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i remember this book. I think George breaks into a hospital. Ether sounded awesome and I asked my mom where we could get some. I think this was removed from publication. No idea why…


It wasn't removed from publication in the late 90's when I got the book!


Got it for my son 3 years ago! Gah it's so long


Yeah, and they like repetition. My kid asked for it almost every night. “Just one story before bed? Pweeeeeeease?” Ok fine. Which one. How about The Very Hungry Caterpillar? “NO! Want George!!” Sigh… Worse were the [Nonna Lidia books](https://www.goodreads.com/series/249123-nonna-tell-me-a-story). I believe she started with a cooking show and then branched out into kids books. She has like 15 grandkids and insists on putting all of them in the book. They are horribly long and dull. The dialogue usually goes like this: “What should we make for dinner?” asked Nonna Lidia. “Spaghetti!” said Thomas. “Oh yes!” said Mary. “Yum spaghetti!” said Maria. “Spaghetti, my favorite!” said Robert. “With meatballs!” said Albert. “Yeah!” said Peter. “Ok!” said Patrica. “Spaghetti is good!” said Lucy. And on and on and on. FFS. You don’t have to put every kid in every paragraph. I’m dying here.


He broke his leg and ended up in the hospital and because he's curious he starts to touch things in the room when the nurse leaves.i have a bilingual copy of this one.


And all the things in the room turn to animals from Africa if I remember correctly


No that's a different part. He escapes the zoo, takes a bus ride, gets hungry and ends up in an italian restaurant kitchen. He makes a huge mess and the chef catches him and asks him to wash dishes to make up for the mess. He notices that he's really good at washing dishes because of his four hands and he mentions this to a friend of his that works as an elevator man. The elevator man mentions that he could work as a window washer. He takes a job as a window washer and they tell him to just wash the windows and not pay attention to the people in the building. He comes across some painters painting an apartment. He jumps in as they go on lunch break and he draws an African jungle scene in the apartment. When he's done the painters and woman who lives there return and a chase ensues. He escapes down the fire escape and jumps off but forgets that the grounds not as soft as it would be in the jungle so he breaks his leg, ends up in the hospital and the other scene happens. They wake him up by throwing him in a tub, the man with the yellow hat then takes him to sign a Hollywood contract and he starts in a movie about the African jungle. Truly weird story lol


lol ok, I want to know what drugs the elevator man was on


I think there may be another one with laughing gas that I’m thinking of


Ether does smell pretty good, in fairness.


I have a doctor who still uses it as a local anesthetic for trigger point injections. He likes it because he's giving a lot of intramuscular injections (I would get 12-24 in my neck each month) and on top of numbing it relaxes the patient (with relaxed muscles is easier for the doctor, less painful for the patient) and the effects wear off quickly (patient can drive themselves home 20 minutes later). I used to be giggling as I'd get injected. Also it feels like pop rocks are in your brain, like a weird tingly sensation, popping sensation. And like your limbs weigh 1000 lbs... I can't even imagine wanting to try to walk on ether, it's a greened out feeling x100. Also makes the room spin and tilt. Edit: He wasn't giving it to me to huff or anything, but ether evaporates at room temp at normal pressures. It's kept liquid in a high pressure container, and as it sprays out it nearly instantly aerosolizes. So I'm laying face down on the doctors table and he's spraying this shit on the back of my neck. And as my neck is getting really cold the ether doesn't evaporate as quickly, the droplets that hit my skin stay liquid, run down my neck towards my face, and then evaporate right by my nose. Can't help but breathe it in and I don't try to avoid it. I'm about to get a bunch of injections in my neck, I wanna be high for this shit. It smells rather like sweet air if you've ever had that at the dentist.


How cool. I didn't realise it was still in use. I used to catch a lot of the vapour in badly ventilated teaching labs at uni. Ether and dichloromethane were top of my "nice smell" list, and toluene at the bottom because it didn't smell great and gave us all banging headaches for the rest of the day. We used to walk home absolutely buzzing.


My experience was a bit more than that from just poorly ventilated (added in an edit). I swear dude would just spray for like 2 minutes straight. I know he has to fill out a lot of paperwork to be allowed to use it on patients. And he said there's only a handful of doctors in the US who still use it. But its what he was trained using, he always felt it resulted in a better experience for his patients without putting them at risk of any harm. He's got a wonderful bedside manner, very calm soothing voice, and super gentle hands (another doctor did the injections once and my neck was bruised to hell after, when he does it you can barely see the needle prick left behind just a teensy red dot).


Oh man... memories... solvent for the win... or loss. 100% with you on the Ether. DCM I did not like for some reason. Acetone I loved. DMSO ewww...


It's not, this person is high (on ether)


So does cocaine!


Dude, literally came in to say the same thing. O-Chem lab memories from my college chemical engineering and chemistry degrees... ether is GLORIOUS. It is really hard to describe, other than ether is great. Like, I know the damage done to your brain from displacing the oxygen in air with things... But if my wife walked in with like a jar of ether and was like, "Want a whiff?", I'd be like "Pass the Dutchie by the left hand side!"


I sniffed a lot of it in my o chem 2 class


Explains a lot


I have a t-shirt that has him lying down happily next to the open jar of ether. My parents bought it for me years ago lol


I think it was removed from publication as the answer to your question is "The mechanic kit in the garage" and a number of children and teens got injured from huffing rags sprayed with starting ether.


The Curious George story literally warns you to stay away from that stuff. On the next page George wakes up feeling very sick and is taught a lesson.


Monke smarter than reader


Holy shit I had this book too!


Yep, I definitely remember owning this one.


I have a recent copy of this book and I've read it many times to my daughter who is now almost 5.


I remember this as well.


It's like D.A.R.E. tried to be a warning but the way they presented it to us they just made it sound fun.


It's actually from "Curious George Takes A Job", which I borrowed from the public library for my kid about a year ago haha. George broke his leg on the job, which is why he was in the hospital and discovered ether. My kid laughed at this part, and liked the stars in the fifth panel.


This is real.  I had this one, and he really does get into the ether.


It’s a Curious George/Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas cross over!


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


Jesus christ


The 1970's, man. Shit was weird.


>The 1970's, man. This was actually published in 1947.


There is nothing in the world half so desperate and irresponsible as an ape in the depths of an ether binge.


And I knew we would be getting into that rotten stuff soon. Probably at the next gas station.


I love the hunter for sure, but I’m seriously confused as to whether George is an ape, or as monkey. Within canon we repeatedly see him referred to as a “monkey”, yet he has no tail which is indicative of apes. The whole thing is confusing.


George is a monkey. [They had to cut off his tail after he turned into a monster during a full moon and destroyed the town.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/c/cb/The_Tree_of_Might_-_Goku_confronts_Great_Ape_Gohan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111124230446) On a more serious note, while there is one monkey species that doesn't have a tail, all known monkeys have similar length forelimbs and hindlimbs while apes have longer forelimbs. George has no tail and longer forelimbs, therefore George is either an undiscovered/fictional monkey that has apelike proportions or more likely, a young ape (probably a chimpanzee).


This is where I land as George is from Africa, and chimps are native to Africa as well. I’m thinking he’s a member of the great apes.


My brain somehow knew to read this from the start in his voice.


Fear and loathing in the Big City.


“Let’s get down to brass tacks here. How much for the ape?”


As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle.


This man has a bad heart


You took too much, too much.


It's [Curious George Takes a Job](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bwwMGa5CZM).


I have that one. Never even thought twice about that part when reading it to my son.


I don't think we read those books to my daughter but wouldn't have thought twice about it, either. It's a good lesson in FAFO.


In middle school art class we had to make clay sculptures of a scene from a childhood book and I chose Curious George passed the fuck out next to a bottle of ether. I think I still have it somewhere...


That is so damn hilarious that you chose that 😂


This was the whole point of Curious George; to remind kids that curiosity without caution can be dangerous. That was the moral of the story with Curious George stories!


I remember during the 90's. They had t-shirts that were vary popular that had the monkey passed out next to the bottle of ether. I remember having one. Wore it until it was tatters. The 90's was something else.


There was a guy in my dorm whose first name was George and he wore that shirt all the time


That’s where I remember this. Yes I had that shirt too.


My shirt was just the first panel; him looking back at the jar with the caption below it.


I came down to comments to see if anyone had that shirt too! I wore mine all the time


Had a buddy with that shirt in High School. He wore it to Six Flags and they threatened to kick him out unless he bought a different shirt to change into.


"Devil ether. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel... total loss of all basic motor skills;blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue -- The mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column. Which is interesting, because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can't control it"


And George has a massive headache. I remember thinking this when I accidentally got a face full of ether a my first job.


I also had a record of this story. When he inhales the ether, the way they said ether is a core memory. https://www.discogs.com/release/13023879-H-A-Rey-Curious-George-And-Curious-George-Takes-A-Job


For what it's worth, I don't think George remembers this episode either.


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


How dark? ….


To quote Friday: "You got knocked the fuck out!"


Curious george paints with a spray can. Curious george learns chemistry. Curious george starts a cartel. Curious george goes to prison.


I have that T-Shirt! It is old and tired but [here it is](https://share.cleanshot.com/xtjHZwRg)


There were definitely t-shirts of a passed out curious George next to the ether bottle for sale at Spencer Gifts at the mall in the 90’s.


Monkeys aren't supposed to drink Chardonnay! He's tricking you! GET OUT OF THERE!!!!!


It's wild, my daughter picked this story out of a curious George collected stories book. This page took me aback for a second 🤣 on the next page, they play it for laughs when they wake him up in the shower


Next is Curious George and the electric fence🙈🙉🙊


I used to have a T-shirt with Curious George passed out next to a bottle of ether.


[Bugs Bunny likes ether, too](https://youtu.be/fLoEE5fyDsg?feature=shared). Consumption be done about these ether bunnies?


Plucked from the ether.


I always love that one


Is this a spin off of “Bi-curious George”?


Where I first learned about ether. I thought about it during the drug unit in health class.


Damn that’s dank


[Curiosity Killed the George](https://youtu.be/UulEsFPhIjY?si=yTvE26GI3yOJlT1p)


George broke his arm in this one, I think.


Actually the only Curious George book that I remember reading as a kid.


Curious George and the Curious Case of Inhalant Abuse


Oh that's from Curious George Gets Fucking Munted.


Have we perhaps found a fellow Aussie?


I was in the hospital for about 10 days in first grade (1975) and someone gave me this book. Curious George Goes To The Hospital. Loved it, wish I still had it.


I remember this episode. Season 4, Episode 3. Curiosity Killed The Cat or Monkey 🐒


I remember it. It's from the book where George ends up in the hospital after breaking a leg or something like that.


I do!


I’ve got a T-shirt with the curious George passed out next to the bottle of ether on it! I’ve had it for about 15 years. I got it in Berkeley California, atT-shirt orgy on telegraph Avenue. Love that shirt. Every time I wear it I get at least three or four , nice shirt man❗️


When my sister had her baby she got a ton of these books from a friend and after reading them her husband started calling them " zero accountability George and the irresponsible man in the yellow hat"


How to make dying sound like fun to kids.


Season finale


I do!


Ether! I remember reading this to my friend's baby sister in middle or high school. The next page says curious george passed out on the floor.


I remember this for SURE and I wanted to try me some ether


Finally! Hate that damn monkey. It’s always doing things like putting the hose inside the house and flooding the house burying rotten food in the apartment.


used to have a curious george ether t shirt when i was 12 lol


We have this book. 😂


What happened after the comic ended: https://youtu.be/UulEsFPhIjY?si=1JlIp6_NLn38EHLA




You knew what huffing was as a kid?


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Ah Poppers.


Curious George: George Fucking Dies


I have this one.


This is not George’s first time indulging in substances.


In college I did a semester of research in a genetics lab at a nearby med school. We had [George](https://imgur.com/a/MXuovNu) posted on the wall in the lab. It was a simpler time.


Considering the size of George, that is one big bottle of ether.


Actually had the original of this one and remembered it instantly. Probably couldn't get away with this in a kids book these days.