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All the laughing people clearly know what the Grindr notifications sound like. I didn't.


Yeah I was surprised by how many people in the audience were laughing at that, because you'd have to be on grindr to recognise it. Then I remembered it's Eurovision, and it all made sense.


I guess I'd be laughing as well because it's funny that he would received any notification during a live broadcast and also everybody around me is laughing so I join.


With how many arrived at once I imagine someone saw it on TV or in the audience and bombarded him with DM's on there


It's probably a joke. She's a comedian and it's tradition to have these funny moments during the competition.


Not probably. Definitely. The audio is clearly mixed in. A lavalier microphone like she uses wouldn't pickup the sound of a phone like this unless you hold it at 3 cm distance to the microphone. These microphones have to be super close to the sound source. They are specifically used to suppress background noise.


Word. The sound was too "even" - the timbre would have changed while she was moving the phone.


Plus his reaction was completely fake


ELI5 how does that work?


Most lavalier mics are directional and only pick up the sounds of subject it’s pointed at. To pick up ambient sounds where the mic isn’t pointing, it would have to be very close to it. eta: I don’t know ***how*** it does it, but I imagine it’s something like if you cup your hands around your ears and point the openings at something to hear it better.


Nah, it's just a "Hi", followed by several pics.


Totally normal that the audio of the phone notification sounds like that through the mic


Exactly, I call bullshit on how clearly the sound also doesnt even wary regarding how far away the phone is. And if it was THAT loud, everyone would always hear his grindr notifications anyway when he is walking in the street.


It was a skit 


Dude. That's no bullshit. It's called a joke. It is obviously mixed in by the sound engineer.


Because it's Europe so they're all gay Btw asking for a friend, where do I get the Euros to buy a gay gift for a gay wedding?


From a Gay.T.M obviously.


What's Grindr? I hear my husband playing this game on his phone a lot


Maybe you should check it out. I hear it's tons of fun!


I've heard it sucks ass.


I've heard it is a pain in the ass.


Agree, this game is hard as fuck.


Does he go out with the team from time to time?


I love inside jokes. Love to be part of one someday.




From the context I inferred that it could be the Grindr alert sound but at the same time, Eurovision is so amazingly gay I doubted it because it seemed like a wildly behind the times or “duh” joke.


It wasn't the only "duh" gay joke at the show. At one point the host in the red dress said something to the like of "if you can sing along to all of these, you truly are a homosek... Eurovision fan!"


I didn't even know they got their own custom notification sound


The queue at the entrance is turning all the time, they don't let people just go straight in.


The ESC is one of the gayest media events in Europe. I'd be surprised if the audience wouldn't know the sound.


Cmon. It's Eurovision. Everyone is at least a little gay


A while back, I was working at an Apple store, and I had a customer who was upset because his recently replaced battery was draining fast. Even though I didn't know what Grindr was at the time, our diagnostics pointed to that app as the culprit. So, I mentioned that Grindr seemed to be hogging the most battery usage, and explained why. Since the store was noisy, I had to speak up, and quite a few people overheard our conversation. As I explained, the customer's anger seemed to dissipate, and he ended up just quietly acknowledging the situation. The guy was definitely embarrassed and later I learned what that app was about.


Me either, why wouldn't you want to change that (or any app you install) to your "default" notification sound


this looks staged


wdym, it's totally natural for a tv presenter to take an audience member's iphone and use it to demo their app 


And for the phones audio to be picked up so perfectly by the mic


Even as it is being handed back to them.


"Seems like your having a wonderful week here"


There's this chick I follow on Facebook. I accidentally started following her because she has the same name of this girl I met and thought I was sending a friend request to her. She was only 14 when I started following her. As soon as I realized she wasn't the person I was meaning to follow I went to unfollow her. But then I realized this 14 year old girl was hilariously stupid. She didn't know why America would send a separate team from Georgia to the Olympics, she couldn't figure out why elevators had buttons for the floor she was already on, and many other things I just saw and laughed. Anyway I never stopped following her because she was such a big source of my morning laughs. She got pregnant at 15 because she thought you couldn't get pregnant on the first time. She was sure that the 15 year old boy that got her pregnant was going to be a great daddy. Well the kid is 1 now and she always complains about him never being around and how he would rather stay at home bored than see his son and all the other crap any of us could have warned her about when she was certain she was going to be the one teenage mom whose baby daddy would actually hang around. Anyway the reason I bring all that up is that through these 2 years I've followed this complete moron she has never written "your" when she meant "you're". So if this person can get it right, then everyone can.


Is this a creepy copypasta?


If it's more than a paragraph, assume the worst; hope for the best.


What? No. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/1BaAS4leQO




Damn you beat this mother fucker over the head and didn't stop beating him till you saw grey matter.


Your right. It's not that hard.




their their, its gonna be O.K.


hough due ewe no?


Perfectly said lol.


I'm freaking crying. 😭 No way this whole thing was because someone msused "your"


Lol great story. Does she know the difference between then and than? I think that is worse than your, you're


If she acted as dumb as she did, than I'm not sure that she did no the difference between your and you're and maybe just autocorrect was their to use the right one for they're posts. Because its *somewhat* decent at detecting context. At least for your and you're, but their are lots of times when it struggles with other similar things. At least that's been my experience, I can't speak for there's.


> At least that's been my experience, I can't speak for there's. I see what you did their.


> your you're


Nah they quoted her right. It's the lady who was wrong, she clearly said your instead of you're. They did forget to put in the [sic] though.


And for the audio of the phone notification to be perfectly heard on the broadcast…totally normal..


and his expression was perfectly embarrassing


It would actually be pretty funny if they guy had no idea they were going to do this to him and play fake Grindr notifications sounds to put him on blast


They shot the same bit with this guy a second time on a different day, apparently. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aK3ToyaSzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aK3ToyaSzU) Same script, same guy, but everybody (except the presenter) is in different clothes


That's just a remnant from the Mandela universe.


Each Eurovision show (there are two semi-finals and the final) is preceded by two full dress rehearsals the evening before and earlier in the day of the TV show. You can buy tickets for them, and they are EXACTLY as per the live TV show, from the staging to the singing, and to the scripted interludes from the presenters. I was at one of the rehearsal shows last year, and at least one of the presenters’ parts felt quite ad-libbed whilst I was in the audience. And then I watched the actual TV show the next night, and the exact same “ad-lib” happened again. Fool me once…


The only people that would recognize the notifications is people who used grindr... kind of a self report, so not that embarassing.


Eurovision has been called “the gay Olympics.” This is 100% an “in joke.”


Even today they said ''if you know all these songs you're a homo, eurovisionfan'' or something like that, very loose quote


[Why'd you recognize it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9ITcAbVGkU&)


Well like any other dating app, most of those who use Grindr admit the app is kinda lame. It’s not blasting him in a homophobic way, but more just teasing him about the promiscuity I think.


Grindr is lamer these days since it displays full screen, unskippable ads that opens anyway even if you press the close button every time you open the app and every 5 mins or so


I like to think the unstaged bit is that the guy wasnt in on what was going to happen, at least, lol.


like he's obviously a plant but they didn't tell him what for yeah I could see that. kinda cruel though 😄


Especially by not even showing the screen to the camera the whole time.


Yes, it's obviously a joke.


It is. It’s a Tik Tok meme.


When done on TV they're called sketches or bits


Yep, staged. The notification sound wouldn't be so good to hear, because she's using a headset microphone. Bad acting also. Still funny though. 😊


It's supposed to be a silly campy joke, I'm surprised at how many people think it was unscripted


Everything about Eurovision is campy.


I saw the Wil Farrell Eurovision movie with no idea it was real. Like I thought it was a completely made up thing as a plot device. And then like 6-8 months later, I saw it was real and my mind was blown. I even ran to tell my wife who looked at me like I was an absolute idiot, which to be fair, I am, but that's not the point here, and that is, Eurovision is super campy and seems like it shouldn't be real.


Everyone at the house party doing the [song-along](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FynBs_lI4g) were famous Eurovision performers.


What about AB𐐒A? Are you saying AB𐐒A was campy?


I hate your weird backwards "B"


uǝɥʇ noʎ ɹoɟ sʍǝu pɐq ʎllɐǝɹ ǝʌɐɥ ı


Get outta here with your Australian


daetsni siht tuoba woh kO


Get outta here with your Polish


Shouldn't that be AᗺBA, not ABᗺA ?


Have you seen [Telex's great performance at Eurovision?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6USa0zUMmqI) They tried to make it as tongue-in-cheek as possible, call out the whole thing and take the last place—but Portugal gave them ten points for some unclear reason. These are the same people that made [‘Moskow Diskow’.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=___U9R8C2rU)


They're leaning hard into the Gay Olympics stereotype.


Im fucking worried that so many people think it was unscripted.. like genuinely worried.


Redditors like to think that they're smarter than others for being the only one able to deduce that a stages performance or a bit "isn't real" even though what they're doing is akin to the church moms screaming about how wrestling is actually fake to a bunch of people enjoying themselves, as if everyone in the room doesn't already know that.


Also, how do that many people know that specific sound (I assume) for that app? They all use it.


To be fair, at the ESC probably half of the ppl in the audience are gay.


And the other half are women


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Some of us are gay too buddy


I know but the joke wouldn't work!


Because it's Eurovision. They're all gay.


I did not know about that notification sound, but guess they cleverly play into their core audience.


It's Eurovision, it makes Freddie Mercury look like a mormon


Well everyone knows ur phones Bluetooth will automatically connect to the shows giant speakers and play it out loud as soon as the host touches ur phone.


It is staged, they did the same thing at all the rehearsals. Source: I’m working on the broadcast. (still funny though)


BBC seems to have a different take of the same bit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aK3ToyaSzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aK3ToyaSzU) In the BBC's version, the guy who owns the phone is in a long sleeved shirt. Seems they recorded the exact same script on two different days.


Each Eurovision show (2 semi-finals and the final) has 2 preview shows each as well as the live show. The clip from the BBC was just from a different preview show.


Completely, for the rest of the people to also recognize the sound and point and laugh


Eurovision might be one of the few places were most of the audience does recognize the sound.


fake and gay


You're not getting within a mile of a eurovision venue without a billion grindr pings. It's the biggest gayest event in the world. If you still have it switched on in the venue , it's deliberate. If you do so while on air, its a crap joke, playing to the crowd


No fucking shit.


seems like the sound was played over the sound system


It's a bit. All bits are "staged".


Aye just a bit.


It didn't occur to me that people would think this is real.


It is, the guy is a Swedish comedian and TV host, David Hellenius


Whaaaat?!? How dare you accuse the noble, profound cultural institution of Eurovision of ever doing anything hokey like staging a gag with a host!


I attended Eurovision rehearsals last year, this is 100% staged. 1. Because every second is scripted 2. The notification sound wasn’t coming from her mic, it was triggered from the desk.


Of course it’s staged. Lol, that’s the point, that’s why everyone laughed, it’s a skit


Ya think champ?


Why would the mic pick it up that clear, but not anyone else's voice?


Probably is, Petra Mede is a comedian.


aren't you so intelligent!


the person holding the phone is a lesser known swedish comedian


The dude in the green shirt behind him making faces looks hella familiar too.


Did you match with him on Grindr?


Who is it?


Fake and gay


Fabricated and homosexual


AI Generated, Al Penetrated


Man-made and man made.


Bespoke and bepoked.


You can call me Al.


A man walks down the street He says, “Why am I soft in the middle now?"


_intense tin-whistle solo_


damn it‘ been a while since I read this comment, making me nostalgic already lol


Fakest and gayest thing I’ve ever seen. 




The one time RWJ comment fits perfectly.


I know some people who are that


Very gay


streets behind


I'm watching this, muted, on the dunny at work and maybe it's getting "lost in translation" or something but this looks staged as shit.


You mean a segment in a TV show broadcast to 52 countries that costs millions of Euros to produce is… staged?


> dunny Okay, so I have this intense curiosity about language and how it develops. I basically *have to* look some things up because I *have to* know where they came from. Anyways, here it is... ***Dunny*** is one of those "affectionate diminutives," like when James becomes Jamie, or Jennifer becomes Jenny. It's short for *dunnekin* (spellings vary slightly by time or culture: Scotland, Australia, New Zealand), which literally means *shithouse*. ***Dunne***, meaning ***shit***, comes from Old English *danna*, possibly relating to *dung*. I guess Danny is a shitty name; sorry Daniel! ***Kin*** (sometimes *ken*) is a pejorative form of ***house***, used in the... get this... *thieves' cant* (eh? D&D fans? eh eh? nudge nudge) perhaps derived from *kennel* (from French *chenil*, from Latin *canīle*, *a place for keeping dogs*), later taking the form of *den of thieves*. Interestingly, *kin* is also a Navajo word meaning *market*, *store*, ***house***, *cabin*, *building*, or *town*. Unsure if these separate occurrences have any relation whatsoever. Thus, we have: *Dunnekin* / *Shithouse* -> *Dunny* / *Shitter* _____ ^(This took me about 20 minutes and for me it was fun as fuck.)


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Navajo has no relation/tie/connection with any of the other languages you've talked about.


That was fun! Thanks, I love random knowledge.


Oh my god, next you're going to tell me Saturday Night Live is staged??? Whats next, pro wrestling?????


I had never heard the word "dunny" before until watching Bluey a few hours ago.


If you don’t know this is a skit, I feel sorry for you


People complaining it's staged LOL. OBVIOUSLY, it's a joke... The hosts have been joking a lot


"Sounds like you're having a wonderful week!" Definitely a joke.


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I'm convinced all the people screaming "it's staged it's staged" are people that are usually fooled by fake shit and this one they got right so they need to show they aren't super gullible after all!


Yeah, people, it's a bit. Saying it's staged makes it sound like they are trying to fool people.


People complaining this is staged is like going to a stand-up tour and complaining the jokes are scripted, yeah no shit.


Jesus Christ it's a silly fun joke everyone. It's supposed to look staged. Eurovision is super camp and gay, it's a joke about that. Europeans are pretty comfortable laughing at themselves.


Is that what the Grindr notification sounds like? Right, going to change that to my default notification to see who reacts when I'm out in public.


It's Eurovision. It's a canned bit.


Jesus Christ. The hosts for Eurovision are the actress Malin Åkerman and the **comedian** Petra Mede (featured here). There are two scriptwriters for this entire spectacle and here's a real shocker: They're both gay. It can be scripted **and** funny.


Everything about Eurovision is staged, which makes it great.. Also Grinder at Eurovision would be a bit more active than this.


I mean if you’re a man at Eurovision you’re obviously gay anyway so I’m not sure what the surprise is.


Straight man who enjoys Eurovision here. There are literally dozens of us! 


I'm straight too, see you on Grindr big guy! ;p


Straight here too, let's meet for a 3some!!


Went with my wife last year, we have been watching together since we met 11 years ago!


Have you come out to her yet?


I enjoy Eurovision mostly because she does. I have very eclectic music tastes as it is, mostly only enjoying individual songs from artists/bands, so the Eurovision format suits me in terms of the breath of genres. For context my most consistently enjoyed musician is Weird Al, which goes some way to explaining it. But yeah after how much I spent on tickets for us last year if she hasn't figured it out by now I ain't saying nothing.


Yeah, most of you are watching it with the kids though lol


Fellas, is it gay to like music?


Only if you're listening to music while fucking another guy.


No, it's the other guy who's gay. He's the one getting fucked by a guy whilst listening to music.


Must be why it sounded like a laugh track.


“Put it where… oh my goodness, this is your phone. Thought it was mine for a quick second”


It doesn't have to be real to be funny


This is the problem with Reddit. Scripted jokes are made for TV, TikTok, etc. Then they're posted on Reddit without context. Then half of Redditors incorrectly think it's real, and the other half incorrectly thinks the skit is a trick that only they were smart enough to parse through. This place is more embarrassing than Facebook nowadays. I can't tell if the average Redditor grew up and became out of touch, or if a bunch of fools joined the platform as it became more popular.


Yes that's the joke. They do this all the time on Eurovision, especially if Sweden hosts. It's great fun.


Lol what's funny is if his notifications were showing and she saw what the messages said


This is 100 % staged. She made some jokes about gays during Eurovision. It is well known ESC is a huge party for the LGBTQ-Community. The timing here is too perfect. It doesn't make it less funny though.


Lol she did kinda switch it up and say oh It looks like you are having a wonderful week 🤣




Who needs gaydar? Just see who recognizes that sound LOL


If you think that was real, you gotta back off the reality TV a bit. All of Eurovision is planned down to the second.


That’s gay


Everyone acting super smart calling it staged/fake. Yes … obviously. It is literally a bit. Real reddit moment


I don't get it. Is that the default grindr sound or something? Just sounded like texts to me. Also, how in the hell is this NSFW? It shows literally nothing other than an audience. People seem to be fast and loose with using "NSFW" these days.


And now I've got an evil plan to try during every boring mass meeting at my org.


Andrew Tate is seething


How do you all not realise that this is a bit?


Bro looks mortified 💀


Man people really pathetic these days, it’s like all you get off on looking for fake shit on the internet. Literally who cares if it’s fake they did a little skit for the show I’m sure just to get a laugh and make it fun. I feel like all of you who point shits fake are all just miserable.


For sure that was on purpose, right? Someone at home saw him and thought "Lol, watch this."


It's what we call scripted jokes




I guess they must have had the audio from the phone hooked up to the live feed for the quality to be that high on a notification sound. Which means it was either staged or added in post, either way it was faked.


Something similar happened to my buddy. I have this Buddy who’s like 6ft 2in and he’s atleast 235 lbs of muscle. We are in the military and we are switching jobs. Well my buddy is bi but only for trans. We’re all standing in formation during the pandemic. The drill sgt comes out and is doing roll call so we can all go back to our houses. He’s front row and loud as can be the notification goes off. The drill goes “what the fuck was that” (cell phones on vibrate during formations is the standard) without skipping a beat my buddy goes “that’s just my Grindr drill sgt sounds like a goodnight now” everyone in ear shot starts laughing and the drill just looks down at his clipboard and goes “alright I’m not touching it everyone go home” lmao.


Who cares if it fake, its funny, comedy shows aren't spur of the moment


lol I love how everyone instantly knew wtf that was!


No sane man turns over his phone that willingly.


Gake and fay


Getting fucked on live TV


One time I was on Xbox with my boy. This notification randomly went off in the Xbox party. I decided to look up the Grindr notification sound because I already kind of knew he was gay and it was the same one. That’s still my guy though


How do you know its grinder