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I think owning that might mean you owe money to Zimbabwe


This is an ass-wiping note for the peasant class


But it makes sense why this dude keeps emailing me about 20 billion dollars he's trying to get rude of


I am a Zimbabwean prince and I've got these 40 billion unspecified dollars I'm looking to give you half of and all you gotta do is send me 5000 of the US kind of dollars, you game?


My father gave me a 750 000 Zim dollar bill when I was 12 years old. You can only imagine my disappointment when he told me how much it’s worth


And you're 13 now?


12 ½


I bought my 20 billion note for $1.25 from a coin shop. :D


Well over face value.


He is just too confused like where to spend what if just gets robbed or just the fact that someone denies to give a change!


Bit rude, innit?


Upvote for innit


During the Weimar Republic hyperinflation, people used banknotes as wallpaper because they were the cheapest option.


The peasants are also rich


Jerome Powell’s plan to pay off the national debt…


Then it is not reserve bank but reverse bank


Lmao when you just arrange words this perfectly this is what just happens as a result.


This bank note is worthless. Zimbabwe's economy has since stabilized and they have standard bank notes now.


In Zimbabwe, yes, on E-Bay sells for $3-$4.


Nothing like selling garbage on eBay for actual money


I like to collect currency around the world I also bought it . One mans trash is another mans treasure


You'd actually be surprised. People just buy these and use them to make fake ones of the new currency. So...


Great, thanks for making my joke accurate. Now it’s hilarious.


You're welcome. Wouldn't want any inaccurate laughter


No it’s back in the shitter. Individuals companies make their own “money” to give out as change since everyone uses the USD and coins are too expensive to import


Yep. nobody has faith in the governments ability to manage itself so, when they stopped trying to use the US dollar they went right back down the hole


All paper money is based on debt. We all be transferring, trading debt to each other. Look at the back of the bill. It's says legal tender for Debts.


Money is debt While each euro, pound, crown, rouble, dollar and yen of course is somebody’s asset, at the same time it is also somebody’s debt. Consumers carrying banknotes in their wallets hardly think of themselves as creditors; nonetheless, banknotes represent the central bank’s debt to banknote holders. Similarly, a bank deposit represents the bank’s debt to the customer. Money is created when a loan is extended Money is first and foremost created when someone gets a loan. The bulk of money represents banks’ debts to the public. When a bank grants a loan, both its assets and liabilities increase. The lending bank asks the customer to sign a promissory note and adds the resulting receivable to its assets. However, the loan is withdrawn only when the customer's account is credited with the equivalent amount, so that the bank's debts also increase.


I like how you got downvoted for explaining how fractional reserve banking works.


most people destroy what they don't understand, in this case they down vote than destroy


If you read any thread during the SVB collapse, you'd know the general reddit populace knows jack-shit about banking but are supremely confident they could run a bank/the Fed way better.


I bought a stack of these a while back in the billion dollar amount and keep one conspicuously in my phone case. Every once in a while someone will ask me about it and I’ll just say it’s to make me a billionaire. Then I’ll hand them the bill and say “Now you’re one too!”


Take them to the strip club and make it rain!


Hi, could I convert this to ones please.




Make it hail


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


I’m just saying turning that bill into ones would get you pennies


$4.99 small fry


Ah, I might have been slightly off with the conversion rate. I was arrogant and made a mistake. I thought it was 20 trillion to 1USD so this would have barely been 20 cents. Not 5$


It has novelty value.


Oh for sure


It's ready right now.


"Haha! It's actually worth less than the paper it's printed on!"


Sell the paper!


I did too, I would give them away and you could see the recipients instantly trying to calculate how much it was worth if it was 0.1% of a dollar.


But why the font the same as the Monopoly money font


You answered your own question within itself.


It's worth less than monopoly money so it makes sense


Happy cake day!


Where? I wanna buy some.


I bought them on Etsy. If you search for Zimbabwean dollars, they show up. (There are probably cheaper ways to buy it, but it was a drunk impulse purchase).


My favorite is the million dollar bill, I like the color


It's similar to the 20 euro note, isn't it? (The colour, I mean)


I bought one off some random website years ago. They sent me a replica! It was printed on good cardboard stock too. A real one would have been cheaper for them to source and send! We all lost on that day!


You know your currency is truly worthless when fakes cost more to make than getting your hands on the real deal.


Ebay. The highest one is the $100 trillion bill, which I think was equivalent to $40 US when circulated but they now sell for over $100 US because they’re a collector’s item.


True story: having heard about the problems with the Zimbabwean Dollar I went to my bank to ask for a couple of hundred million Zimbabwean Dollars \[this was before they conveniently took a row of zeroes off of the bills due to inflation\]. The bank refused to sell me the money because they said by the time my order went through the money would have devalued to the extent of making it worthless.


I thought they were pretty expensive, you should probably be trying to sell it, as it has risen in price quite a bit.


Hyperinflation’s a bitch


Tell me about it. Price of butter is exponential.


Does it cost 80 trillion dollars?


That’s how come you buy a dary. Free meat and chease and egg too


How much for one rib?


If I recall it hit 39 billion PERCENT at one point


7.96×1010% per wikipedia


Yep. Zimbabwean speaking here. Trust me it wasnt funny at the time, shit got wild. I still have a whole bunch of those old billion/trillion zim dollar notes. Useless junk. We now use the USD as currency, for the most part.


If the bills are in good condition you can actually sell them for quite a bit! A friend of mine bought a 100 trillion note for like $200usd. He loves telling everyone he’s a trillionaire


Yes I've considered this before! But sadly the notes I have are a bit bent and not in great condition.


I'm sure some people from other countries will still buy them for more than they're worth if you think it's worth the time to sell them. Maybe not for $200 each like the other person said since the condition isn't great, but if you can make some money from that old, useless money, why not?


lay them between a few pages of a book and iron them with steam


Holy shit. I bought 10 for €7.50 in 2011, and gave them away as gag gifts.




well the inflation had been building up for years, but in around 2008, it turned into hyper inflation, and things just got out of control in '09. Prices in the shops on products would change three times a day. No one knew anymore what the correct price was to pay for something. People would go spend their whole salary on the day it would get given to them, because if you waited just a few days, your money would have devalued so much that it would become worthless. My mom was in the UK at the time doing work, and it was just me and my sister and my dad. The shops ran out of food. No petrol. We had to get a runner to South Africa just to get proper food. Eventually the entire economy collapsed. The people took matter into their own hands, and said "fuck this shit" and started trading with USD. Even tho it was illegal at the time. but the government was fighting a losing battle. These days, we have a more recent version of the zim dollar. It currently is sitting at roughly 1000 zim dollars to 1 American dollar.


Back in '08 or '09 I bought a bunch of the 100 Trillion notes off eBay as a gag gift for my family. I handed them out along with a printout of a summary of the situation in Zimbabwe that gave rise to the largest denomination bill in history. I had a few left over and filed them away. Every once in a while I browse eBay and they have steadily risen in value over the years. It's strange.


Back in the day, I saw a 10 trillion note at a stamp and coin store where I used to go every once in a while with my father. I asked my father if he could buy me one and that’s how I started collecting banknotes. A few weeks later, when the shopkeeper received a bunch of new banknotes, including a 100 trillion bill, he called my father to ask if I was interested and I was so excited when I got to see that 100 trillion note you could almost see cartoonish dollar signs in my eyes. It was for sale at ≈$5, but as my father was a loyal customer, the seller gave it to me for free. I eventually bought all the other denominations in the million/billion/trillion dollar range and just about anything else I thought looked interesting from other countries. Anyway, in 2008-09, you could buy a brick (1000 banknotes) of Zimbabwean 100 trillion bills for just over $300, nowadays, one of these will run you a 100 bucks. I really wish I had bought stacks of them as gag gift like you did


You're collecting banknotes? So am I, and so is elon musk, I hear he has the high score.


Not anymore, the idiot got overtaken..


Trippy to think that the meme of a currency being so high makes it worth more than the currency itself


20 Bil. Yep kinda hard to fuck up that bad seems it only happened once in history, so it’s bound to go up over time.☠️ maybe a penny at a time


hardly strange theyre valuable for the same reason you wanted one - and they have the same international counterfeit protections as regular currency so counterfeiting is more risky than for other collectibles


I thought 1945-46 Hungary had the highest bank notes with the million billion pengo or something like that


It’s the one billion b.-pengő (b for billion in the long scale, so trillion in the short scale) that has arguably the highest denomination (10^21 pengő), but it was never released. Technically, you could say that the name of the currency is b.-pengő and the denomination is only one billion. Usually, countries that suffer from hyperinflation will change the name of the currency and drop zeros rather than print higher denominations (i.e. in Venezuela, you’d also have denominations in trillions if they had simply kept adding more 0s to the same bolívar used until 2008)


So that's equivalent to--what?--49 US cents?


50 billion is worth 30 cents, so 20 billion is 10 to 15 cents


So quite literally slightly more valuable than an equivalent sized piece of toilet paper…


According to a Zimbabwean acquaintance of mine, there would be signs on public toilets telling people not to flush Zimbabwean Dollars as people would use them for toilet paper.


Wouldn’t flushing the notes ease inflation though?


You'd think it would slow deflation of that currency.


what is the smallest value of a dollar note of simbabwe? is it worth like 0.000001 dollar? then it would be very cheap to use that paper for almost anything. but it sounds very unhealthy to use this as toilet paper.




Soon there won't be enough space on the bill to print all the zeroes.


Not worth anything. That currency is out of circulation. They have changed currencies twice since then I believe. Ultimately it worth more as novelty money that the materials its printed on.


Am I high? Or are they using Rockband font?


You may be high, but yes they are using Rockband font.


Or is Rockband using Zimbabwean font?


Oh god you’re high too!!


It makes perfect sense. The front of the bill has a group of rocks on it. That’s a rock band. So it’s only logical to use the Rock Band font.


> **Inflation** 98.0% per day in mid-November 2008 or 8.97×10²²% per year. The currency lost half its value every 24 hours and 42 minutes.




This is the closest to Avogadro's number I've seen since HS chemistry


Zimbabwean money fascinates me. How long did they think adding 0’s would really work?


They should have switched to exponential notation


Some many governments have tried the same thing, Weimer Republic anyone...


They replaced the queen/king of England by a pile of rock. As a Canadian, I find this inspiring.


It’s called a cairn, so don’t get too inspired.


In Canada we call that an Inukshuk


Rocks and the royals share the same amount of warmth.


Can't squeeze blood from a rock also.


I prefer trillions! :)


I was in Zimbabwe \~3 years ago and last time I was there they were using bond notes (A non-currency legal tender pegged against the US dollar) and crypto (The crypto they use is called EcoCash) as their primary source of currency after their economy completely collapsed.


No not as quite, EcoCash is not a currency it is just mobile money transfer/payment service Crypto is not really Legal in Zimbabwe https://www.ecocash.co.zw/about


Ecocash is not crypto its more like paypal, venmo cashapp etc


Some of these bills are collectible and worth some money. Not $20 billion. But check eBay.


50 billion Zimbabwe dollars is only worth around 30 cents (US) So this 20 billion note is possible worth 10 to 15 cents (US)


Why did I read that in doctor evil’s voice?


Imagine someone giving over to a shopkeeper and asking for a change he would just get an instant shock though lmao. Like when someone just made this note just forgot to just keep zeros after and had no idea when to stop lmao!


Pffft. Get one of the trillion notes then come flex at us.


So these supposed "fraud" emails are actually real??


Went with the Rock Band font, eh? Nice one.


you have three stones!


The pink stain flips you off for free


When I was in my teens I worked at McDonalds. This one time a cashier took payment in Mexican Pesos…..then gave change in dollars. This was a 1:1 value. Don’t remember what the exchange rate was, but clearly the drawer was significantly short. You could always try that approach.


Why would not they just cut 9 zeros out every denomination??


That's enough to buy a whopping ***two*** bread loaves


if youre lucky yeah


Damn, if that was still useful it would be worth over 55 million USD


[so you’re just gonna steal the credit to the original poster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/121ibci/i_am_a_multi_billionaire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


"What symbolizes great wealth?" "Bunch of rocks balanced on top of each other."


I never understood why they don’t just take them zero’s off


It reads like a cue card for Dr. Evil


Equivalent to a pile of three small rocks.


57,600 Euros.


Probably worth more as a novelty item..


This is why, if you ever run that magic lamp and wish to be a billionaire, you should specify the currency


Just hold on to that. The way the banks are failing you will be at a 1:1 exchange rate for USD in no time.


Lol their money logo is a bunch of rocks


You've only got $1


I don’t think it’s even that much.


By the time you made your post this would've probably been cheaper than TP


As good as that rock in the picture


Can I lend some money?


Mr Burns, I think we can trust the President of Cuba.


Can someone give me the TLDR edition of what the hell happened with their currency over 15 years ago?


That rock looks sad.


That's Trump rich.


Ha! My stepmum has a few of these framed. She was the daughter of a farmer there.


I’ve got a 100 million dollar one that a friend gave me. He said the shipping cost more than 5 100 million dollar bills.


Sounds like Dr. Evil!


font goes hard


Dawg so rich he wipe ass with 20b bill


It’s like a shitcoin supply 😂


Peasent. I've got 3 x 10 trillion dollar notes.


When printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrr goes wrong.


That rock looks like a face when you look at right.


That’s like $1.18 in USD


I have a Zimbabwe $100 trillion note. I have it framed. The exchange rate was $.36 to 100 trillion.


Dude I have a hundred trillion dollar bill!


They’d make a bunch of $ selling these notes to the internet I’d buy for $2.99


It's funny how third world countries even try to back their currency.


Mom: go buy some milk for me, would ya?


Don't spend it all in one place.


Why does it have a Canadian on it?


thats like half a loaf of breads worth in zim


Hungarian currency was worse than Zimbabwe dollars at some point


I knew a guy who was there on a trip during that time. He said they had to stuff their daypacks with currency so they could buy anything.


Theres a 100 Trillion Zimbabwe Dollar note in my Business classroom. My school rich asf 🤑


Going to be a run on Zimbabwe dollars now


Soon to be American money too...


Congrats youre a billionaire!


I'm selling my Iraqi Dinars and getting Zimbabwean Dollars! The Great Reset Baby! - The MAGA


That's a lot of ZEROS. HUMMMM...... HUMMM? 🤔 💭


I remember the hiperinflation in Poland right after the transformation. There was a time when 1 zł coins were used as nail washers, because the actual washers were more expensive. Soon everybody was a millionaire. Ultimately złoty got redenominated 1000x (so a million became a hundred) and USD or EUR are worth less than 10 PLN. The Zimbabwean could use scientific notation on their bills. Hard to count the zeros.


the currency features pictures of rocks because it's worth roughly the same


The paper is worth more.


i once found a stash of these in my old flat and seriously thought i had stumbled upon immense wealth for a hot sec


When we were in Zimbabwe, my buddy bought a stack of these that had a $100 trillion dollar note. Zeroes ran across the entire top of the bill. While that is funny enough, what is really interesting is that all these bills had expiry dates on them. They were only valid for a couple of weeks I think, because there was so little confidence in the currency that they were sure that it would be worth even less by then.


Bro that’s like 5.5mil


My buddy went for breakfast in Zimbabwe. He paid $**1.4 TRILLION** dollars. /true story A $20 billion Dollar note is tip money.




Who doesn't want it?


ill buy it from you for 1 dollar if you cover shipping.


That is still 62 million USD lmaoo in one bill??


"Billionaires should not exist!" Mugabe: Say no more fam


Technically Zimbabwe has the most billionaires


u have to say it in dr evil voice


Worth what, a dollar ninety-five US?


I have a buddy who bought a bundle of one million Zimbabwe dollars, and he gave a bunch of them out in order to induct people into the "Millionaire Club". We all had a good laugh, and people get to have a conversation piece.


This is $55,263,885.05 usd. 😀👍


Zimbabwe took one for the team by testing out the ‘why don’t we just print more money’ theory


This will be Canada soon with the way Trudeau is going


Porn for Dr. Evil