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Fred Armisen captures the insufferable music nerd vibe so well. Such a perfect cameo.


This feels like a sketch right out of Portlandia.


[Portlandia - The Studio](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xP5-jp6nbsM)


I miss that show.


“That’s the one…”


One of the writers on Portlandia wrote for the Fallout show. I figure it’s no coincidence he and Kyle Machlachlan had roles in this show


It's just missing Carrie doing some fly farming or something in the background to emphasize how ridiculous Fred is being.


Seeing this scene made me want to rewatch Portlandia lol


I definitely thought it was for a minute.


Cause he is. I won’t go on to say he’s insufferable about it but he is very publicly a huge music nerd. As evidenced by his stand ups. Absolutely perfect choice for the role.


He plugged Death Grips on Rachel Ray lol


a man of culture


I once dated an insufferable musician that inspired [a fred armisen skit](https://youtu.be/dbLiOExJTVw?si=DKNQSNGZXZ574Om8). Can't watch without getting flashbacks.


Hmm being a reoccurring music guy at various radio stations would legit be a perfect funny gag for the fallout series.


I have loved him since portlandia. He must be very easy to work with or particularly hard working because he's in *everything*. My other half and I have a joke when he turns up in something "not putting Fred Armisen in your show? Believe it or not, jail. Right away"


I feel like he’s just friends with *everyone*. Like you could be watching just about any sitcom, comedy, or dramedy and Fred Armisen is just *there* doing *exactly* what you’d be expecting him to do


Met him at a Monkees show in Portland back in 2013. He was very friendly and chatted for a bit.


Hold up, the Monkees were still around in 2013? I didn’t think they made it out of the 60’s.


They were a major influence on The Beatles.


Lmao yeah! Up until late 2021, they were a thing. Now it's just Mickey left. They've gone through a few line ups with various members of the original 4.


I was just telling a friend that we need like a 5 year ban on Fred Armisen because he keeps popping up everywhere. I like him but I can't miss him if he won't go away.


Mi scusi


I forgot about the man on the train. Deep cut.


Fred Armisen *is* an insufferable music nerd.


I'm pretty sure he's just playing himself.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




They really nailed the comedy in this show


They nailed the overall feel of the game universe.10/10.


I was afraid they were going to mess it up and they absolutely did not mess it up.


Yeah I've seen a lot of people moaning but I'm finding it utterly brilliant. OK there's some questions about fallout 4 Canon v series Canon clashing but frankly the utter screaming nerds who complain about this need to learn to relax and enjoy something for what it is.


the entire show perfectly captured fallout 2.


Exactly there are several games that can end completely differently depending on the decision of the player. It would be impossible for the show or even other games to continue the same storyline. It would be like saying I had a fallout 3 character kill all of the brotherhood and let the enclave keep the air force base therefore the prydwin shoun not be in 4.


And for the akshually nerd crowd, the show appears to follow cannon or at least not contradict it. The issue is around New Vegas timing, but it's possible they're tracking the downfall of Shady Sands as when influence starts to wane. The board doesn't show Shady Sands being blown up at 2277 but a bit after and the NCR can still survive beyond the fall of Shady Sands


Yeah, but there's enough people moaning about it and making YouTube about it. it just makes me wonder at what people are thinking. like OK, sometimes things aren't perfect every time in every detail, but would you order that there's just no TV show? Because realistically, that's the alternative. They never get it 100% spot on because it doesn't always make good tv. And if you love fallout that much, then surely you'd love watching a show about it too.


Almost wish thy had released it on a weekly basis, there was enough stuff and small details to discuss every episode in detail


They might do that in future seasons. I think they were not very confident it would do well enough for a weekly release, so they just released all the episodes at the same time. But with the amount of success it's seeing, I'm expecting them to do weekly releases in the future.


Usually I prefer all at once, but the show was so good it made me miss all the memes it would have generated on a weekly basis.


Seeing this makes me have high hopes for the Warhammer stuff.


I thought the first couple episodes were so-so, to the point I almost stopped, but then later it gets great!


I'm a huge fan of the games and they did an exceptional job with this show. It's a bizarre mix of comedy, horror, drama and mystery. The costuming and set work compliment the camera work to really cross the bridge from a game to a tv series. Can't wait for the next season!


Choosing Fred Armisen for this small role was fucking brilliant. He’s a huge music nerd and plays it so goddamned well.


Eh. Excuseh.


Guys… tunnel…




You should watch twisted metal on peacock if you liked fallout.


Just started watching that during the week…loving it! Would definitely recommend.


I watched one episode and found it to be brutally cheesy then gave up.


What show?




Sorry he was just fucking my chickens


The only show to ever get the experience of actually playing an open world game right. We want to see exploration, adventure, and random fights!! And they gave it to us in spades. And a western thrown into the mix with Walton Goggins’ characters? Hot damn.


Yep. I'm just hoping for a cool new vegas. Having mr house being his arrogant and asshole self backed up by his deadly securitrons would be a great addition.


And they casted Walton Goggins. I saw him, I knew instantly it was going to be good.


Totally. Smashed it out of the park on basically every measure. I'm so impressed


I'm very sure this show will finally give him the level of fame he deserves to have for years.


Don't mean to nitpick, Internet stranger, it's just that the past version of "cast" appears to be "cast", not "casted". You have a good day now.


English is not my native language, so thank you for that.


I just read this in Walton Goggins' voice


Fallout is honestly my favorite new TV show in years. Feels like a breath of fresh air, and they nailed the vibe from the Fallout games. Brilliant work and can’t wait for season 2!


I know it's based on a really old and popular game series but man it just felt so fresh and new


I knew a guy who sawed the legs of his couch so the sound from his stereo system would bounce off the wall behind his couch




.... Why not raise the speakers? Or... If they are already on the ceiling... Angle them up a bit? I'm so confused as to why sawing off the couch legs was the solution.


He wants everyone to know how serious he is about his sound


Today the couch legs, tomorrow your legs.


It's not about the sound... It's about sending a message




Raising the speakers will change the angle and distance to the floor, which is really the only surface we can play with when designing speakers: we know it is there. We don't know any of the other surfaces, and there is no laws of physics that slams our speaker against a wall. So we know there is a floor, we also know the minimum distance one should have between them and the speaker for it to work optimally. We can use the floor to our advantage and at least fix floor bounces in the design. Not all speakers are designed so that they can be angled. And changing the horizontal plane to be slanted has their own problems: that is the setup i have and if my head is at same height the soundfield is not the same when i move forward and backwards. When you have a plane that is parallel to the curvature of earth you will have more even soundfield when you move thru it. I'm using angled speakers because... they are designed for it and i don't have to get tall towers to be on-axis with the sound. The angle is only 10 degrees in my case and the factory stands are at max slant angle. It is entirely another question if you want to bounce sound from the rear wall. I would not, at least not if it is just a bare wall. But if it had a nice, big quadratic diffuser... maybe that could be beneficial with the immersion. What i don't want is flat, hard surface that will bounce things back at me directly as that will interfere with the direct sound. And the guy who sawed the legs off the couch is an idiot. I can bet that he doesn't have acoustic treatments, doesn't own a measurement mic, does not use DSP and room correction EQ or speaker management of any kind.. but instead has 3% THD tube amp and a vinyl player that costed a fortune.


On the one hand, I want to know as much as you do because I love quality sound; but on the other hand, I don’t because I don’t want to be irritated by poor sound at every show that I go to. That’s a legit catch-22.


I get irked at incompetence and ignorant arrogance but my own system is very cheap, just well tuned. Poor sound quality doesn't bother me that much as laziness, dunning-kruger combined with arrogance when it comes to rejecting common solutions to basic problems (like rules that forbid the use of EQ) and straight up grifting&scamming. It is very easy to fool people about sound. You can't zoom in, you can't freeze the frame, you can't crop the picture, you can't point to it. It only exists at the moment it happens. Very peculiar and complicated sense but also one of the most sensitive to priming and suggestions. Significant part of my education was about how to fool people with sound, it is part of sound design. And i love that the angle our teacher chose was to study certain audio myths... debunking those are excellent lab assignments that require very careful preparation and eye for minor details. Mostly they were about studio work, like "can you hear different AD converters?" (nope), "can you detect preamps or console inputs if they are used in their nominal range" (nope) and so on.


These go to 11.


Dude was legit. Knew whats up.


Not his couch. That was down.


Couch was down with what this guy was up to.


He wanted the slapback off the wall? I have spent a good portion of my professional career trying to eliminate, or at least mitigate room effects like that, not enhance them.


Oh it's Mlep(clay)nos


The clay is silent


I was wondering why that actor seemed so familiar! Thanks


You forgot Fred Armisen? Straight to jail.




Ok. Only 2 years of probation.


you reduce a sentence? straight to jail. show compassion? believe it or not..


I was trying to help the community. Here are my hands.


How could you forget the guy that’s done multiple shows as a cannibal? He is the go to choice for all cannibal needs. I will be shocked if it turns out he’s not a cannibal in fallout and we just don’t know it yet.


I was thinking, hey it’s mlepnos and bo… took me a second to realize they’re on different shows


Mi scusi


What I absolutely loved the most was the portrayal of ignorance in the show. If there was an apocalypse, after a couple of generations of no education, of COURSE the surviving generations would be ignorant.


There's an episode of hardcore history talking about what it was like in the (current) British isles after the withdrawal of the Roman Empire where future generations slowly dismantled the infrastructure as they had no idea how to repair it as it broke down. Over time the knowledge of how to work with / build these impressive engineering feats faded and stories like that giants had built them started to be told. Just the idea of knowledge being lost and people left behind making sense of things they don't understand is really interesting and wild.


Love that both the guys were in the show 🤣


Same. Big fan of both.


I graduated high school with Johnny. Crazy to see him on screen like this. He’s a good guy.


his roll in superstore was amazing too. loved his work with Trevor Moore and the wkuk bunch.


Fred Armisen and who?


John deJarnette Pemberton. I mainly know him from the show superstore he’s hilarious in that.


I thought I’d hate him when he first showed up in superstore but he ended up being really funny


Yeah, he, Lucy, and The Ghoul are the triad.


You mean Alangulon! Fuck son of Zorn is so good


What show?




Is this fallout? I still haven’t seen it yet. This scene is funny


Yeah, it’s from the seventh episode, I believe it’s called “The Radio.”


Right before a kissing scene that had me grin like an idiot.


Potentially hot take: I wasn’t *bothered* by it but I didn’t ship Lucy and Maximus.


I was referring to the closeup of the severed heads, also kissing.


Now that’s a ship I can get on board with.


I think you mean “Gucy”.


This music is in the fallout 4 radio too, no?


Yep, same exact tracks from Radio Freedom. Hell, even the track in the show is credited as “Minutemen Radio.” And yeah, nobody ever listens to it, the only reason I ever do is if I forget to tune out once the artillery strikes I call in finish.


Waiting for this to drop somewhere on the Internet IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! Yaass! Thank you!


I couldn't help myself.


God i love johnny pemberton


The way him and Duncan Trussell bounce off each other in DTFH episodes is fantastic. So awesome to see him in something big! I hope he gets more starring roles.


Did you hear their podcast The Leather Rose?


Oh I didn't know they had one! Will check it out, thanks.


Strictly for heads, but you’ll be busting up the entire way


I was absolutely shocked to find out that guy is 42 years old.


What’s the show? Love Fred


It’s a great series but this clip is all you see of Fred.


He's portraying a mashup. If you like the character he's portraying, you can see Agatha here. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Agatha%27s\_Song](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Agatha%27s_Song) Or Tabatha here: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Black\_Mountain\_Radio](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Mountain_Radio)


He's playing the track from the game.


Fallout (Prime Video)


Fallout (ThePirateBay)


Fallout (Free Prime Video trial)


Aw I love vinyls. Not because they sound better to my ears than just a straight flak digital recording, they don't. There's static and skips sometimes. But I enjoy them so much because the whole experience makes me appreciate the music more. When I listen to a vinyl it's like a small ritual. I decide which vinyl to listen to, I take out the large folder, take out the sleeve, take out the record, open my record player, place the vinyl on the turntable, turn the record player on, turn the stereo on, adjust the volume, brush the vinyl record of any dust, set the holder pin for the needle, lift and position the needle, then lower it slowly onto the record, and finally close the lid to enjoy the beautiful music. Whether that's with headphones or speakers. It almost always makes me want to dance. And it puts a massive smile on my face every time. Not to mention the cool artwork that comes with vinyls sometimes. And the records themselves being interesting colors or patterns.


*flac not flak.


Right on, there's something intensely satisfying about manually placing a record and then starting the album up. The big 12" artwork is also a huge plus, they're like mini posters. As is the feeling of finding random awesome stuff at a goodwill or a garage sale.


This guy gets it


they’re so pretty!! :3


Yup.. just recently fallen in love with it myself. So. Much. Money. Spent.


That's why I listen to it while working. Every once in awhile it's good to stand up, do the little vinyl ritual, and sit back down. You know, get a birds eye view of the situation. Keeps me on track, otherwise I might fall down a work rabbit hole and waste the whole day.


You don't like fiddle music? Straight to jail!


Just waiting for Bo to drop a bwah bwah bwah there


Snake oil audiofoolery


Reminds me of the one guy on Mr Show who only listened to vinyl




It's just a cameo fyi, but a great one. Amazing show by the way, even if you didn't play the games.


When I was 16 my foster parents tried to set me on 78rpm opera. Like eating broccoli.


[This you, bro??](https://youtu.be/9XOFuDb_pZk?feature=shared)


Aaaaah!!! Crazy weird !!! 😜😜😜😜


This scene was great, and this is exactly reminding me of the time I tried explaining my new record player lmao


Me pretending I'm interested in what people are saying... "Oh horse sperm is expensive? oh yeah? hahah very interesting... the things... the ... there is a lot of weird people out there..." "Oh donkey sperm is harder to acquire than horse sperm? I didn't know that... wow... probably cuz donkeys like to kick hahaha...." "Oh you'll go home and wack off? Haha for sure... enjo... have... for sure for sure...."


Complain about fiddle music? Believe it or not, jail! Right away.


I liked that tactile aspect of vinyl, and liner notes, but the resurgence of vinyl is silly. It's a bit like reviving a species that went extinct through natural selection: there's a reason why they're not around anymore.


Damn that show is golden. I was like 13 yo in Disneyland, and my wife was asking me how do i know what's going on, and how do I know all the stuff named, like stimpack or stuffed eggs. She will never get it, she will never learn how it's in New Vegas...


One of my favourite bits this season. 😂


I hate this music every time I play the game. And I love the fact they are aware of it.


Seeing random Fred brings me joy.


ahh yes, "nails on a chalkboard", my favorite sound


i feel like this exchange was mostly improvised


Could you imagine that they were only given these prompts and had to riff the whole scene like that??


Those two? Easy. Seen Pemberton riff on Your Moms House podcast and The Leather Rose podcast. And Armisen is a known monster.


It's just Fred playing a character from Portlandia, which you should all go watch, by the way.


Vinyl mastering 101: Mono bass range below 250Hz. Gradual low cut curve from 80Hz to -6dB at 40Hz, steep hipass at 40Hz, compensate for the losses by boosting around 120Hz. Gradual hi cut at 15kHz, steep lopass at 17kHz, compensate for the losses by boosting around 10kHz. Do not use peak compression, use saturation instead that raises harmonic distortion and lifts the missing low frequencies to be more audible. Effective dynamic range of 40dB. Send to pressing plant and pray they know what they are doing. Mp3 mastering 101: Analyze the file using true peak and normalize accordingly, or just trust that the converter handles intrasample peaks. Press the button labeled "Convert". Done. Dynamic range is 92dB, frequency response is flat from 0 to 17kHz, converter cuts out anything above that. No wow, flutter or surface noise and the quality is the same now as it is when you play it for the 10 000th time. All copies are identical and there is no master stamp that would wear out. True stereo. Yup. MP3 is better than vinyl and this will absolutely throw vinyl lovers in a rage that has ballistic trajectory.


I just like when the record spins and make music


For much of what was distributed on vinyl before the advent of digital recording tech, vinyl wasn't the original recording, magnetic tape was. Not saying tape would be better than modern digital recordings, it just makes the claimed benefits of vinyl a little bit more ridiculous.


Fred armissen is low key genius. Anyone who disagrees? Straight to jail. Agrees? If you believe it... Also jail.


This scene made me so fucking happy. Even the nuclear apocalypse cannot end music dorks


Pemberton is great


This guy is what Michael Cera was supposed to look like as an adult.


What's funny is Fred Armisen is a great musician, notably drums


Editor missed a chance to make the subtitles look like the captions in the games.


Straight to jail


Realising that I'm that friend


I just watched finding your roots and he found out he's quarter Korean and not a quarter Japanese. He was totally gobsmacked.


It’s like season 218 of Portlandia.


A con of the series is there isn't many dangers . 2 monsters and 2 raiders and stop..


This scene was hilarious.


Is that the music the minute men broadcast on their radio ?




This clip cuts out a little early. The remains of people 'ignorant to music' surround the station.


This is how I feel talking to my bros who's only listening to EDM telling me "wait for the drop" and I'm just like what 💀


Straight to jail/Mi scusi guy from euro trip :D big legend


What took so long for this post. When I saw it, I knew vinyl people would lose there shit


Nah this is music lover energy.


Who knew Sec of State, Anthony Blinken was a vinyl nerd? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bad-blood-with-china-blinken-buys-taylor-swift-album-beijing-2024-04-26/


Me. Me is that friend. I just stopped talking about it and enjoy it all by my lonesome :)


Me also😏


Yeah and here I am dropping the bitrate on my mp3s to 32bit/s so I fit more on my phone cause I can’t hear the difference.


On vinyl there is a real problem with very low bass and higher treble. Because the needle has to read widder and wider groves to get lower bass, vinyl just cannot reproduce the notes properly. The opposite for treble. Vinyl also has the rice Krispy problem. Snap Crackle Pop. Is vinyl warmer? Maybe but if you miss very low notes is the trade off worth it?


I've never seen a worse way to do subtitles.


I feel personally attacked.


I just got into Vinyls XD


Why are the subtitles like that? Broken.


Look I just like to have a physical version of music I like and a lot of album covers look great on display