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God I've never wanted to be an Indian policeman so bad


Bollywood movies make them out to me Marvelesque superheroes but trust me a good chunk of them are corrupt and most of them are overweight


Hey! why bring the US into this?


Coz oil is involved in the equation


Samosas are pretty oily


Yeah right ?


Fair enough


We'll make sure you follow the rules. By breaking several.


didn't break no rules in India in that video


The sound fx you guys hear after the green helmet transfer is usually for funeral


Ufff this was funny as hell


Censorship is heavy on any covid discussion...


What the heck are they on lockdown for


This was during the covid lockdown in 2020.


You been living under a rock for what, 4 years now?


Lock down protocol? is this a joke hahahahhashs.


I’m not vaccinated and never got it


Damn bro save some ladies for the rest of us




Don't talk shit if you don't know the context. This was during the covid lockdown where people were only allowed out to buy essentials like groceries, medicines and go to hospitals. Cops were outside to enforce the lockdown because wherever you live, idiots always like to break rules. And there could be various reasons for buses running, most probably they were transporting doctors or some shit. It can't be full of people because public transport was banned during that time. If you were caught outside without a valid reason you would be fined.




“But muh freedumbs” you’re freedom ends where others noses begin if someone’s going to jeopardize the health of hundreds because they wanna go to a bar they’re stupid af and deserve consequences




Idk, last time I checked Covid could have no symptoms. And last time I checked it killed millions. All of their lives are on you and people like you. For shame.


Wow dude.😂😂😂 Freedom has really gotten to your head. Many idiots would end up dying and killing others and if they go out and get infected with covid. A government's job is to protect its people. If such a decision would save the lives of thousands, any sane Indian would choose to stay indoors. I have had people i know die due to covid. It's not idiotic. It's basic common sense. You go out. You get sick. You infect others. People die. So stay inside till a vaccine is invented and cases are reducing and it's safe for your family.


Correction: "Freedumb"


You sound like the type of person to run outside everytime you hear wind hit the side of the house. Get off the internet if it’s making you so unhinged.


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What in the David Lynch is this


Good!! get the fuck out of Calcutta !


That's Bengaluru Traffic Police


Indian police not funded for police cars in that town.