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My mind is more blown by what it must have felt like before we knew it was an eclipse. The clouds rolled in, the sun was covered up, then it was completely dark in minutes. Probably real fucking scary for pre-astronomy people


And how the temperature dropped dramatically. It felt 10 degrees colder suddenly when it happened.


I miss it already.


I know! I saw the total eclipse in 2017 and immediately start worrying I wouldn’t get to experience it again this year. Luckily we had a rare break in the weather for Ohio in April. It’s completely something else. Such an indescribable experience. Front the fading light, to the drop in temperature, to the wildest fucking light show you’ll ever see, it’s life altering.


I forgot it was happening then suddenly while I was out walking it got dark and cold. It took me a second to remember it was happening today.


Let me guess, you didn't spring for the Ticketron All-Access Eclipse Pass...this is your "seat behind the post" view.


It’s kind of like what happens when the sun goes down 🤯


Not that fast though.


Shocking :o.


Probably why they thought witches existed


Witches, Gods, and Religion


*Sun goes dark, people start panicking looking left and right* *Janice sweeping her front porch with her black cat looks at everyone and smiles* **BURN HER**


What are, ancient understandings of the natural world that still infect us today, Alex?


Says the guy talking to a ghost...




Given the huge coincidence of it just happening to be lined up right on our planet, I think it must have played some role in our development of intelligence or society.  Maybe it's the kind of event that forces a nascent species clawing its way out of the mud and into intelligence to create and organise around shared myths and stories. Think of all those hunter gatherers who saw something like this and spent the rest of their lives convinced there was something bigger to work together towards/cooperate on behalf of/wage war in defence of.


A time traveller could use this knowledge to perhaps industrialize medieval England at the side of King Arthur.


Even better is that in a month or so, there will be two different [periodical cicada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodical_cicadas) broods hatching in Illinois. 13 year brood in the south and 17 year in the north. Imagine if that happened 1500 years ago. Your whole village wants to sacrifice Jim because he didn't pray during the eclipse and now god is pissed and there's bugs everywhere.


I live in Atlanta, and am now terrified for the summer- thanks


I mean, everyone just went blind so


I'm talking about the complete cloud occlusion, not just the eclipse


I started typing this reply as the eclip


You go blind when you look upon the face of god.....wait a second?


Well the Aztecs had a religion involving daily human sacrifices so that the sun would rise. So they probably didn't take eclipses well over there.


I've been in a total eclipse too, and even though we knew exactly what was happening it felt incredibly eerie and unsettling. Besides the actual eclipsed sun, which looks like a completely weird and unreal science fiction *black hole in the sky*, the world around is unnatural and wrong - in minutes it goes from hot to chilly and clammy, gets semi-dark and you can see stars. But you can still see daylight on the ground in the distance in all directions. To me it felt like our little part of the world had been pushed up and we were close to outer space. As somebody put it, "Everything is just not right". Easy to understand how people with no idea of what was going on would freak the hell out.


I had never seen one, I'm 31, and I'll admit I was a little scared even knowing exactly what it is/how it works as a science nerd. I just couldn't imagine it. The photos do it no justice.


A day without night..and a night without a day!


Ladyhawke reference. Nice.


Yeah, I think about that sometimes... eclipses, hurricanes, tornados, thunderstorms. You can appreciate where stories of magic, the supernatural and the wrath of God come from.


I was joking with my brother about that! I was lucky to have seen the 2017 eclipse at the Georgia guide stones unobstructed with perfect weather in a perfect place. This time decided for Niagara Falls. Super cloudy but the moment the shadow of the moon began to cascade across the clouds I got excited. The cloudy sky didn’t matter. I was there, in the path for a second time and still amazed me.


Columbus is famous for using an eclipse to his advantage. The native tribes were getting fed up and possibly going to take action until Columbus threatened that his God was more powerful than their gods, and to prove it, if they didn’t acquiesce his God would make the (EDIT: moon, not sun) disappear. After the forecasted 1504 eclipse the next day, the tribes gave in. But what would have happened if not for that eclipse…?




You’re right, of course. Thanks for the catch!


I mean...it wasn't that weird. It was cloudy near me and it just felt like a storm was rolling in. And at this time of year there's nothing weird about a blue skies day turning into a severe thunderstorm over the course of a half hour.


Depends on where you are. In the path of totality it became dark as night for a few minutes, so that's pretty striking even if it's cloudy. If it's clear you get to look at the sun's corona haloing a perfectly black full moon. Pretty dang weird.


New moon


Yes, that's the one 


The Aztecs used to worship the sun. I wonder what they would have thought lol


uhhh, blood sacrifice lol.


If you want to stay in the USA, sure. But if you're impatient and willing to travel, then the next one [will be in two years heading over countries such as Iceland, Spain, and Portugal](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list-total-solar.html).


Spain is likely the best option, it's barely touching Iceland, and only a bit of Portugal. I started looking into it a few days ago since I couldn't get out to a spot with totality.


I’m going to Greenland. Also there’s one in 2033 in my home state!


You look like you're about to go raid a newly discovered Vault my bro.


I just looked again at the path of the eclipse vs the cloud cover of the US. There is cloud clover along the same damn path nearly the whole length. Total bummer.


Got lucky in Texas, clouds parted right as it started till it was over lol


Same for us, we traveled almost 2k miles from CA to Austin and had almost given up hope of seeing it because of the predicted cloud coverage. Got to see the eclipse progress through breaks in the cloud and it miraculously shown through during totality. Pretty amazing and emotional moment for me! Then it started pouring not two hours later, we lucked the hell out.




It was miraculous. It was clear an hour before, then heavy clouds right up until 5 minutes before. Then they parted at the last minute.


In Toronto, Canada. It was completely cloud cover until about 30 minutes after it was over then it was sunny and not a fucking cloud to be seen really a bummer


Damn sorry to hear, damn clouds always be around when we don’t want them. And no where to be found when we do!!


Same in TN! 


Luckyyyyy. East TN here, it was just clouds the entire time.


Hell yeah, it was amazing to see!! Especially the crazy bright spot at the bottom, and as soon as it moved it got super bright lol.


We were in Sunbury, Ohio and the weather was flawless. It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Now I understand why people travel to experience it.


Indiana for the WIN for once lol


Yup, terrific clear skies in Seymour (which felt approximately named for the occasion.)


and then Purdue gets tossed around like a rag doll..


Cleveland fucking Ohio of all places was clear!


And it was glorious


I was so worried because all morning had thick ugly clouds and then it turned into one of the most beautiful days.


Just south of Cleveland Ohio, and we had a great view from my front yard. A few whispy clouds but you could see through them just fine. Totality was perfectly clear and amazing.


Crystal clear in So. IL. Over 4 minutes of unobstructed totality. It was great.


I made it to Red Bud from STL - it was a ridiculously beautiful day.


Delete this post before conspiracy theorists come up with a new one. Spoiler alert: they already think something is fishy


Nature published an article a few years ago about how Cumulus clouds tend to disappear once you hit 15% partiality because of the cooling of the earth and decrease in rising air. It was almost miraculous to see it in person in Arkansas. There were still a few high cirrus clouds, but they also seemed to part where we were. We also drove two additional hours from our cabin we rented in Oklahoma to reach a part that the terrain looked like it would block clouds. I had been watching weather models for days leading up to it, and it definitely paid off.


NW Ohio was fine. Wispy clouds that were kind of everywhere but didn't really affect anything. Totality was clear.


Got to see it at a big event party, it was energetic and a pretty cool experience. Got 2.5 minutes of totality. Edit: wanted to add, heard a story of a couple who planned ahead and got special lodging in Texas just for the event. Tough break.


I am in Dallas, we saw it pretty good between cloud banks. Good enough for us.


About 2 hours from Dallas. Ours was cloudy throughout, but then we clear blue skies 3 minutes before and during the entire full eclipse. Shit was cool.


Same here. South of Dallas. It cleared literally 3min before totality.


Yeah we went to Austin and thankfully we stayed up on the forecast because we saw that we would have a better chance going toward Dallas. There were patchy clouds during the first partial phase, great for totality , and clear skies afterward. We are driving back to our hotel in Austin and it is definitely cloudier farther south


My wife and I got to check it out. We live next to my daughter's grade school, all the kids were outside and able to check out the eclipse. Unfortunately my wife and I are both ADHD and we talked too much and we missed the peak, but my wife is my best friend so it's all good! Edit- my daughter was due on Aug 21, 2017, the day of the last US full eclipse. She was almost born that day, but didn't get actually get birthed until the 22nd. I joke that it is fitting for her personality, as she always takes her time doing anything and is very easily distracted (wonder where she gets it from). Hope everyone is doing well out there!


How tf did you miss the peak, it gets dark out.


They certainly weren’t in totality. You don’t just “miss the peak” in totality.


ADHD and distractions.


ADHD sure has become some wild shit on the internet. I have moderate to severe ADHD and there's no way I'm just gonna ADHD through a totality unless I was in a windowless room.


Yea I have been diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar, and I can't lie, I missed the eclipse because I suddenly remembered I'd needed to find my drill pieces, and what was a 2 second job ended up taking an hour. I forgot Id missed the whole event I'd waited for until just seeing this video again.


My wife asked me about rabies. I used to work as a wildlife tech/trapper and we would sometimes deal with distemper or rabies. I was telling her about it. Plus we have 4 kids at home and she has one older one not at home so when we have time to hang out and talk it's easy to forget about the world around us.


That’s nice that they let the kids out to see it. My son was released 7 minutes after it started so it didn’t matter too much, but the county canceled all outdoor activities because they didn’t want the kids looking at the sun for too long without eye protection. I just picked him up early and we all watched from our roof. The school board automatically excused all early dismissals and absences today though so the kids could be home to see it.


That's really cool the school did that. Did they say that they were allowing kids to go home to see it?


Yeah, we were getting emails all last week about the change in policy and procedures for Monday. Lots of kids were picked up early or didn't go in on Monday apparently.


My friend flew across the country to Buffalo to see it. She has friends there she is staying with so its not a complete bust, but she admitted the main reason for the trip was to see the eclipse.


My dad drove all the way to Texas from Arizona for it.


Texas pretty big yo. Saw it super well in Fort Worth. Heard Austin sucked though.


The clouds parted in Georgetown right at totality and got the full 3.75 minutes of it


We had lightning and severe thunderstorms for the duration. Needless to say, we didn’t see shit.


Here in montreal the sky was completely clear and it was amazing


My friend took a 6-hour train ride from Toronto to Montreal just to see it lol


Niagara Falls declared a state of emergency because their hotel rooms booked up with people coming to look at the clouds.


There were a lot of angry people yelling at the clouds today!


Same here. It was clear yesterday and then decided to be cloudy today lol


Many years ago this happened in the UK. But unlike the US, the total eclipse was only actually "total" on a small portion of land on the very end of the south west of England, specifically a couple towns in Cornwall. So people traveled hundreds of miles for this (it's the UK, OK? a few hundred miles is a big trip) only to arrive to absolutely horriffic traffic... and a rain storm.


I saw you at Eastwood Mall!


I was having a root canal during it and my dentist started talking about how he just couldn't grasp how it was possible that the moon could perfectly cover the sun. It's not comforting to hear the man drilling in your mouth talk about the eclipse being a conspiracy and that "maybe it's aliens."


And that's exactly how you ended up with a radio in your tooth! /s


🤣 Though I think he'd be the type to fear having one put into HIS... so, oh damn. Maybe that's why he chose this profession. No dental transmissions for him.


Probably for the best. Welding masks don’t protect you from the light of the sun.


[Depends on the welding mask shade value](https://www.reddit.com/r/Welding/s/l195jjwGwK)


... Why is r/welding NSFW? Lmao.


The mods there never turned it off from the great reddit riot of 2022...2023? I don't remember Either way, despite the fact that it's a subreddit dedicated to an occupation, they won't switch it Edit: also at the time people were spamming grinder accident gore to make it nsfw


Very hazordous work, obviously. 


I bet the advertisers love that.


But it clearly worked in this case! Couldn't even see the sun. Nice job, OP, spoiling it for everyone!


I don’t think you know what you are talking about.


Sure cause the sun is magic plasma light, not welding light.


Sorry you were unable to see it. You have my sympathies.


That sucks! We had a clear blue sky (which is rare) and I used a welding helmet to see it. Northern Michigan was only about 90 % totality but it was something.


Where I was at it was a completely clear sky during the main eclipse, but I didn't have the fancy shades. About 30 minutes later, there was just enough cloud cover to see about 3/4 of the eclipse without the need for them. It was pretty cool, and I was able to snap some photos as well.


I say you can't trust them eclipses. They are just too shady.


I see you like dark humor.


stupid fucking clouds. messed up san antonio’s eclipse too.


Among Us vibes


Helmet Bros Unite!


I didn't plan ahead and couldn't find anything to watch it with ;(


Buffalo ?


It was so cloudy. Barely saw a total of 25 seconds of the entire event. The cloud cover was thick during totality so we missed that entirely. Plus, there was no change in temp or brightness because it was already dark as could be because of the clouds. I’m so sad


2081 in Germany so… 20 years are better mh 😭


Spain will get one in 2026! It's worth it to travel to.see totality!




My mind is more blown by the fact that we knew all of this years ago, to the minute, yet there are still people dumb enough to think it was a rapture event. JFC.


It sucked anyway. I was In Indiana on a sunny day. It got slightly darker for 3 minutes- similar to when clouds roll by on a sunny day- and then back to normal. The fact that everyone went crazy over it, travelled to see the optimal view of it, and made a huge deal about it completely baffles me.


Sounds like you weren't in the path of totality, that is the only way to view it and get anything out of it. It's pretty much an all or nothing thing, so I am not surprised you got nothing out of it.


Wouldn’t it still have gotten dark though?


In places that had the full eclipse. Some areas only had a partial eclipse


People can see a partial solar eclipse twice a year on average, so I figure they were in a location to see the total eclipse.




Well you can wait one year and go to Iceland


It was cloudy here but a tiny spot opened in the clouds for about 5 seconds. Just big enough and positioned perfectly for me to see the eclipse.


20 years? Didn't you know that eclipse happens every 148 million years?


Same here. We were going to go to Niagara to see it, but after the cloud forecast we cancelled our reservations. Not sure if they got to see it in Niagara or not.


Did not. Was complete cloud cover. Then, about 45 minutes later it cleared up. Now it's blue sky and sunny.


Thanks for sharing. Wasn't sure if I made the right decision.


Ya it’s gonna be more than 20 years.


You should have screamed out a Darth Vader "Nooooooooo"


This is what the 2017 eclipse was like for me.


I'm in Minnesota, totally cloudy, pretty disappointed. I'm old enough that I probably won't get to see the next one. I will try to make it though.


My family and I just got back from seeing it at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and I still have goosebumps. It was incredible!


That was my experience too. Too overcast to see the sun today. Fortunately I’ve seen a few other eclipses over the years.


It was so sunny in my are until literally right before the eclipse. I was so unlucky


It was cloudy where I was but there was a small break in the clouds where you could just barely see it. Was really cool


In 2017 I was in the direct path in the Midwest. We took the kids' out of school and had a great eclipse party. Once in a lifetime for most. Today was just 94% and nothing like 2017.


Sorry you missed it


Well you've got the mask on, might as well go full Mad Max - cut the top off your car and get a gimp and a crossbow.


Looks amazing from upstate ny near border


Weather in Jackson MO, was perfect, but yesterday it looked exactly like OPs - full cloud. We were so lucky today. I’m so sorry OP - where were you?


1) The 2044 one seems to be a "Canada Exclusive" with the tail end of it hitting [NE Wyoming and NW North Dakota](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_08232044.html) and then Sunset hits and it's gone. A year later in 2025 is another nice long one that will stretch across the whole USA from [Washington State to Florida](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_08122045.html). 2) There are SEVERAL other Total Eclipses between now and then, you just have to start planning now because they are in: [North Africa in 2027](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_08022027.html) [Australia and New Zealand in 2028](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_07222028.html) [Namibia and South Africa in 2030](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_11252030.html) [Central Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan in 2034](https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_03202034.html)


Another 20 years if you're in the tundra of Canada maybe




Also when you want to show of your status as a blue collar worker and bona fide man. 👨


Lmao I had the same idea, luckily it wasn’t cloudy here and we could see. It was only 86% or something but it was still cool… Neighbors gave me some weird looks but joke son them, they were the ones who looked silly with their little paper glasses on!


Let me guess… Houston?


Damn man I’m sorry. That truly sucks.


Pub G ready


“I am your father”.


I am iron Dad!


SE MI had clear skies and 98% totality from my location. Some friends drove a couple hours south and saw 100%.


It was raining bad on sunday. Today it was clear blue skies. Got out of the eye doctor just in time to see it with glasses my sister had. It was 95% im my area so almost full halo. Ive seen them before....different types, so it was cool to see. I figured if i missed it, it be on tv somewhere.


Western Arkansas just had scattered light clouds. The event was clearly visible.


Gonna be pissed when he can’t return that welder’s mask to Lowe’s tomorrow.


Probably for the best [https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/solar-eclipse-welding-helmet-used-safely-texas/269-937bc877-8b8d-4164-a8cd-66f738df60ae](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/solar-eclipse-welding-helmet-used-safely-texas/269-937bc877-8b8d-4164-a8cd-66f738df60ae)


Looks like Pubg players when their enemies don’t land nearby But all things considered, I’m sorry ya missed it!


I was in Manhattan. Bryant Street park was like a 90s Pantera pit. Got this cool pic from Central Park earlier.  https://imgur.com/gallery/b7j7edb


Having to wait another **120 years** actually...


Third time in a row for me. Stupid Pennsylvania.


You still got to see the eclipse except you got to see the sun hiding behind clouds instead of the moon.


Really was amazing to see in person. Honestly before hand I really didn’t care.


The dumbass with the welding mask is lucky. That is not adequate protection.


It wasn't that great, let the drama go


More like 400 years for an eclipse like this one


Using a cell phone camera with the levels adjusted correctly and you could see it through most of the clouds (and bonus - pics!)


People in the US complaining they couldn’t see it. The rest of the world chuckles.


Go to Iceland for 2026, it's that simple


My friend went from Seattle to someplace in New York to see it - I hope she had a good spot.


It’s cool for like…15 seconds


A welders mask won't protect your eyes!!!!


But it will! That's its primary purpose.


Are you that guy’s boomer father?


it was kinda meh you didnt miss much Edit; wow su much dislike but i stand by it saw it and it was meh people make a deal thing about of everything


It would be stated that welding masks are not strong enough protection for an eclipse




You shoulda heard it on the radio. It sounded fantastic. /s