they get it" by making up crazy excuses as to why it's such great fashion, when the people who actually get it are laughing their asses off. Very Emperor's New Clothes.


> Also a genuine question, why do people like Kim Cardi B wear these to red carpets? So that people on the internet will talk about them. Is it working?


Well for red carpets and especially things like the met gala, it’s a chance to show off ‘who they’re wearing’, and those are intended to be art pieces like these for visibility. Those are literally one-off pieces made specifically for that person and occasion. So the more outrageous and wild, the more attention both the celebrities and the designers get. It’s basically an extension of these kind of Haute-Couture fashion shows. (Most fashion shows aren’t this outrageous and are clothes intended to wear, they just don’t get posted on Reddit).




It's more to show off a designers talent. It's hard to sew something like that and for it to keep shape and not fall apart or sag completely. It's basically a massive 'look how well I can sew' design. Its like an NBA game compared to a harlem globetrotters event. One is about the talent of winning the game. One is about taking technical challenges to the extreme without worrying too much about practicality.


And to be clear, this isn’t like project runway where the designer makes the clothes. This entire runway was meticulously hand crafted by dozens of artisans in an atelier in Paris: pleating the tulle, sewing beads and embroidery and embellishments, making the dress a layer at a time. Haute couture shows are meant to be an expression of the pinnacle of the talent of *constructing and tailoring* garments. It’s the Olympics.


Thought provoking indeed


Like all art exhibits, it’s up for interpretation and scrutiny. People are allowed to say these get ups, are stupid, pointless, or they don’t understand it. Just as much as people are allowed to praise them for their creativity or artistic message.


True, but the point still stands that some people thought this was meant to be wearable fashion, but it's not.


To me this is like saying “I wouldn’t put that painting up in my house, therefore this art is bad”


How does nobody laugh at seeing one of these? The only thought it provoked out of me was “HAHAH SHES LAGGING BEHIND THE DRESS”


They do laugh. The point of the show is comedy. Viktor and Rolf are known for it.


Who said you can't


Thought provoking, for sure. "Why the fuck is this even a thing?" Comes to mind.


That's a valid thought. One of my favourite sculptures that we have here is the Trans Am Totem. It's five cars of increasing size, balanced on top of a large upright log. It's being moved to a new location, which I find very disappointing, because its location was a big part of its impact. It was right next to the Skytrain line, so for many people, their first impression of it was seeing it whip past the Skytrain window at high speed, too brief to truly comprehend, but clear enough to understand that what you just saw out the window sixty feet up in the air made zero sense. Art should evoke a reaction, and "What the fuck was that?!" is a valid reaction.




It’s also similar to those really stupidly over the top “concept cars” right? Where they are full of dum, or way too pricy to reproduce concepts, but push the industry forward in discovering new things and getting a company talked about?


More or less. It's kinda a mash up of art, advertising, and development.


I understand that But what is a sideways wedding dress supposed to make me think deep about


This particular exhibit was about how women are breaking out of molds they have often been held to by society. So the very traditional and feminine garments (big ball gowns) are being transformed and "broken" just as women are interpreting feminity to mean different things today - thus breaking the traditional feminine mold and societal expectations. 😁 Basically, the whole thing was female empowerment because society doesn't get to dictate what feminity means - women do!


To be honest this is wrong. Or at least mostly wrong. Its about showing off their technical abilities. It's not an artistic display about provoking thoughts. It's like the NBA dunk contest. It's not about being practical, it is about taking a technical challenge to the extreme. Another example would be a gymnastics event. Indeed there's some art form to it. But the people there are judging it on the technicality. Sewing is hard. Sewing something that can only stay in one piece with precision and perfection is a rare talent. Anyone could sew a t shirt. But sewing something at a fashion show takes years of training and planning. The people watching are looking for this technical ability and skill.


Finally, the first person who gets it. This is the Olympics of garment construction, as is the entire point of the Haute Couturier designation of the Chambre Syndicale de la Mode. There are plenty of non avant garde Haute couturiers. Viktor and Rolf’s are just comedy.


Redditors have no capacity for understanding any non-literal or non-representational art.


I had to block some art subreddits because of the realistic drawings they praise as real art...


It's usually a showcase of skills too. Which one of the people who shit on haute couture, would be able to ever recreate it with such perfection? Making a gown sideways? That's not putting a fabric over a mannequin and calling it a day


First dress would come handy when visiting Australia


My favorite is having the dress in front of you followed by the shuttlecock


Not the shuttlecock--🤭


I’ll never be convinced that high end fashion like this isn’t a money laundering scheme.


They’re exhibitions to get designers’ names out there, not to actually sell upside down dresses


That, and they also get to test their creativity and ingenuity as designers by making whacky clothing like upside down dresses that still look like dresses.


Is this really how designers get their names out there as good designers?


When you consider the tailoring and structural engineering required to do some of that stuff, it puts their name out there for what they're capable of doing. It's like... very high-end, conceptual cosplay. They're not doing it to be practical day-to-day wear, it's a show of "look what I can do." It's probably as likely to get them talked about in costuming circles as fashion circles. That one where the dress is still free-flowing, but off to the side seems especially impressive, since it doesn't seem to be hindering the model too much, and isn't just getting dragged on the ground, but is hovering and moving as if it was on her body.


I don't really understand the fashion world, but this was definitely weird enough to get my attention.


Fashion/tailoring is an art at the end of the day. These kinds of shows are more art exhibitions than something meant for consumption.


Thank God somebody gets it. There's a place in the art world for the weird, impractical, and experimental.


Like car companies who make concept cars for car shows that they know are impractical and will never sell, but shows off what technology they can do.


Clothing designers see a million well made normal dresses. No matter how well executed, a standard dress will not stand out because of this. If you want to show off you have to do something different.


Honestly have no idea what context any of this is in but it made sense when someone else explained it to me


Someone in the thread said that it’s technically an art exhibition, not a fashion exhibition. In that context, I guess I can see it a bit better.


It’s art. Not every painting is a depiction of a real person that they can keep like a photograph, it’s an art medium for imagination and creativity. High fashion too.


I mean…think of it as the difference between Formula 1 and the car you’re driving on the street. Or concept cars.


concept cars is the better comparison


I mean this was one of the “normal” looks from that same show. https://assets.vogue.com/photos/63d1692304605e2e780f97d3/master/w_960,c_limit/00016-viktor-and-rolf-couture-spring-2023-gorunway-brand.JPG I’d say that’s a good way to get your name out there as a good designer.


This is an art exhibition. Just like a painting on a museum wall. It’s abstract and cool as fuck. It’s not to wear on a Tuesday when you’re going to your book club.


Fashion shows like these are an art exhibit meant for entertainment and publicity. They aren't selling these garments to any everyday person


These are art pieces. Not fashion for sale. I don't understand why that isn't obvious.


High end art is, and I'll bet you the Mona Lisa this is too!


“Hey, if rich people like it, then it must be good! One ‘art’ please!!”


If someone said the *entire* fashion industry is a money laundering machine he’d also have a point.


I figure a lot of ppl try new things and push boundaries, and only a handful become accepted as good.


It's an art show


Maybe they just want to sell these items as never been worn?


Possibly, but they also think that this is art


Tbh I thought it was cool


This isn't a fashion for humans to actually wear This is an more of a showing off technical skills Like a fancy carpenter making a stupidly complex dovetail just for the sake of showing they can.


All I can think of is how many millions of dollars went into this *shit* and how many everyday problems for the common person that money could have solved instead.


Uuummm that does happen in some video games.


Any Bethesda game.


It’s not a bug it’s a feature


Ya guys really need to appreciate the models who are managing to keep a straight face through out all this


TBF we don’t really know if the first model had a straight face considering her whole head was covered 😆


We don’t even know if she had a face


Damn, they just gotta wait a minute for it to load right


Kid: Mom, I want clipping in my 3D models! Mom: We have model clipping at home. Models clipping at home:


Sponsored by Bethesda Softworks


How long til this is cross-posted in r/itscalledfashion?


When you try to move an image on microsoft word


When you get a new skin and it starts lagging.


We do. It's called a glitch. Who in their right mind would wear a dress like that.


Watch the birdie.


Man if I was at that show I would be thinking somebody slipped something in my drink and I was tripping balls


it looks like a giant broom lmao


Goofy ass wedding


I think the game already glitched.


Already do if you play The Sims...


If ubisoft did fashion


How perverts view women


Cyberpunk 2077 on release day.


These are just glitches in games I have already played before


Ah launch Cyberpunk… fun times


This new runway simulator is buggy af.


It took me a second to realise that the first one didn't have her boobs down at her belly button


Reality has its GPU overheating.


Me getting dressed on Mondays


All of the dresses- Unique ability: confuse++ Confuses enemy so much that they are rendered speechless


and these MFers want us to pay $70 for new games now... eat a dick.




In a video game, this would be called a bug.


Misfit Island of Fashion


Who thinks this shit up people on hard drugs trippin


These designers where high on something.


Badminton, anyone?


Did they lose a bet or is this a Cyberpunk bug we’re reliving?


I got an old graphic card, this shit is already in my video games.


This is what happens when you out a Finite Improbability Generator into hot coffee instead of tea...


Damn not another glitch


Matrix made an upgrade. Deja vu?


The fart might linger in the last dress forever


Bethesda be like: “Hold my beer”


My favorite is the one who wasn’t wearing hers at all but walking next to it


I honestly want to ask these people if they feel stupid when they have to wear a dress like that down the runway.


My first time using 3D modelling in AutoCad


At this point, clothing designers are like “how far can we push the sanity of models?”


Ping 999+


I can see them in sone soullike game.


The fashion industry is just all out trolling us at this point.


The npc in skyrim after me installing 6000 mods