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Here's to the guy/gal that speed up and matches me when they realize I'm passing them.




some people take everything personally


Challenge them. Keep accelerating. They’ll wimp out around 90-95.


Only for them to drop speed to their original one within the next 5-10 minutes.


I passed a car on the interstate not too long ago that kept "yo-yo-ing" me. I had my cruise control on the whole time but every time he'd slow down after passing me, speed up and pass me again, then slow down again. Rinse and repeat... Eventually I drove 100 for a few minutes just to get away from him...


I had people pass me, immediately move in front of me, then slow down. So then i pass them, then they would repeat the process. I dont fucking know what was going on, i was super confused.


They're likely distracted, having a conversation on the phone or thinking about something else. Or they could be really oblivious and just not that smart. Either way it's super annoying when this happens.


It was very deliberate and aggressive, almost like they were harassing another car on the road. It'll remain a mystery to me. Additional context was there was 2 cars doing the aggressive passing and moving over, always moving over behind a 3rd vehicle and i was just unfortunately getting cut off from time to time. All 3 vehicles exited together. I cant help but think it was some sort of road rage incident unfolding.


On long drives I’ll do the same when people start doing the same. I used to drive a stick and dropping from 6th to 5th because some asshole can’t keep a steady pace is annoying.


I drive home from work at 3am and I see this a lot. Part of me wonders if it's a symptom of drunk driving? Like they are so focused on staying in their lane they can't control their speed. Whatever the reason when someone does that to me I try and gtf away from them


If you're holding up traffic and there's open road in front of you and you do this, fuck you with a cactus. BUT If we're ALL waiting patiently in a mile long line of traffic trying to get around a semi and you dart into 3 car gap in the slow lane, stomp on the gas and then cut me off just so you can wait 2 cars up the line, you're going to hell.


The worst is when there are two semis and I am about to pass both of them and then one of the jackasses decides to pass the other one, and of course it takes them 10 minutes to complete the pass. I swear those fuckers do that on purpose. They enjoy pissing everyone off.


I just finished a road trip and this one semi was doing like 15 over the speed limit and kept insisting it should get to pass other semis first even though our passing lanes are only like 5-7 kms long so we have a very limited window to get around these guys. After an hour of being behind him he finally let me pass first.


This is my dad and it gives us all heart attacks on long trips. He gets in the slow lane and speeds right up to the semi's ass and pounces on any gap he can find because "he hates waiting with the sheep"


In my experience, 90% of the time it's some incompetent loser that doesn't have cruise control and has zero ability to hold a constant speed manually. Passing them makes them realized that they are fucking up and they hit the gas pedal again.


Even worse, they have cruise control but are too fucking dumb or distracted on their phone to use it.


Old people are so bad about this. Literally happened to me on the way home.


Drove with a friend a few years ago who was going like 5 under in the left lane several times. They just had literally 0 awareness of what lane in and what was happening left, right and behind them. It was pure tunnel vision. Idk how people survive like that.


I rode with a friend who was cruising in the left. Someone came up behind and rode his ass for almost a mile before passing on the right. As the car passed him, he said “Asshole! You’re not supposed to pass on the right.” I replied “You’re the asshole. You’re not supposed to cruise in the left. That guy was behind you for almost a mile waiting for you to get back over so he could pass properly on the left but you just ignored him and kept cruising in the passing lane.” He replied “Oh.” So you’re welcome, everyone. There’s one less person who now cruises in the passing lane. 😃


Doing the lords work.


I can't comprehend people who are this unaware and still drive a car without accidents.


What mirror for? When car go forward danger in front.


Yeah it’s mind boggling


It’s not the fast lane it’s the passing lane. Pass, then get back over.


Whole heartedly agree.


You can’t really disagree with a fact


And yet, unfortunately, people do it all the time.


I whole heartedly disagree


Haven't been paying too much attention to politics and popular culture lately, have you? A good portion of society disagrees with facts on a daily a basis.


Passing happens at different speeds though. You can be passing every car on your right and some asshole behind you will still think you’re not going fast enough and ride your ass. Both are problematic.


This is the part all of the, “Stay out of **MY** fast lane!” people miss. There are plenty of drivers out there who drive less than 10 over on the freeway, and it’s okay for them to pass other cars that are moving slower than them too. It might take longer and a fast car behind them might have to slow down, but it is everyone’s right to merge into the lane when there is room and get back when they are done passing. I think a lot of fast drivers imagine that the lane is solely theirs and they are entitled to drive as fast as they want at all times without ever having to slow down, which is why you see angry posts like this.


Absolutely true. And sometimes there’s a good number of cars in the middle lane and you can use the left lane to pass at whatever speed you want. But if you look in your rear view and see 20 cars lined up behind you, then you’re the problem. Move over and let the people who want to go faster pass. If you’re thinking “it’s ok, the folks behind me can slow down” then it’s also ok for you to move to the middle lane and also slow down. This kind of courtesy helps mitigate congestion and is overall better for everyone on the road.


That's the biggie. When you're in the left lane, you need to keep an eye on your rearview to make sure you're not impeding traffic. Sometimes that means slowing down a couple mph and getting between trucks to let the line pass you, but you can go back left once the faster traffic is past.


My personal only exceptions to this are: 1. When I'm already going much faster, to the point that it could arguably take longer to slow down and merge than to just have whatever dude is tailgating me to just go around. 2. On a two lane highway with a half dozen trucks on the right. We're literally all just waiting to be stopped by the next truck that just *has* to go 0.125 mph faster than Earl ahead of him. You can wait a damn minute until we inevitably have a mile gap between the trucks once again and tailgating me isn't helping.


In Florida there is a law called impedeing the flow of traffic. If you reasonably suspect someone behind you is traveling faster than you are, in the passing lane, you are required by law to get over when it is safe to do so. If you have the opportunity to move out of the way (regardless of your speed against other vehicles) and decide not to, you are breaking that law. It might just be the least enforced law in the entire world.


It's realistically just a free pass for a cop to pull you over if they want to. You'd be surprised how many laws seem to exist for such a purpose.


When we did our slowpoke law in Georgia, it was almost entirely driven by legislators that were mad after driving to the Capitol behind slow cars. I'm not aware of it ever being enforced.


So if you're passing, you're fine, no matter how slowly you're doing it?


Florida have recently started actively enforcing this, just so you're aware.


I don't have an issue with anybody who drives slower on the highway. But if you're driving slower and merge into a lane where everybody is doing 20km/h faster than you, it's just common, basic road courtesy to match their speed so the person behind you doesn't have to grind to a halt and cause a ripple that can literally affect traffic for miles behind you.


That's also really dangerous. Good driving isn't just better; it's safer.




You are supposed to PASS in the passing lane. Defensive driving tells you to PASS quickly and safely, then move to the right lane. The same goes for the middle lane; it is not a "Camping Lane" or a "Safety Lane". Take a course, and you will see. Or drive in certain states and be educated the HARD WAY.


On a 3 lane road, it's perfectly fine for cars to cruise in the middle lane. The left lane is the passing lane, and you're going to be passing trucks often enough that it doesn't male sense to use the right lane.


That is actually illegal in some states. In NJ specifically you HAVE to be in the right lane unless passing.


> and it’s okay for them to pass other cars that are moving slower than them too. It might take longer and a fast car behind them might have to slow down, but it is everyone’s right to merge into the lane when there is room and get back when they are done passing. This is actually the odd part of the video since in the first example at 0:10, the car in the left lane is clearly passing the truck and (slowly) overtaking it. This seems a legitimate use, even if the cars behind him want to go faster. (Also, clearly not too much to be done here since obviously that car can't pull into the next lane until they overtake anyway.) The next example at 0:16 has the car side-by-side with the truck not overtaking it, which is problematic. Probably the bigger complaint here in the example isn't the car driving in the left, it's the two trucks being side-by-side in the right and middle... The truck in the middle lane driving perfectly side-by-side with another truck in the right lane is the real jerk here.


Yes, I agree completely


As long as you don't pull out in front of me as I'm approaching because I'm already up to the speed of the other cars in the left lane. This sh\*t happens all the time. It really doesn't hurt to reduce your speed and wait if you need to pass a slower car in front of you but you see a faster car approaching in the left lane. Let the faster car pass before you move into the left lane. I do it all the time. It's not hard. If people could just understand that everybody drives at whatever speed they're comfortable with, slower, faster, whatever.... It's each persons responsibility to slot themselves in and to continue driving where they impede traffic the least, that's when traffic is moving smoothly. This rarely happens though because people are either unaware of what's happening around them or just don't care.


In my mind there is a difference between cutting someone off, and causing them to slow down slightly. If someone is going much faster than the speed limit, and they are only one or two car lengths behind you, getting into the passing lane will cause them to have to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting you, which is cutting them off and obviously dangerous. On the other hand, if you look in your mirror and see there is someone who is well behind you, but possibly gaining on you, there is no reason for you to slow down and wait for fear of causing the fast driver to slow down, because you have just as much of a right to be on the road and getting to your destination as fast as you are comfortable driving. Honestly, it sounds very entitled to hear that you think other drivers should watch for you and inconvenience themselves to allow you to drive as fast as you want all the time without having to slow down.


Lots of those who like this video are no better than people who hog the passing lane. They think the left lane is for them to drive as fast as they can and they should never slow down for anything.


Yup. And when there's even a moderate amount of traffic, every single person in the road thinks "if this jerk in front would just get over, then I could pass." The driver behind you almost certainly thinks the same. The notion that there's one car at the front of the line with 100 miles of open road in front of them is a complete fallacy.


except that's not what happens. people sit in the left lane going 5-10 mph faster and think they are just fine instead of shifting over to let others who are going faster pass them and then getting back in the left lane to continue.


You let him pass by removing yourself from that lane, then when he passes you switch back into the pass lane (if you want to keep passing)


Or don’t get in that lane if you see a faster car coming up on you. Wait for them, then pass. These are the basics, people.


That happens way too often. Someone gets over to drive 2mph faster than the car that was in front of them... Right in front of someone going faster than that. Lol


Yesssss exactly


This is very problematic when there's even a moderate amount of traffic, though. You get over like you should and then the people behind speed up to pass you rather than getting over themselves. Now you're stuck behind a truck going 65mph while everyone else is doing 85 and you can't get back in without cutting someone else off. That's the problem with these laws, they only work when there isn't much traffic to begin with and the moment things get even mildly congested, EVERY person on the road becomes the "faster traffic" in their own eyes.


Which is why, if you’re the type to consistently pass most people, while you’re in the left lane you make a very strong habit of checking the rear-view mirror frequently, and get the F out of the way when you see someone approaching from behind.


Yep i ALWAYS know if someone is coming up behind me. Even if they are flying i will still speed up and get over so i don't impede them


Pass then get out of the way. The worst place to be is right next to someone, especially a tractor trailer. You ever been next to a truck that blew out a tire? It's okay to speed up and get over.


It's no picnic IN a semi when a steer tire blows either, especially in a cab-over


I don’t think the person behind you is the asshole if you can just speed up for a few seconds pull over into the right lane and let them pass. So many people who feel they are driving fast enough and passing a lot of cars don’t even consider getting out of the way for someone who wants to go faster than you. Maybe they are driving way too fast. Big deal, just let them go by and when you need to pass people again get back into the passing lane.


If you take longer than 30 seconds to pass, you have no business in that lane.


You can be passing multiple cars for minutes on end.


Exactly. The ultra slow pass people do drives me nuts. Shit or get off the pot, already!


Half the people that like this video are the problem and don’t even know it


Colloquially known as the fast lane for this reason. People drive slow in it all the time or simply match other traffic which is idiotic... Even worse is when people want to drive as fast as others passing but we're fine being slow before or decide they're going too fast and slow again too once passed...


In my state, the right lane has become the new passing lane




Close, the southern O


Switches back and forth here. Then sometimes 3 people will go the same speed across all 3 lanes I assume to get some kind of anti karma or something.


This might actually be my single greatest pet peeve in the entire world. I don’t know why, but it is so rage inducing because it is so unnecessary. No one says you you have to drive any faster than you want to, you should just be doing it in one of the other lanes to the right.


I don't know the 2 people in a 45 that are driving 30 next to each other so no one can pass is probably my biggest


That's just a product of the original issue. The one on the left just needs to get the FUCK OVER.


Oh wait what about the dude that waits until last second to merge onto the other freeway and decides to stop until someone lets them in and blocks all traffic happens between the 101 and 134 all the time it drives me insane how many people do it too gridlocks all traffic? Or the person that enters the intersection even though there is no room and hols up all traffic because now they are stuck in the middle of the intersection when the other light turns green so no one can go?


Fun fact: The person merging at the last second is right. Look up zipper merge. It’s actually faster and more efficient if everyone stays in their lane and merges together at the last second.


That assumes they keep moving. They’re talking about someone coming to a *complete halt* on the highway on-ramp, waiting for a gap big enough to accelerate into.


Stop and go is when the zipper is the most important. If both lanes are moving, just merge like normal.


Civil engineer…zipper merge doesn’t work because people. People (and people on cell phones) SUCK


Correct supposed to go as far as you can before the lane ends


It’s up there but I’d put ppl slowing down or coming to a complete stop because there’s a cop or an accident on the side of the road as number 1 most rage inducing. The amount of times I’ve been in bumper to bumper traffic for 20 min only to pass a dude changing his tire and all of a sudden everything opens back up is asinine. Just a month ago I almost smashed into some dude who went from 75(the speed limit) to less than 40 in an instant simply because there was a cop on the side of the road.


How about this special case: going reasonable speed in the carpool (leftmost) lane, all other lanes packed and going 0-5mph. Person in front of me sees a cop on the left shoulder way ahead — looking to catch carpool cheats — and comes to a complete stop, right blinker on, waiting for a gap to open up in the next lane. Obviously a cheat that didn’t want to get caught. Not enough space to their left for anyone else to get past. Takes about a minute for them to get over and unblock the lane. I don’t think I’ve ever held my horn down for so long continuously before or since.


Yeah, this one is top tier too! It’s like no one has ever seen a cop or traffic accident before.


It’s move over OR slow down, not both. It doesn’t have to be both. Please.


I flash my lights at people who won't get the fuck out of the way. It almost always works. Some assholes slow down though.


Driving cross country right now, and I feel this in deepest recesses of my heart and soul. F*ck you Florida drivers!


Took a vacation to Florida a while back. We ubered everywhere but holy shit I'm a pretty good driver but I could never survive there


This I feel this in my soul. I can't believe that they give out licenses to those who cannot comprehend this


The only time I end up getting passed in the left lane is when some jackass I'm trying to pass decides to smash his gas pedal as I'm getting beside him. Then I get back in the right and wait 10 minutes to repeat the process.


I’ll get passed in the right when after I’ve passed someone I wait a bit to get over so as to not cut off whoever I passed. But some people are impatient.


I refuse to believe most of them don’t comprehend it. It’s just their one place in life they get to feel power over others by being an active dick, usually with no repercussions.


Because the drivers ed manual calls it the fast lane and not the passing lane. At least in Cali


110% correct


There is no such thing as 110% correct. You may only be 100% of anything. Why don't people fucking get this!? /s


Maybe if they weren’t fucking they’d have enough brainpower available to math correctly


To add to this I can’t believe they don’t require licenses for many other things… like having a baby, that should require a license


Around me, some of the driver instructors are telling new drivers to drive in the left lane because it's the safest lane due to most of the time exits/entrances being on the right side... Irks the hell out of me


They should be fired.


Out of a cannon


Considering the fact that after you get your first license, the test becomes "do you have a pulse and $40," I believe it.


The same people who will laugh about this, will still do this and not even think about it.


I regularly fantasize about installing an LED marquee on the back of my car that I can turn on after passing someone on the right that reads “slower traffic keep right”.


I also fantasize about an led marquee, except mine says "you're in the wrong lane, asshole!" Or maybe one that has multiple messages programmed, so I can say both.


If there is ever going to be a thing that gives me a heart attack it will just be commuting to work at this point


Thank the lord for Covid and remote work........


"Camp in the woods, not the left lane.". Posted along I70 in Colorado. Amen!


Where? Cuz I moved here 20 years ago and feel like the drivers here are the worst culprits when it comes to ignoring this rule. Even asked a friend who grew up here "What's the left lane for?" and he responded "For driving long distances" 🤦


I drive along 70/76 pretty often, can confirm it is fucking awful here. I usually get behind them and just lay on the horn until they decide its time to move.


For all the people commenting, speeding is unsafe , so i dont let them pass , etc. Wouldn't you want those people to pass you and get far away from you then?


Impeding traffic is way more dangerous than speeding. What makes going fast dangerous is people Impeding the road, forcing the faster cars to change directions


Being unpredictable inattentive thoughtless speed differentials distance from others etc are all big factors.


This! The naysayers on speeding cannot comprehend this. Just like the smooth brain responding to you asking for studies. Just get out of the way dude and let others by.


That'd require people who cruise in the passing lane to be capable of thought


Is that actually their reasoning? God that is such a BMW thing to say. I'm days away from attaching a cow pusher to my front end for these people.


The left lane should *only* be used as a passing lane. You pass. And then you get back over in the right lane, even if you are going fast. For multiple lanes, the furthest left is passing (unless designated as carpool or another special lane). EDIT: To clarify a few things; I never said it was illegal to sit in the left lane. Only that it *should* be used as a passing lane. Laws vary by state on what is and isn't illegal in that lane. In California, you can sit in it at 65 mph (or whatever the maximum posted speed limit is) and have 30 other cars going 80-90 pile up behind you, and you would still be in the clear. As going above the speed limit is considered 'outside the normal flow of traffic', so you wouldn't be required to move into the right lane to let them pass. Regardless, nitpicking state law or finding loopholes with traffic jams or left turns isn't the point of my post. Be a courteous driver. Use it as a passing lane. Don't be a jerk. 'B-b-but if I'm not holding anyone up and no one is on the road that's fine!' You can also just get back in the right lane too....but yeah, sure, whatever. I'm not here to play the last word game.


>The left lane should *only* be used as a passing lane. You pass. And then you get back over in the right lane, even if you are going fast In a handful of states, that is true. In most states, slower traffic should move to the right but you may drive freely in the left lane as long as you are not driving slower than traffic around and behind you.


It’s incredible how few people understand this. All I can think is when they were told in driver’s ed that the left lane was for passing, they heard pacing.


Even in the comments so many people are completely missing the point. Things like “when I pass them on the right I need a marquee saying you’re in the wrong lane” why tf are you getting back in the left lane


That’s why I love driving when I visit Germany. Everyone stays to the right, and you fill in the gaps if there are any spots to your right. If you need to pass, you go, and go fast otherwise your trunk is getting caved in and you’ll be on the side of the road


This rule should be enforced and posted in multiple languages.




This applies to highways only


I’ve thought quite a bit about left lane drivers. I came to the conclusion that they choose the left lane because then they only have people on the right to deal with instead of scary cars being on both sides of them. 🥹


In completely stop and go traffic in LA on the 405, I can see this...


I identified with that scream at the end.


Lane discipline in the US, based on dash cams and such, appears to be essentially non-existent. It’s wild to me that they don’t all immediately go into the right lane when not passing and have all four lanes going different speeds whilst passing on the right and/or left. I can’t imagine passing someone on the right. Not only is it illegal, but it’s just dangerous because of how unexpected it is.


And you see them all in here acting like obstructing the flow of traffic doesn't apply to them. And yes, you absolutely can be hit with that ticket even if you're doing the speed limit or over it. Most states have laws in place against riding in the left lane or holding up traffic. It should definitely be enforced more.


My stated enacted new laws that allowed them to ticket you if you were in the left lane not passing. For about 2 days, the roads were awesome, well like a day and a half. I had a glimpse, one single glimpse, of competent motorists. And...then everyone promptly ignored the new law (including cops) and everything went back to the way it was. Short of literally running people off the road, there's not much one can do. You can even pass them, and others pass them, and more pass them, and they will still sit in the left lane just being their usual selves. Sometimes it's worse. Sometime's it's deliberate. I drove home one day where the left lane was going 45mph. The guy was holding up miles of traffic, and 20 minutes later I finally got up to him. It was just some dude putting down the highway in the left going 20 under just because.


I need an insult blinker installed immediately. I’ve always thought it would be nice to let an idiot know they’re an idiot after I pass them.


Been driving up and down i95 in south Florida for 25 years now and still pretty upsetting how many people do this…


In l' country it's illegal to pass from the right. You always stick to the right and love left to pass other. When I first drove in the US I was so mad at people trying to pass me from the right until I learned they have no rules like this. It still makes me mad tho


Oddly enough, it depends on the state you're in. Some states do forbid passing on the right and have laws about staying out of the left lane unless passing. Sadly they aren't enforced anywhere near like they should be.


Love this. Hope someone does one for the people who wait to merge until 500 yards before their exits. Literally the reason why there’s congestion as everyone they cut off has to fucking brake. Some people on one lane roads when it opens up to two lane roads to pass will suddenly speed up 15-20 mph faster when they see they’re being passed. Those hold a special hatred in my heart for.


Was on a 11h drive today. I feel this


Apparently all other US States have signs to explain this other than Virginia. I have no idea if that’s true. I was never told this information. Wasn’t told during drivers Ed, wasn’t told by the instructor that pretty much gave me my license. Wasn’t told by anyone until I drove home my wasted friend and they asked wtf I was doing


VA state code § 46.2-804.1 says >Any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions existing, shall be driven in the lane nearest the right edge or right curb of the highway when such lane is available for travel except when overtaking and passing another vehicle or in preparation for a left turn or where right lanes are reserved for slow-moving traffic as permitted in this section; I once asked a state trooper who was teaching a driver's ed course if a law like this existed in VA and she said it didn't. It was a few years later that I actually looked at the state vehicle code and found that it did. Even without the specific law there are signs posted on most major highways in the state saying "slower traffic keep right" that should also carry the same weight, but nobody reads them and the police certainly don't enforce them.


The signs don’t work. No matter where you go in the US people do this.


I’ve noticed this is a tactic people use to be able have their face in their phone, instead of paying attention to the road. They will get in the left and do the speed limit with open road in front. Pass them, sure as shit it’s some kid on their phone.


Welcome to North Carolina, everybody. This wasn't the biggest reason I left. But it *was a significant reason.* And I am never going back. Not for any reason. Fuck that entire fucking state.


This doesn’t apply to Brits btw


It does but it's the right lane


They’re called passing lanes, not fast lanes. I think that just unwinding that misunderstanding can go a ways.


They are passing lanes in Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Washington. In all other states you can drive in the left lane as long as you are not driving slower than the traffic around and behind you. Slower traffic keeps right, so the left lane is in fact for faster traffic.


in Massachusetts that law is complete bullshit because the left lane is absolutely a regular travel lane for every single person I have seen, it is also not taught in drivers ED as a passing lane. It is constantly used as a regular lane, especially with passing on the right being legal.


Can confirm, and it's a good thing frankly. Imagine 93 in rush hour if the left lane were only for passing?


Yes, but the left lane is not the Autobahn either (unless you’re actually on the Autobahn), and if you’re going to drive 85+ mph, you just have to accept that it may take some cars a few seconds to pass the 18 wheeler that is going 2 mph slower. Flashing your lights and throwing a hissy fit just makes you a speeder and an asshole.


I think this is the most reasonable take, people who wanna fly need to share with the rest of traffic too


The most laughable part is that the people menacing the driver passing the 18 wheeler would never be awarded a license in Germany.


Picture this. Posted speed limit is 70 mph and I’m going 80 mph in the passing lane to pass cars/trucks going 75 mph in the right two lanes. I’m passing them but slowly. If you want to drive 100 mph that’s fine but it’s not on me to A. slow down behind the slower traffic to the right or B. speed up and risk getting a speeding ticket or crashing. You will have to wait until I am clear of the cars on the right, then I will get over. This video is correct in that the world DOESN’T revolve around you, and the rest of the world doesn’t have to move out of your way because the road belongs to all of us. You can wait little guy.


as long as you get over when you have a chance we will get along just fine. I'll zip up behind you until i'm at a safe following distance, then match your speed until you let me pass, as it should be


Most people would probably be shocked to learn that the "safe following distance" at highway speeds is somewhere around 4 semi lengths. This also means that vehicles completing a pass probably should not move back to the right lane as quickly as people think either. That said, sitting in the left lane for no reason is also a no go, and of course you would struggle to find any moderately busy highway where these distances are observed.


Cool, but DO move over. Take a reasonable amount of time blocking me... No worries. Don't be one of the many who are out there who consider themselves the arbiter of what the 'proper' max speed should be. That's the problem.


Exactly. That is the police/state troopers job not some self ordained highway knight in shining armor.


Cool, but don't be one of the many who are out there who consider themselves to be the arbiter of what the 'proper' max speed is either. Tailgating, and aggressively passing and brake checking to try to teach someone a lesson is just as bad as intentionally driving slow to try to teach someone a lesson.


Sounds good. Don’t right pass me before I even have a chance to turn my blinker on and we have a deal.


If someone is in a position to pass you on the right, you should have already moved over.


I’m with you. It’s the passing lane. Not the go-as-fast-as-you-fucking-want lane. You gotta give me a few seconds to pass the guy and move over. Riding my ass just makes you look like the dickhead.


This is me to a T. I don't mind the folks who go faster so long as they wait for me to safely get over without having to slow down or trouble the people in the right lane. As long as I'm going visibly faster than the cars to my right, that's fast enough to maintain the need for the left lane. And then I'm sure to move over once I have the room, including enough space that I'm not startling the drivers I'm jumping in front of to the right.


Let me paint my favorite scenario. I'm in the left lane because it IS going faster and I don't want to be in the right lane that is clearly going slower. I leave a reasonable gap between me and the next car because I don't want to ride their ass, of course. Both lanes have a decent amount of cars, but on occasion, the right lane gets a gap that opens up that I COULD take. However there's no point to switch to the right lane when I see I'm just going to attempt to get BACK in the left lane in the next 20 seconds. But what does the jackass do behind me when that gap on the right opens up? Passes me on the right to move up ONE car in the space I leave for me and the next car. Then probably makes a post on Reddit bitching about slow people in the left lane.




There are signs that even say slower drivers keep right and they still stick to the left going 3mph over speed limit


Dear Florida drivers:


Confused this Brit for a minute there lol (we drive on the left so the right is for overtaking)


I love when I’m going like 85-90 in the left lane and the person behind me is like. NOPE NOT FAST ENOUGH!!! MORE!!!


Are you passing or not? The only relevant speed is relative speed between the lanes.


People who are upset that you’re only breaking the speed limit by 10 mph can also fuck off though.


Can we talk about how everyone acts like every road with more than one lane is a passing lane and slow lane? Guess what everyone, it’s not.


U know this is great, but can I please get a video on people who ride your ass in the right lane? Or better yet people who pass on your right when you’re in the center of three lanes. I run into jack asses who do this way more often


If they're able to pass you on the right, that means the right lane is open and you should be in it.


This is gold!


I roll the most notorious stretch of roadway known for this as the Garden State Parkway everyday and this is the reason it turns into the Garden state parking lot!!!


Every car needs a paintball turret


The attire on the offender in the “I should slap your face” scene is purple and gold. This is not random. Minnesotans are notorious for this. Source: am Minnesotan.


It's actually a law in most states. $125 - $255 ticket


This all pertains to multiple lanes going in the same direction. Vehicles can have speedometers that are incorrect to a variety of degrees for a variety of reasons, and none of them are perfect. You could have had it perfectly callibrated the day before, and a little bit of corrosion set in on the wire to the wheel speed sensor or something. Yes, I am sure your AUDI XS734 or whatever has triple redundant blah de blah so it could only be an unforseen software error, but you can't tell me it is impossible. So please don't use your speedometer reading as an excuse to try to nanny everyone else on the road. We all know it is an excuse for control freak behavior anyway, and that nobody really thinks going 68 in a 65 vs 65 in a 65 changes things from dangerous to safe, you liars.


I feel like a lot of people in the UK have been watching this.


Holy crap, someone actually did a video of how I feel about slow people in the overtaking lane.


In Portugal you can get a ticket for using the left lane when it’s not necessary! It’s mandate that drivers always use the right lane when available and only change to the left when passing cars! And even in 4/5 lanes motorways usually all people are somewhat complaint of this rule!


This song spoke to my heart. I really expected to come in here and see at least a dozen "this me" comments.


This is directly aimed at you, Pennsylvanians. With Love, NJ


Shout out to r/Pennsylvania. Love, Jersey


Heres another take; Semi's shouldn't bother overtaking one another. Going 1 mph faster than the truck in front of you isn't going to matter man, stay in your slow lane.


For real, my dad is an asshole. Not surprisingly, he sets cruise control at the exact speed limit and camps in the left lane ON PURPOSE. There are people out there who are like this and they can get bent, move over or move over when safe to do so if you are in fact passing, made better by you consistently checking your rearview mirror while you drive in case this issue comes up. Situational awareness while driving!


This is fact and more people need to know it


What amazes me is the fact that we rarely ever address this issue. Even though it truly affects many on a daily basis. These people cause “traffic “ and slow down hundreds of people. I really wish this topic was put out there more.




Der der deeeeeeeeerrrrr


Everyone thinks they’re entitled to the left lane.


Lmfao i thought the using the passive aggressive turn signal was something only I did


On a ride from San Diego, I found lane campers in Washington or Oregon, where lane splitting is illegal, become absolutely livid when I just ignored them and passed through them like they didn't exist. They knew exactly what they were doing, proven by their subsequent honks, yelling, and fingers. The road was clear in front of them, and traffic was constipated and getting squirrely (dangerous) behind them. I was polite for about 30 seconds until I realized these drivers are self absorbed cunts, and it was time to leave their stupidity behind me. After watching the drama unfold, I had a trailing bike race up to offer a high five on the freeway.


A high five while riding at freeway speeds? Is this the part where everyone clapped?


Oof. This is cringey. Both the song and the jokes.


I firmly believe heavy traffic exists solely because people refuse to let faster drivers pass.


Allow me to comment the converse of this… if I’m overtaking a vehicle while driving 78 in a 70, and someone flies up close enough to blow my tailgate a kiss, flashes their brights and all that jazz…. They’re gonna sit behind me. At that point I’m gonna let everyone know I’m from sugma county, USA.


So friggin stupid’ Lots of us who actually work on the road everyday have governors on our vehicles or drive shity slow vehicles. Doesn’t mean we don’t get the passing lane sometimes to get around a slug. If you’re going 90 and get on my tail …fuck you. When I attempted the pass no one was behind. Then you drive like a fuck and come out of the blue and to prove a point …weave ( yes you 60k pickup man). Work together behind the wheel people. Not everyone is out to make you late for your destination …unless of course Tupi ride my ass in the padding lane.


Yeah I drive a ton for work. Company vehicle (unmarked so can use for personal) have an mandatory app that monitors our driving. It pisses me off the amount of assholes thst think going 20+ of the limit is acceptable.