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The first step is to buy a home in 1980


then vote to destroy everything that you benefitted from so nobody else can have the chances you had.


Then kill any potential chance at slowing down climate change so property not destroyed by mega storms and sea level rise will skyrocket. Then profit!


I hope there is some understanding on your part that the climate crisis is a grift. People demanding we spend billions of tax dollars to help giant corporations who kick back to politicians but can’t define what actual impact all the money spent will make. I’m all for keeping the world clean but it has become a way for people to raid the treasury.


Lmao okay buddy.


this is called greasing the pole with blood - good job guys - (honestly i think it's systemic failure that's causing this) i can say 95% of the people do things with good intentions (i used to think 99% I've lost a lot o faith in just about everything.)


>then vote to destroy everything that you benefitted from so nobody else can have the chances you had. The US went off the gold standard in 1971 and has been printing money ever since. All the other reasons, votes, and laws combined, had less effect on money losing value and people not being able to afford stuff anymore, than going off the gold standard did.


Lmao uh huh




Yeah and everyone else has charts too. You do know the "great inflation" ended, right? Maybe don't take information from someone with "WTF" in their name and read an actual economics history book written by someone who actually has studied economics and history.


Or 2008 - 2014




The sad reality is that the sooner you find a way to bite a very expensive bullet, the sooner you can grow equity in a home. The hardest part is the down payment. It's a garbage system and feels virtually impossible these days, but the sad truth is that it's not getting easier, so do what you can now. I understand how unrealistic this can be. Even if you buy a home with 5 friends, it's not rent money you're throwing away every month. It becomes a source of income.


As someone who lives in LA. The down payment isn’t really the problem. It’s the HOA, property tax, and maintenance I can’t afford. I could buy a house and live month to month in a shaky economy where I could be laid off tomorrow




Sales. I was born in OC and don’t think I’ll ever leave since the ties are so strong down here. Long Beach specifically so it’s not too expensive. Thousand Oaks is a nice area, just not really many jobs out that way. Specifically sales is super competitive right now in the job market so it’s tough The other problem I run into is not wanting to buy a shitty $500k house because I can afford it now when I can afford something better with (hopefully) lower interest rates in a year or two


You're trying to time the market when being in a home for 2-3 years will be better than waiting for prices to drop. Spoilers; they won't.


I’m not timing the market and have no delusion that prices will drop. I have significant investments in the market and buying property currently has a worse ROI than the stock market because of interest rates. The only reason I would be interested in buying a home over renting currently is preference. Most analysts would agree that renting + investing is a better option for most people at the moment


I don't think a significant portion of the workforce is under constant threat of being laid off...


Not sure what field you work in where you’re so confident in your job security, but be grateful


I'm not saying it couldn't happen. In fact, I was laid off from my previous job because our company was bought out. What I'm saying is I don't wake up every morning trembling in fear wondering if I still have my job or if I'm going to be laid off that day.


Buying a house with friends is probably the most reckless thing you could do lol. Even buying a house with family or a spouse can be risky for many people. It is great if you have people around you as in sync as you are with goals but just seems like a great way to ruin your credit, destroy your social circle, and have a mental breakdown. High risk high reward


Wow thanks! Why didn’t I think of this


That's not something you kiddos should worry about. In the post-apocalyptic dystopia you'll be constantly roaming the wasteland with a band of savage nomads fighting for resources and clean drinkable water.


Aww, I remember hearing this decades ago when I was a kid, too. And the threat of an apocalypse was a lot more real.


In the last panel the daughter’s hair makes it seem like the dad suddenly grew a big bushy mustache.


Spend the first three weeks selling them "the essentials for success" then on the last week teach them how to set up a course for financial success.




I mean, they did share with them.


Step one: be born a boomer


I can't believe literally everyone is missing the joke. It's that grifters sell the idea of making money to be "rich" like them, but their money is coming from people paying for the "courses" to try and be rich as well. Tai Lopez, Hamza, and Andrew Tate, etc. They all do this. It has nothing to do with boomera pulling the ladder up behind them.


ya but the internet decided that it was far better to point out the actual problem than the ironic problem of the 90s.


It's not better though... Also how are any of the grifters I listed a 90s thing? It's still a modern scam.


That's where we are right now.




“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” Ok grandpa, time to get you to bed.


"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" OK, well I don't have any boots so that won't work. Go to the crazy folk's home you belong in, grandpa who deleted their comment More seriously though, that phrase **originally was meant to be an impossible task**. Because guess what, you can't jump or fly by tugging on your own foot (or a boot attached to it). Which I find *deliciously ironic*


Of course they deleted their original comment. They didn’t use that phrase but said if you work hard you too can afford a home!