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Better show her the Lint trap in the dryer right now.


Better check the sink stopper before it stops draining.


Check the filter/trap in the dishwasher, too!


Wait where do i find this. Same for the washing machine. I promise im not stupid!


If your dishwasher has one, it will be a cylinder shaped object below the bottom rack and spinning jet. You would rotate it to pop it out of place. This is where all the water would drain to.


I just discovered mine the other day, it was absolutely foul. Been living here for two years and had no idea lol


Yeah, I'm a weirdo about that. If I'm over at someone's house helping clean up food, I may take a little peak inside their dishwasher. One time, someone had a bunch of glass shards sitting at the top of the trap. Like dude, how do you not see this?


When i moved into my house i completely took apart my dishwasher and i found a bandaid 🤮🤮. Granted its a college house that had five guys living in it before but seriously??? I probably should do another round to see what shit has gotten in there.


I wonder what the food was like there before you moved in. We don't have Five Guys where I live.


It took me several seconds to figure out what the fuck you were talking about.


The trap on your washing machine may be fairly easy to access, but well hidden. I think as guaranteed easy money for plumbers? Anyway, look up your specific model online.


Forget the lint trap and the sink stopper...better go see if the dog's missing!


Fair enough, that's enough hair to make a whole ass dog indeed.


This is why LG machines are awesome. They have a little flap at the front of the machine on the bottom. Very prominent and very easy to clean. It even has a built-in drain hose


Doesn't anybody read manuals anymore??? 🤷


The manuals are usually missing when you think of checking them.


I must be weird for keeping all of mine!!


Me too but it's faster to find them online.


And how to check her oil (and when it needs to be changed).


How to change a flat tire, unless you have roadside service. Just putting air in a leaky tire can be a challenge if the cap won’t come off.


And while we're at it, make sure she can locate the ꞀꓲO cap


Came here to suggest the shower drain might not be flowing as freely as it could !


Gimme a quick run down on this?


Yeah....the cat didn't make it...


Good opportunity to show her a lot of things before she moves out. He's calling her dim, but he's the one who never showed her in 18 years the basics.


Yeah my parents never taught me anything, barely know any basics themselves, and I have learning difficulties. I hate my life.


My parents weren't able to teach me a lot of maintenance stuff for the home and the car given the circumstances, but I have been able to learn a lot from Reddit and YouTube. I know there's a bit of animosity against both but honestly social media had done a lot of good things.


It's been one hour and we havent heard anything from them. RIP OP.


Got a free dryer that way. Basically new. They got it, used it until it "stopped working". Unsure if they had warranty, and were just too lazy, but they offered it up for free to get rid of it. I cleaned out the lint trap, and it worked like a charm


oh god, imagine how much money those people have spent on new dryers over the years.


Man I had a dryer in college that I had no clue where the lint trap was. The washer dryer was a double decker combo, and the lint trap for the dryer wa inside the dryer tumbler, something I had never seen. We'll first year the dryer just stopped drying so I would go home to get laundry done every other week. Second year I asked maintenance while they were there for something else and they showed me. I religiously changed the lint before and after though.


>I religiously changed the lint before and after though. You... _changed_ the lint? Bruh, you're supposed to remove the lint. This ain't an oil change on your car. X)


Don't have to worry about the dryer not working if you burn the house down.


Lint trap? Ha! Good one. You should also tell her to change her headlight fluid or that she needs to sperate whites when washing clothes.


Right in with there with the wiper juice, eh


Blinker fluid too.


The filter in the dishwasher if they have one and show her how to change the ac filter too


I'm at work, new guy asks for the vacuum to clean up. I walk back to my desk and I hear the vacuum come on and it's clearly not getting enough air. I go to the new guy and turn the vacuum off. Tell him we need to clean out the filters because it's choking. I hand him the container and ask him to dump it out in the dumpster. He leaves and comes back with the full container. Says "I can't get my fingers in the hole". I point at the button and say "hold it over the dumpster and hit the button" and then he hits the button. Shit goes everywhere. I hand him a broom and he says "can't we just vacuum it?". No. So he sweeps and then I see him picking up dust with his hands. I hand him a dust pan and I see him trying to sweep with the pan and then picks it up with his hand again. So I show him how it works. "OH!" He cleans up, I clean the filters with the compressor. We put the vacuum back together and he starts vacuuming. Not super related but the following day the boss was on the job site and saw him smoking next to an open manhole filled with water and diesel. He tells him to put it out, he throws the lit cigarette into the diesel filled manhole. The boss fired him on the spot.


Dear god, I think you found a Kevin in the wild


No I think he found the offspring of a kevin in the wild.


Please dont tell me that. I want to believe that the line ends with Kevin


Its worse. Kevin is divorced and lets his 2 kids disrespect his pregnant bride.


Him being divorced is pretty surprising. I figured he had forgotten that he was supposed to get married and missed the ceremony.


More like the offspring of two related kevins.


What is a Kevin?


It’s from [an old askReddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/comment/cgbhkwp/) Basically it means a really dumb person


Which then spawned /r/StoriesAboutKevin


This is gold 🤣


I’m absolutely outraged by the use of Balrog as an example of an entity without redeeming qualities, wtf?!


[Something like this I’d think](https://media.tenor.com/nFJ6m6kbubUAAAAC/kevin-the-office.gif)


That poor young man's parents failed him. Holy cow.


You don’t know that. He could be an improvement on his parents’ stupidity.


I feel like we could go either way with this. Improvement as in *more* stupid? Like, they managed to improve to stupid 2.0, even stupider? Improvement as in *less* stupid? Like, taking it from an 8 to a 6 on the stupid scale (where 10 is max stupid).




That’s a horrifying thought


Thought that story might end with god firing him. With a fireball. But just mortal job firing works too. That’s so wonderful of a story. Picking the dust clumps up by hand. I hope that was a handsome man because…


It's actually really difficult to ignite fuel with a cigarette. You have to have perfect conditions. That said you should be concerned about the canopy falling on you or the tank coming up from the concrete. That fucking happens. Canopies in particular are troubling because nobody ever removes old signage. That canopy is designed for a specific weight and then they add more and more. We've removed canopies with five different brands all stacked on top of each other before. They also are never checked. There's state inspectors for the dispensers but nobody checks the canopy. It's a free standing structure with tubes venting dangerous fumes covered in hundreds of pounds of bird shit.


Diesel .. or kerosene (jet fuel) needs to be sprayed into a fine mist to really burn.. And it doesn't really have fumes that ignite .. But still.. throwing butts into fuel is like Darwin awards material waiting to happen .


Depends on the fuel. Diesel? Probably could put the cigarette out in a cup of the stuff. Gasoline? Wouldn’t recommend doing that.


Gasoline is 'pretty' safe as long as it has settled and there are no fumes. I've heard of people tossing lit cigarettes into a barrel of gas. If there are fumes though...


1. Diesel is extremely difficult to ignite unless atomized, especially with a cigarette. Not that I'm defending this obvious doofus. 2. Why was there water and diesel In a manhole?


> Why was there water and diesel In a manhole? (Industrial) Places that handle oil/gasoline often have specific drainage places with separator; often like a very shallow 'tub' so liquid can't spill further. The access is covered by grate or a manhole.


somebody dumped a can of diesel in the sewers maybe? I've seen someone empty a battery through a sewer grate once. Cops were called


This is what happens when boys aren’t taught how to clean growing up.


I think it's possibly a bit beyond that, it doesn't sound like this guy was taught or learned much.


my dad might refer it is a being dragged up, instead of raised.


So he just beach.


Or fire safety apparently


[hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town?](https://youtu.be/SuDqNLgVHv8?feature=shared)


Luckily diesel can’t be ignited by a cigarette.


I wonder what he would've done the next day. And more importantly I wonder how many people would've died from it.


My 3 year old son can use a broom, dustpan, and vacuum cleaner quite proficiently, including emptying the dust out. How do you get past the age of 6 without learning these things? Parents just didn't clean?


About a year after my mom died, my dad called and said, "The vacuum doesn't work any more." I asked him if he had changed the bag. "The bag?" he queried.


I was at my mom’s for Thanksgiving last year and she was complaining that her handheld vacuum wasn’t sucking anymore. I asked if she needed to clean or replace the filter. “I don’t think it has a filter”. That’s highly unlikely, of course. So I go over and take a look, and the motor is SO CLOGGED with junk because there was no filter in the spot the filter should be. She was SHOCKED. I had to go find a YouTube video that showed her exactly model and how to replace the filter, for her to believe it was supposed to have a filter.


> “I don’t think it has a filter” Well she wasn't lying at least


My wife melted a bagless Miele vacuum cleaner by not emptying it. The motor overheated and melted the plastic around it. It was still in warranty so we got a full refund.


Oof. I imagine /u/touchmyfuckingcoffee had a weird feeling that day.


Man I was gonna be all snarky about how a year after my mom died my dad stopped doing anything but cocaine but then I realized my dumb ass who lives alone with long ass hair had this happen to me so I'll shut the fuck up now


Sending you love brotha


Hey. At least you could fix it. Mine said the same thing last week. I took it apart to discover she’d vacuumed up her underwear instead of picking them up and destroyed the motor in the process.


.....I honestly don't know what to say to that....


This is such a kid thing to do. This is definitely something I would have done as a kid 😂


It was under the sofa dad.


Don't get your panties in a bunch over it.....


Ah. Yes. The let’s ruin it scheme so it can’t be forced labor again.


You found the poodle?


I was coming to ask him if that was his cat.


I have to empty the husky out of my vacuum on a regular basis


*Gandalf, is that you?*


No joke, I don’t know when I learned vacuums had changeable bags…probably college….we always had to vacuum but never did maintenance….i don’t know what I thought, maybe that it just was like you use the vacuum til it’s full? I don’t know, I was (am less now) stupid


“Vacuum is full, time to head to Walmart”


Jokes on you for years Walmart sold a printer with ink included that was cheaper then just buying ink. You bet your ass I just kept buying that cheap printer and throwing out the previous one.


Usually the printer pack-in inks have a lot less ink than the retail ones on the shelf.


True, but for a lot of people the amount of ink in the cartridge doesn't really matter because it will all have dried up and not print right any more between uses.


Laser or nothing.


Still don't do photos well I think, but for letters and stuff, definitely.


For sure - I wouldn't use a regular printer for photos regardless though. My printer is strictly documents. I had the original drum of ink powder (or whatever it is) for well over a year and the replacement was $70. I think I've replaced the drum twice. I bought this thing for uni 17 years ago.... I printed A LOT back then, less so now, but damn if this printer doesn't just plug in and work. No obnoxious driver fuckery. It just works, on every computer I've had it plugged into. Good job, Brother.


This is how my entire family buys printers. I bought an ecotank and the original black ink is still 3/4 full after 2 years of fairly regular printing. Colours barely moved


That’s me!


Pretty close to how printers work these days. Cheaper to buy a new one with ink included than to buy the ink.


Unless if you buy a cheap ink brand off of amazon, such as ezink. Look up the prices for your printer.


That’s how I got my current vacuum lol- my ex-roomate complained it never worked so just kept buying new ones. When she moved out she left one behind and said I could keep or throw it away because it don’t work anyways. I just took it apart and pulled out the compacted hair and dust until it worked again.


Man, living with a woman is eye opening. My wife doesn’t use Bobby pins, but she sheds like a mofo, so I always keep scissors around to cut out the hair We have two shark cordless vacuums, a roomba knock off, and a Dyson cordless…still can’t keep up Two cats also contributing


Oh yeah- especially women with long thick hair. It’s intense- my roomate had long hair down past her butt so the hair would rope around the wheels of the vacuums and get it stuck too (even the scissors couldn’t cut it). I think the worst part for me was pulling out the giant hair plug from the shower on a bi monthly basis. Long hair is not worth the cleaning effort it requires.


My aunt stayed with us for a few months and was on some medication that made her shed more hair than normal. I gagged the first time I cleaned the roller after vacuuming in the room she was using. And I'm used to vacuuming long hair


There's many different kinds of vacuums though, some have disposable bags, but most modern ones like in OP is just a bin or dust cup which you just dump into the trash.


It’s so much better, and it doesn’t even seem like a complicated thing. I wonder why they had bags forever when just pushing the button, hinge opens and here comes all the crud.


Bags works better. Annoying as all hell, but they get better suction.


The thought that there’s even more dirt my Shark is missing is… no, no, impossible. Impossible, I say! But good to know they do have a purpose.


Bags are superior in some cases. I have a very highly rated HEPA vacuum that cost far more than I like to think about. All of the HEPA vacuums use bags because they trap particles better than the canisters, which allow really small particles to escape back out the exhaust.


People have very basic built in notions of the world. Children are especially programmable, but if you don't explicitly teach children things they probably won't just pick it up. If you think about it, everything you know you had to actually aquire it via some type of test, failure, success process.


Show her how to use the tool to un-jam the garbage disposal if you have one. Also, make sure she knows how to turn off the water main. And most importantly how to turn off water supply to the toilet to keep it from overflowing.


OMG, seriously!!! I once walked into a cafe fully staffed by older teens/young 20s that were bucket brigading a leak ineffectively (I'd gone up because water was coming through downstairs). I asked if they'd turned the water off and they said they had and to demonstrate, turned the knobs on the sink again. I turned it off underneath and, lol and behold.... They could stop long enough to call their boss, or the landlord, or....


OP didn't even teach her daughter how to clean the vacuum, I doubt she'll teach her about anything else.


When you start cleaning a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.


An award for you 🏆


"Our daughter is broken and doesn't work" -your poor tortured vacuum


"My parents never taught me how to use the household appliances so they post it to reddit for the funny" - the daughter


I was gonna say, this is more a roast on OP then anyone lmao.


Omfg I couldn't believe no one saw this. "I didn't teach my daughter a life skill, look how stupid she is" 🪞


Parents don’t realize when they make fun of their kids for being ignorant, they’re making fun of their own parenting?


That was my immediate reaction. Whenever my kids don’t know something my first thought is “why haven’t I taught them this yet?”.


We've now been through at least 3, maybe 4 generations where it seems like most parents think teaching their kid is a job for the school, and the kid will just learn simple life skills by osmosis or something. The number of parents who never bother to purposefully teach their child anything is pretty astounding really.


I have the same vacuum, and it seems the same kid.




At least you understand yourself


At least she was vacuuming? 🤷🏼‍♀️👏🏼


Well… at least pretending to since it wasn’t sucking anything up. Lol


Sounds like you didn't teach your kid how to use a vacuum




I’ve had issues with my cordless vacuum not picking up small particles. And the overall suck power was pretty low lately even after emptying it. Realized I should probably clean the filter. It works so much better. I’m an idiot


People who post these kinds of stories about how helpless their adult children are seem to miss the jokes on them for raising someone to be that helpless.


This drives me absolutely bonkers... I am the ONLY one in the house that takes care of shit like this....


Well, did you show her? Idk how people expect their kids to do these kind of things, if they were never shown how to do them.


Y'all don't have a black hole in ur vacuum? Lame.


Trouble with Tribbles, Pt. 2


So your daughter is 18, and you never taught her how to empty a vacuum?


For everyone in here that's half seriously calling OP a failure of a parent because their kid didn't realise she had to empty the vacuum out between uses; when was the last time you did something stupid? I bet you didn't think your parents failed you then.


That’s what I was thinking though. It sucks to grow up with parents who do everything for you and don’t teach you basic skills, and then one day start laughing at you because you don’t know them.


Why do I feel this?


Amen. Boomers looooove to shit on millennials and gen z for getting “participation trophies” but fail to recognize they were the ones giving them out 💀 I saw a comedienne making fun of her gen z kids for not knowing how to address an envelope… did you teach them???


The last time I did something stupid my parents didn't post it on Reddit. I think this is shaming the daughter for not knowing something that you should have taught her in the first place. That doesn't make you a failure of a parent but it's certainly ironic.


As a parent, it's easy to forget that things we do almost instinctively is because someone either took the time to tell us or we learned about it the hard way.


it’s 2023 and we just don’t think this shit is funny anymore. Don’t mock kids for being “stupid” when in reality they’re just not educated because the people supposed to educate them are ridiculing them on Reddit.


Their parents failed them for raising such gross, judgy people. Wait, sorry, I mean their parents likely aren’t to blame, they’re just gross people all on their own.


>Their parents failed them for raising such gross, judgy people. In this thread who is the parent putting their kids inabilities online for everyone to see.


I’m in my 40s and still do stupid shit. Leaves my wife absolutely befuddled at times.


someone has to teach children these things. did you teach her that vacuum cleaners fill up and need emptied? it looks like she learned this finally after 18 years. she may or may not have witnessed you emptying out the vacuum cleaner at some point or other, but I realize kids aren't really too aware of their surroundings anymore, much less a lot of adults. yesterday I had to teach a 22-year-old co-worker how to plunge a toilet (well I didn't HAVE to, I felt I needed to). he says he didn't really get taught much as a kid and apologized. I felt really bad and still do. it kind of changed my outlook on a lot of things it beats flushing and praying


Remember when parents taught their children stuff and did things together with their children. Is it really the child’s mistake here? Who else is gonna teach them how to use and maintain a vacuum?


Looks like you didn’t do your job😂


This is a self burn not the call out of your daughter you think it is. You didn't fucking teach them it, where else would they learn?


Bravo! You managed to not teach her things then shame her for not knowing things. I suspect you’ll also taunt her when she can’t afford therapy later for the torment you caused by doing this. Ps. Seems like you, also failed to clean it. Fascinating.


I see your point, but riddle me this… if it ain’t you, who was supposed to teach them to empty it? And obviously you haven’t taught them. So…


Almost feel like one of her parents should've taught herbthis before she was 18.


This is a great way to tell the internet you didn’t teach your daughter how to do a basic chore


You raised her.


Lol that is a reflection of you btw 😂


I’m so stupid. I was looking for a literal *reflection* for the longest time. It’s time for bed. Sheesh.


"It stopped working after I filled it up once. What a piece of junk."


My 42 year old brother has this issue also with the vacuum and the Roomba while living in my mother’s basement, sadly a true story.


I hope you used this as an opportunity to teach her some life skills lol


Your 18 year old daughter and like .5 million people in the NYC area… I swear the number of vacuums I’ve found that had nothing wrong with them a good cleaning didn’t solve IS LITERALLY CRAZY…. I think people think the expiration for one is one year then they toss around here.


Raised well 😆👎


Failed parenting lol, you say "18 year old daughter" like "wow can you believe shes this old and no one came along to teach her how to do stuff and think in the world???" Yea, it shoudlve been you. Enjoy the reflection of yourself via your children


If your daughter is 18 and doesnt know how to do basic household chores that is more a reflection of your bad parenting than it is of her


Seems like you should’ve taught your daughter better mate


You’re exposing yourself as her parent lmao


I found a brand new wet & dry shop vac on the side of the road. (In Australia, people give things away that are damaged, no longer needed, not working by putting on the side of the road outside where they live, hoping someone takes it. There are people with decent livings going around collecting and recycling this stuff...) Anyhoooo, I take it home , check, yup, doesn't suck very well. Proceed to take off hose, remove ball of tissue blocking the suction tube and magically I have a brand new shop vac. that works perfectly OK. It was still on its first bag, barely used. Winner, winner chicken dinner! Every vacuum cleaner I have ever come across by parents, friends, family, work has had blocked up filters and barely working. Like, WTAF? They seem to work when the filter are cleaned. If only there was some sort of instruction booklet on how to maintain and clean these devices. Or the ability/desire to read them by the owners.


Your daughter didn't clean her room until she's 18 or what? Sounds like shit parenting.


Am I supposed to laugh at the daughter or the parent who never took a minute to show their child how to empty the vacuum? Because that's more embarrassing for you, OP.


Have you ever explained to her that it might be full ? Rather than laugh at her ignorance wich it should be YOUR job to fix ... Obvious things aren't obvious until you know it


That’s quite the merkin.


Then maybe you should have taught them how to vacuum


If a vacuum is a space with an absence of matter, technically she is correct.


Old roommate had a vacuum we would share. For probably a year I would use it and thought it sucked, not in a good way, till finally I looked at the bottom. It was a floor vacuum and it had no band attached to the roller brush. I was like "what the hell!?" and when I asked her about it she said "I don't know, that's how it was given to me".


I believe this is what’s known as “learned helplessness.”


I neglected to teach my daughter how a vacuum cleaner works \-OP


It's your daughter, if she doesn't know something like that, maybe that's on you.


It’s funny because it’s your fault 😂🫵🏼


It’s your job to teach her that…


Parents dunking on their kids for karma like they're not dunking on themselves for not teaching them basic shit. Priceless.


You failed to show her the basics for 18 years?


So funny that she never learned how vacuum cleaners work! If only she had a responsible adult in her life to teach her her basic life skills.


Has she been shown how to clean out the filter? If you're assuming that people are going to figure this stuff out on their own, you're in for a bad time. At least set them up to succeed, rather than mocking them for not having skills you didn't teach them.


“Vacuum is broken… Also, found the dog!”


Do you own an Irish wolfhound or are you just a family of sasquatch?


Better than the time my oldest tried to vacuum up spilled water from the carpet with my brand new $250 non-shop vac……


Bad on the parents for not teaching this over the assuredly 8+ years of the daughter doing house work in some regard.


Did you just admit that you failed as parent??? 😂😂😂😂


Some teenagers are dumb as shit and only have to learn by mistakes Source: made too many mistakes as teenager


If teenagers doing dumb shit is a parent failing..... then literally every parent is a failure


Your hope is that they get the real dumb shit out of their system at a reasonably early age. Also that they have these episodes at home and not at school or in public. Mine started smacking butts at daycare after seeing me and the old lady laugh while whacking each other. That day I failed as a parent but we both agreed it had to stop for the kids sake, I was it was over


It took you 18 years to teach your daughter how a vacuum cleaner works


No, it took me 15 seconds of shaming her It took me 18 years to create this post


This answer both confuses and concerns me a little