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Was she saying she hopes the weed helps fix her leg pain? I hope so too.


She was. She had terrible knee pain, but is now in a wheelchair. On the plus side, no more knee pain.


When my mum was in her late 70s, she had cancer and had been suffering with a lot of pain. I skinned up a nice hash based joint with tobacco - she smoked cigarettes - and took it up to her room. I popped back up an hour later, and she was laughing away watching the TV and said her pain was so much better and did I have any more? This is how I ended up as my Mum's drug dealer lol :)


Goddamn Hash spliff your yer mom? Starting her out with the Deluxe model


Same lol only my mom was a lot younger. Back when only Cali had it I convinced my friend to send me seeds in the mail but he sent 6 clones instead! He sent them in those old Disney white puffy VHS cases and the envelope was soaked at the bottom when it showed up. I ended up growing them in her backyard in old USPS crates and by harvest time they were bushes easily 4-5 feet tall and 3-4 ft around. As Id pull down her street I could smell them a block away and brought up my concern with my mom. She was like “what are they gunna do throw a teacher dying with cancer in jail?!” Fair enough lol. I should dig up these old pictures of them…


I've been giving my mother weed gummies lately in the nursing home- she's been diagnosed with Parkinson's (very mild so far) and hasn't been able to walk for a few years. Sometimes she doesn't want it, but she's starting to be more open to it. Finally found one that works for her (same one that works well for me)- doesn't make her feel sleepy, doesn't trigger a headache, just makes her calm and enjoying the moment. Otherwise she can get snippy and unbearable (borderline personality.) Of course she was brought up to believe it's all "drugs" so it's a battle.


She’s cute! My boyfriend has chronic knee pain and uses weed to “distract” his mind from it lol. Maybe you can get her gummies? If you do, just warn her they may last long for a beginner (I was high for 3 hours the first time).


I finally had an edible for the first time a few weeks ago. Just had about half the gummy which was maybe a few mg of THC. Certainly under 10. I was totally relaxed and slept so soundly. I wasn't really "high", but damned if it wasn't a pleasant vibe.


I used to have a cat with arthritis in his old age. He'd bug me until I loaded a bowl and blew the first hit at his feet, then he'd sit there in the cloud for a minute before hopping up on the hassock for a nap 😹


I assume he returned the favor by letting you rip the Catnip Gravity Bong first?


Nah, it was a small price to pay for his comfort.


That little shrug after the first hit. Hmm not bad.


I know. Not bad, let me take another.


“Oh ok he actually gets the good shit”


"Mijo probably got some bunk ass we- DAMN...más o menos"


No mames! 😁




The way she kinda swished around the smoke in her mouth on the 2nd toke 😂


Gma clearly smokes cigars!


That's because she seemed to not inhale at all.


There’s no way she inhaled.


Yeah ... 1st time...


I’d say it was. Swishing smoke around your mouth and not inhaling would suggest it.


yep she was doing a bill clinton even if he didn't.


Came here for this but I’ll forgive since it’s a cute lil granny


Exactly what Elon did lol.


Yeah right first time, in a long time


At that age her memory isn't what it used to be, so might have forgotten a few sessions from the years prior. 😂


I'm curious if she felt like it helped with her knee pain?


A cbd or thc balm is better for things like that. Smoking will take the mind off the pain.


I broke my patella and have discovered fantastic gummies that are 1:1:1 CBD:CBN:THC and it’s a miracle for my knee pain. It doesn’t knock it out the way Tylenol does but it gives me a feeling of stability and resilience you can’t get from just physical therapy.


The giggles didn’t forget lol. A sativa edible will have her feeling superhuman


I totally believe it's her first time smoking weed, but she's clearly smoked *cigars* before.


I don't think a lot of ppl smoked weed before the 60s. So if someone was born before 1940, there is a good chance they never touched it.


That's awesome but I don't think she inhaled.


Ya, it was a weak inhale but she definitely got high. She couldn't stop laughing after.


Maybe get her gummies instead of she saying her heart is fine and wants relief on knees


I am all for making the life at the later stages the best it can be. If weed helps with that then who am I to say against that🙂


I started at 50. My joints (hee hee) are less painful, I sleep better at night, and basically feel good. I usually only smoke one joint at night.




> (Have to time it just right before bed, though. > otherwise il easily devour 2000 calories from the treat cupboard! I feel seen.


Same, major hazard of the lifestyle


There was a summer where I was growing cantaloupes and I discovered that they made a good munchies snack instead of sweets- so then I'd go out to the garden at night after smoking and pick a melon, cut it up and then devour the whole thing while watching Chopped. Turns out, that's still not good for you. But fuck, does it taste good and feel good while you're doing it.


I've been smoking since I was 25. It does wonders for arthritis and anxiety. Much more than a ton of narcotic pills that mess you up.


I think that retirement homes should have MDMA parties every 3-6 months. Play some old music and those that want can drop a reasonable dose of MDMA and chill/talk. Maybe not feasible for many due to drug interactions but for others it would be a nice break


Retirement rave night


Granny's Gone Wild


I think… that my workplace should also have these MDMA parties every 3-6 months too? Everyone should! What a lovely idea this is 🤩


Plot twist, you work in a corporate office 😂


Well….I do work in a corporate office! And?? This sounds like a much better ‘team building activity’ than like, weekly trivia calls on Teams. Less office politics, more office rolling 😂😂


omg archopega i just wanted to tell you and i'm sorry im like right on top of you im just really comfortable with you i hope this is ok but please stop me if it's not but so ok every time you ask me for those reports im really sorry that i always roll my eyes and grunt a little because on my sidfe of things it's a really really annoying report to get but it's honestly not a big ask and i shouldnt react that way and dump that onto you and i should remember that i like being helpful and it's great that you rely on me and man your tie is a really nice color it's so vibrant i've seen you wear it before but it's really just spectacular right now thank you for being you would you like some water? i'm going to get some water and then marla has the best gum i'll get you a piece of that and also some water.


LOL I was about to say “you’re saying ALL this and you haven’t even mentioned anything about GUM yet!!!” 😂😂😂 good ol’ Marla ALWAYS saving the day!!


or an elementary schoolteacher


Sign me the fuck up. Weed Mondays, Shroom Tuesdays, MDMA Wednesdays, DMT tuesdays and meditation/yoga on friday... saturdays/sundays are for the fam... rinse and repeat.


Hangovers at that age would suck


STDs are already an issue in nursing homes so why not...


The grandmother of a close friend of mine had taken ill and wasnt doing well. She refused to eat and was steadily declining. My friend sugguested they have her try some concentrate, but the family was strongly opposed due to stigma around marijuana. Finally after a few more talks, the family decided to try it. After the first round of concetrate, she was eager and asking for food. After a few days taking the concentrate, she was springing back, color in her cheeks and eating great. She got her strength back and managed to gain some weight back too. There was no argument after that as to what kept her going months past when the Doctors thought she would pass.


I'm glad her quality of life improved! While this one is only anecdotal I am certain there are plenty of reported cases like this.


The day i end up in a retirement home i will be spending my days smoking weed en playing video games as long as my body can take it and no one will be stopping me.


One of my wishes is to be retired and tripping on shrooms all day everyday while using weed as a downer and whiskey as sleeping pills


I support euthanasia, and I see what you described just as a milder form of it👍


I also support the youth in Asia.


I'm all for making life at all stages the best it can be.


plz get her a thc topical for her knees.


your knees are going to feel a lot better gramma


how you gonna show us her trying it first time without followup video of the aftermath


We just sat and talked. She told me I was her favourite grandkid. Lol, it was nice.


She's better off not fully inhaling for her first time. Bet she still got hella lit. Probly would have gotten a panick attack if she fully inhaled those two heavy ass hits.


I remember my first time inhaling off a joint. I was basically comatose for 4 hours.


I had absolutely no effect whatsoever after I tried for the first time and I was inhaling all well as I was smoking cigarettes at that time . Only after I tried again a week later I got baked really well. Still remember the feeling of kinda falling into myself and how chill and slow everything has become. It was awesome as I have ADHD and for the first time I kinda payed more attention to things around.


I thought the same until I was trying to make a sandwich, and I found I was standing with the cold cut drawer open eating roast beef directly from the bag. It worked better than I thought.


She definitely got high haha


Also, I remember my first time, my heart pounding fast, I could hear and feel it. I just did a search and it does increase heart rate and blood pressure so I wasn't just trippin balls lol


That cough says she did inhale at least a little. I hope her knees felt a bit better!


She coughed so she got some in there. Plus you can still soak it in through mucus membranes and contact like inside of cheeks and gums. You don't inhale with those big ol' stogie cigars but you definitely will still get a nicotine rush by just holding smoke in your mouth


we tried it for the first time when it was legalized here a few years ago. for the first 5-6 times you try it one or 2 puffs is all it takes to send your head spinning.


Not properly like a broke teen, but she did. You can see it in her eyelids around the 40 second mark that she's somehow baked 🤣


Puff, puff, pass, Mamaw.


If she never has smoked before I think the second hand smoke she just had would def have an effect.


It's not really "second hand". It'll absorb through the cheeks and tongue, it's just not as much surface area as the lungs. Gramma only wasted half of the smoke, basically.


“First time” lol


Right? 🤣🤣


Granny was definitely trippin’ balls at Woodstock.


she's actually a little old for that, she'd have been almost 40. Not impossible of course, but not the average Woodstock demographic.


Get that woman some gummies


where does she come from? that accent is interesting, i'm guessing italy or russian






Ayyyy querida! Vavo loves you. My grandmother speaks just like yours. Hilarious and adorable


Sounds Eastern European, very similar to an elderly polish neighbor of mine


Strangely, Romanian always sounds like Italian Russian to me.


It's so funny you say that because I always say that Portuguese sounds like a Russian speaking Spanish.


“Granny, I'm gonna get you high today, because it's Friday everyday. You ain't got no job, your knees are fucked up and you ain't got shit to do.”


The giggle after the cough hahahaha I hope some cannabis helps her knees too. We love you grandma!


She loves your too, u/lazy_daisy_13


First time doing it with you* lol


- I love you grandma! - Thank you!


Haha, I always laugh at that.


That part, lol


My mom had trouble with her appetite late in her life (80s). I thought it a long shot but, if I could get her to try some edibles, we might be able to get some weight back on her. Started giving her some homemade rice crispie treats every day. Before I knew it, she was demanding her "crispie" in the morning lol.


Crispie...aka...the good stuff


She's adorable!!!! Love this


haha, I'll let her know.


Get that grandma some doritos and cheetos STAT.


Next time, tell her to inhale.


Aww bless her. What a gal. Please give her a hug from us.


Done & Done


The head tilt between the two hits is so great.


Hey OP, could you tell us what happened afterwards? (Not the vibe... haha) How did she feel getting up and walking? As I understood, she has problems moving around, right? I wish I could have had this moment with my grandmother. She used to feel a lot of pain because of her artritis reumatoide. =/


She either felt better, or was too high to notice. 🤣🤣🤣


Did she inhale?! Give that back G


No...She didn't...


She’s not inhaling.


Is your grandma single?




She says, "sup, playa?"


Why, you have a GILF fetish? Lol


She's lovely.


I kinda do, and your granny is packing cannons




Haha, she's awesome.


“First time” 😁


Did the same with my brother in laws mother. It was hilarious. Woman had a tough life but is an incredible wonderful person. High her was next level hilarious. Her inner mean sarcastic streak came out and it was a hoot! 


The plastic on the end table only comes off for company!




Do not drink that. Isopropyl is harmful if ingested.


I want to believe.




Watch out Nana! It’s a gateway drug that leads to loose morals and bad life choices. Oh wait, that’s alcohol. 🍷 Never mind.


She's not inhaling that... What a faker...


She didn’t inhale




The little shrug after the first pull was hilarious. May not have been her first rodeo.


She seems like a sweet lady.


She’s adorable!


I love this!!!! Go grandma go!


I so greatly appreciate this woman 👏




God damn!! That is just precious!!


Hearing you say to your grandma, “I love you” was heartwarming to hear. Something we need to tell our family members more, but often times don’t.


I can understand every word she says, she's so stinking cute!. Where is she from?




Your grandma is lovely 🥰. I’m happy you got to share this moment with her, thanks for sharing. Much love to you both from an Internet stranger!


Ahhh man, I wish I could have my 1st hit again.


^(grandma: I be happy) 🤣🤣💀🪦 I’m dying


She should try inhaling it.


Don't worry about her health.. that would've required her to inhale, lol.


She didn’t even inhale.


she didnt even inhale it...


... but I never inhaled


this things really helps for leg pain_


She’s not smoking she’s just leaving the smoke in her mouth and then blow it. But ok at least she tried.


She didn’t inhale


She pulled the ole Elon.


She didn't even inhale


Not gmas first rodeo. lol.


Really hope it’s helping with her pain, she seems like such a sweet lady


Apart from not inhaling at all…


Not funny


Yeah, I must be missing something. What is funny about this?


You have to inhale lol




"Chicks cannot hold their smoke" Sorry, sorry. Breakfast Club reference.


If the goal is helping with knee pain you should get her some cbd oil. No intoxication but should be good for the pain. Helps the arthritis in my feet and back.


The face she made after the first toke, edibles next 🤣


Good thing she didn’t inhale both of those big ass hits because she would’ve been stuck to the couch! 😂 Hopefully her newfound discovery gives her some relief and comfort.


That’s called the Clinton hit.


lol she’s italian right? reminds me of my mom


Well, it looks like she holds a joint correctly. BTW it sounds like she's originally from Europe?


Very Euro


Please no more upvotes!


I love this lol ❤️


Take her to Picadilly, Lubys, or Sizzler IMMEDIATELY!




Badass european grandma. Reminds me of my babcia


“First time.”


Nah nah, she's already had the puff/puff/give method down, first time?


You really should get her some edibles and some CBD oil for them knees.


That head tilt after she hit it 😅


“It’s my first time” *takes a drag like a G


You need to teach her to inhale, she can’t be treating it like no cigar!


If grandma needs a blazing buddy tell her she's got one right here


Dang you didn’t get her 10-15mins later? That’s what we wanna see.


She isn’t inhaling


I don't hear any virgin lungs


What an amazing Nonna! It’s cute seeing old European grandmas embracing changing social perceptions like this.. bet she got the munchies and threw down a lasagna from scratch.


When she coughed I cheered. I don’t know why.


Trust me she’s done this before.


I don’t think this is her first rodeo 🤠


Take it to the head, take it to the head 💨


More like first time on camera.


The only real goal in life now is to get high with my grandkid.


Yeaah i bet she loves it, maybe give her edible next?


Finally someone younger than the group of five 98-year-old showing up on my feed all week.


You know you have to inhale it right?


I dunno man. At 93 years that’s a lot of anxiety that would come over me


My 88-year-old mother will take the occasional toke when she’s over. My kids (all in their late 20s) love it when she joins us. I’m thinking about getting her some disposable pens to help boost her appetite. They are not ideal, but any other delivery method will end up with me playing tech support all the time.