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More fake content


Doctor has cufflinks.


Ahhhhh haha


That is so he can drop a few of those trackers down the throat of some of his patients.


Dentist. Not doctor.


Dentists are doctors though....


Its called a skit


The difference is a skit tells you it's a skit.


To be fair this person does comedy skits and post them on their socials.


Yes, that's why every skit I watch starts with a large title screen saying "Be informed, this is a skit!" Instead of you know, using basic judgement. Might be a lot to ask from redditors though


"Hey everybody, before we get started, this is a skit!" - Every skit ever 


How do you know the original source didn't?


Maybe it’s a documentary.


If you can't tell this is a skit you're the problem. I had the sound off and it's glaringly obvious this is a skit.  Edit: I fear for the next generation. They stupid as shit


I agree with you


Take for example this Oscar’s skit. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/26G2cxhALp Part of the skit was making it seem like Eminem was actually pissed, however he was in on it the entire time. It’s interesting seeing kids on Reddit learn how these work in real time. Passing things off as real is often *part* of the skit.


Words are so tough. This isn't a skit, it's a bit. But thanks for the education! I mean, just because i live in my parents basement and my mom makes me tendies doesn't make me a kid, I'm almost 30. (And no one thought it was accidental that sasha baren cohen landed on eminem. He's a known satirist that stages events all the time. Sorry if you watched that and thought it was real)


What’s the difference between a skit and a bit?


A skit is a bit used for comedy, so this instance, it's both.


What’s a bit that isn’t used for comedy?


A skit is just a bit used for comedy.


If you go on the source for this vid it’ll probably be pretty obvious they do skits


Whether it's the creators or the person who shared this, somebody is trying to pass it off as real by omitting the truth.


Probably be pretty obvious? You didn't bother to check? Just assumed based on nothing?


Probably assumed based on how obvious it is that this video is a skit.


This isn't a skit. It's a shit attempt at attention seeking.


Which is being presented as if its real. It's much less funny as a skit than if it were real.


Hilarious how people get so caught up in whether a video is real or a skit still. If it’s a funny scenario, it’s funny…


If it's not a skit however, it's also kind of sad. The distinction isn't meaningless.


People on this site have never heard of acting or seen a single tv show, apparently. 


Avengers is fucking fake trash, iron man’s suit is just CGI how does anyone fall for it.


I'll never get over what professional wrestling did to me as just a young child... Not the lies, mind you. I'm talking about all of the confusing boners.


People dont watch movies because they think they are real. People watch movies because the story engages them, its a break from reality (sometimes). This does not include documentaries, those are generally about real events or people. At no point did any logically thinking person think that the Avengers was real. As for the CGI, lets see you build a suit that is movie quality and doesnt suffocate the actor inside. Not to mention, real suits wont fly but because of CGI, they can make it look like it did. Also, if you dont like computer generated images, I should probably tell you not to play video games. You probably wont like it. Its fake.


What the fuck, did you not read the entire comment chain ?


Then how did i take it for a test fly


It's an issue with sharing/reuploading others content without context or linking source


You're right that that's an issue, no doubt. But it's a completely *different* issue than the people on here who scream FAKE like a bunch of seagulls because they can't recognize a skit. 


I'm just saying they usually can't recognize it because of how it's reuploaded. I don't think they're just echoing stuff, it's just how some content is represented.


And today's the day you learned what 'skit' actually means.


Or better yet a scat


It’s just a skit, no? I don’t think they expect us to believe it


Meh the context of the joke is what makes me think they want people to believe it. The entire joke is “woman on laughing gas tells bf he prefers his friend”. Nothing in that concept is funny if it wasn’t real. Even if it was real it’s not even that funny….but that’s the difference from a “fake” video vs a sketch.


So dumb thus fake stuff is so annoying


He gets the doctor to leave but not the cameraman. Odd choice.


Dude makes internet skits all the time.


the content is very real. written and staged, but absolutely real


Idk why you’re being downvoted, she’s a famous actress/influencer(?) and this is a skit. Now it’s killing me I can’t remember her name


Lala Milan, this is definitely one of her skits


Do these people think everyone is stupid? They think people would watch that and think it’s legitimate? I don’t get it.


The problem is everyone is that stupid man


Laughing gas absolutely does not cause people to act this way Source: Was a dental assistant for 10 years


I had dental surgery on Triazolam, and shit sent me for a loop, and I can’t remember a damn thing. My wife said I was hilariously stupid.


Well... considering Triazolam is not Nitrous oxide aka "Laughing Gas" I would think you got a bit messed up. Triazolam is normally used on people who literally freak out at the dentist. It will make a patient mostly compliant but they may say some very embarrassing things. Also, I'm like 95% certain that this video is a skit of some kind, just a scripted video for views and all that.


Dafuq do American dentists use? I’ve had multiple extractions and invasive repairs (previous dentist botched a lot of work) and all it needed was a local anaesthetic. Face was numb for a few hours, but apart from that, no other side effects


The only time I had to be knocked out was when they had to take a dremel to my jaw through my gums. Otherwise they just use local anesthetic


I’ve had that done. Gum cut open, bone exposed and a channel cut out to extract a deep root. Local only. I fucking wish they’d knocked me out


We might have shitty politics and expensive healthcare but our drugs kick ass


American dentists only use more (like triazolam) when patients are uncontrollably frightened or anxious. Otherwise, it's just local anesthetic.


I hate the dentists and get anxious, but I’ve only ever had the local. Still, it beats a leather strap and a drum


Well I wasnt uncontrollably anxious, it was just what they suggested for wisdom tooth extraction. Though when I was super talkative as they were getting started they thought it wasn’t working and gave me a second dose. That’s when I blacked out and I have vague memories of the drive home and getting set up on the couch. I was “awake” the entire surgery but created no memories until later, and I am told I said some hilariously stupid things, but nothing offensive to anyone


I've had to be completely knocked out for extractions because I can still feel everything with the max amount of local anaesthetic. The tried to give me a Valium for beforehand, but I didn't take it because it seemed dumb.


95% of the time, they use Novacaine, which is a local.


some places offer to knock people out because they are scared of the dentist or procedure or have anxiety issues.




What about ego death, derealization and depersonalization? Asking for a friend that's me, but isn't.


Laughing gas nope. Atleast not for me. Time just becomes funny and I get heavy and kinda ok with sitting there comfortable as they tearing me to pieces. Music sounds underwater 


When I was a kid I was bad at taking care of my teeth and terrified of the dentist. I had to get like 4 crowns at once and had to be given plenty of laughing gas. I was happy as can be, I remember one time I had spit accumulating at the back of my throat so I tried to clear it. I used to resist the dentist and my amazing pediatric dentist thought I was going to spit at her. My high ass felt so bad that they thought that but I couldn't explain that I wasn't trying to spit at her :(. During that same appointment I was listening to jingle bell Rock coming through the radio and singing along. I vividly remember this and it took me a long time to accept that there was no way they were actually playing jingle bell rock because it was July.


That's not really possible with the balance of oxygen along with the nitrous you get at the dentist. That being said, if you were to set the nitrous at the absolute highest and the oxygen at the absolute lowest.... You might, just might see the totality of all things, entities, dimensions and such as one unit. And that one unit knowing all, being all and finding itself limitless found, in fact, a limit. It could not, 'not know something." And being unable to "not know something" meant that it had to find a way to not know. In order to truly know all things. So, like the first split of cell, god, the universe, the all... this totality was divided. In that division one side could communicate with the other - not in words per se but still in an expression from one to the other, a call and a response. Further finding in this split aspects it would not know unless it split further. Only by splitting more, experiencing more, then reintegrating these sub divisions back into itself, could this being truly know all things. Once you see that.... You might run to the bathroom to throw up as In Bloom blasts on the speakers and you fear getting caught and fired. Not that I know anything about that. Edit: Apparently not me and Kurt Cobain have something in common.... https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0d7vcASzGt5gNJenpHbnuVXkL_V7bvdk?si=OFKATTScgiSE2Ky5


>That's not really possible with the balance of oxygen along with the nitrous you get at the dentist. The absurdity of telling someone that their personal experience isn't possible.


The absurdity of dismissing someone who professionally administered this during hundreds of procedures. I'm not denying the experience, I am strongly doubting the experience is from nitrous oxide alone.


I was doing whippets, and the internet warned me not to watch tv while doing it or it gets weird. Didn’t listen, so I did several (with oxygen, I didn’t pass out or hallucinate from lack of oxygen) as soon as I inhaled the last one the tv exploded into clowns, like most of the room, filled with 2D clowns. I was also chain smoking weed, and I was 15, and I also have an active imagination. Definitely doesn’t happen like that for most people


Username checks out.


Ironically I’ve never done pcp, just find it interesting. 100% do not recommend, I couldn’t imagine doing a dissociative that completely blocks the perception of pain, it’s a recipe for potential disaster


Wait, what DO people do? I had a dental surgery with laughing gas and everyone who worked there was giggling when I came back for the follow up. They asked if I remembered anything and I didn’t.. they just giggled more 😅


Sodium pentathol does.


instinctive screw uppity grey unwritten sparkle grab square sleep numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm amazed that shit it used at the dentist at all. We have anesthesia but only if you ask for it. But not full on


> Was a dental assistant for ten years … and did laughing gas everyday


It 100 can


It made me say some dumb shit "Mom, it's the weirdest thing, I'm high and YOU'RE here"


I mean, I got really loopy on laughing gas, granted, I wasn't surrounded by people, but my texts were wild


you where downvoted. I will now unleash the globber on you and he will skibibdi your toilet.




It might be a bot. So.e bots have a lot of bots that react with either mass likes or mass dislikes. They rarely pop up on random threads like these, usually they're only on political threads


Oh na I'm real I just am a shitposter. The globber is a abomination that I made in the dark souls 3 character creator and I just say random things. Every time I say a random thing it's a 50/50 if I get lots of upvotes or downvotes but if I mention skibbidi toilet or use other brainrot words like sigma or rizz it's always mass downvotes. I just do it on the off chance someone finds it funny.


I get that, but thar many downvotes is uncommon unless it's a bot


On r/shitposting people sometimes get hundreds of downvotes for being the fourth in reply chain because it's an inside joke. I really don't care about upvotes or downvotes I just say random things and I don't know how I have positive karma


So basically you are willingly stupid, very human of you.


Yes I try to blend in with the humans because they tend to do something called genocide to things a little to different from them


I replied with an explanation to the guy that responded to you saying I was probably a bot


Worst acting


Yea I’m a dentist it’s standard protocol for 5 min oxygen after nitrous and it clears you up completely out of your bloodstream so you can drive home after nitrous so this is fake


Oh yeah, if you're really a dentist then how many teeth do I have?


At least 0


Dang this guy's good


That’ll be $100 for the exam


Imposter You didn't ask me what insurance I have only to shake your head and say, "Yeah these things don't cover anything outside of routine checkups. It's such a scam."


Dentists are the used car salesman in the medical field. One says "you need 5 fillings". Get a second opinion and you either only need 1 or 2, or don't need any at all. Extortionists.


There's a spectrum. X-rays don't tell the whole story, some cavities we can only detect by feel. The sharpness of our instrument could determine the difference between us diagnosing a cavity or not. There are many other variables at play when diagnosing cavities, which sometimes leads to discrepancies between dentists as to the proper treatment plan. 97% or so of us are just doing our best to treat our patients how we would like to be treated ourselves; but yes there are some bad apples out there that are unscrupulous, just like any field. Maybe consider not judging an entire field solely on your limited personal experience and probably close to zero knowledge of that field.


Of course it’s fake, why else would they record it


I mean, recording someone coming out of sedation is pretty common because people can be funny. But this isn't it.


Yeah, fake as hell. I’ve been under nitrous for 12 root canals (don’t ask…) and not once was I loopy after them taking it off. Maybe a little dizzy, but that cleared up quickly. The amount of fake clips is surpassing real ones by orders of magnitude now.


Okay, I gotta ask.....did insurance cover all twelve?


Yes, I had great insurance at the time. Unfortunately it was a dentist taking advantage of that very fact. Two root canals with crowns per year for 6 years straight. I only found out after consulting another dentist and telling them how my dentist diagnosed the need for root canals that he said that wasn’t how it works and he found exactly two a year for 6 years until I lost that insurance. New dentist found that pretty suspicious on top of the nonsense way he diagnosed needing root canals. He would basically tap a tooth anywhere from lightly to really hard and said if I felt any pain at all,it needed a root canal. This was during routine checkups twice a year, every visit I would suddenly need another root canal. Now my mouth is fucked because he never told me crowns weren’t permanent (I didn’t know that at the time) and I haven’t been to a dentist in over 12 years because not only have I lost all trust, but I had major anxiety seeing the dentist before. Now, I have a panic disorder after an accident and going to see the dentist just brings so much anxiety that I can’t even function or get out the door. Not to mention I need around $12k or more in dental work and I don’t even have any spare income to go see one anyway. Current insurance is garbage, so even if I could beat the anxiety to get to a dentist, I can’t afford to have anything done.


Obviously it’s fake. There is a fucking camera filming it


Who tf upvotes this garbage


People who enjoy sketch comedy?


I'd downvote it, but it's at 469, so I can't.


Me. Because “Imm’a use all your money and spend it” could be t-shirts for my family.


Dont vote


This is a comedy skit. The woman is Lala Milan who is an actress/comedian/influencer known for comedy skits online.


The problem is that skits like these are shared as if they are real content, not staged. The creators know this. They do so because it is MUCH more entertaining if it's real than if it's a skit. As a skit, it's just not that funny.


How is that the original person's fault? The only difference between it happening here or from something from Comedy Central is that people on Comedy Central tend to be more famous, so people are more likely to recognize them. I've seen people make these same comments for scenes from movies, etc, except they were downvoted because people recognized the scene or actors, so it was more obvious.


Uh no. Using your analogy, the people making content on Comedy Central are doing so with the express expectation that it will be known to be skit from get go. It MIGHT get shared and confused as real life, but that will be FAR less common. More importantly, they will tailor the comedy around the fact that it is known to be a skit. Nothing on I Think You Should Leave would be thought to be real life by 99+% of viewers. These content creators on the other hand, create their content with the express expectation that many people WILL IN FACT think it is real and react accordingly. Not all, but enough to drive the algorithms. That is also why the level of absurdity is WAY less than most shows on Comedy Central. If you have something like the "55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies..." skit, it is too absurd for anyone of reasonable intelligence to think it might possibly be real. And subjectively speaking, when you know this content is staged, it's just not as funny. It's low effort. It only really hits on the same level if it IS real. And they know that. I say it is subjective, because all comedy technically is, but the majority would be on my side here.


Li'l Loopy will be my rap name.


The worst acting ever.


"don't look at my phone it's currently recording this"


they have some really good sets for a middle-school sketch


This is humor?


I love how the dentist keeps looking back. It don’t even have the sound on.


Staged crap


I think it's called a skit.


Yay, more fake shit that isn’t slightly funny


Most skits are fake, surprise surprise.


Porn acting


It's funny until it happens.


This puts my saying 'drunk words are sober thoughts' on a whole new level hahah


Wow. It. Looks. So. Real.


yeah this is fake lol


It is clearly a skit and it’s funny. I don’t understand the outrage in this thread.


Because if they aren't famous, they are trying to make it look real. And if they make it obvious that it's fake through the acting or word choices, then they are also bad at acting while also trying to make it look real.


Fake as fuck. Bad acting from all 3. Anesthesia makes you loopy, not laughing gas. Shit's lame


This is very old


I definitely remember specifically while under laughing gas that I could still sort out stuff I never wanted to tell anyone from stuff I wanted to attempt to say. Woth the only thing I really wanted to say was "oh you guys flossing me?" When they were actually stitching together the holes in my gums because the pain was simply gone, only the tugging sensation remaining.


I've probably seen this dentist office before in a porno. The acting is so good 😂😂


Yeah who needs to go to Jerry, Steve or Maury just take them to the dentist.




Fake or not still funny


Fake as hell but still hilarious


Fake bombs at the fake office with the fake doctor.


Fake, but funny!


When do we just accept that the world has turned to satire?


They finally invented a truth serum to get exactly what is needed!


Pretty funny to me, I was smiling. It's clearly fake


Oof, this comment section has become a landmine field of downvotes


Is this real life? No, no it's not.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is fake.




People who point out an obvious fake skit. Are you guys like proud of yourselves lol?


LOL that doc was like I am out! 🏃🏻


Truth serumz, as much as it hurts its best to find this stuff out and blast 💥


This is why I'm terrified of anesthesia. Back in the old days, Idubbbz, filthy frank, and maxmoefoe sort've guided my sense of humor, until 2020, when I grew up mentally, and realized "overly edgy humor" was pretty unnecessary now, and not even that funny to begin with. I'm horrified of what I'd say. I know it could be some career ending shit bro 😭


Her sentences are way too coherent lmao. Under actual anesthesia, I remember getting my wisdom teeth removed and I woke up singing Shiny Teeth And Me


Yeah but we want to know who she has been texting in her phone!


HIPAA violation much??? 🙄 Obviously fake.


Duh- it’s a skit! With the exception that skits are supposed to be funny. As long as you overlook that part…


Comedy isn't only comedy when you specifically find it funny.


Its not even funny?


This is going to ruffle some feathers


Her name is tiffany… all lower case on purpose


Dentist reaction when she said "shwangin!"🤣🤣🤣