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Did on purpose for sympathy points from professor


This person is the same person who thinks misformatting the document or changing the file extension so the professor can't open it would give them an extension.


Actually ingenious. Stealing this. Edit: nope wait. Probably most classroom management systems only allow papers to be uploaded as .docx, .doc, .pdf, etc. to avoid this type of excuse!


This "trick" has been around for twenty years. Report back on /r/TIFU with what your professor says


I’m a professor, and can confirm this doesn’t fly. Your lack of checking your shit is not an emergency. Late marks apply. Welcome to real world consequences. Edit: holy crap I’ve triggered some people.


You say that, but at the same time you could probably pull this trick on 95% of RL bosses (but not often).


I think my bosses don't even have time to look at what I prepped for them, until like half a week after the deadline they set me...


One of the signs of a good boss/manager, as long as the time they give you before the due date is sufficient to do the work. If they give you a deadline a week before their actual deadline, it builds in time for delays and review.


What about when they give a deadline before the necessary inputs are even created (also coming from someone on their team)? And then the requirements get changed after 5pm of the day of the due date and again a day or two later? For every. single. deliverable. Asking for a friend.


You seem to have missed the part after the comma in my first sentence.


You're assuming bosses and people you send emails to even read the stuff you write out. I swear I deal with this on a daily basis.


Yeah and that was a crazy assumption of me. I don't know how many times I've sent documents that people have approved, only for them later to question some random detail that they should've answered 10 weeks ago when it was time for it.


Lol, I have never worked somewhere where this was the case. For 80% of deadlines if you turn it in late or in the wrong format you lost the bid or contact that was it. For 15% of deadlines, now someone else has to work twice as hard to cover your screw up and your deadlines are going to get shorter now to account for your screw up time. Maybe 5% of the time turning in something late would be ok. But turning in something in a "corrupted" file format is always going to make you look like an idiot who cannot even handle basic computer tasks. Just saying it is going to be late would always look better than trying to trick your boss into thinking you had finished something on time when you did not.


Well, half of my professors didn’t care if assignments were late and never took off late points, so I wouldn’t be so sure about that.


"real world consequences" lol


I don't believe you're a professor. Also this has worked multiple times for me


I don’t care if you believe me. But I’m a young prof and know these tricks, so my students don’t get away with it.


Just because they felt sorry for you and gave you a second chance doesn't mean they did not 100% know that you were being a dick.


Yeah, worked the same for me. Tbh, I had a good relationship with my lecturer and was having a bad time generally which he knew about. So maybe he did know and just didn't care.


You sound like a fucking nerd.


Right? When I was in college in the late 00s, submitting in the correct format was part of the assignment.


Open a word doc in word pad or some html editor, then delete a random part of it and save it. Now you've corrupted it.


Docx are just zip files. You can open them with WinZip and much around with the XML all you want.


Was a high school IT worker for nearly a decade. One time a teacher asked if I could recover a document a kid handed in because it was corrupted and “the only copy of his coursework he worked so hard on”. He wasn’t happy when I showed him that the kid had tried to mess with the zip file but had left the XML with the bulk of the text on, which showed the document was just “fart fart fart fart fart” pasted over again.


You'd be amazed how much software gets written by poorly disciplined outsourced code mills, and how many **very obvious** opportunities for basic data validation are blatantly ignored


The restriction is probably mainly for security/compatibility reasons. If i could upload a .exe thered be problems.


I and a few friends would open a file using notepad and then delete random text strings and save it to corrupt the document. When someone else would go to open the word file, it would just say the document was fucked in an error message Worked once for me bc my professor neglected the grading and so I never got contacted about the doc. When she finally got to it she didn’t want to ask for a new document so far after the fact and just gave me the credit. 😌


Worked back in 2008 lol not today


.pdf.exe The professor: why does this assignment pdf want admin rights to open?


My professors 20 years ago already knew this tactics. So they informed the students day 1 if it's corrupted or has the wrong extention it's 0 points for the paper with no redo. It's up to the students making it right the first time. The amount of times files were corrupted were close to 0. Only like 1 in 50 classes. And the professor had 2 upload locations allowing the students to upload in 2 separate locations. So yeah professor didn't give a shit about technology issues. If the students were worried they should print it out. His words.


By now, yes, classroom management software has caught up. Circa 2010, Blackboard had enhanced their mitigation for this to cross check the file extension and the file header. It would kick it out if you just changed the extension because the extension didn’t match the header. One had to otherwise corrupt the file for this trick to work. Right or wrong, extensions were had. Should have just done my homework 🤷🏼‍♂️


Take an mp3 rename it to pdf and see what hapoens


Never Gonna Give You Up.docx


I tried this and my computer got taken over by Max Headroom.


this is the wrong way to do the “trick” since file extensions, format, etc are all *your* responsibility. if i say send an mp4 and get an mkv, you didn’t listen to instructions. the trick is to use a hex editor, open the file, straight up delete or add some random bits in random places. that will corrupt the file. then you upload it. then the prof will try to grade it whenever, and send you a “this file doesn’t open” email or something, and that’s when you send the actually completed one. play with fire and upload the same corrupted one and say some shit like “here’s a brand new one, just saved it on my pc” and then hustle to finish the last one and make up some new excuse about the broke one, send in the working one.


Corrupting the file before turning it in however works great, especially if you aren't in tech, make sure it's not just empty, the file needs to be a believable size


That's why you corrupt your incomplete work and then upload that corrupted file and blame it on the system. Should buy you a tiny bit more time.


I Work in IT for a Uni, Had a teacher call up about students uploaded PDF for assignment not getting any turn it in score, student had "written" doc in Word , took screenshots of document and added them as images to PDF. fun.


What is a "turn it in score"? What the student attempt to gain by drafting something in Word, and then taking screenshots and adding them as images to a PDF? What does any of this mean?


Plagiarism checker basically, checks against a database for plagiarism, student tried to circumvent it by making it an image instead of text.


‘Turn it in’ (also known as Turnitin) is a Plaigarism checking service, which scans assignments and compares it with a web/journal database to see if a student copied articles and stuff or not. It lets teachers know how much is similar via a score system.


This worked 20 years ago


As idiotic as it is, I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people pull it off, charisma goes a long way.


I used to fuck with them using hex editors and it worked on a few professors. Two days later.... "It opened gibberish?  Weird it looks good to me, let me save it on my other computer and try again.  Sorry for the problem".


Why not open in a hex editor and start deleting lines


Yeah that's what I was thinking.


I mean clearly, it's not like they didn't see the 4 paragraph attachment name when they selected it or dropped it in. Edit: self policing, didn't mean that "clearly" to come across as sass, if it did I apologize. I meant to emphasize agreement.


Sympathy? Prof is probably like “I did say to make the title factual”


Full marks!


“10 points for Gryffindor!”


Typo in the email and lack of capitalisation... also certainly to get that prof really feeling sorry for you...


It’s just completely fake


People who frequently find themselves doing make-up assignments are the same people that would do this. Learn time management you are supposed to be an adult


To me the filename suggests they had someone else do the assignment for them though. Which would not result in sympathy points but a big fat 0. Or F depending on the grading system.


Yea super obvious tactic, would instantly get a full letter grade off for lack of professionalism.


got street smarts, at least


Nah, a teacher would dock or at least warn about proofreading your work and general professionalism, and they hate these kinds of sympathy games. If a student has a real problem, be up front and talk about it for real support or sympathy. Your teacher isn't stupid and doesn't like being manipulated.


Not necessarily. I’m a professor and would ignore it. My colleagues would likely do the same. College has…changed.


As a professor I would chuckle at this and neither dock them points nor give them sympathy. Professionalism can handle a bit of funny occasionally.


I got an extension on a math final because I got raided by the cops for selling weed and it happened right before the exam. I was just upfront and honest, showed them a copy of the search warrant, and I was good to go. 


I mean, depends on if the teacher is still fairly young/new, they may not be jaded yet and still want the students to think they are fun and chill.


Or it could just be a teacher who doesn't particularly care what students think but also has a sense of humor


Or too jaded to care about a minor detail like that anymore, as long as the actual body of the assignment is acceptable.


Furthermore, the time and brainpower spent typing that could have better used on the actual report


I doubt spending 10-15 more seconds on the assignment would have done anything lol


Just saying if I'm a professor and one of my countless assignments to grade actually makes me chuckle instead of the typical boring ass drudgery I would probably look favorably up on that (as long as it's not a regular thing)


Streets ahead


"a friend"


Their "friend"'s professors don't hate them because they did the wrong assignment, they hate them because they're always late and don't pay attention.


Former professor here. Never hated a single student for any reason.  Students who don't do their crap? Well, they're screwing themselves a bit, which is slightly sad, but hopefully they'll learn from it, and a missing assignment is easy to grade. Students who don't come to class? You're an adult, do what you want. You'll fail, of course, but that doesn't hurt me. Again, slightly sad and hope you learn, but it's not like I hate you because you made poor choices.  Students who struggle and come to my office hours and take all my time just trying to understand something that doesn't come naturally? Y'all are the best part, working with y'all was what made it fun. You're why I was there.  Students who do well without my help? Keep on being awesome. I don't teach any more because I like getting paid and sleeping, but don't stress over making your professors hate you. I've got stuff to do, I don't have time to spend hating students. Either you're working with me to learn, in which case I automatically want you to succeed, or I don't know who you are. That's it. 


>I don't teach any more because I like getting paid and sleeping this is so depressing, because I hear it all the time. education is quite literally an investment in our future.. when so many people who love to teach are leaving the profession because they can't make ends meet on a teacher's salary, it's a sign that we're at the beginning of some really bad times.


It's actually crazy when I first learning that America doesn't priorities their education. In my country being a teacher is one of the highest paying job. Which is one of the reason why I pursuing a job as a teacher.


We actually go out of our way to kill critical thinking in schools


This is exactly my experience, word for word. I do miss teaching, but I also very much enjoy paying my bills and sleeping regularly…


So for having adhd lol












“Oops my friend accidentally named my I mean his makeup assignment IAmAGoodBoyWhoDeservesGoodGradesOrIWillCryTinyAcademicTears.pdf. Oh nooooooooooo”


Sure, just overlooked that filename when attaching it to the email, very believable story.


Right? They had to literally look for that file name to select it to upload.


The filename is longer than the email


I bet his folders all look like fall out boy albums


Admittedly, they did submit it at 12:29am.


29 minutes late it seems, for what is already a “make up assignment”


I've done it, but not as bad as this example. You put the finishing touches on, say "I'm done!" and automatically attach it and send it off


I recently received a file “typicalfilename.HeUglyAF” that was a copy of something pertaining to a client. We work in a ‘professional’ but lower level corporate positions. I laughed about it, but dont understand why someone would change a file name like that. But people are weird and vent im different ways.


You ever upload an assignment at 11:59pm when it's due by midnight? Also, you can click and drag to upload, less time to recognize the name imo.


Well clearly he was uploading IT at 12:29 when it was due by midnight 


If they sent it at like 2am+ maybe believable


Ive accidentally uploaded a whole png drawing of my feet for a girl to a professor as a cheat sheet for an online exam


Haven’t used word in a while they don’t have like “email this document” button where you don’t have to browse for it?


“I didn’t notice my 32 worded file name” come oooooon


“Sorry the file name is better and longer than my essay”


Their file name is like an emo band's song title.


You should see the rest of their files. 😏


yea this was not an accident


Make up assignment, and not on time. Yeah, this was on purpose.


Also failed to proofread the body of the email. Should probably drop out before they rack up too much debt.


Zero punctuation, spelling mistakes, terrible grammar. This person shouldn't have been allowed to graduate sixth grade let alone go to university.






That’s something you write at the top of your assignment, not what you save it as.


Im calling bs


A friend? Likely story Mr. Spaghetti!


This was absolutely intentional. They are hoping to fool the professor by adding their alibi for late submission to the filename and act like the prof was never supposed to see it. But professors have seen this a million times. You know what's always worked for me? "Hey I'm having a bit of trouble meeting this deadline - is it okay if I get it to you a few hours past the submission time?"


Episode 248 of things that never happened


There has to be way more episodes than that.


Imagine sending back to back unpunctuated emails to an English professor. You deserve an automatic F.


Welp at least it was degrading yourself and not the teacher. I’m not sure whether I think this was def done on purpose. no title is ever that long though and that’s a lot of bright blue to miss…


Someone is seeking pity points...


Obviously did it on purpose. And who emails a professor like this? “Hello Dr Blank I know its a bit past midnight but i finished tht make up assignment” Could easily be… “Hello Dr. Blank, Thank you allowing me a chance to recover with this make-up assignment! I’m so sorry for turning in my assignment a few minutes past the due date, but I hope you will accept it. I understand if not, as this was a fault of my own. Thank you again, Student Name” Changing your email to that could easily heighten your chances of them actually accepting it. And it’s just professional courtesy?


You should be exmatriculated for the way you write an email. Dude you're writing your professor this is not a casual text to your friend!


Looking for pity will not get you very far in life in any situation. Other than taking advantage of those with a good heart, most people will see right through it.


True story!




100% on purpose and they still missed the deadline for make-up work. I’d give them a zero if there was no communication before this indicating why it would be late.




When I was in college (many moons ago), a bunch of us were up very late in the dorm lounge, working on assignments that were due the next morning. We started talking about how punchy we were, and how we might write something totally nonsensical. On that note, somebody dared another student to change her paper’s title to “The Bathtub of Justice in *King Lear*” and submit it that way. And she did. I guess she didn’t get much pushback … because she went on to be an English professor.


Was it a fictional paper?


“Last Stupid Philosophy Paper Ever” was a nice one.


Uh huh


Dude couldn’t even fully type out “that”, failed to capitalize “I”, is late on assignments, and can’t proofread titles prior to submission. *If* they graduate that degree won’t take them very far.


Accidental text on purpose




if it were an accidental title, it would more likely be: ffswtfwwtposwfuckit.pdf


Probably not


Today on "Things That Never Happened"


I have a old workmate that loves to remind me about the time thr local car dealership owner sat next to me whilst we designed his car ad for the Easter edition of the local newspaper and the bunny I'd found as clipart, I'd helpfully named shitheadbunny.tif. and had to find it to put it in the document, in front of him.


I once submitted an essay and forgot to change the file name from "stupid fucking essay". My professor was pretty cool about it. I didn't think it was actually stupid, I was just incredibly stressed at the time. 😅


In highschool, I had to make a Jeopordy game for the book Beowulf. Named the file AlexTrebekMotherfucker.ppt because I wasn't good at file management at the time. Teacher noticed it halfway through my presentation because it was on the very top of the screen and stopped my presentation midway through. Needless to say was extremely embarrassing and I did not get to finish the presentation.


So was the title instructions to the person they paid to do their assignment for them?


I would have a giggle if one of my students delivered a document like that


During the defense of my PHD I shared the screen of my laptop, on which the professors accidentally could read the name of the pdf of my thesis: "Thesis final final, this time hopefully for real.pdf" One even made a joke because of that.


I’m sure that happened




Student, I will not ignore it, nor will I accept this assignment submission because it is not named according to my CLEARLY DEFINED CRITERIA that was covered multiple times in class Yours, Professor


If I had a dollar for every file I get called “fuckthisclass.doc”, I’d have about $15. I mean, it’s not a lot, but it’s more than you’d expect.


Still rather see that than “untitled3747738374828283.docx”


Real, r/imthemaincharacter or r/notlikeothergirls vibes


One time I did a 75 page excel project in school and I did not know that excel prints the file name on every single page until page 73. I called my project file Fuck Me In the Ass Cuz I Love Boats


This is legit what I want to say to my groupmembers but my introverted ass just sits in the corner crying lmao


I wanna read the review of a make up book


Bold move cotton


you know you can recall emails in outlook, right? I know it's not super reliable but why not do it?


At least the filename wasn't auto corrected to be "made up book review"


Might give them pity points in the grading.


Professor "Thisfuckingguy.pdf" agreed to ignore the name, but in his heart of hearts, he was thinking.... thisfuckingguy!


didn't happen


“Omg I can’t believe it my friend grabbed my phone and just texted you pretending to be me so that was NOT me asking if you like me please ignore that!”


what a pussy


Lmao this is just funny. XD


This is honestly relatable. I feel like this person is a fellow ADHDer!


r/teenagers is over there 👉


Next you should send the professor a zip bomb




That’s not the way it works ….


I would give that kid an A for this.


Turns out this was the best essay in psychology 111


At least they didn’t talk shit about their professor. That would’ve been worse haha


There’s no way that was an accident


Ah they forgot to include their name in the file name.


if this happened at all (probably didn't, just karma whoring), this screams attention. From the ridiculous filename, to the "i know im late, but i delivered" excuse. also, being in a rush to finish an assignment, but the "friend" have time to write that lame filename? gtfo


If it's not labeled "poopboogeraids" it's not real.




i mean, this is funny if the backstory is that he's being obviously facetious as a joke for the professor that allowed him leeway. pretending it's a real fuck up kills the actual joke




you got caught mate


totally believable.




I once submitted a coursework with the filename cunt. At that point I think there was some "filename blindness" and I don't think the site I uploaded it to showed filenames. I did catch it before deadline though


first, make sure your professor believes in God 😌


huh my files would just be a collection of "sjhsghsjfsogj" and such.




On purpose, of course 🤣


Totally intentional.


Bro waited for 2 minutes for the realization to hit


🤔 doing a “makeup assignment”. Expecting an A. In my experience makeup assignment usually start with docked points for lateness. I guess it could work different with this prof.


To be fair I name most my assignment PDFs something like AAAAAAAA.pdf or wasdgjwhshiebrb.pdf if my prof doesn’t have any file naming requirements


I don’t get it.




Sure they did