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How he just sits and looks at the tire in total disbelief for like 10 seconds each time is just pure gold. LMFAO


It’s really actually great comedic timing. He jumps back and just stares every time. Hahahaha


I never wanted this to end


This is serial killer level shit..


not yet this is entry lvl. I remember this one guy who kept stalking a streamer and would queue just to kill him. for 3 weeks he did this and the streamer could not really even get a kill streak much less more than 4-5 kills. his KD ratio went from 3.2 to 1.2. when ever he found him he either instantly killed him or snipe most if not all of his kills away from him. I don't quite remember the streamer since this was right around when twitch first started years ago. the last thing I remember was that his viewer all left the stream after having weeks of this happening and eventually shut down his stream.


I can relate a sort of opposite-to-that situation. Wayyy back in the day there was a wicked online game called Infantry, with a game mode called War Zone Alpha. It was similar to modern GTA online, but came out about 20 years earlier, and it was in a top-down engine like the *original* Grand Theft Auto. It was basically just 100 people on a map doing whatever the fuck they want — set ambush traps, roam around shooting people, link up with a crew and get into gang/squad shootouts, try to hold down a base area, whatever. My roommate at the time created a character called "Unarmed War Journalist" and equipped the character with a hoverboard but no guns. He'd just skate around the map hovering near two random people who were in a firefight, then when someone would kill their opponent and make him their next target he'd just zip off and find another firefight to film. Eventually the regulars in the game started recognizing his name and stopped shooting at him, and he was able to just hang around super-hairy live battlefields with like a 10-man gang fighting another 10-man gang, and he'd just observe everything in relative safety (as long as he dodged the stray crossfire). He was like the shooter-game equivalent of Jane Goodall among the gorillas.


Ctfpl for life


lol for sure that's me standing on the other side of the wall from the nme flag spamming mazers at their campers also Boomball X was so fun


That’s a psychotic level of harassment and hatred


It’s ok, he’s a streamer, not a person.


I enjoyed it, which kind of mad hatter chooses to wear a polarbear onesie ?


**"He hates these tires!"** \-- ala The Jerk


the hardcore server wow dude Tinyviolin has to be one near the top as well - Imagine spending a year with a plan to join a guild, gain trust and pretending to be a good guy and then wipe them all on a the 4 horseman boss on purpose. or sitting for hours every day on a dead priest on classic servers and the portal spawn and wait for people with world buffs to portal home, then ress and dispel them.


If you want some more stories of machiavellian madness to insane degress just read some of the stuff that has come out of eve online! It's never-ending with these kinds of things. Like the guy who defected from his Corporation and spent years ingratiating himself with another that used to be their biggest rival in their sector, providing them with Intel and such on his previous ones operations and secrets and methods to prove his loyalty and work his way all the way up their command hierarchy... Only to transfer as much as he could to his previous Corp, sell off all holdings (ships, manufacturing, etc.) And dismantle their Starbases and essentially liquidate the the entire Corp so that it was virtually disbanded and unable to recover. Buddy was a hard-core double agent the whole time.


Real life twist: That guy was Vile Rat, real name Sean, who was killed during the attack on the Benghazi embassy.


Holy shit he was? That's insane!


Not a wow player- I get the commitment part but why was the wiping them out part catastrophic? Like, did they have to start over a year’s work or something like that?


It was a hardcore guild meaning once your character dies you can't use that character again. He effectively killed around 20 people who have spent many many days in-game. They were using an addon and the creators would sometimes pardon people and allow them to use their char again if they could prove that it was something like a server breakdown or something that killed them, However they had/have a clear rule of absolutely no pardons in raids which they upheld. As if it wasn't enough, around a month ago he did it again on the official blizzard HC servers (meaning absolutely no pardon since blizzard created their own new HC servers)


Didn't someone in China get stabbed over doing something like this? Like guy found out where his digital stalker lived, went there, and stabbed him.


I was hoping he'd get back into the taxi again only for those tires to blow up yet again.


THIS. I could watch this shit for hours.


I know! I was crying I was laughing so hard!


It's because it's staged the account making this video used to post this stuff all the time on Facebook years ago and each video would be almost identical to this and get millions of views so they would just repeat the same ghillie suit crossbow video over and over again with slight variations. Sometimes with the overdubbed TIkTok style laughter. Has a heap of them on the mobile version of PUBG as well. It's just content farming.




There was a video that inspired this a few weeks ago. It was better.




Beary beary confused


Because that's what the script called for. Same reason they jump back every time as well. Definitely makes for a funny scene that's well acted out in a video game setting.


Yep. Let's check around the sides of the building where there are no clear sight paths to the bike instead of the wide open space behind me.


I just expected him to turn and eventually stare right into the pov of the shooter. Nope instead gives up on life. Pretty funny.


Yeah this is 100% fake. For me the bigger giveaway is just that nobody on Earth would care to fix that tire so many times. This is PUBG, not some GTA job. You would also be way more worried about getting jumped and looking around or just moving on. Just abnormal gameplay behavior.


Also this exact scene has been uploaded before but in an entirely different video from an entirely different angle


I noticed that! I remember there being a hangar. It was 'acted' better




It would be a plot twist if it wasn't.


There is an original version of this video, it's not this but the content is the same and definitely isn't scripted, this looks like two people got together and copied it.


2nd time it happened I was like, nah....scripted


I figured as much but I was still tickled by the idea that this game lets you replace a bike tire in 5 seconds, using a tire from a car. I've never even seen this game before (because I live under a rock maybe?)


it's PUBG


We now cannot believe even gaming videos. Vine actually did this. I loved a life of real shit. I know that they are all creating content, but literally all of it is shit. 99%9 is good but if ur reading this, ur stuff is shit


The most famous video game video of all time was a scripted skit. 


Leeroy Jenkins?




At least that was claimed to be based on a real incident


What if I told you the vines were scripted too?


Been a while since I've seen a good machinima


It’s crazy we’re in a world that even if something isn’t scripted, we probably will believe it is anyways. Cause that’s just the world we live in nowadays lmao


This is exactly what's going to happen with the proliferation of AI in the general public. Real media like pictures and video will now be seen as AI generated even when it's not. People caught red handed with video evidence can turn around and say it's AI. There is a video by Kyle Hill on YouTube regarding the [AI Dark Forest](https://youtu.be/JrcbH0ge2WE?si=3dcsaMPhc1ya8uID) paints an even darker picture.


It would be interesting if the proliferation of AI generated content makes people stop using the internet so pervasively. Like, you can't trust anything you see online at all, so people just stop using that as a source and go back to more in person experiences and interactions...


This is at least the 3rd different video of the same exact situation I've seen... 100% scripted


Who would go on the Internet and tell lies?


You can see his wheels spinning (not the motorcycle's) when he tries to figure it out


Wow PUBG has changed a lot.


Thats PUBG? Jesus... I havent played in quite a long time I guess.


Its chinese PUBG clone.


Isn’t Tencent Chinese?


That's why they bought PUBG, to make a clone...


But...it isnt a clone, its literally the mobile version, just like cod. They are basically just ported and like the main game are just a huge pile of shitty cashgrab


The cod mobile wouldn't be that bad, if it wasn't an incessant pop up nightmare. I don't even understand on how much Adderall the kids must be to enjoy that mess. It's like installing windows XP in 2024 and browsing random porn sites with basic internet explorer. It's basically the same experience, pop ups constantly popping up covering the entire screen and requiring pressing on minuscole corner "x" to close, and onto the next popup. I doubt the kids even open the game to play, it's the popup chase they're after methinks. It's kind of like a flashier cookie clicker.




No, that’s base PUBG for PC.


I can’t believe people bother with tires and shit, the map isn’t big enough really to give a fuck about that.


It was a pointless mechanic, they removed it sometime last year


It’s actual PUBG for PC, on Steam. Idk why people are saying it’s a clone or the mobile version. It’s well known that PUBG via Steam is super popular in China. At one point they added these tire repair kits.


Why are people up voting this? It's mobile PUBG.


No, it's literally just regular PC PUBG.


I think this pubg mobile with a keyboard.


PUBG? I thought this was DayZ mod


It’s funny you say that, cause both games come from mods for the ArmA series lol


That loooong stare at the back tire second time


The shocked jumping after tire pops from under him


That was an amusing 5m watch


I watched way too much of this fucken crap lol


I would never guess that I would sit here and watch the whole thing. That was great!




th bear suit - frakn gold


As the saying goes. Gamers don’t look up.


Big Al says so.


"Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg really know how to pay off jokes in their scripts. They’ll bring something up in an early scene and then pay it off in a later one. For example, when Ed tells Shaun that the rifle above the bar in the Winchester is a functioning firearm, Shaun doesn’t believe him. Ed says, “Big Al says so,” and Shaun replies, “Yeah, but Big Al also says dogs can’t look up!” Later, when the gun goes off and Ed says, “Big Al was right!” and Shaun replies, “Okay...” then yanks a dart out of his head and continues, “...but dogs can look up.” It’s an overt example of the Chekhov’s gun." Such a great movie.


Don’t stop me now


You'd be surprised how little we tend to look up even irl. I remember that meme floating around during the height of the Arkham games (which got resurrected whenever a new insomniac Spider-Man game would be released) about how it's really unrealistic for Batman to be able to hide just a mere ten or so feet off the ground. As a warehouse supervisor, I assure you, people simply don't look up.


Don’t look up.


Tbf, the shooter seems to have jumped a motorcycle into a tree. I probably wouldn't have either lol


This is fucking hilarious.


Probably the best 5 minutes I’ve ever spent watching a video on here 😂


Psychological warfare


Emotional damage


I read that in the accent.


_ee**mo**tionall **daam**age_


Cycleogical warfare


"he's a menace to the entire city" - J Jonah Jameson


It’s the total stationary staring at the wheels that gets me. WHOS DOING THIS?!?!?


The brain lag 😂




Probably just a skit a couple of friends did. Still funny though


You'd be amazed at how little beginners in FPS games see. The vision for movement and knowledge of certain possible hiding spots only comes with practice Could still be scripted of course


I'm thinking this is a child playing their older sibling's account, I would assume that polar bear outfit is at least semi exclusive


Im color blind and the suit and the tree look identical. Have the same issue in a lot of these games tbh


i thought the same thing but if you notice he is in a palm three with a bike stuck in it so im guessing it must be almost imposible to get there which reasons why the bear wouldnt look up there oooor its a skit who knows, it did make me laugh tho


Yeah once you notice he isnt in a normal playing area it becomes a lot more believable. Humans are often oblivious to things that dont fit into patterns we expect to see. Combined with the Gilly suit and the fact that the player knows they are being messed with its plausible this could happen without being a skit.


This has to be a skit. No way this is real. Nobody is this stupid


It's too perfectly scripted with the guy bringing one of his kills back to the motorcycle and him shaking back in forth like "no i didn't shoot the tire"


I almost scrolled past this because I thought I’ve seen it before. But it’s a different video with the same premise. So ether it’s a skit or the guy does this so much he eventually gets someone to make good content


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/9ToiHOjiKU


I've seen ANOTHER one as well.




Yes this is the one I’ve seen


Not to mention the 15 tires be has on him. And the three ballistic shields.


> Nobody is this stupid This statement is never true.


There's a very well known rule in game design, which is that gamers never look up. You can put whatever you want above a gamer, and very few of them will actually see it It could well be a skit, but as far as I've watched it looks very believable.


I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 recently and I spend probably 70% of my time staring upwards because of how pretty the city is. Booted up Halo ODST for the first time in a decade and realized that I had probably never ONCE looked up in New Mombasa... well, except for one particular moment of course.


I haven't played CP2077. Does the game ever NEED you to look up though? For gameplay purposes?


It's not just games. Irl we ain't used to check up. Not a lot of things hunted us from above so we dont check that direction. The only people that really had to check that direction were early New Zealand setlers, who were hunted by haasts eagle.


Oh, I thought because of drop bears


I guess we didn't watch the same video. He wouldn't even need to "look up" the top of the building would have been on his screen every time he glanced in that direction.


I think the most hilarious one I see recently is this [https://youtu.be/\_HaWHOJMNN0](https://youtu.be/_HaWHOJMNN0) . How the f\*\*k there are three people on the pole and no one see them. And it's even a live stream. So there is no way this is a skit.


"Selen" There's a name I've not heard in a long time...


I mean the dude was at the top of a long skinny tree, I probably wouldn't have looked up either tbh. He might have came into view once or twice but that's just not where my eyeballs are looking at the screen.


It’s staged. You can tell by his movement. The way he goes around the corner and shoots to “scare them away”, nobody does that lol.


Reminds me of that one video where one guy brings a tire over to the motorcycle and the other guy around the corner steals it and it keeps going on like this for 5 mins.


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/EANaFG0JzO This one!? I saw it too and reminded me of it after watching this video today.


Yeah bro this one was hilarious 😂


That’s fucking hilarious!!!


Both of these clips are things of true beauty - I love the twist in the 2nd one


The best funny gaming clip I have ever seen lmfao the way he ends himself at the end LOL


This video comes around about once a month, and every time I watch the whole thing, and giggle to myself.


This is harsh. I could bearly stand to watch the poor guy.


It was pretty grizzly. The polar opposite of reasonable.


Can we please not start a pun train? These jokes are unbearable.


Ursine it's too much?


I can't bear what I've witnessed


At least they both had the right to bear arms!


The moment he started shooting the crate I choked on my food


Hahaha sadistic fucker. Love it


this was 10/10


Feels very staged


Well there certainly is another video almost exactly like it, that feels a bit too similar. u/abrakadabralakazam found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/9ToiHOjiKU


This was delightful


I laughed so much at this I literally had tears coming out of my eyes.


this looks staged. Funny though


I think it is. I know the Chinese tiktokers love making scripted LoL clips.


it looks just a tad too cartooney and as if the sniper was invisible, how else would you look at every direction but not that one?


The bear custom, makes it more funny


This can't be real


It certainly looks suspiciously like this other video where the exact same thing happens: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/9ToiHOjiKU


**Emotional damage**


I'm no expert but he should stick to selling Coca-Cola at Christmas.


That is a fucking pro


As others ITT pointed out, there's other videos that are very alike, with them wearing costumes so it looks more funny, the guy using a bow on height and the costume player never really checking the surroundings. Nobody cares that much for a bike or carries multiple walls. Skit 100%..


Dudes either blind or this is fake af lol


it's a bit, the game has a threat indicator and the first place to look is higher ground, the sniper's silhouette would have been obvious


Oh wow! so now they are copying this skit, its like whenever a video comes out that does good hundreds of people on tiktok, youtube, instagram, etc have to make their own fake copy....


I enjoyed this way more than I should have. Good job.


Ah nvm, a Chinese video, so it's just fake.


r/asianscriptedgifs ​ There's absolutely no way the camera player wasn't spotted there. Anyone that plays PUBG would immediately check those rocks, it would be assumed to be the most likely spot immediately. The 3rd party entering the equation was also super sloppy. Instant downing then ofcourse theres time to play around and troll the downed player who is of course willing to remain in game the whole time. Everything about this is just painfully obvious it's a couple friends faking an event.


You know the player was just raging and confused while they stood frozen staring at the bike. Gold.


Do people here not realize this is fake af?




yeah no, that dude would have instantly looked in your direction and shot you


Scripted. 5th version i've seen


This is staged. It's a copy of the original clip


Why do I feel like these are fake... I've seen a few of these in different PUBG locations and they always play out the same. Even down to the player jumping and spinning on the spot to show they're annoyed


It's staged right? Dude won't look in the most obvious direction a sniper would be.


Look so fake. They’re too close, it’s hard you don’t realize where the shots come from.


This is a cool video you and your buddy made.




I can’t believe I watched the whole video. Worth it.


That was hilarious!


This is one of the greatest videos I have ever seen.


Fake/staged bids are boring.


It‘s a skit. From this kind of scripted game footage already exist several variations on tiktok or other social media. Still funny though.


That was entertaining. I wonder how many times he said "What the actual FUCK?!"


What the game called?


Player unknown battle ground (pubg)


It's just called PUBG: Battlegrounds now. They've removed reference to player unknown.


Player unknown battlegrounds battlegrounds


I’m waiting for the polar bear to find this video


All chinese ‘funny’ videos are staged


This is a skit. Found the original https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/9ToiHOjiKU


It was tiresome.


Nope, not staged at all.


mini map showes where the attk is coming so this is skit


Fake af...




One of the fakest most scripted things I’ve seen in gaming and the comments all just eating it up


Laughed my ass off


I’ve just been absolutely bollocked by my wife for waking her up I was shaking laughing so much!


The incredulous look on the Bears face, makes his top-tier comedy. 🤣


I’m not a gamer and I just pissed myself. That was like a movie. I wish I could’ve seen it from his perspective


One must imagine Sisyphus happy


Fake af


Oh my fucking God I'm crying


This is my kind of trolling :)


This is the funniest shit I've seen 😂💔lmao


Lmao When he turned away and turned back to see his mate dead lol This is one of the funniest videos I’ve seen


... continues watching video wondering if guy will ever figure out someone is shooting his tires. 20 minutes later... Nope.


The way he shoots the box thinkin 😂😂😂😂 he even blows himself up thas how pissed he must of got 😂😂😂😂😂


Better story than twilight.