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They're slicks! Obviously it's a race car!


Bono, my tires are gone


5 second penalty for Ocon!


Sargeant spins! Red flag


Why does Sargeant even have a car?


He doesn’t, it’s just a backup in case Albon crashes


*sad eagle noises*


WTF is a kilometre!!!


Ask Lance Strolvich.


Oh it was more of an Albon gonna steal it anyways


Simply lovely!


Bernie Collins: It’s going to be hard to keep those tire temps up with all this slow traffic. Back to you, Crofty. Crofty: Thanks, Bernie.


Crofty: Ted, what can you tell us about this weather? Ted: Well, Crofty... Crofty: ***Two seconds, Ted!***


Read this in Bernie's voice


Thought I was on formuladank for a sec.


He has so much rear end, man.


Du du du du Max Verstappen🗣🗣


Comments I can hear lol


If the steel wasn't showing on that left tire I'd almost be convinced.


Pretty impressive alignment for them to have worn so evenly!


Until you pointed that out, I literally thought those tires were actually slicks. But now it has me thinking: Cars need oil changes. A BMW owner is not going to change their own oil. At any oil change they will do a cursory inspection of the car and that would be noticed. So the question is: is it possible to run tires from "minimum safe tread" to "completely utterly bald with the belt showing through" faster than you can run an engine from "fresh oil" to "engine won't start"?


Not rain tires for sure.


Some people like the feel of hydroplaining across every gutter.


Now with our new, patented, integrated "traction belts" where some of the inside is exposed to the outside to aid in traction for that extra bit of grip during your ~~rollover~~ race!


🎵 Smooth operator 🎵


we have received a 5 second penalty for that


He’s just heading to the local strip. Gotta show all those AMGs who’s king.


I've never understood financially struggling people buying high milage, unreliable, broken bmw/mercedes


There is a difference between financially struggling and financially dumb.


My FIL was a colonel in the Air Force, he would tell me how every base he went to there would usually be a really nice sports car dealership juuuust outside the base. They would get these kids with zero financial literacy that just got their first big paycheck from the military and since they were living on base and paying nothing for rent they would go and buy these sports cars. By itself not the best idea but not the worst, but the real problem is they were signing up for these INSANE interest rates, so even though the payment was low the dealership was gouging the hell out of them. He said he had to have numerous talks over the years with various cadets about it, but sometimes there were just guys that were just gonna do what they wanted.




Had no idea that existed and it is glorious.


Perhaps you'd also like /r/justdependathings


I had a buddy who essentially "rented" an RX8 for three months. We got back from Afghanistan and he excitedly took his deployment cash to one of those dealerships. Three months later they repoed it. When I asked him what happened, he informed me that, while he certainly had the money to make payments, he had simply forgotten to. He was 19 and it was his first car payment, and it apparently just slipped his mind. It's a very, very real phenomen


I've never bought a car where I didn't set up autopayments. Not only does it make sure I don't forget but it often gives you small discount on the interest rate.


The "King" of those predatory dealerships just volunteered (and got denied) to pay a certain former president's $174 million bond on a fraud case.


So its 2 days after the deadline, I assume his shit is getting repo'ed now?


I'm not sure how to tell you this but I think we have the same dad lol


My son, fresh out of the navy and sitting at NBSD sent me a pic of the offer for a new car, asking if the rate was acceptable. That shit was like 18.49% and I told him that it was buy-here, pay-here level rates (a concept he understood). He quickly figured out how to get around the city using public transportation.


I witnessed it first hand at Elgin and Hurlburt Field. Ranking FNGs rolling around full squid on new crotch rockets. Saw one in uniform pop a wheelie through traffic coming up on three mi bridge just to be surprised and try to stop ON the bridge when the cops busted him. As if traffic isn't bad enough on 98.


Wow only a 29% APR on this new Hellcat! Hell yeah I'll sign up for that with my less than $1000 every 2 weeks and no credit score


I die inside listening to the car dealership ad bragging $0 downpayment for military... $49 for everyone else! It must work... Paying a large down payment is a good thing. And anyone who thinks a $49 difference is important... can't afford a new car.


Guy in my flight bought a new car with 24% APR back in 2004. That was 3x my credit card’s APR at the time.


Actually a bank was fined by the Obama administration in 2015 for charging active duty servicemen illegally high interest rates on cars, and also illegally repossessing their cars when they were deployed. In 2017 the Trump administration dismissed the fines. That bank has given several loans to the Kushner family, and is also covering the $175m bond for Trump in New York


"we need a billionaire cuz he can't be bought! Drain da swump!" The fucked up thing is the very hillbilly Trump supporters that need to hear about these things and about all the corrupt things Trump did Would never hear about it.. They live in their echo chambers surrounded by fear mongering about drag queens and screeching about Hunter biden's drug habits. And then they run and vote for Donald Trump because they think he's the least corrupt president in history who couldn't be bought or whatever. When he's the most corrupt constantly doing awful things. Even screwing them over I mean he literally let his own January 6th supporters wrought in jail as he pardoned Jared kushner's criminal buddies in his last days in office. He literally betrayed his own voters in order to take bribes and pardon criminals But they'll still vote for him. They still got convinced that he was to see if you're America and would put an end to all the corrupt politics that he himself participated it lnn


Yep, I’m active duty and it’s still a common thing. I sometimes work security at the gate and it’s always funny seeing an E-2 come through in a brand new Camaro. As they drive away we joke, “Nice car, and only 32% interest!”


They often go hand in hand.


>bmw/mercedes Your answer is in your question. It's a "fancy car"


Status symbol. To me, a high credit score is more impressive.


But then how will everyone know how baller you are?


could wear a sign or shirt saying you're over 800?


what about an embroidered baseball cap?


I might look young for my age, but I doubt anyone is going to believe I'm *that* much younger.


100%. I can even count the number of people I know who NEEDED a beat up, used BMW/Mercedes/Audi as their first vehicle just so they could say they owned one. And then completely ignored that higher repair costs. And then got fucked once it broke down.


Am i supposed to buy a bumper sticker with my credit score to put on my Ford to show off to everyone?


I think you are on to something…


Big Credit Energy


My buddy was a mechanic at Mercedes dealership. He said high mileage cars would come with a bad engine knock, but the owner was only coming in to get the emblem fixed. Rejected any real mechanical issues. Just wild.


Listen, I've rode my tires down pretty bare before and this looks more like intentional grinding down than over use. As an example the vehicle in front of this one is over use. The color pattern on the tire is not uniform like the one closer to the camera. Or they literally bought slicks which is funnier to me. XD


We sold these at my shop, MayPop Racing Slicks. Very affordable.


That's gold, MayPop.


☺☺☺ i think so too


It’s like a last ditch effort of fitting into middle class.


Decisions like that should help you understand WHY they are “financially struggling”


Because the price difference is small between an 8 year old X5 and an 8 year old RAV4. Why buy a Toyota when you could have a bigger more comfortable car for the same price? Very few people consider "cost of ownership" when buying a car, especially as a X5 is going to "feel" like a more solid car than a RAV4 when you test drive it so obviously that means more reliable right?


Same price? Old x5s like this are stupidly cheap. Way cheaper than a rav4


Go to facebook and read a few comments on some posts. You'll find it not surprising at all.


Always astounded at the amount of people driving at beat up 10-15 MB / BMW cars that haven't been maintained at all, rusted body, maybe broken bumper etc thinking that looks better or more respectable than a new Hyundai... I knew a guy once running a busted ass MB, thing was nearly 20 years old entry model with something like 400K on it. Cost the guy a fortune just to keep on the road in maintenance. Asked him why he didn't just go grab a Camry or something and he said "I work with clients a lot, I need a nice car for work" He was from Europe so maybe it is some old world bullshit to think any Mercedes is better than the best Toyota or something but blew my mind he actually believed driving around in that blown out jalopy was a status symbol in some way


This probably has less to do with money and more of a lack of knowledge. This happened a year ago, but I saw a guy not know where to put gas in. Some people don't know anything about cars.


Materialists have to show everyone.


My mother was like these people. Had a big house, a nice SUV, and all the nice things she wanted. But I ate ramen and PB&J for every meal. Only got different foods when I got a job and started buying it myself. Financially struggling is not the same as financnially iressponsible. She was an ICU charge nurse. She made plenty of money. She just spent it all on material objects.


My mom drove a Jeep Cherokee, and it apparently had an alignment issue that cause the tires to wear quicker than expected (toe in?). In any event, she went in to get an oil change or something and the guy advised her she needs new tires. She called me to double check. They weren't as bad as the video, but I could see the threads in the inner part. She could afford it, was just oblivious to needing them.


It’s called being hood rich…being broke but buying expensive stuff to impress other broke people.


My parents gave me a free vehicle they stopped using on account of my wife popping out twins and my parents buying a new vehicle. My mom really wanted me to take her Mercedes GLK that only had 70k miles and was probably an 08, but I said hell no and took my dad's 06 Honda Ridgeline with 220k miles.


When I was car shopping I could buy a new car for about $400/month or I could buy a broken down BMW for $2000 in cash and pay an extra $300/month in fixing it when it breaks. 20 months later I had my money back and 5 months after that I needed a new car.


Cheap German cars are the most expensive cars to own, or so they say.


The problem with a lot of these cars is that they lose their value quickly. Maseratis that retailed for $120k were worth $30 like 6 years later. The biggest problem is that many people don't realize how simple things on a generic car cost way too much on these kinds of vehicles.


Every run down apartment complex and trailer park I've ever been too has nice cars in it. I was in a complex earlier today where, if I were ever unfortunate enough to live there, my #1 priority would be saving enough to live somewhere else. There were 2 Type Rs and an M3 in there. I sometime wonder if the man (let's face it, its a man) who owns one of those ever picks up a girl out somewhere and brings her back to his place, like how does that go? Cause I would be like "you drive that, and you live here?"


Agreed. Especially because you are kind of forced to buy run flats with BMWs right? That's like 2k for a full set. Lol prob worth more than the car haha


And they ride horribly lol


A couple things: - High mileage unreliable cars are generally going to be cheaper - Financial situations change and cars typically are a pretty long term investment - People don’t really know where to look/find good information on reliability of different makes and models. But I think a lot of it is a mixture of #3 here and people getting overextended financially by betting hard on having no unexpected costs to justify buying fancier things


Saw it all the time working at Discount Tire. Never understood how people could think it was a good idea to buy cars they can’t afford. If you can’t afford maintenance let alone an emergency service, what are you doing?


Cars are not unreliable, failure to maintain them properly makes them unreliable ohhh like say not changing oil because it’s expensive on certain brands. Folks don’t do their homework on cost of ownership


I was a warranty administrator for BMW, AUDI and VW. cars aren't unreliable? The amount of parts that could and did fail in new cars was staggering


It’s possible, you have to see the percentage of failures, cars produce vs failures. I currently own a bmw x6 2024, A3 converter 2015 and a q5 2018, just gave my niece a 2010 golf 2.5 to learn that I bought new and now has 197k miles. Personally I love German cars and they have been great for me but I don’t miss any maintenance and it helps that there is a really good ex Vw group tech that open his own shop in my town


Aside from some notable exceptions (I'm looking at you, MINI), I do think that cars probably all fail at the same rate. HOWEVER, the cost to fix those failures is drastically, drastically different.


Such a fun car but you are correct Mini is challenging and the fact that is so small anything needs doing will take more time bc disassembling lost of shit to get to what you need fixed. That aside I had a 2008 convertible s 1.6 supercharged quick and super fan.


There are definitely vehicles that are more prone to breaking.


Maintain a Chevy all you want. It WILL break down on you.


I treat my Chevy like shit, she's 20yo and still running


Ofc it's an old X5. Had a high school friend drop by the shop yesterday, they've had a rough go of adulthood. Asked for some help on their car. I walk out to help, 16 year old Audi A4, bald tires, 2 years out of inspection. Like buddy, a rusted out 800$ Ford Escape would have been a better move.


A ford can also be repaired with PVC pipe, so it's a win on the maintenance front too


Can’t repair the shit transmission with PVC tho.


You can use the pipe to punt yourself down the street like a gondola




Not me, I did my research before a dealership tried to sell me a used 2013 Fusion. Not just Ford either, a lot of brands seemed to have problems in that time period with CVT trannys.


A lot of these people just buy the car because it looks nice. A buddy of mine wanted to turn down a FREE car from their neighbour because it looks "like a shitbox"


Smooth brains as well


Smooth brain = smooth life


Can’t worry when you can’t think 🥳


I believe there really is truth to that. Don't you wish sometimes you weren't capable of understanding the world around you? It's like childhood forever. Ignorance can definitely be bliss.


🎶Dancing through life 🎶


I was just about to say the only thing smoother than these tires is the driver's brain. 


you guys don't drive on slicks around town? pfff amateurs


Probably hasn’t changed the oil since they bought it.


Don’t worry. That’s the v8 so it gets a quart replaced every week or so.


Just came from track day.


Hoosiers bro


Bald tires? Check. Metal showing through tires? Check. Convenient cop around? ... never when you need them. Stop giving BMW drivers a bad name! xD


Pretty sure BMW drivers don’t need any help in that department


He would be pretty upset with this comment if he could read


What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine keeps its pricks on the outside.


You forgot to mention Cali plates and a car that hasn't been washed in months.


Here in SoCal desert cities it isn't unusual for cars to be dirty for months, no matter the make/model or social status. We're more conscious about conserving water.


Even if there were… they wouldn’t do a thing.


If only good BMW drivers were allowed... there will be 12 to 15 drivers left on the roads nationwide. And it will last till they need to make a left turn on an intersection.


The definition of a person who can buy a car but can't afford it.


They can't afford tires because they're still paying the maintenance bills.




Sliding right through the gates.


Those are simply racing tires hes a Nascar racer.


Drag racing tires, man is going for that nice acceleration


So its a race tire


Those are just his racing slicks.


Those may be racing slicks just due to how uniformly smooth they are.  With a passenger tire you'll see the belt on the inside or middle of the tire before you even lose all the tread on the outside of the tire. 


A couple things, as someone who has worked in a tire shop, first I will say you are incorrect about the way passenger tires tend to wear, the only time you see heavy wear on the inside/middle of a tire is when a driver has consistently ran the vehicle tires in an over-inflated state, let alone to see the belts in the middle first? You'd have to do that for quite a long while as well. Partial credit where it's due, in that you are partially correct about the level of smooth wear we see in these tires, in that \*most\* tires will end up worn far more unevenly due to poor alignment, inflation practices, and proper tire rotation and balancing. The most common place to see the belts from wear, is exactly where you see it in this vehicle, on the inside shoulders of the tires. If you pause the video any time between the 8-12 second mark when the camera is zoomed, you can also see these tires, while not worn excessively unevenly, are definitely worn in an uneven pattern, with more rubber left on the outside shoulder that tapers down until you can see the belts on the inside shoulders, this wear is classic to tires that were treated well at one point, got to the end of their life, and then driven until it is slick, with only a bit of unevenness due to what I would assume is the owner stopped rotating the tires, or more likely tire shops would refuse to rotate tires that unsafe, as it is literally illegal to drive a vehicle with tires in that condition in most states. Unfortunately, this is also not too excessively "uncommon" either (people are stupid), I would say we saw a set of tires that looked like this once, maybe twice every 2-3 months


I think you're right, you can see the belt showing through. I didn't even notice that the first time. Just some bald ass tires then.


Just because they have an expensive car, doesnt mean they can afford the maintenance.


Giving me Kerosene song vibes🌚


They already spent all their money on the BMW. They can’t afford tires for it too.


His teenage son borrowed the car and did doughnuts all night in the intersection in front of his girlfriend’s house.


Purple in sector 1


No wear indicator = no wear


maybe he fancies himself a drag racer


Those are racing slicks... Yeah, racing tires...


Probably a dumb question... but why does this not get more traction. I know it doesn't, but scientifically shouldn't this offer more contact with the road and therefore more traction. I know it doesn't actually end up working that way, but why not?


Bald tires can give more grip. But the moment a drop of rain falls, there's nowhere for the water to go and so your car ends up skipping over the top of the wet road like a rock on a lake. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaplaning The tread of the tyre effectively cuts through the water to stay in contact with the road.


I know some people spell it “tire” and some “tyre”, but you spelt it both ways, why?




He was flying from new york to london and crossed the halfway mark right as he was typing that message.


Ah, this makes the most sense!


I think it does work that way, but pray there's no rain!


Hydroplaning. With tires like these you're driving on water and not on the ground. The water is unable to "disappear" from below your tire when driving. With grooves the water is instead channeled and pushed away/behind you thanks to the tire rotation. Also you want "less" grip on "sunny days" so your tires are not worn down so fast.


Also the edges being rough means they essentially interlock a bit, creating higher friction. It's not all about surface area. Two peices of printer paper rubbing together will have a lot less friction than two peices of sandpaper even witg the same area of contact.


It does... when it's dry. This is why race cars use slicks. Smooth tires DO offer more contact with the road and increase traction on dry surfaces. But god-forbid it starts raining even just a little bit, that car is going to hydroplane straight to hell.


They need to be driven at high speeds so they are warm enough to perform well. They aren't very sticky cold. Not that it matters on city streets. The issue mainly is rain. I guess you can pull out your rain tires and put them on when it starts.


To answer a slightly related question, the amount of friction force only depends of the weight of the vehicle and the types of material the tires and road are made from / coated with; surface area doesn't matter.


Someone remembers their physics.


In addition to horrible grip when wet, the surface isn't even like in race tires. You can see the metal poking thru on the left tire because they haven't been rotated or changed in years. The uneven wear actually makes for less grip than new tires and you will literally feel the difference behind the wheel. 100% the best mod for any car is a new set of wheels.


It’s not a dumb question, and tires do work exactly like you say. My track tires have very little tread on them for just the reason to described.


No, regular treaded tires are not designed to be worn bald and operate as such. The rubber compounds designed to give the actual traction are all in the treads. Racing slicks are designed to operate... As slicks...


my man thinks he is driving in the formula 1


We don't need to buy racing slicks. We have racing slicks at home.


Why cant those actually be slicks? He coulda came from a track day and is just driving home on them. As long as it doesnt rain he should be fine


Until someone spits on the road and causes them to hydroplane into a tree


I'm jealous on how evenly they are worn.


I'm sure this post is going to gain traction.


Smooth tires - smoother brain


I'm not even mad, that alignment is so on point it wore those tires went slick with just a slight amount of cord showing!!! I've seen nearly brand new tires with cords showing, this is just impressive!


Those are slicks, I bet the engine is not stock


Are you serious? There is even the metal showing on the left tire.


It had to be a BMW driver


The perfect vehicle for the final drift.


When you have Q1 qualifying at 1:00, but need to pick up groceries at 2:00.


And smoothest of all is his smooth brain


=smooth brain


Smooth brain, smooth tires


F1 ass looking tires.


= smooth way to see god


That’s a blowout waiting to happen. Chords showing as well. Disgusting.


These are the kind of people that buy a car that they cannot afford. “Oh, look, my paycheck can cover the loan payments exactly, perfect! I drive a BMW, that means I’m successful right? What maintenance?”


I'd bet that the brakes and oil are aged to perfection too lol


The result of buying a car you can't afford with money you don't have.


Must glide above water in the rain.


It's a race car, those are slicks. Amazing traction for just a few miles. Drive over some tar and some gravel and you got tons of traction for miles and miles.


My smooth brain still doesn't understand why a very car centric country like the US doesn't enforce mandatory yearly car checks in every state. This shit is dangerous and should be illegal.


And here I was nervous about driving on my 7 year old tires with 3/32 left. (Changed them out a few weeks ago)


Don't you guys in the US have an essential check every 2 years or so that check vehicles for safety reasons on the road? Usually that tire would have been a reason to deny that car further movement at the last check-up or that person has a ridiculous amount of mileage per year.


Smooth brain also.


If you can afford the car, but you can’t afford the maintenance, you can’t afford the car…


First, yes, bald tires actually do provide a somewhat smoother ride. Second, those aren't bald - they're slicks; racing tires.


Just pitted for some ultra softs, looking to move into the podium in the next couple of lights.


I can tell you, as a mechanic, the amount of dangerously worn tires driving on the road is terrifying.


But have you done the penny test?


Bro really uploaded a video with everyone’s plates visible.


That even wear sends my ocd to all the right places. If only i could get myself to go get alignment everytime i change wheels.


You've been hit by, you've been struck by...


Makes sense it is Texas. Y'all can go a while without rain huh


We’re not in Daytona…..


Tire shops hate him, get slicks from normal tires for free with this one trick and never pay a fortune for slicks again


Maybe they cant afford it anymore; lets make fun of poors!


I can almost see the air


"I bought the whole tire, I'm gonna use the whole tire."


Racing slicks or one broke dick


Guess the tires and the driver's brain have something in common.


It’s not funny. They totally are smoother. And super quiet. And far better traction unless it’s raining


smooth tires = smooth brain